Example #1
    def plot(self, images):
        perrow = 5

        num, c, w, h = images.size()

        rows = int(math.ceil(num/perrow))

        prep = self.preprocess(images)
        b, g, _= prep.size()
        ci, hi, wi = self.in_shape
        hg, wg = self.glimpse_size

        means = prep[:, :, :2]
        means = sparse.transform_means(means, (hi-hg, wi-wg)).round().long()
        sigmas = prep[:, : , 2]
        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(sigmas, self.in_shape[1:])

        images = images.data

        plt.figure(figsize=(perrow * 3, rows*3))

        for i in range(num):

            ax = plt.subplot(rows, perrow, i+1)

            im = np.transpose(images[i, :, :, :].cpu().numpy(), (1, 2, 0))
            im = np.squeeze(im)

            ax.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest', extent=(-0.5, w-0.5, -0.5, h-0.5), cmap='gray_r')

            util.plot(means[i, :, :].unsqueeze(0), sigmas[i, :, :].unsqueeze(0), torch.ones(means[:, :, 0].size()), axes=ax, flip_y=h, alpha_global=0.8/self.num_glimpses)

Example #2
    def forward(self, image):

        prep = self.preprocess(image)
        b, g, _= prep.size()
        ci, hi, wi = self.in_shape
        hg, wg = self.glimpse_size

        means = prep[:, :, :2]
        sigmas = prep[:, : , 2]

        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(sigmas, self.in_shape[1:])

        stoch_means = torch.distributions.Normal(means, sigmas)
        sample = stoch_means.sample()

        point_means = sparse.transform_means(sample, (hi-hg, wi-wg)).round().long()

        # extract
        batch = []
        for bi in range(b):
            extracts = []
            for gi in range(g):
                h, w = point_means[bi, gi, :]
                ext = image.data[bi, :, h:h+hg, w:w+wg]
                extracts.append(ext[None, None, :, :, :])

            batch.append(torch.cat(extracts, dim=1))
        result = torch.cat(batch, dim=0)

        return result, stoch_means, sample
Example #3
    def hyper(self, input, prep=None):
        Evaluates hypernetwork.

        b, c, h, w = input.size()

        quad = self.preprocess(input) # Cpompute the attention quadrangle
        b, g, _, _ = quad.size() # (b, g, 4, 2)
        k, k, _ = self.grid.size() # k, k, 4

        # ensure that the bounding box covers a reasonable area of the image at the start
        quad = quad + self.quad_offset[None, None, :]

        # Fit to the max pixel values
        quad = sparse.transform_means(quad.view(b, g*4, 2), (h, w)).view(b, g, 4, 2)

        # Interpolate between the four corners of the quad
        grid = self.grid[None, None, :,    :,    :, None] # b, g, k, k, 4, 2
        quad =      quad[:,    :,    None, None, :, :]

        res = (grid * quad).sum(dim=4)

        assert res.size() == (b, g, k, k, 2)

        means = res.view(b, g * k * k, 2)

        # Expand sigmas
        sigmas = self.sigmas[None, :, None].expand(b, g, (k*k)).contiguous().view(b, (g*k*k))
        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(sigmas, (h, w))
        sigmas = sigmas * self.sigma_scale + self.min_sigma

        values = self.one[None, :].expand(b, k*k*g)

        return means, sigmas, values
Example #4
    def hyper(self, x):

        assert x.size()[1:] == self.in_size
        b, c, h, w = x.size()
        k = self.k

        # the coordinates of the current pixels in parameters space
        # - the index tuples are described relative to these
        hw = torch.tensor((h, w), device=d(x), dtype=torch.float)
        mids = self.coords[None, :, :, :].expand(
            b, 2, h, w) * (hw - 1)[None, :, None, None]
        mids = mids.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
        if not self.modulo:
            mids = util.inv(mids, mx=hw[None, None, None, :])
        mids = mids[:, :, :, None, :].expand(b, h, w, k, 2)

        # add coords to channels
        if self.admode == 'none':
            params = self.params[None, None, None, :].expand(b, h, w, k * 3)
            if self.admode == 'full':
                coords = self.coords[None, :, :, :].expand(b, 2, h, w)
                x = torch.cat([x, coords], dim=1)
            elif self.admode == 'coords':
                x = self.coords[None, :, :, :].expand(b, 2, h, w)
            elif self.admode == 'inputs':
                raise Exception(
                    f'adaptivity mode {self.admode} not recognized')

            x = x.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
            params = self.toparams(x)

        assert params.size() == (b, h, w, k * 3
                                 )  # k index tuples per output pixel

        means = params[:, :, :, :k * 2].view(b, h, w, k, 2)
        sigmas = params[:, :, :, k * 2:].view(b, h, w, k)
        values = self.mvalues[None, None, None, :].expand(b, h, w, k)

        means = mids + self.mmult * means

        s = (h, w)
        means = sparse.transform_means(
            means, s, method='modulo' if self.modulo else 'sigmoid')
        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(
            sigmas, s, min_sigma=self.min_sigma) * self.sigma_scale

        return means, sigmas, values
Example #5
    def hyper(self, x):

        b = x.size(0)
        size = (self.size, self.size)

        # Expand parameters along batch dimension
        means = self.pmeans[None, :, :].expand(b, self.size, 2)
        sigmas = self.psigmas[None, :].expand(b, self.size)
        values = self.pvalues[None, :].expand(b, self.size)

        means, sigmas = sparse.transform_means(means,
                                               size), sparse.transform_sigmas(
                                                   sigmas, size)

        return means, sigmas, values
Example #6
    def hyper(self, input, prep=None):
        Evaluates hypernetwork.

        b, c, h, w = input.size()

        thetas = self.preprocess(input) # Cpompute the attention quadrangle
        b, g, _, _ = thetas.size() # (b, g, 2, 3)

        thetas = thetas * self.scale + self.identity[None, None, :, :]
        mat, vec = thetas[:, :, :, :2], thetas[:, :, :, 2]

        corners = self.corners[None, None, :, :].expand(b, g, 4, 2)

        # compute the corners of the attention quad
        quad = torch.bmm(corners.view(b*g, 4, 2), mat.view(b*g, 2, 2)) + vec.view(b*g, 1, 2)

        k, k, _ = self.grid.size()  # k, k, 4

        # Fit to the max pixel values
        quad = sparse.transform_means(quad.view(b, g*4, 2), (h, w)).view(b, g, 4, 2)

        # Interpolate between the four corners of the quad
        grid = self.grid[None, None, :,    :,    :, None] # b, g, k, k, 4, 2
        quad =      quad[:,    :,    None, None, :, :]

        res = (grid * quad).sum(dim=4)

        assert res.size() == (b, g, k, k, 2)

        means = res.view(b, g * k * k, 2)

        # Expand sigmas
        sigmas = self.sigmas[None, :, None].expand(b, g, (k*k)).contiguous().view(b, (g*k*k))
        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(sigmas, (h, w))
        sigmas = sigmas * self.sigma_scale + self.min_sigma

        values = self.one[None, :].expand(b, k*k*g)

        return means, sigmas, values
Example #7
    def hyper(self, input, prep=None):
        Evaluates hypernetwork.

        b, c, h, w = input.size()

        bboxes = self.preprocess(input) # (b, g, 4)
        b, g, _ = bboxes.size()

        # ensure that the bounding box covers a reasonable area of the image at the start
        bboxes = bboxes + self.bbox_offset[None, None, :]

        # Fit to the max pixel values
        bboxes = sparse.transform_means(bboxes, (h, h, w, w))

        vmin, vmax, hmin, hmax = bboxes[:, :, 0], bboxes[:, :, 1], bboxes[:, :, 2], bboxes[:, :, 3] # vert (height), hor (width),

        vrange, hrange = vmax - vmin, hmax - hmin

        pih, _ = self.pixel_indices.size()
        pixel_indices = self.pixel_indices.view(g, pih // g, 2)
        pixel_indices = pixel_indices[None, :, :, :].expand(b, g, pih // g, 2)

        range = torch.cat([vrange[:, :, None, None], hrange[:, :, None, None]], dim=3)
        range = range.expand(b, g, pih//g, 2)

        min = torch.cat([vmin[:, :, None, None], hmin[:, :, None,  None]], dim=3)
        min = min.expand(b, g, pih//g, 2)

        means = pixel_indices * range + min
        means = means.view(b, pih, 2)

        # Expand sigmas
        sigmas = self.sigmas[None, :, None].expand(b, g, pih//g).contiguous().view(b, pih)
        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(sigmas, (h, w))
        sigmas = sigmas * self.sigma_scale + self.min_sigma

        values = self.one[None, :].expand(b, pih)

        return means, sigmas, values
Example #8
    def forward(self, x):

        b, c, h, w = x.size()

        params = self.encoder(x)
        ls = self.latent.size()
        s, e = ls[:-1], ls[-1]

        assert params.size() == (b, len(ls))

        means = sparse.transform_means(params[:, None, None, :-1],
        sigmas = sparse.transform_sigmas(
            params[:, None, None,
                   -1], s, min_sigma=self.min_sigma) * self.sigma_scale

        if self.smp:

            indices = sparse.ngenerate(means,
            vs = (2**len(s) + self.radditional + self.gadditional)

            assert indices.size() == (
                b, 1, vs, len(s)), f'{indices.size()}, {(b, 1, vs, len(s))}'
            indfl = indices.float()

            # Mask for duplicate indices
            dups = util.nduplicates(indices).to(torch.bool)

            # compute (unnormalized) densities under the given MVNs (proportions)
            props = sparse.densities(indfl, means, sigmas).clone()
            assert props.size() == (b, 1, vs, 1)  #?

            props[dups, :] = 0
            props = props / props.sum(
                dim=2, keepdim=True
            )  # normalize over all points of a given index tuple

            weights = props.sum(dim=-1)  # - sum out the MVNs

            assert indices.size() == (b, 1, vs, len(s))
            assert weights.size() == (b, 1, vs)

            indices, weights = indices.squeeze(1), weights.squeeze(1)

            vs = 1
            indices = means.floor().to(torch.long).detach().squeeze(1)

        # Select a single code from the latent space (per instance in batch).
        # When sampling, this is a weighted sum, when not sampling, just one.
        indices = indices.view(b * vs, len(s))

        # checks to prevent segfaults
        if util.contains_nan(indices):

            raise Exception('Indices contain NaN')

        if indices[:, 0].max() >= s[0] or indices[:, 1].max() >= s[1]:

            raise Exception('Indices out of bounds')

        if len(s) == 1:
            code = self.latent[indices[:, 0], :]
        elif len(s) == 2:
            code = self.latent[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], :]
        elif len(s) == 3:
            code = self.latent[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], indices[:, 2], :]
            raise Exception(f'Dimensionality above 3 not supported.')
            # - ugly hack, until I figure out how to do this for n dimensions

        assert code.size() == (b * vs, e), f'{code.size()} --- {(b*vs, e)}'

        if self.smp:
            code = code.view(b, vs, e)
            code = code * weights[:, :, None]
            code = code.sum(dim=1)
            code = code.view(b, e)

        assert code.size() == (b, e)

        # Decode
        result = self.decoder(code)

        assert result.size() == (b, c, h,
                                 w), f'{result.size()} --- {(b, c, h, w)}'

        return result