Example #1
 def IUnknown_QueryInterface(self, this, riid, ppvObj, _debug=_debug):
     # XXX This is probably too slow.
     # riid[0].hashcode() alone takes 33 us!
     iid = riid[0]
     ptr = self._com_pointers_.get(iid, None)
     if ptr is not None:
         # CopyComPointer(src, dst) calls AddRef!
         _debug("%r.QueryInterface(%s) -> S_OK", self, iid)
         return CopyComPointer(ptr, ppvObj)
     _debug("%r.QueryInterface(%s) -> E_NOINTERFACE", self, iid)
     return E_NOINTERFACE
Example #2
 def QueryInterface(self, interface):
     "Query the object for an interface pointer"
     # This method is NOT the implementation of
     # IUnknown::QueryInterface, instead it is supposed to be
     # called on an COMObject by user code.  It allows to get COM
     # interface pointers from COMObject instances.
     ptr = self._com_pointers_.get(interface._iid_, None)
     if ptr is None:
         raise COMError(E_NOINTERFACE, FormatError(E_NOINTERFACE),
                        (None, None, 0, None, None))
     # CopyComPointer(src, dst) calls AddRef!
     result = POINTER(interface)()
     CopyComPointer(ptr, byref(result))
     return result
Example #3
 def __setitem__(self, index, value):
     # We override the __setitem__ method of the
     # POINTER(POINTER(interface)) type, so that the COM
     # reference count is managed correctly.
     # This is so that we can implement COM methods that have to
     # return COM pointers more easily and consistent.  Instead of
     # using CopyComPointer in the method implementation, we can
     # simply do:
     # def GetTypeInfo(self, this, ..., pptinfo):
     #     if not pptinfo: return E_POINTER
     #     pptinfo[0] = a_com_interface_pointer
     #     return S_OK
     if index != 0:
         # CopyComPointer, which is in _ctypes, does only
         # handle an index of 0.  This code does what
         # CopyComPointer should do if index != 0.
         if bool(value):
         super(_, self).__setitem__(index, value)
     from _ctypes import CopyComPointer
     CopyComPointer(value, self)
Example #4
 def _set_value(self, value):
     if value is None:
         self.vt = VT_NULL
     elif hasattr(value, '__len__') and len(value) == 0:
         self.vt = VT_NULL
     # since bool is a subclass of int, this check must come before
     # the check for int
     elif isinstance(value, bool):
         self.vt = VT_BOOL
         self._.VT_BOOL = value
     elif isinstance(value, (int, c_int)):
         self.vt = VT_I4
         self._.VT_I4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, long):
         u = self._
         # try VT_I4 first.
         u.VT_I4 = value
         if u.VT_I4 == value:
             # it did work.
             self.vt = VT_I4
         # try VT_UI4 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_UI4 = value
             if u.VT_UI4 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_UI4
         # try VT_I8 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_I8 = value
             if u.VT_I8 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_I8
         # try VT_UI8 next.
         if value >= 0:
             u.VT_UI8 = value
             if u.VT_UI8 == value:
                 # did work.
                 self.vt = VT_UI8
         # VT_R8 is last resort.
         self.vt = VT_R8
         u.VT_R8 = float(value)
     elif isinstance(value, (float, c_double)):
         self.vt = VT_R8
         self._.VT_R8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
         self.vt = VT_BSTR
         # do the c_wchar_p auto unicode conversion
         self._.c_void_p = _SysAllocStringLen(value, len(value))
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
         delta = value - _com_null_date
         # a day has 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds
         com_days = delta.days + (delta.seconds +
                                  delta.microseconds * 1e-6) / 86400.
         self.vt = VT_DATE
         self._.VT_R8 = com_days
     elif npsupport.isdatetime64(value):
         com_days = value - npsupport.com_null_date64
         com_days /= npsupport.numpy.timedelta64(1, 'D')
         self.vt = VT_DATE
         self._.VT_R8 = com_days
     elif decimal is not None and isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal):
         self._.VT_CY = int(round(value * 10000))
         self.vt = VT_CY
     elif isinstance(value, POINTER(IDispatch)):
         CopyComPointer(value, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_DISPATCH
     elif isinstance(value, POINTER(IUnknown)):
         CopyComPointer(value, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_UNKNOWN
     elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
         obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(VARIANT).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif isinstance(value, array.array):
         vartype = _arraycode_to_vartype[value.typecode]
         typ = _vartype_to_ctype[vartype]
         obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(typ).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif npsupport.isndarray(value):
         # Try to convert a simple array of basic types.
         descr = value.dtype.descr[0][1]
         typ = npsupport.numpy.ctypeslib._typecodes.get(descr)
         if typ is None:
             # Try for variant
             obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(VARIANT).create(value)
             obj = _midlSAFEARRAY(typ).create(value)
         memmove(byref(self._), byref(obj), sizeof(obj))
         self.vt = VT_ARRAY | obj._vartype_
     elif isinstance(value, Structure) and hasattr(value, "_recordinfo_"):
         guids = value._recordinfo_
         from comtypes.typeinfo import GetRecordInfoFromGuids
         ri = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(*guids)
         self.vt = VT_RECORD
         # Assigning a COM pointer to a structure field does NOT
         # call AddRef(), have to call it manually:
         self._.pRecInfo = ri
         self._.pvRecord = ri.RecordCreateCopy(byref(value))
     elif isinstance(getattr(value, "_comobj", None), POINTER(IDispatch)):
         CopyComPointer(value._comobj, byref(self._))
         self.vt = VT_DISPATCH
     elif isinstance(value, VARIANT):
         _VariantCopy(self, value)
     elif isinstance(value, c_ubyte):
         self._.VT_UI1 = value
         self.vt = VT_UI1
     elif isinstance(value, c_char):
         self._.VT_UI1 = ord(value.value)
         self.vt = VT_UI1
     elif isinstance(value, c_byte):
         self._.VT_I1 = value
         self.vt = VT_I1
     elif isinstance(value, c_ushort):
         self._.VT_UI2 = value
         self.vt = VT_UI2
     elif isinstance(value, c_short):
         self._.VT_I2 = value
         self.vt = VT_I2
     elif isinstance(value, c_uint):
         self.vt = VT_UI4
         self._.VT_UI4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_float):
         self.vt = VT_R4
         self._.VT_R4 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_int64):
         self.vt = VT_I8
         self._.VT_I8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, c_uint64):
         self.vt = VT_UI8
         self._.VT_UI8 = value
     elif isinstance(value, _byref_type):
         ref = value._obj
         self._.c_void_p = addressof(ref)
         self.__keepref = value
         self.vt = _ctype_to_vartype[type(ref)] | VT_BYREF
     elif isinstance(value, _Pointer):
         ref = value.contents
         self._.c_void_p = addressof(ref)
         self.__keepref = value
         self.vt = _ctype_to_vartype[type(ref)] | VT_BYREF
         raise TypeError("Cannot put %r in VARIANT" % value)