Example #1
    def __test(d, m):
        # Generate a random dictionary
        X       = numpy.random.randn(2 * d, m)

        # Convert to diagonals
        Xdiags  = _cdl.columns_to_diags(X)

        # Normalize
        N_Xdiag = _cdl.normalize_dictionary(Xdiags)

        # Convert back
        N_X     = _cdl.diags_to_columns(N_Xdiag)

        # 1. verify unit norms
        norms   = numpy.sum(N_X**2, axis=0)**0.5
        assert EQ(norms, numpy.ones_like(norms))

        # 2. verify that directions are correct:
        #       projection onto the normalized basis should equal norm 
        #       of the original basis
        norms_orig = numpy.sum(X**2, axis=0)**0.5
        projection = numpy.sum(X * N_X, axis=0)

        assert EQ(norms_orig, projection)
Example #2
    def set_codebook(self, D):
        '''Clobber the existing codebook and encoder with a new one.'''

        self.components_ = D

        extra_args = {}
        if self.penalty == 'l1_space':
            extra_args['height'] = D.shape[1]
            extra_args['width'] = D.shape[2]
            extra_args['pad_data'] = self.pad_data
            extra_args['nonneg'] = self.nonneg

        D = D.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2)
        D = _cdl.patches_to_vectors(D, pad_data=self.pad_data)
        D = _cdl.columns_to_diags(D)
        self.fft_components_ = D

        encoder, D, diagnostics = _cdl.learn_dictionary([],
        self.encoder_ = encoder
        return self
Example #3
File: CDL.py Project: CityU-HAN/CDL
    def set_codebook(self, D):
        '''Clobber the existing codebook and encoder with a new one.'''

        self.components_ = D

        extra_args = {}
        if self.penalty == 'l1_space':
            extra_args['height']    = D.shape[1]
            extra_args['width']     = D.shape[2]
            extra_args['pad_data']  = self.pad_data
            extra_args['nonneg']    = self.nonneg

        D = D.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2)
        D = _cdl.patches_to_vectors(D, pad_data=self.pad_data)
        D = _cdl.columns_to_diags(D)
        self.fft_components_ = D

        encoder, D, diagnostics = _cdl.learn_dictionary(
                                        reg         = self.penalty,
                                        alpha       = self.alpha,
                                        max_steps   = 0,
                                        verbose     = False,
                                        D           = D, 
        self.encoder_ = encoder
        return self
Example #4
    def __test(d, m):
        # Build a random dictionary in diagonal form
        X       = numpy.random.randn(2 * d, m)

        # Normalize the dictionary and convert back to columns
        X_norm  = _cdl.diags_to_columns(_cdl.normalize_dictionary(_cdl.columns_to_diags(X)))

        # Rescale the normalized dictionary to have some inside, some outside
        R       = 2.0**numpy.linspace(-4, 4, m)
        X_scale = X_norm * R

        # Vectorize
        V_scale = _cdl.columns_to_vector(X_scale)

        # Project
        V_proj  = _cdl.proj_l2_ball(V_scale, m)

        # Rearrange the projected matrix into columns
        X_proj  = _cdl.vector_to_columns(V_proj, m)

        # Compute norms
        X_scale_norms   = numpy.sum(X_scale**2, axis=0)**0.5
        X_proj_norms    = numpy.sum(X_proj**2, axis=0)**0.5

        Xdot            = numpy.sum(X_scale * X_proj, axis=0)

        for k in range(m):
            # 1. verify norm is at most 1
            #       allow some fudge factor here for numerical instability
            assert X_proj_norms[k] <= 1.0 + 1e-10

            # 2. verify that points with R < 1 were untouched
            assert R[k] > 1.0 or EQ(X_proj[:, k], X_scale[:, k])

            # 3. verify that points with R >= 1.0 preserve direction
            assert R[k] < 1.0 or EQ(Xdot[k], X_scale_norms[k])

Example #5
    def __test(d, m):
        # Generate a random 2d-by-n matrix
        X = numpy.random.randn(2 * d, m)

        # Cut it in half to get the real and imag components
        A = X[:d, :]
        B = X[d:, :]

        # Convert to its diagonal-block form
        Q = _cdl.columns_to_diags(X)
        for k in range(m):
            for j in range(d):
                # Verify A
                assert (EQ(A[j, k], Q[j, k * d + j]) and
                        EQ(A[j, k], Q[d + j, m * d + k *d + j]))

                # Verify B
                assert (EQ(B[j, k], - Q[j, m * d + k * d + j]) and
                        EQ(B[j, k], Q[d + j, k *d + j]))
Example #6
 def __test(d, m):
     X = numpy.random.randn(2 * d, m)
     Q = _cdl.columns_to_diags(X)
     X_back  = _cdl.diags_to_columns(Q)
     assert EQ(X, X_back)