Example #1
def _inc_dec_tag(tag_name, add=True):
    """ Increments or decrements the counter of a tag. """
    if tag_name != None and len(tag_name) > 0:
        if add:
            debug("INC TAG USAGE: "+ tag_name)
            db.zincrby(POPULAR_TAGS, tag_name, 1)
            debug("DEC TAG USAGE: "+ tag_name)
            db.zincrby(POPULAR_TAGS, tag_name, -1)
            # Delete the tag from the list if it has a score of 0
            #if db.zrank(POPULAR_TAGS, tag_name) == 0:
            if _alternative_score(tag_name) == 0:
                # Delete from the specifig index of tag[0] -- tags
                # Delete from the index of tags if the tag is the last on index
                num = get_tags_by_index_letter(tag_name[0])
                if num != None and len(num) == 0:
                db.zrem(POPULAR_TAGS, tag_name)
Example #2
def delete_post(post_id, username):
    Deletes a post (as well as its related set of tags).
    debug("DELETE POST. username:"******",post:" + str(post_id))
    post_id = str(post_id)
    if _is_post_created(post_id):
        # Delete each of the tags (to decrement the score in the ranking)
        for temp_tag in get_post_tags(post_id):
            delete_tag_from_post(post_id, temp_tag)
        # Delete the set of tags that the post has
        tags_id = db.hget(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_TAGS)
        db.delete(tags_id + APPEND_KEY_TAG)
        # Delete the counter of votes that the post has
        votes_id = db.hget(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_VOTES)
        db.delete(votes_id + APPEND_KEY_VOTE)
        # Delete the post from the sorted set of posts by date
        db.zrem(username + APPEND_SEARCH_POST_TIMEDATE, post_id)
        # Delete the post id from the user's post list
        # (1 is the number of items to be removed)
        db.lrem(username + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, 1, post_id)
        # Delete the post from the last updates
        # Delete the post from the global ranking
        db.zrem(POPULAR_TOP_POSTS, post_id)
        # Delete the hash of the post
        db.delete(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS)
        db.hdel(post_id  + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_TAGS)
        db.hdel(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_TITLE)
        db.hdel(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_DATE)
        db.hdel(post_id + APPEND_KEY_POSTS, KEY_CONTENTS)
        return True
        return False
Example #3
def _delete_tag_index_letter_tags(tag):
    """ Deletes a tag from the index of tag[0] -- tags."""
    db.zrem(tag[0].upper() + APPEND_KEY_INDEX_LETTER_TAG, tag)