Example #1
  def _Trailer(self, base, p_trailer):
    # type: (expr_t, PNode) -> expr_t
    trailer: (
      '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']'
    | '.' NAME | '->' NAME | '::' NAME
    children = p_trailer.children
    op_tok = children[0].tok

    # TODO: Need to process ALL the trailers, e.g. f(x, y)[1, 2](x, y)

    if op_tok.id == Id.Op_LParen:
      arglist = arg_list()
      if len(children) == 2:  # ()
        return expr.FuncCall(base, arglist)

      p = children[1]  # the X in ( X )
      assert p.typ == grammar_nt.arglist  # f(x, y)
      self._Arglist(p.children, arglist)
      return expr.FuncCall(base, arglist)

    if op_tok.id == Id.Op_LBracket:
      p_args = children[1]
      assert p_args.typ == grammar_nt.subscriptlist
      indices = []  # type: List[expr_t]
      n = len(p_args.children)
      for i in xrange(0, n, 2):  # was children[::2]
        a = p_args.children[i]
      return subscript(base, indices)

    if op_tok.id in (Id.Expr_Dot, Id.Expr_RArrow, Id.Expr_DColon):
      attr = children[1].tok  # will be Id.Expr_Name
      return attribute(base, op_tok, attr, expr_context_e.Store)

    raise AssertionError(Id_str(op_tok.id))
Example #2
  def _ReadCompoundWord3(self, lex_mode, eof_type, empty_ok):
    # type: (lex_mode_t, Id_t, bool) -> compound_word
    Precondition: Looking at the first token of the first word part
    Postcondition: Looking at the token after, e.g. space or operator

    NOTE: eof_type is necessary because / is a literal, i.e. Lit_Slash, but it
    could be an operator delimiting a compound word.  Can we change lexer modes
    and remove this special case?
    w = compound_word()
    num_parts = 0
    brace_count = 0
    done = False
    while not done:

      allow_done = empty_ok or num_parts != 0
      if allow_done and self.token_type == eof_type:
        done = True  # e.g. for ${foo//pat/replace}

      # Keywords like "for" are treated like literals
      elif self.token_kind in (
          Kind.Lit, Kind.History, Kind.KW, Kind.ControlFlow,
          Kind.BoolUnary, Kind.BoolBinary):
        if self.token_type == Id.Lit_EscapedChar:
          part = word_part.EscapedLiteral(self.cur_token)  # type: word_part_t
          part = self.cur_token

        if self.token_type == Id.Lit_VarLike and num_parts == 0:  # foo=
          # Unfortunately it's awkward to pull the check for a=(1 2) up to
          # _ReadWord.
          next_id = self.lexer.LookAhead(lex_mode)
          if next_id == Id.Op_LParen:
            self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_ShArrayLiteral)
            part2 = self._ReadArrayLiteral()

            # Array literal must be the last part of the word.
            # EOF, whitespace, newline, Right_Subshell
            if self.token_kind not in KINDS_THAT_END_WORDS:
              p_die('Unexpected token after array literal',
            done = True

        elif (self.parse_opts.parse_at() and self.token_type == Id.Lit_Splice and
              num_parts == 0):

          splice_token = self.cur_token

          next_id = self.lexer.LookAhead(lex_mode)
          if next_id == Id.Op_LParen:  # @arrayfunc(x)
            arglist = arg_list()
            part = word_part.FuncCall(splice_token, arglist)
            part = word_part.Splice(splice_token)


          # @words or @arrayfunc() must be the last part of the word
          # EOF, whitespace, newline, Right_Subshell
          if self.token_kind not in KINDS_THAT_END_WORDS:
            p_die('Unexpected token after array splice',
          done = True

          # Syntax error for { and }
          if self.token_type == Id.Lit_LBrace:
            brace_count += 1
          elif self.token_type == Id.Lit_RBrace:
            brace_count -= 1

          # not a literal with lookahead; append it

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.VSub:
        vsub_token = self.cur_token

        part = simple_var_sub(vsub_token)
        if self.token_type == Id.VSub_DollarName:
          # Look ahead for $strfunc(x)
          #   $f(x) or --name=$f(x) is allowed
          #   but "--name=$f(x)" not allowed?  This would BREAK EXISTING CODE.
          #   It would need a parse option.

          next_id = self.lexer.LookAhead(lex_mode)
          if next_id == Id.Op_LParen:
            arglist = arg_list()
            part = word_part.FuncCall(vsub_token, arglist)

            # Unlike @arrayfunc(x), it makes sense to allow $f(1)$f(2)
            # var a = f(1); var b = f(2); echo $a$b
            # It's consistent with other uses of $.


      elif self.token_kind == Kind.ExtGlob:
        part = self._ReadExtGlob()

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Left:
        part = self._ReadLeftParts()

      # NOT done yet, will advance below
      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Right:
        # Still part of the word; will be done on the next iter.
        if self.token_type == Id.Right_DoubleQuote:
        # Never happens, no PushHint for this case.
        #elif self.token_type == Id.Right_DollarParen:
        #  pass
        elif self.token_type == Id.Right_Subshell:
          # LEXER HACK for (case x in x) ;; esac )
          # Rewind before it's used
          assert self.next_lex_mode == lex_mode_e.Undefined
          if self.lexer.MaybeUnreadOne():
            self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_Subshell)
          done = True
          done = True

      elif self.token_kind == Kind.Ignored:
        done = True

        # LEXER HACK for unbalanced case clause.  'case foo in esac' is valid,
        # so to test for ESAC, we can read ) before getting a chance to
        # PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Right_CasePat).  So here we unread one
        # token and do it again.

        # We get Id.Op_RParen at top level:      case x in x) ;; esac
        # We get Id.Eof_RParen inside ComSub:  $(case x in x) ;; esac )
        if self.token_type in (Id.Op_RParen, Id.Eof_RParen):
          # Rewind before it's used
          assert self.next_lex_mode == lex_mode_e.Undefined
          if self.lexer.MaybeUnreadOne():
            if self.token_type == Id.Eof_RParen:
              # Redo translation
              self.lexer.PushHint(Id.Op_RParen, Id.Eof_RParen)

        done = True  # anything we don't recognize means we're done

      if not done:
        num_parts += 1

    if self.parse_opts.parse_brace() and num_parts > 1 and brace_count != 0:
      # accept { and }, but not foo{
          'Word has unbalanced { }.  Maybe add a space or quote it like \{',

    return w