def respondToErrorMessage(self, caller, event): errorMessage = self.__logic.GetErrorMessage() # inform user only if the message is not empty since vtkErrorMacro invokes this event as well if errorMessage != None: Helper.Debug('respondToErrorMessage, event = '+str(event)+', message =\n\t'+str(errorMessage)) errorDialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self.parent) errorDialog.showMessage(errorMessage)
def setup(self): ScriptedLoadableModuleWidget.setup(self) # Instantiate and connect widgets ... # # Parameters Area # parametersCollapsibleButton = ctk.ctkCollapsibleButton() parametersCollapsibleButton.text = "Parameters" self.layout.addWidget(parametersCollapsibleButton) # Layout within the dummy collapsible button parametersFormLayout = qt.QFormLayout(parametersCollapsibleButton) # # Configuration Selection # self.configPathEdit = ctk.ctkPathLineEdit() self.configPathEdit.toolTip = "A json file in the format described in the help tab above." parametersFormLayout.addRow('Config File', self.configPathEdit) self.targetDirectoryButton = ctk.ctkDirectoryButton() = self.targetDirectoryButton.toolTip = "Where you want the customized Slicer application to be created. By default it is the current Slicer temporary directory." parametersFormLayout.addRow('Target Directory', self.targetDirectoryButton) # # Apply Button # self.applyButton = qt.QPushButton("Generate") self.applyButton.toolTip = "Generate the Custom Slicer." parametersFormLayout.addRow(self.applyButton) # connections self.applyButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onApplyButton) # Possible use for error messages self.message = qt.QErrorMessage() self.message.setWindowTitle("CustomSlicerGenerator") # Add vertical spacer self.layout.addStretch(1) self.logic = CustomSlicerGeneratorLogic() # QPushButton used for signal connection between widget and logic self.myQObject = qt.QPushButton() self.myQObject.connect('clicked(bool)', self.doneGenerating)
def confirmSeedSelection(self): labelVolume = self.editUtil.getLabelVolume() backgroundVolume = self.editUtil.getBackgroundVolume() if (not labelVolume) or (not backgroundVolume): self.goToRobustStatisticsSegmenter.enabled = False self.smooth_boundary.enabled = False self.good_contrast.enabled = False self.region_small.enabled = False self.region_medium.enabled = False self.region_large.enabled = False self.apply.enabled = False #dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self.parent) #dialog.showMessage("Need a background volume and label volume (seed) to perform segmentation!") else: labelID = self.editUtil.getLabelID() labelNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(labelID) labelImage = labelNode.GetImageData() backgroundID = self.editUtil.getBackgroundID() backgroundNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(backgroundID) backgroundImage = backgroundNode.GetImageData() labelDim = labelImage.GetDimensions() backgroundDim = backgroundImage.GetDimensions() if labelDim != backgroundDim: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self.parent) dialog.showMessage( "Label Image and Background Image Dimensions don't match!") else: self.goToRobustStatisticsSegmenter.enabled = True self.smooth_boundary.enabled = True self.good_contrast.enabled = True self.region_small.enabled = True self.region_medium.enabled = True self.region_large.enabled = True self.apply.enabled = True
def errorDialog(self, message): self.dialog = qt.QErrorMessage() self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Editor") self.dialog.showMessage(message)
def editorGestureCheckPoint(self): labelID = self.editUtil.getLabelID() labelNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(labelID) labelImage = labelNode.GetImageData() backgroundID = self.editUtil.getBackgroundID() backgroundNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(backgroundID) backgroundImage = backgroundNode.GetImageData() labelDim = labelImage.GetDimensions() backgroundDim = backgroundImage.GetDimensions() gestureID = None print("printting label dimensions ") print labelDim print("printing background dimensions ") print backgroundDim # if labelDim[0] != backgroundDim[0] | labelDim[1] != backgroundDim[1] | labelDim[2] != backgroundDim[2]: if labelDim != backgroundDim: dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self.parent) dialog.showMessage( "Label Image and Background Image Dimensions don't match. Select another label image. All previous gestures will be lost." ) else: # flip label name and gesture name labelName = labelNode.GetName() gestureName = labelName labelName = labelName + '-growcut-input' slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(labelID).SetName(gestureName) nodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByName(labelName) if nodes.GetNumberOfItems() == 0: volumesLogic = slicer.modules.volumes.logic() gestureNode = volumesLogic.CreateLabelVolume( slicer.mrmlScene, labelNode, labelName) gestureID = gestureNode.GetID() node = self.editorGetGestureParameterNode(gestureID) else: nNodes = nodes.GetNumberOfItems() foundNode = None for n in xrange(nNodes): vol = nodes.GetItemAsObject(n) volID = vol.GetID() volname = vol.GetName() if volname == gestureName: foundNode = volID gestureID = volID break if foundNode == None: volumesLogic = slicer.modules.volumes.logic() gestureNode = volumesLogic.CreateLabelVolume( slicer.mrmlScene, labelNode, gestureName) gestureID = gestureNode.GetID() node = self.editorGetGestureParameterNode(gestureID) else: node = self.editorGetGestureParameterNode(foundNode) numNodes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass( 'vtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode') for n in xrange(numNodes): cnode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass( n, 'vtkMRMLSliceCompositeNode') cnode.SetReferenceLabelVolumeID(labelNode.GetID()) cnode.SetLabelOpacity(0.6) cnode.SetReferenceForegroundVolumeID(gestureID) cnode.SetForegroundOpacity(0.4)
class EditBox(object): def __init__(self, parent=0, optionsFrame=None, embedded=False, suppliedEffects=[]): self.effects = [] self.effectButtons = {} self.effectMapper = qt.QSignalMapper() self.effectMapper.connect('mapped(const QString&)', self.selectEffect) self.editUtil = EditUtil.EditUtil() # check for extensions - if none have been registered, just create the empty dictionary try: slicer.modules.editorExtensions except AttributeError: slicer.modules.editorExtensions = {} # embedded boolean specifies whether or not this edit box is to be embedded # into another moduleWidget # - if it is, all effect buttons will be displayed in a single row self.embedded = embedded # save the list of supplied effects that the caller wants to use # (should be a subset of EditBox.availableMouseTools + EditBox.availableOperations) self.suppliedEffects = suppliedEffects if parent == 0: self.parent = qt.QFrame() self.parent.setLayout(qt.QVBoxLayout()) self.create() else: self.parent = parent self.create() # frame that holds widgets specific for each effect if not optionsFrame: self.optionsFrame = qt.QFrame(self.parent) else: self.optionsFrame = optionsFrame # state variables for selected effect in the box # - currentOption is an instance of an option GUI # - currentTools is a list of EffectTool instances self.currentOption = None self.currentTools = [] # # Public lists of the available effects provided by the editor # # effects that change the mouse cursor availableMouseTools = ( "ChangeIsland", "ChooseColor", "ImplicitCube", "ImplicitEllipse", "ImplicitRectangle", "Draw", "RemoveIslands", "ConnectedComponents", "ThresholdBucket", "ThresholdPaintLabel", "SaveIsland", "SlurpColor", "Paint", "DefaultTool", "LevelTracing", "MakeModel", "Wand", "GrowCutSegment", ) # effects that operate from the menu availableOperations = ( "ErodeLabel", "DilateLabel", "DeleteFiducials", "LabelOpacity", "ChangeLabel", "FiducialVisibilityOff", "FiducialVisibilityOn", "GoToEditorModule", "IdentifyIslands", "LabelVisibilityOff", "LabelVisibilityOn", "NextFiducial", "SnapToGridOff", "SnapToGridOn", "EraseLabel", "Threshold", "PinOpen", "PreviousFiducial", "InterpolateLabels", "LabelOpacity", "ToggleLabelOutline", "Watershed", "PreviousCheckPoint", "NextCheckPoint", ) # these buttons do not switch you out of the current tool availableNonmodal = ("FiducialVisibilityOn", "LabelVisibilityOff", "LabelVisibilityOn", "NextFiducial", "PreviousFiducial", "DeleteFiducials", "SnapToGridOn", "SnapToGridOff", "EraseLabel", "PreviousCheckPoint", "NextCheckPoint", "ToggleLabelOutline", "SnapToGridOff", "SnapToGridOn", "LabelOpacity") # these buttons start disabled (check points will re-enable when circumstances are right) availableDisabled = ( "ChooseColor", "ImplicitCube", "ImplicitEllipse", "ConnectedComponents", "SlurpColor", "ThresholdPaintLabel", "ThresholdBucket", "DeleteFiducials", "LabelOpacity", "FiducialVisibilityOff", "FiducialVisibilityOn", "LabelVisibilityOff", "LabelVisibilityOn", "SnapToGridOff", "SnapToGridOn", "InterpolateLabels", "LabelOpacity", "ToggleLabelOutline", "Watershed", "Wand", ) # allow overriding the developers name of the tool for a more user-friendly label name displayNames = {} displayNames["PreviousCheckPoint"] = "Undo" displayNames["NextCheckPoint"] = "Redo" # calculates the intersection of two flat lists @classmethod def listIntersection(cls, inList1, inList2): outList = [val for val in inList1 if val in inList2] return outList # fill the _effects array bases on what you find in the interpreter # if a list of effects was supplied, then use that list instead of all of the effects def findEffects(self, path=""): # for now, the built in effects are hard-coded to facilitate # the icons and layout self.effects = [] # if a list of effects was supplied, then use that list instead of all of the effects # don't forget to check that the supplied effects are valid: ensure they exist in the lists of available effects if (self.suppliedEffects): self.mouseTools = tuple( self.listIntersection(self.suppliedEffects, EditBox.availableMouseTools)) self.operations = tuple( self.listIntersection(self.suppliedEffects, EditBox.availableOperations)) self.nonmodal = tuple( self.listIntersection(self.suppliedEffects, EditBox.availableNonmodal)) self.disabled = tuple( self.listIntersection(self.suppliedEffects, EditBox.availableDisabled)) # if a list of effects is not supplied, then provide all effects else: self.mouseTools = EditBox.availableMouseTools self.operations = EditBox.availableOperations self.nonmodal = EditBox.availableNonmodal self.disabled = EditBox.availableDisabled ''' for key in slicer.modules.editorExtensions.keys(): e = slicer.modules.editorExtensions[key]() if 'MouseTool' in e.attributes: self.mouseTools.append(key) if 'Nonmodal' in e.attributes: self.operations.append(key) if 'Disabled' in e.attributes: self.disabled.append(key) ''' # combined list of all effects self.effects = self.mouseTools + self.operations # add any extensions that have been registered self.effects = self.effects + tuple( slicer.modules.editorExtensions.keys()) # for each effect # - look for implementation class of pattern *Effect # - get an icon name for the pushbutton iconDir = os.environ['SLICER_HOME'] + '/' + os.environ[ 'SLICER_SHARE_DIR'] + '/Tcl/ImageData/' self.effectClasses = {} self.effectIconFiles = {} self.effectModes = {} self.icons = {} for effect in self.effects: tclclass = tcl('info command %sEffect' % effect) if tclclass != '': self.effectClasses[effect] = tclclass else: self.effectClasses[effect] = "EffectSWidget" for iconType in ("", "Selected", "Disabled"): self.effectIconFiles[ effect, iconType] = iconDir + effect + iconType + '.png' iconMode = "" if self.disabled.__contains__(effect): # - don't use the disabled icon for now - Qt's setEnabled method works fine #iconMode = "Disabled" pass self.effectModes[effect] = iconMode # # create a row of the edit box given a list of # effect names (items in _effects(list) # def createButtonRow(self, effects, rowLabel=""): f = qt.QFrame(self.parent) self.parent.layout().addWidget(f) self.rowFrames.append(f) hbox = qt.QHBoxLayout() f.setLayout(hbox) if rowLabel: label = qt.QLabel(rowLabel) hbox.addWidget(label) for effect in effects: # check that the effect belongs in our list of effects before including # (handles non-embedded widgets where the caller has supplied a custom list of effects) if (effect in self.effects): i = self.icons[effect] = qt.QIcon( self.effectIconFiles[effect, self.effectModes[effect]]) a = self.actions[effect] = qt.QAction(i, '', f) self.effectButtons[effect] = b = self.buttons[ effect] = qt.QToolButton() b.setDefaultAction(a) b.setToolTip(effect) if EditBox.displayNames.has_key(effect): b.setToolTip(EditBox.displayNames[effect]) hbox.addWidget(b) if self.disabled.__contains__(effect): b.setDisabled(1) # Setup the mapping between button and its associated effect name self.effectMapper.setMapping(self.buttons[effect], effect) # Connect button with signal mapper self.buttons[effect].connect('clicked()', self.effectMapper, 'map()') hbox.addStretch(1) # create the edit box def create(self): self.findEffects() # # the buttons # self.rowFrames = [] self.actions = {} self.buttons = {} self.icons = {} self.callbacks = {} # if not using embedded format: create all of the buttons # createButtonRow() ensures that only effects in self.effects are exposed, # so if the user supplied a list of effects only those in that list will be exposed if (not self.embedded): self.createButtonRow( ("DefaultTool", "EraseLabel", "Paint", "Draw", "LevelTracing", "ImplicitRectangle", "IdentifyIslands", "ChangeIsland", "RemoveIslands", "SaveIsland")) self.createButtonRow( ("ErodeLabel", "DilateLabel", "Threshold", "ChangeLabel", "MakeModel", "GrowCutSegment")) extensions = [] for k in slicer.modules.editorExtensions: extensions.append(k) self.createButtonRow(extensions) # TODO: add back prev/next fiducial #self.createButtonRow( ("PreviousFiducial", "NextFiducial") ) self.createButtonRow(("PreviousCheckPoint", "NextCheckPoint"), rowLabel="Undo/Redo: ") # if using embedded format: create all of the buttons in the effects list in a single row else: self.createButtonRow(self.effects) # # the labels (not shown in embedded format) # self.toolsActiveToolFrame = qt.QFrame(self.parent) self.toolsActiveToolFrame.setLayout(qt.QHBoxLayout()) self.parent.layout().addWidget(self.toolsActiveToolFrame) self.toolsActiveTool = qt.QLabel(self.toolsActiveToolFrame) self.toolsActiveTool.setText('Active Tool:') self.toolsActiveTool.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(232,230,235)") self.toolsActiveToolFrame.layout().addWidget(self.toolsActiveTool) self.toolsActiveToolName = qt.QLabel(self.toolsActiveToolFrame) self.toolsActiveToolName.setText('') self.toolsActiveToolName.setStyleSheet( "background-color: rgb(232,230,235)") self.toolsActiveToolFrame.layout().addWidget(self.toolsActiveToolName) self.updateCheckPointButtons() def setActiveToolLabel(self, name): if EditBox.displayNames.has_key(name): name = EditBox.displayNames[name] self.toolsActiveToolName.setText(name) # needs to be a valid effect name and state of "", Disabled, or Selected TODO = """ itcl::body EditBox::setButtonState {effect state} { $::slicer3::ApplicationGUI SetIconImage \ $_effects($effect,icon) $_effects($effect,imageData$state) $o($effect,button) SetImageToIcon $_effects($effect,icon) switch $state { Selected - "" { $o($effect,button) SetState 1 } "Disabled" { $o($effect,button) SetState 0 } } } """ # # Pause running the current effect, reverting to the default tool # def pauseEffect(self): self.selectEffect("DefaultTool") # # Resume running the effect that was being used before a pause (TODO) # def resumeEffect(self): pass # # manage the editor effects # def selectEffect(self, effect): from slicer import app # # if a modal effect was selected, build an options GUI # - check to see if it is an extension effect, # if not, try to create it, else ignore it # For extensions, look for 'effect'Options and 'effect'Tool # in the editorExtensions map and use those to create the # effect # if not self.nonmodal.__contains__(effect): if self.currentOption: self.currentOption.__del__() self.currentOption = None for tool in self.currentTools: tool.cleanup() self.currentTools = [] if effect in slicer.modules.editorExtensions.keys(): extensionEffect = slicer.modules.editorExtensions[effect]() self.currentOption = extensionEffect.options(self.optionsFrame) layoutManager = sliceNodeCount = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNumberOfNodesByClass( 'vtkMRMLSliceNode') for nodeIndex in xrange(sliceNodeCount): # find the widget for each node in scene sliceNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNthNodeByClass( nodeIndex, 'vtkMRMLSliceNode') sliceWidget = layoutManager.sliceWidget( sliceNode.GetLayoutName()) if sliceWidget: tool = extensionEffect.tool(sliceWidget) self.currentTools.append(tool) else: try: options = eval("%sOptions" % effect) self.currentOption = options(self.optionsFrame) except NameError, AttributeError: # No options for this effect, skip it pass # # If there is no background volume or label map, do nothing # # TODO should do this regardless of whether or not there is an option if not self.editUtil.getBackgroundVolume(): return if not self.editUtil.getLabelVolume(): return app.restoreOverrideCursor() self.setActiveToolLabel(effect) if not self.nonmodal.__contains__(effect): tcl('EffectSWidget::RemoveAll') tcl('EditorSetActiveToolLabel %s' % effect) # mouse tool changes cursor, and dismisses popup/menu mouseTool = False if self.mouseTools.__contains__(effect): mouseTool = True if effect == "DefaultTool": # do nothing - this will reset cursor mode tcl('EditorSetActiveToolLabel DefaultTool') elif effect == "GoToEditorModule": tcl('EditorSelectModule') tcl('EditorSetActiveToolLabel DefaultTool') elif effect == "LabelCheckPoint": # save a copy of the current label layer into the scene tcl('EditorLabelCheckPoint') tcl('EditorSetActiveToolLabel DefaultTool') elif effect == "PreviousFiducial": tcl('::FiducialsSWidget::JumpAllToNextFiducial -1') tcl('EditorSetActiveToolLabel DefaultTool') elif effect == "NextFiducial": tcl('::FiducialsSWidget::JumpAllToNextFiducial 1') tcl('EditorSetActiveToolLabel DefaultTool') elif effect == "EraseLabel": tcl('EditorToggleErasePaintLabel') elif effect == "PreviousCheckPoint": tcl('EditorPerformPreviousCheckPoint') elif effect == "NextCheckPoint": tcl('EditorPerformNextCheckPoint') else: if effect == "GrowCutSegment": self.editorGestureCheckPoint() #volumesLogic = slicer.modules.volumes.logic() #print ("VolumesLogic is %s " % volumesLogic) #tcl('EditorGestureCheckPoint $%s' % volumesLogic) if mouseTool: # TODO: make some nice custom cursor shapes # - for now use the built in override cursor #pix = qt.QPixmap() #pix.load(self.effectIconFiles[effect,""]) #cursor = qt.QCursor(pix) #app.setOverrideCursor(cursor, 0, 0) cursor = qt.QCursor(1) app.setOverrideCursor(cursor) else: app.restoreOverrideCursor() # # create an instance of the effect for each of the active sliceGUIs # - have the effect reset the tool label when completed # ret = tcl('catch "EffectSWidget::Add %s" res' % self.effectClasses[effect]) if ret != '0': dialog = qt.QErrorMessage(self.parent) dialog.showMessage( "Could not select effect.\n\nError was:\n%s" % tcl('set res')) else: tcl('EffectSWidget::ConfigureAll %s -exitCommand "EditorSetActiveToolLabel DefaultTool"' % self.effectClasses[effect])