async def test_close_subgen_error(self) -> None: class Exc(Exception): pass async def g(fut): try: await fut except GeneratorExit: raise Exc("error") alv = AsyncLazyValue(g, asyncio.Future()) i = alv.__await__() # get main coro i1 = alv.__await__() # get future i.send(None) try: i.close()"Error expected") except Exc: pass try: # check future has gotten Exc exit next(i1)"should not be here") except Exc as e: self.assertIs(type(e.__context__), GeneratorExit) pass
async def test_throw_not_started(self) -> None: class Exc(Exception): pass async def g(): pass alv = AsyncLazyValue(g) c = alv.__await__() try: c.throw(Exc)"Error expected") except Exc: pass
async def test_close_normal(self) -> None: async def g(fut): await fut # close non-started asynclazy value is no-op alv = AsyncLazyValue(g, asyncio.Future()) i = alv.__await__() # get main coro i1 = alv.__await__() # get future i.send(None) i.close() try: # check future has gotten generator exit next(i1)"should not be here") except GeneratorExit: pass
async def test_close_not_started(self) -> None: async def g(): pass # close non-started asynclazy value is no-op (AsyncLazyValue(g).__await__()).close() pass
async def test_single_task_cancelled(self) -> None: """ Should raise CancelledError() """ async def async_func(arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int: self.log("ran-coro") self.coro_running.set() await asyncio.sleep(3) raise RuntimeError("async_func never got cancelled") async def async_cancel(task: asyncio.Task, alv: AsyncLazyValue) -> None: await asyncio.wait_for(self.coro_running.wait(), timeout=3) self.log("cancelling") task.cancel() self.log("cancelled") alv = AsyncLazyValue(async_func, 1, 2) ta = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) tc = asyncio.ensure_future(async_cancel(ta, alv)) ta_result, tc_result = await asyncio.gather(ta, tc, return_exceptions=True) self.assertSequenceEqual(, ["ran-coro", "cancelling", "cancelled"]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ta_result, asyncio.CancelledError)) self.assertEqual(tc_result, None)
async def test_throw_unhandled_in_subgen(self) -> None: class Exc(Exception): pass async def g(fut): try: await fut except Exc: raise IndexError alv = AsyncLazyValue(g, asyncio.Future()) c = alv.__await__() c1 = alv.__await__() c.send(None) try: c.throw(Exc)"IndexError expected") except IndexError as e: self.assertTrue(type(e.__context__) is Exc) try: next(c1) except IndexError as e: self.assertTrue(type(e.__context__) is Exc)
async def test_throw_handled_in_subgen(self) -> None: class Exc(Exception): pass async def g(fut): try: await fut except Exc: return 10 alv = AsyncLazyValue(g, asyncio.Future()) c = alv.__await__() c1 = alv.__await__() c.send(None) try: c.throw(Exc) except StopIteration as e: self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 10) try: next(c1)"StopIteration expected") except StopIteration as e: self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 10)
async def test_two_tasks(self) -> None: call_count = 0 async def async_func(arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int: nonlocal call_count call_count += 1 return arg1 + arg2 alv = AsyncLazyValue(async_func, 1, 2) ta = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) tb = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) res = await asyncio.gather(ta, tb) self.assertEqual(res, [3, 3]) # should only be called once self.assertEqual(call_count, 1)
async def test_two_tasks_parent_cancelled(self) -> None: """ Creates two tasks from the same AsyncLazyValue. Cancels the task which calls the coroutine first. """ async def async_func(arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int: self.log("ran-coro") await asyncio.sleep(3) self.log("completed-coro") raise RuntimeError("async_func never got cancelled") async def async_cancel(task: asyncio.Task, alv: AsyncLazyValue) -> None: start = time() while alv._awaiting_tasks < 1: # Sleep until both tasks are awaiting on the future (one of them # is awaiting on async_func, so we only wait until the count # is 1). Also, we timeout if we wait more than 3 seconds now = time() if now - start > 3: raise RuntimeError( "cannot cancel since the tasks are not waiting on the future" ) await asyncio.sleep(0) self.log("cancelling") task.cancel() self.log("cancelled") alv = AsyncLazyValue(async_func, 1, 2) ta = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) tb = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `Task[Any]` for 1st param but got `Future[Any]`. tc = asyncio.ensure_future(async_cancel(ta, alv)) ta_result, tb_result, tc_result = await asyncio.gather( ta, tb, tc, return_exceptions=True) self.assertSequenceEqual(, ["ran-coro", "cancelling", "cancelled"]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ta_result, asyncio.CancelledError)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(tb_result, asyncio.CancelledError)) self.assertEqual(tc_result, None)
async def test_two_tasks_child_cancelled(self) -> None: """ Creates two tasks from the same AsyncLazyValue. Cancels the task which calls the coroutine second. """ async def async_func(arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int: self.log("ran-coro") await asyncio.wait_for(self.cancelled.wait(), timeout=3) return arg1 + arg2 async def async_cancel(task: asyncio.Task, alv: AsyncLazyValue) -> None: start = time() while alv._awaiting_tasks < 1: # Sleep until both tasks are awaiting on the future (one of them # is awaiting on async_func, so we only wait until the count # is 1). Also, we timeout if we wait more than 3 seconds now = time() if now - start > 3: raise RuntimeError( "cannot cancel since the tasks are not waiting on the future" ) await asyncio.sleep(0) self.log("cancelling") task.cancel() self.cancelled.set() self.log("cancelled") alv = AsyncLazyValue(async_func, 1, 2) ta = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) tb = asyncio.ensure_future(alv) tc = asyncio.ensure_future(async_cancel(tb, alv)) ta_result, tb_result, tc_result = await asyncio.gather( ta, tb, tc, return_exceptions=True) self.assertSequenceEqual(, ["ran-coro", "cancelling", "cancelled"]) self.assertEqual(ta_result, 3) self.assertTrue(isinstance(tb_result, asyncio.CancelledError)) self.assertEqual(tc_result, None)
async def test_throw_1(self): async def l0(alv): return await l1(alv) async def l1(alv): return await l2(alv) async def l2(alv): return await alv async def val(f): try: await f except: pass return 42 f = asyncio.Future() alv = AsyncLazyValue(val, f) l = asyncio.get_running_loop() l.call_later(1, lambda: f.set_exception(NotImplementedError)) x = await l0(alv) self.assertEqual(x, 42)
async def test_ok_path(self) -> None: async def async_func(arg1: int, arg2: int) -> int: return arg1 + arg2 alv = AsyncLazyValue(async_func, 1000, 2000) self.assertEqual(await alv, 3000)