def __residualDerivatives(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy):
        """derivatives of fzero, a, ap"""

        if self.iterRe != 1:
            ValueError('Analytic derivatives not supplied for case with iterRe > 1')

        # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip]  (derivative order)

        # alpha, Re (analytic derivaives)
        a = 0.0
        ap = 0.0
        alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch,
                                         chord, theta, self.rho,

        dalpha_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        dRe_dx = np.array([0.0, Re/chord, 0.0, Re*Vx/W**2, Re*Vy/W**2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # cl, cd (spline derivatives)
        cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re)
        dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe = af.derivatives(alpha, Re)

        # chain rule
        dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe*dRe_dx
        dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe*dRe_dx

        # residual, a, ap (Tapenade)
        dx_dx = np.eye(8)

        fzero, a, ap, dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = _bem.inductionfactors_dv(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip,
            phi, cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, dx_dx[5, :], dx_dx[1, :], dx_dx[6, :], dx_dx[7, :],
            dx_dx[0, :], dcl_dx, dcd_dx, dx_dx[3, :], dx_dx[4, :], **self.bemoptions)

        return dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx
    def __loads_nonRotating(self, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy):
        """compute loads in batch for non-rotating case"""

        n = len(chord)
        W = np.zeros(n)
        cl = np.zeros(n)
        cd = np.zeros(n)

        for i in range(n):

            phi = pi/2.0
            a = 0.0
            ap = 0.0

            alpha, W[i], Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx[i], Vy[i], self.pitch,
                                                chord[i], theta[i], self.rho,
            cl[i], cd[i] = af[i].evaluate(alpha, Re)

        cn = cd
        ct = cl

        q = 0.5*self.rho*W**2
        Np = cn*q*chord
        Tp = ct*q*chord

        return Np, Tp
Example #3
    def __residualDerivatives(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, blend, Vx, Vy):
        """derivatives of fzero, a, ap"""

        if self.iterRe != 1:
            ValueError('Analytic derivatives not supplied for case with iterRe > 1')

        # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip, pitch, blend]  (derivative order)

        # alpha, Re (analytic derivaives)
        a = 0.0
        ap = 0.0
        alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch,
                                         chord, theta, self.rho,

        dalpha_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0])
        dRe_dx = np.array([0.0, Re/chord, 0.0, Re*Vx/W**2, Re*Vy/W**2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        dblend_dx = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

        # cl, cd (spline derivatives)
        cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re, blend)
        dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe, dcl_dblend, dcd_dblend = af.derivatives(alpha, Re, blend)

        # chain rule
        dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe*dRe_dx + dcl_dblend*dblend_dx
        dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe*dRe_dx + dcd_dblend*dblend_dx

        # residual, a, ap (Tapenade)
        dx_dx = np.eye(10)

        fzero, a, ap, dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = _bem.inductionfactors_dv(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip,
            phi, cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, dx_dx[5, :], dx_dx[1, :], dx_dx[6, :], dx_dx[7, :],
            dx_dx[0, :], dcl_dx, dcd_dx, dx_dx[3, :], dx_dx[4, :], **self.bemoptions)

        return dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx
    def __loads(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy):
        """normal and tangential loads at one section (and optionally derivatives)"""

        cphi = cos(phi)
        sphi = sin(phi)

        zero, a, ap = self.__runBEM(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy)

        alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch,
                                         chord, theta, self.rho,
        cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re)

        cn = cl*cphi + cd*sphi  # these expressions should always contain drag
        ct = cl*sphi - cd*cphi

        q = 0.5*self.rho*W**2
        Np = cn*q*chord
        Tp = ct*q*chord

        if not self.derivatives:
            return Np, Tp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # derivative of residual function
        dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = self.__residualDerivatives(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy)

        # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip]  (derivative order)
        dx_dx = np.eye(8)
        dphi_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        dchord_dx = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # alpha, W, Re (Tapenade)

        alpha, W, Re, dalpha_dx, dW_dx, dRe_dx = _bem.relativewind_dv(phi, a, ap,
            Vx, Vy, self.pitch, chord, theta, self.rho,,
            dx_dx[0, :], da_dx, dap_dx, dx_dx[3, :], dx_dx[4, :],
            dx_dx[1, :], dx_dx[2, :])

        # cl, cd (spline derivatives)
        dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe = af.derivatives(alpha, Re)

        # chain rule
        dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe*dRe_dx
        dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe*dRe_dx

        # cn, cd
        dcn_dx = dcl_dx*cphi - cl*sphi*dphi_dx + dcd_dx*sphi + cd*cphi*dphi_dx
        dct_dx = dcl_dx*sphi + cl*cphi*dphi_dx - dcd_dx*cphi + cd*sphi*dphi_dx

        # Np, Tp
        dNp_dx = Np*(1.0/cn*dcn_dx + 2.0/W*dW_dx + 1.0/chord*dchord_dx)
        dTp_dx = Tp*(1.0/ct*dct_dx + 2.0/W*dW_dx + 1.0/chord*dchord_dx)

        return Np, Tp, dNp_dx, dTp_dx, dR_dx
    def __runBEM(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy):
        """residual of BEM method and other corresponding variables"""

        a = 0.0
        ap = 0.0
        for i in range(self.iterRe):

            alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch,
                                             chord, theta, self.rho,
            cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re)

            fzero, a, ap = _bem.inductionfactors(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip, phi,
                                                 cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, **self.bemoptions)

        return fzero, a, ap
Example #6
    def __runBEM(self, phi, r, chord, theta, af, blend, Vx, Vy):
        """residual of BEM method and other corresponding variables"""

        a = 0.0
        ap = 0.0
        for i in range(self.iterRe):

            alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch,
                                             chord, theta, self.rho,
            cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re, blend)

            fzero, a, ap = _bem.inductionfactors(r, chord, self.Rhub, self.Rtip, phi,
                                                 cl, cd, self.B, Vx, Vy, **self.bemoptions)

        return fzero, a, ap
Example #7
    def __loads(self, phi, rotating, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy):
        """normal and tangential loads at one section (and optionally derivatives)"""

        cphi = cos(phi)
        sphi = sin(phi)

        if rotating:
            _, a, ap = self.__runBEM(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy)
            a = 0.0
            ap = 0.0

        alpha, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch, chord,
                                         theta, self.rho,
        cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha, Re)

        cn = cl * cphi + cd * sphi  # these expressions should always contain drag
        ct = cl * sphi - cd * cphi

        q = 0.5 * self.rho * W**2
        Np = cn * q * chord
        Tp = ct * q * chord

        if not self.derivatives:
            return Np, Tp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # derivative of residual function
        if rotating:
            dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = self.__residualDerivatives(
                phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy)
            dphi_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            dR_dx = np.zeros(9)
            dR_dx[0] = 1.0  # just to prevent divide by zero
            da_dx = np.zeros(9)
            dap_dx = np.zeros(9)
            dphi_dx = np.zeros(9)

        # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip, pitch]  (derivative order)
        dx_dx = np.eye(9)
        dchord_dx = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # alpha, W, Re (Tapenade)

        alpha, dalpha_dx, W, dW_dx, Re, dRe_dx = _bem.relativewind_dv(
            phi, dx_dx[0, :], a, da_dx, ap, dap_dx, Vx, dx_dx[3, :], Vy,
            dx_dx[4, :], self.pitch, dx_dx[8, :], chord, dx_dx[1, :], theta,
            dx_dx[2, :], self.rho,

        # cl, cd (spline derivatives)
        dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe = af.derivatives(alpha, Re)

        # chain rule
        dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha * dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe * dRe_dx
        dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha * dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe * dRe_dx

        # cn, cd
        dcn_dx = dcl_dx * cphi - cl * sphi * dphi_dx + dcd_dx * sphi + cd * cphi * dphi_dx
        dct_dx = dcl_dx * sphi + cl * cphi * dphi_dx - dcd_dx * cphi + cd * sphi * dphi_dx

        # Np, Tp
        dNp_dx = Np * (1.0 / cn * dcn_dx + 2.0 / W * dW_dx +
                       1.0 / chord * dchord_dx)
        dTp_dx = Tp * (1.0 / ct * dct_dx + 2.0 / W * dW_dx +
                       1.0 / chord * dchord_dx)

        return Np, Tp, dNp_dx, dTp_dx, dR_dx
Example #8
    def __loads(self, phi, rotating, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy):
        """normal and tangential loads at one section (and optionally derivatives)"""

        cphi = cos(phi)
        sphi = sin(phi)

        if rotating:
            _, a, ap = self.__runBEM(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy)
            a = 0.0
            ap = 0.0
        alpha_rad, W, Re = _bem.relativewind(phi, a, ap, Vx, Vy, self.pitch,
                                         chord, theta, self.rho,
        cl, cd = af.evaluate(alpha_rad, Re)

        cn = cl*cphi + cd*sphi  # these expressions should always contain drag
        ct = cl*sphi - cd*cphi

        q = 0.5*self.rho*W**2
        Np = cn*q*chord
        Tp = ct*q*chord

        alpha_deg = alpha_rad * 180. / np.pi
        if not self.derivatives:
            return a, ap, Np, Tp, alpha_deg, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # derivative of residual function
        if rotating:
            dR_dx, da_dx, dap_dx = self.__residualDerivatives(phi, r, chord, theta, af, Vx, Vy)
            dphi_dx = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            dR_dx = np.zeros(9)
            dR_dx[0] = 1.0  # just to prevent divide by zero
            da_dx = np.zeros(9)
            dap_dx = np.zeros(9)
            dphi_dx = np.zeros(9)

        # x = [phi, chord, theta, Vx, Vy, r, Rhub, Rtip, pitch]  (derivative order)
        dx_dx = np.eye(9)
        dchord_dx = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        # alpha, W, Re (Tapenade)

        alpha_rad, dalpha_dx, W, dW_dx, Re, dRe_dx = _bem.relativewind_dv(phi, dx_dx[0, :],
            a, da_dx, ap, dap_dx, Vx, dx_dx[3, :], Vy, dx_dx[4, :],
            self.pitch, dx_dx[8, :], chord, dx_dx[1, :], theta, dx_dx[2, :],

        # cl, cd (spline derivatives)
        dcl_dalpha, dcl_dRe, dcd_dalpha, dcd_dRe = af.derivatives(alpha_rad, Re)

        # chain rule
        dcl_dx = dcl_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcl_dRe*dRe_dx
        dcd_dx = dcd_dalpha*dalpha_dx + dcd_dRe*dRe_dx

        # cn, cd
        dcn_dx = dcl_dx*cphi - cl*sphi*dphi_dx + dcd_dx*sphi + cd*cphi*dphi_dx
        dct_dx = dcl_dx*sphi + cl*cphi*dphi_dx - dcd_dx*cphi + cd*sphi*dphi_dx

        # Np, Tp
        dNp_dx = Np*(1.0/cn*dcn_dx + 2.0/W*dW_dx + 1.0/chord*dchord_dx)
        dTp_dx = Tp*(1.0/ct*dct_dx + 2.0/W*dW_dx + 1.0/chord*dchord_dx)
        alpha_deg = alpha_rad * 180. / np.pi
        return a, ap, Np, Tp, alpha_deg, dNp_dx, dTp_dx, dR_dx