Example #1
 def on_before_move(self, user, move, battle):
     assert user.status is Status.FRZ
     if random.randrange(5) == 0 or move.thaw_user:
         if __debug__: log.i("%s is frozen!", user)
         return FAIL
Example #2
 def on_try_hit(self, user, move, target, battle):
     if (not self.suppressed and
         move.category is not MoveCategory.STATUS and
         move.type is Type.FIRE
         if __debug__: log.i('But the fire move fizzled out!')
         return FAIL
Example #3
 def on_modify_base_power(self, user, move, target, battle, base_power):
     if (user.status in (Status.PSN, Status.TOX) and
         move.category is MoveCategory.PHYSICAL
         if __debug__: log.i("%s's power was boosted by ToxicBoost!", move)
         return base_power * 1.5
     return base_power
Example #4
 def on_modify_effectiveness(self, user, move, target, effectiveness):
     if not self.suppressed:
         if Type.FLYING in target.types and type_effectiveness(move.type, Type.FLYING) == 2:
             if __debug__:
                 log.i("DeltaStream suppressed %s's %s type move", user, move.type)
             return effectiveness * 0.5
     return effectiveness
Example #5
    def set_status(self, pokemon, status, setter):
        Set `status` (enums.Status) on `pokemon`.

        Fails if the pokemon is already statused, Sleep Clause activates, or if an effect or
        immunity prevents it.

        `setter` should be the pokemon causing the status (usually the foe). `setter` == `pokemon`
        in the case of rest, toxicorb, etc., or None in the case of toxicspikes, etc.
        assert not pokemon.is_fainted()
        assert setter is None or isinstance(setter, BattlePokemon)

        if status is Status.SLP and any(teammate.status is Status.SLP and not teammate.is_resting
                                        for teammate in pokemon.side.team
                                        if teammate is not pokemon):
            if __debug__: log.i('Sleep Clause Mod!')
            return FAIL

        if pokemon.status is not None or pokemon.is_immune_to(status):
            if __debug__: log.i('Failed to set status %s: ' % status +
                                ('%%s is already statused (%s)' % pokemon.status
                                 if pokemon.status is not None else
                                 '%s is immune') % pokemon)
            return FAIL

        for effector in (pokemon, pokemon.side, self.battlefield):
            if effector.activate_effect('on_set_status',
                                        status, pokemon, setter, self, failfast=True) is FAIL:
                return FAIL

        pokemon.status = status
        pokemon.activate_effect('on_after_set_status', status, pokemon, setter, self)
Example #6
    def check_accuracy(self, user, move, target):
        Return FAIL if the move misses.
        An accuracy value of None means to skip the accuracy check, i.e. it always hits.
        accuracy = move.accuracy
        accuracy = user.accumulate_effect('on_accuracy', user, move, target, self, accuracy)
        accuracy = target.accumulate_effect('on_foe_accuracy', user, move, target, self, accuracy)
        if accuracy is None:

        boost_factor = (1.0, 4.0/3.0, 5.0/3.0, 2.0, 7.0/3.0, 8.0/3.0, 3.0)
        if not move.ignore_accuracy_boosts:
            acc_boost = user.boosts['acc']
            if acc_boost > 0:
                accuracy *= boost_factor[acc_boost]
            elif acc_boost < 0:
                accuracy /= boost_factor[-acc_boost]

        if not move.ignore_evasion_boosts:
            evn_boost = target.boosts['evn']
            if evn_boost > 0:
                accuracy /= boost_factor[evn_boost]
            elif evn_boost < 0:
                accuracy *= boost_factor[-evn_boost]

        if __debug__: log.d('Using accuracy of %s', accuracy)
        if random.randrange(100) >= int(accuracy):
            if __debug__: log.i('But it missed!')
            return FAIL
Example #7
    def set_effect(self, effect):
        if effect.source in self._effect_index:
            if __debug__: log.i('Tried to set effect %s but it is already on the field', effect)
            return FAIL

        self._effect_index[effect.source] = effect
Example #8
    def reveal(self, pokemon):
        for i, foe in enumerate(self.team):
            if foe.name == UNREVEALED:
                self.team[i] = pokemon

        # all 6 slots are filled; zoroark shenanigans can cause this
        log.i("All 6 slots on foe's side are full... attempting to resolve")
        for i in range(len(self.team)):
            # remove revealed zoroark
            if self.team[i].name == 'zoroark':
                self.team[i] = UnrevealedPokemon()
                # remove duplicate pokemon
                for j in range(i+1, len(self.team)):
                    if self.team[j].base_species == self.team[i].base_species != UNREVEALED:
                        self.team[j] = UnrevealedPokemon()

        # try again, if there's still no available slots then something else is wrong
        for i, foe in enumerate(self.team):
            if foe.name == UNREVEALED:
                self.team[i] = pokemon

        raise AssertionError("Tried to reveal a 7th pokemon on a fully revealed foe's team?!"
                             "\nTeam=\n%r\n\npokemon=\n%r" % (self, pokemon))
Example #9
 def on_foe_accuracy(self, foe, move, target, battle, accuracy):
     if accuracy is None:
         return accuracy
     if target.has_effect(Volatile.CONFUSE):
         if __debug__: log.i("%s's TangledFeet raised its evasion!", target)
         return accuracy * 0.5
     return accuracy
Example #10
 def on_foe_accuracy(self, foe, move, target, battle, accuracy):
     if accuracy is None:
         return accuracy
     if move.category is MoveCategory.STATUS and accuracy is not None:
         if __debug__: log.i("%s's accuracy is reduced by WonderSkin", move)
         return accuracy * 0.5
     return accuracy
Example #11
 def on_boost(self, pokemon, boosts, self_induced):
     if not self_induced:
         for stat, val in boosts.items():
             if val < 0:
                 boosts['spa'] += 2
                 if __debug__: log.i('Competitive boost! (from %s %s)', stat, val)
     return boosts
Example #12
 def on_after_move_damage(self, battle, pokemon, damage, move, foe):
     if (move.makes_contact and
         not foe.is_fainted() and
         random.randrange(10) < 3
         if __debug__: log.i("%s was burned by %s's FlameBody", foe, pokemon)
         battle.set_status(foe, Status.BRN, pokemon)
Example #13
 def on_boost(self, pokemon, boosts, self_induced):
     if not self_induced:
         for stat, val in boosts.items():
             if val < 0:
                 boosts['atk'] += 2
                 if __debug__: log.i('Defiant boost! (from %s %s)', stat, val)
     return boosts
Example #14
 def on_try_hit(self, user, move, target, battle):
     if (not self.suppressed and
         move.category is not MoveCategory.STATUS and
         move.type is Type.WATER
         if __debug__: log.i('But the water move evaporated!')
         return FAIL
Example #15
 def on_boost(self, pokemon, boosts, self_induced):
     if not self_induced:
         for stat, val in boosts.items():
             if val < 0:
                 boosts[stat] = 0
                 if __debug__: log.i("%s's %s drop was blocked by ClearBody!", pokemon, stat)
     return boosts
Example #16
    def set_effect(self, effect):
        if effect.source in self._effect_index:
            if __debug__: log.i('Tried to set condition %s but it %s already has it', effect, self)
            return FAIL

        self._effect_index[effect.source] = effect
Example #17
    def on_residual(self, pokemon, foe, battle):
        if pokemon.is_fainted() or foe is None:

        if foe.status is Status.SLP:
            if __debug__: log.i("%s is hurt by %s's BadDreams", foe, pokemon)
            battle.damage(foe, foe.max_hp / 8.0, Cause.OTHER)
Example #18
 def on_residual(self, pokemon, foe, battle):
     if (pokemon.item is None and
         pokemon.last_berry_used is not None and
         (battle.battlefield.weather in (Weather.SUNNYDAY, Weather.DESOLATELAND) or
          random.randrange(2) == 0)
         if __debug__: log.i("%s harvested a %s!", pokemon, pokemon.last_berry_used)
Example #19
 def on_start(self, pokemon, battle):
     foe = battle.get_foe(pokemon)
     if foe is not None:
         # foe stat calculation: boosted but not modified
         boosts = (Boosts(spa=1) if foe.calculate_stat('def') >= foe.calculate_stat('spd') else
         if __debug__: log.i("%s is boosted by its Download!", pokemon)
         pokemon.apply_boosts(boosts, self_induced=True)
Example #20
 def on_modify_base_power(self, user, move, target, battle, base_power):
     if move.type is self.aura_type:
         if __debug__: log.i("%s boosted %s's power!", self.source, move)
         if battle.battlefield.has_effect(PseudoWeather.AURABREAK):
             if __debug__: log.i('Aura Break broke the aura!')
             return 0.75 * base_power
         return float(0x1547) / 0x1000 * base_power
     return base_power
Example #21
 def on_foe_try_hit(self, foe, move, target, battle):
     if (move.category is not MoveCategory.STATUS and
         battle.get_effectiveness(foe, move, target) <= 1 and
         move.type is not Type.NOTYPE and
         foe is not target
         if __debug__: log.i("WonderGuard makes %s immune to %s!", target, move)
         return FAIL
Example #22
 def on_after_set_status(self, status, pokemon, setter, battle):
     if (setter is not None and
         setter != pokemon and
         status not in (Status.FRZ, Status.SLP) and
         setter.hp > 0
         if __debug__: log.i("%s's Synchronize activated!", pokemon)
         battle.set_status(setter, status, pokemon)
Example #23
 def on_damage(self, pokemon, cause, source, battle, damage):
     if (pokemon.hp == pokemon.max_hp and
         damage >= pokemon.hp and
         cause is Cause.MOVE
         if __debug__: log.i("%s held on with Sturdy!", pokemon)
         return pokemon.hp - 1
     return damage
Example #24
 def on_after_move_damage(self, battle, pokemon, damage, move, foe):
     if (move.makes_contact and
         foe is not None and
         not foe.is_fainted() and
         random.randrange(10) < 3
         if __debug__: log.i("%s's Static activated!", pokemon)
         battle.set_status(foe, Status.PAR, pokemon)
Example #25
    def on_before_move(self, user, move, battle):
        if not self.mate == battle.get_foe(user):

        if random.randrange(2):
            if __debug__: log.i('%s was immobolized by Attract!', user)
            return FAIL
Example #26
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     if index in self:
         return dict.__getitem__(self, index)
     elif index[-3:].startswith('L') and index[:-3] in self:
         # strip off level if pokemon at that level is not found
         if __debug__: log.i('%s not found: stripping "%s"', index, index[-3:])
         return dict.__getitem__(self, index[:-3])
         dict.__getitem__(self, index) # raise KeyError
Example #27
 def get_instaswitches(self, sides):
     switch_queue = []
     for i, side in enumerate(sides):
         if side is not None:
             if __debug__: log.i('No active pokemon on side %d; requesting switch' % i)
             event = InstaSwitchEvent(None, 0, self.get_switch_decision(side, forced=True))
             insort(switch_queue, event)
     assert switch_queue
     return switch_queue
Example #28
 def on_after_foe_move_secondary(self, foe, move, target, battle):
     if (move.makes_contact and
         target.item is None and
         foe.item is not None
         item = foe.take_item()
         if item is not FAIL:
             if __debug__: log.i("%s stole %s's item!", target, foe)
Example #29
    def remove_effect(self, source, _=None):
        effect = self._effect_index.pop(source, None)
        if effect is None:
            if __debug__: log.d("Tried to remove nonexistent %s from side %d",
                                source, self.index)

        if __debug__: log.i('Removed %s from side %d', effect, self.index)
Example #30
 def on_damage(self, pokemon, cause, source, battle, damage):
     if (pokemon.hp == pokemon.max_hp and
         damage >= pokemon.hp and
         cause in (Cause.MOVE, Cause.CONFUSE) and
         pokemon.use_item(battle) is not FAIL
         if __debug__: log.i("%s held on with FocusSash!", pokemon)
         return pokemon.hp - 1
     return damage