def __execute_game_config_py__(service, basepy, gamefile, sfile, ofile, extrapath=None): compilepath = service['paths']['bin'] shtemplate = ''' #!/bin/bash cd %s pwd export CONFIGURE_SERVICE_FILE=%s export CONFIGURE_OUTPUTS_FILE=%s export PYTHONPATH=%s:${PYTHONPATH} export PYPY=%s ${PYPY} %s exit $? ''' pypath = '%s:%s:%s' % (compilepath, basepy, myfiles.get_parent_dir(gamefile)) if extrapath: pypath = '%s:%s' % (pypath, ':'.join(extrapath)) content = shtemplate % (compilepath, sfile, ofile, pypath, myhelper.get_env('PYPY_COMPILE', service['pypy']), gamefile) shfile = compilepath + '/' myfiles.write_file('', shfile, content) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput('sh ' + shfile) if status != 0: mylog.error('游戏配置文件读取、运行失败:', gamefile) mylog.error(status, output) return 0 commands.getstatusoutput('rm -fr ' + shfile) return 1
def __action_start_clean_status__(params): mylog.log('清除启动状态标志') status, outputs = exec_index_script_on_first_server(params, -3, 'cleanall') if status == 0 : datas = get_status_json_datas(outputs) if datas['result'] == 0 : mylog.log('清除启动状态标志成功') return 0 mylog.error('清除启动状态标志失败 !!') mylog.error(outputs) return 1
def action_stop(actparams): ''' 服务整体全部停止服务 ''' mylog.log(mylog.wrap_color_cyan('开始停止服务')) params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams) if not params: return 0 haserror = mutil_thread_server_action(params, thread_action_stop) if haserror: mylog.error('停止服务失败 !!') return 0 mylog.log('停止服务完成') return 1
def action_backup(actparams): ''' 备份当前的所有内容、工程文件、编译输出文件,测试模式不进行任何备份 ''' mylog.log('备份全部代码') params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams, True) if not params : mylog.log('找不到上次的编译结果,无法备份') return 1 backfile = tar_gzip_folders(params, PACK_TYPE_TAR_GZIP, DIR_ALL) if not backfile : mylog.error('备份失败') return 0 mylog.log('备份成功') return 1
def action_clean_all(actparams): ''' 清空运行期的所有目录log、bireport ''' mylog.log(mylog.wrap_color_cyan('清除所有机器的编译、日志内容')) params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams) if not params : return 0 haserror = mutil_thread_server_action(params, thread_action_clean_all) if haserror : mylog.error('清除所有机器的编译、日志内容失败 !!') return 0 mylog.log(mylog.wrap_color_cyan('清除所有机器的编译、日志内容完成')) return 1
def action_start(actparams): ''' 服务整体全部重新启动 ''' mylog.log('准备启动服务') params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams) if not params : return 0 if __action_start_clean_status__(params) : return 0 mylog.log(mylog.wrap_color_cyan('开始启动服务')) haserror = mutil_thread_server_action(params, __thread_action_start__) if haserror : mylog.error('启动服务失败 !!') return 0 mylog.log('启动服务完成') return 1
def __check_basic_info__(params, service, servicefile): if not isinstance(service, dict): return mylog.error('配置文件 : 格式错误,必须为dict') gameId = service.get('id') if not isinstance(gameId, int) or gameId <= 0 or gameId >= 10000: return mylog.error('配置文件 : id值错误') gameName = service.get('name') if not isinstance(gameName, (str, unicode)) or len(gameName) <= 0: return mylog.error('配置文件 : name值错误') if gameName.find('-') >= 0: return mylog.error('配置文件 : name值错误,不能包含字符"-"') mode = service.get('mode') if mode not in (1, 2, 3, 4): return mylog.error('配置文件 : mode值错误,一定是数字 1,2,3,4') simulation = service.get('simulation', 0) if simulation not in (0, 1): return mylog.error('配置文件 : simulation值错误,一定是数字 0,1') service['simulation'] = simulation tcpbridge = service.get('newtcpbridge', '') if tcpbridge: if not __check_service_url__(service, 'newtcpbridge'): return 0 service['newtcpbridge'] = tcpbridge if servicefile[0] != '/': servicefile = myfiles.get_pwd() + '/' + servicefile servicefile = myfiles.abspath(servicefile) service['_servicefile_'] = servicefile return 1
def push_dirs_to_all_server(params, actname, push_dirs): service = params['service'] servers = service['servers'] if len(servers) == 1: if servers[0].get('localhost', 0) == 1: mylog.log(actname, ':', '本机运行,无需推送') return 1 pushfile = tar_gzip_folders(params, PACK_TYPE_TGZ, push_dirs) if pushfile == None: return 0 params['pushfile'] = pushfile mylog.log(mylog.wrap_color_cyan(actname)) haserror = mutil_thread_server_action(params, __thread_action_push__) if haserror: mylog.error(actname, ':', '失败 !!') return 0 mylog.log(actname + '完成') return 1
def action_hotfix(actparams): ''' 推送hotfix目录下的所有文件到各个服务器,并在各个服务器执行给出的文件 ''' mylog.log('准备HOTFIX') params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams) if not params: return 0 service = params['service'] # 创建所有的路径 hotfixdir = service['paths']['hotfix'] if not myfiles.make_path(hotfixdir): return 0 # 拷贝源文件到bin的install路径 cpfpaths = [] cptpaths = [] for proj in service['projects']: projpath = proj['path'] cpfpaths.append('%s/hotfix' % (projpath)) cptpaths.append(hotfixdir) if not myfiles.copy_files_all(cpfpaths, cptpaths): return 0 hotfixpy = actparams['hotfix'] hotfixpy = hotfixdir + '/' + hotfixpy if not myfiles.file_exists(hotfixpy): mylog.error('没有找到HOTFIX文件', hotfixpy) return 0 if not push_dirs_to_all_server(params, '推送HOTFIX代码', DIR_HOTFIX): return 0 return execute_hot_cmd(actparams, 'HOTFIX', 'exec_hotfix_py ' + hotfixpy)
def action_load_service(params): ''' 装载并检测服务启动配置文件 ''' # 取得当前文件的路径,添加到PYTHONPATH当中 servicefile = myfiles.normpath(params['servicefile']) mylog.log('装载配置文件 :', servicefile) service = myfiles.read_json_file(servicefile, True) if not __check_basic_info__(params, service, servicefile): return 0 if not __check_projects_paths__(params, service): return 0 if not __check_configure_for_servers__(params, service): return 0 if not __check_configure_default_value__(params, service): return 0 if not __check_configure_for_process__(service): return 0 if not __check_service_url__(service, ''): return 0 if not __check_service_url__(service, ''): return 0 if not __check_service_url__(service, 'http.sdk'): return 0 encodepyc = service.get('encodepyc') if not encodepyc in (0, 1): return mylog.error('配置文件 : encodepyc 是否使用加密pyc错误,0或1') # pypy = service.get('pypy') # if not isinstance(pypy, str) : # return mylog.error('配置文件 : pypy命令执行值错误') # if pypy[0] != '/' : # pypy = '/bin/' + pypy # if not myfiles.file_exists(pypy) : # return mylog.error('配置文件 : pypy可执行命令丢失 ' + pypy) params['service'] = service __print_service_content__(params) return 1
def execute_hot_cmd(actparams, act_name, hotcmd_params): mylog.log('开始' + act_name) params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams) if not params: return 0 service = params['service'] script = service['_script_hotcmd_'] status, outputs = exec_index_script_on_first_server( params, script, hotcmd_params) if status != 0: mylog.error(act_name + '失败') mylog.error(outputs) return 0 datas = get_status_json_datas(outputs) if datas.get('result', -1) != 0: mylog.log(act_name + '失败') mylog.error(outputs) return 0 iserror = 0 process = datas.get('process') if isinstance(process, dict): for prockey, presult in process.items(): result = presult.get('result', {}) ok = result.get('ok', 0) if ok != 1: iserror = 1 mylog.error(prockey, result, presult.get('error', {})) else: mylog.log(prockey, result) if iserror: mylog.log(act_name + '失败') return 0 mylog.log(act_name + '成功') return 1
def action_make_configure(actparams, pypath=None): ''' 读取本地当前的配置文件内容,生成配置JSON文件,生成配置装载的脚本 ''' params = myhelper.action_common_init(actparams) if not params: return 0 service = params['service'] # 每次执行配置文件时,使用__service__.json和__outputs__.json进行数据交换 compilepath = service['paths']['bin'] sfile = compilepath + '/__service__.json' myfiles.write_file('', sfile, json.dumps(service)) ofile = compilepath + '/__outputs__.json' myfiles.write_file('', ofile, json.dumps({})) i = 1 mcount = len(service['projects']) * 2 for proj in service['projects']: pyfile = proj['configure_py'] mylog.log('装载游戏配置 [%d/%d] :' % (i, mcount), pyfile) i += 1 basepy = myfiles.get_parent_dir(service['projects'][0]['configure_py']) if not __execute_game_config_py__(service, basepy, pyfile, sfile, ofile, pypath): return 0 pyfile = proj['configure_json'] mylog.log('装载游戏配置 [%d/%d] :' % (i, mcount), pyfile) i += 1 basepy = myfiles.get_parent_dir( service['projects'][0]['configure_json']) if not __execute_game_config_py__(service, basepy, pyfile, sfile, ofile, pypath): return 0 patchpy = myfiles.get_parent_dir(compilepath) + '/' if myfiles.file_exists(patchpy): cmd = 'pypy ' + patchpy + ' ' + ofile mylog.log('执行游戏配置文件补丁:', cmd) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) for l in output.split('\n'): mylog.log(l) if status != 0: mylog.error('游戏配置文件补丁失败:', patchpy) mylog.error(status, output) return 0 outputs = myfiles.read_json_file(ofile) cmdlist = [] configuredatas = outputs.get('configuredatas', {}) for k, v in configuredatas.items(): cmdlist.append(['set', k, v]) if not __write_redis_config_script__(params, service, cmdlist): return 0 commands.getstatusoutput('rm -fr ' + sfile) commands.getstatusoutput('rm -fr ' + ofile) return 1
def tar_gzip_folders(params, pack_type, tar_dirs): service = params['service'] root_path = myfiles.get_parent_dir(params['__source_path__']) tar_paths = [] tar_prefix = 0 if tar_dirs & DIR_MAKE_BIN: tar_prefix |= DIR_MAKE_BIN tar_paths.append(service['paths']['bin']) if tar_dirs & DIR_MAKE_SCRIPT: tar_prefix |= DIR_MAKE_SCRIPT tar_paths.append(service['paths']['script']) if tar_dirs & DIR_MAKE_WEBROOT: tar_prefix |= DIR_MAKE_WEBROOT tar_paths.append(service['paths']['webroot']) if tar_dirs & DIR_SOURCE: tar_prefix |= DIR_SOURCE projs = service['projects'] for proj in projs: tar_paths.append(proj['path']) tar_paths.append(myfiles.get_parent_dir(params['__pyscript_path__'])) if tar_dirs & DIR_HOTFIX: tar_prefix |= DIR_MAKE_WEBROOT tar_paths.append(service['paths']['hotfix']) if len(tar_paths) == 0: raise Exception('没有指定要打包的目录!') if PACK_TYPE_TAR == pack_type or PACK_TYPE_TAR_GZIP == pack_type: ext_name = '.tar' elif PACK_TYPE_TGZ == pack_type: ext_name = '.tgz' else: raise Exception('打包类型错误') tartime ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') tgzfile = str(tar_prefix) + '-' + tartime + ext_name backpath = service['paths']['backup'] myfiles.make_dirs(backpath) tgzfile = backpath + '/' + tgzfile if os.path.isfile(tgzfile) or os.path.isfile(tgzfile + '.gz'): mylog.log('打包成功 :', tgzfile) return tgzfile allpaths = [] for x in xrange(len(tar_paths)): p = tar_paths[x] p = p.replace(root_path, '.') if p[0] == '/': mylog.log('打包失败,原路径与当前路径不一致', tar_paths[x], root_path) return None allpaths.append(p) tarpath = ' '.join(allpaths) if PACK_TYPE_TAR == pack_type or PACK_TYPE_TAR_GZIP == pack_type: cmd = 'tar cf %s %s' % (tgzfile, tarpath) elif PACK_TYPE_TGZ == pack_type: cmd = 'tar cfz %s %s' % (tgzfile, tarpath) cmd = 'cd %s; %s' % (root_path, cmd) commands.getstatusoutput('rm -fr %s' % (tgzfile)) status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if status != 0: mylog.error('打包失败!!', output) return None if not os.path.isfile(tgzfile): mylog.error('打包失败!! 找不到文件 :', tgzfile) return None if PACK_TYPE_TAR_GZIP == pack_type: commands.getstatusoutput('rm -fr %s.gz' % (tgzfile)) cmd = 'nohup gzip %s >/dev/null 2>&1 &' % (tgzfile) os.popen(cmd) tgzfile += '.gz' mylog.log('打包成功 :', tgzfile) return tgzfile
def __check_service_url__(service, ukey): http = service[ukey] if not isinstance(http, str) or http.find('http://') != 0 or http[-1] == '/': return mylog.error('配置文件 : ' + ukey + '必须以http开头,不能以/结尾') return 1
def __check_configure_for_process__(service): srvmap = {} servers = service['servers'] for x in xrange(len(servers)): srv = servers[x] srvmap[srv['id']] = srv srv['proccount'] = 0 ids = {} ports = {} if 'process' not in service or len(service['process']) == 0: return mylog.error('配置文件 : process定义丢失') http_count = 0 process = service['process'] for x in xrange(len(process)): proc = process[x] uhead = '配置文件 : process[', x, ']' if 'type' not in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + '的type丢失') if 'id' not in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + '的id丢失') if 'server' not in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + '的server丢失') ptype = proc['type'] if ptype not in ('robot', 'http', 'conn', 'entity', 'account', 'quick', 'heart', 'game'): return mylog.error(uhead + ' process type' + proc['type'] + '定义错误') uhead = '配置文件:process[' + str(x) + '][' + str(ptype) + '][' + str( proc['id']) + ']' pid = proc['id'] if not isinstance(pid, int) or pid < 0: return mylog.error(uhead + ' process id ', proc['id'], '为非正整数') if pid in ids: return mylog.error(uhead + ' process id ', proc['id'], '重复定义') ids[pid] = [pid] if proc['server'] not in srvmap: return mylog.error(uhead + '的server值[' + proc['server'] + ']未在servers当中定义') else: proc['internet'] = srvmap[proc['server']]['internet'] proc['intrant'] = srvmap[proc['server']]['intrant'] srvmap[proc['server']]['proccount'] += 1 if 'udp' not in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + '的udp丢失') udp = proc['udp'] if ptype in ('http'): http_count += 1 if 'http' not in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + '的http端口定义丢失') if not isinstance(proc['http'], int) or proc['http'] <= 0: return mylog.error(uhead + ' http端口为非大于零的整形数字') if proc['http'] not in ports: ports[proc['http']] = proc['http'] else: return mylog.error(uhead + ' http端口已经被使用') if ptype in ('conn'): if not 'ssl' in proc and not 'tcp' in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + ' 必须定义ssl或tcp端口') if 'ssl' in proc and 'tcp' in proc: return mylog.error(uhead + ' ssl或tcp端口只能定义一个') if 'ssl' in proc: if not isinstance(proc['ssl'], int) or proc['ssl'] <= 0: return mylog.error(uhead + ' ssl端口为非大于零的整形数字') if proc['ssl'] not in ports: ports[proc['ssl']] = proc['ssl'] else: return mylog.error(uhead + ' ssl端口已经被使用') if 'tcp' in proc: if not isinstance(proc['tcp'], int) or proc['tcp'] <= 0: return mylog.error(uhead + ' tcp端口为非大于零的整形数字') if proc['tcp'] not in ports: ports[proc['tcp']] = proc['tcp'] else: return mylog.error(uhead + ' tcp端口已经被使用') if udp != None: if not isinstance(udp, int) or udp <= 0: return mylog.error(uhead, ' udp端口为非大于零的整形数字 udp=', udp) if udp % 2 != 0: return mylog.error(uhead, ' udp端口必须为偶数 udp=', udp) if udp not in ports: ports[udp] = udp else: return mylog.error(uhead, ' udp端口已经被使用udp=', udp) return 1
def __check_configure_for_servers__(params, service): ids = {} internets = {} intrants = {} if not 'servers' in service: return mylog.error('配置文件 : 必须定义servers') servers = service['servers'] if not isinstance(servers, list) or len(servers) <= 0: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers定义为空或非数组') for x in xrange(len(servers)): server = servers[x] if 'internet' not in server: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的对外定义internet丢失') if server['internet'] not in internets: internets[server['internet']] = 1 else: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的internet [', server['internet'], '] 重复') if 'intrant' not in server: server['intrant'] = server['internet'] if server['intrant'] not in intrants: intrants[server['intrant']] = 1 else: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的intrant [', server['intrant'], '] 重复') if 'id' not in server: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的id丢失') if server['id'] not in ids: ids[server['id']] = 1 else: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的id [', server['id'], '] 重复') server['user'] = myhelper.whoami() if 'pwd' not in server: server['pwd'] = '' if not 'port' in server: server['port'] = 22 if not 'cpucount' in server: server['cpucount'] = 0 if not isinstance(server['port'], int) or server['port'] < 0: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的SSH登录端口不正确') if not isinstance(server['cpucount'], int) or server['cpucount'] < 0: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的CUP数量定义不正确') if not isinstance(server['user'], (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的登陆用户名定义不正确') if not isinstance(server['pwd'], (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的登陆密码定义不正确') if not isinstance(server['id'], (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的服务器ID定义不正确') if not isinstance(server['intrant'], (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的内网地址定义不正确') if not isinstance(server['internet'], (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']的对外地址定义不正确') islocalhost0 = myhelper.is_local_ip(server['internet']) islocalhost1 = myhelper.is_local_ip(server['intrant']) if islocalhost0 or islocalhost1: server['sshhost'] = server['intrant'] server['localhost'] = 1 else: if myhelper.check_ssh_port(server['intrant'], server['port']): server['sshhost'] = server['intrant'] else: if myhelper.check_ssh_port(server['internet'], server['port']): server['sshhost'] = server['internet'] else: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers[', x, ']SSH端口检测失败') mylog.log('检查服务器SSH : %02d/%02d %-16s %s' % (x, len(servers), server['id'], server['sshhost'])) return 1
def __check_configure_default_value__(params, service): srv0 = service['servers'][0] internet = srv0['internet'] intrant = srv0.get('intrant', internet) redis_host = service.get('', intrant) redis_port = int(service.get('redis.port', 6379)) redis_dbid = int(service.get('redis.dbid', 0)) service[''] = redis_host service['configuer.redis.port'] = redis_port service['configuer.redis.dbid'] = redis_dbid if not 'corporation' in service: service['corporation'] = 'tuyoo' corporation = service['corporation'] corporationdefault = None mylog.log('当前定义的公司为 :', corporation) try: make_default_setting = None exec('from _corporation_.%s import make_default_setting' % (corporation)) corporationdefault = make_default_setting(service) except: return mylog.error('配置文件 : servers中公司的定义不在控制范围内 ' + corporation) from _corporation_.tester import make_tester_default_setting testerdefault = make_tester_default_setting(service) mode = service['mode'] if mode in (1, 2) and not 'redis.fixhead' in service: service['redis.fixhead'] = service['name'] + '.' if 'redis.fixhead' in service: if service['redis.fixhead'][-1] != '.': service['redis.fixhead'] = service['redis.fixhead'] + '.' if not 'encodepyc' in service: service['encodepyc'] = 0 if len(str(service.get('pypy', ''))) <= 0: if not service['encodepyc']: service['pypy'] = 'pypy' else: service['pypy'] = 'pypy-enc' if not 'mysql' in service: if mode in (1, 2): service['mysql'] = corporationdefault['mysql'] else: service['mysql'] = testerdefault['mysql'] if not 'redis' in service: if mode in (1, 2): service['redis'] = corporationdefault['redis'] else: service['redis'] = testerdefault['redis'] root_path = params['__source_path__'] service['paths'] = { 'bin': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../bin'), 'log': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../logs'), 'bireport': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../bireport'), 'script': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../script'), 'webroot': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../webroot'), 'backup': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../backup'), 'hotfix': myfiles.normpath(root_path + '/../hotfix'), } if service.get('sharelog', 0): service['paths']['log'] = '/home/share/logs_' + str(service['id']) service['paths']['bireport'] = '/home/share/bireport_' + str( service['id']) if not 'process' in service: service['process'] = testerdefault['process'] httpport = service.get('http.port', redis_port + 2) firsthttpproc = None httpcount = 0 process = service['process'] for proc in process: if proc['type'] == 'http': if proc.get('http', 0) <= 0: proc['http'] = httpport httpport += 1 httpcount += 1 if firsthttpproc == None: firsthttpproc = proc connport = service.get('tcp.port', httpport) for proc in process: if proc['type'] == 'conn': if proc['id'] == 10: # 机器人接入,机器人服务修改后,需要去掉此处特殊处理 proc['ssl'] = connport else: proc['tcp'] = connport connport += 1 udpport = service.get('udp.port', connport) if udpport % 2 != 0: # UDP端口,偶数为接收,奇数为发送 udpport += 1 for proc in process: proc['udp'] = udpport udpport += 2 if not 'config' in service: service['config'] = 'game/' if not firsthttpproc: return mylog.error('配置文件 : 必须定义至少一个HTTP进程') http_srv = None for srv in service['servers']: if srv['id'] == firsthttpproc['server']: http_srv = srv break http_internet = http_srv['internet'] http_port = firsthttpproc['http'] if not '' in service: if mode == 1: service[''] = 'http://%s' % (http_internet) else: if httpcount == 1: service[''] = 'http://%s:%d' % (http_internet, http_port) else: service[''] = 'http://%s' % (http_internet) if not '' in service: if mode == 1: service[''] = 'http://%s' % (http_internet) else: if httpcount == 1: service[''] = 'http://%s:%d' % (http_internet, http_port) else: service[''] = 'http://%s' % (http_internet) if not 'http.sdk' in service: if mode in (1, 2): service['http.sdk'] = corporationdefault['http.sdk'] else: service['http.sdk'] = service[''] rconf = service['redis']['config'] service['prockey'] = '%s:%d:%d:' % (rconf['host'], rconf['port'], rconf['dbid']) hook_process = service.get('hook', service['mode'] in (1, 2)) if hook_process: hook_process = 'hook' else: hook_process = 'nohook' service['hook'] = hook_process if not 'bicollect.server' in service: if mode in (1, 2): service['bicollect.server'] = corporationdefault[ 'bicollect.server'] else: service['bicollect.server'] = testerdefault['bicollect.server'] return 1
def __check_projects_paths__(params, service): servicefile_path = myfiles.get_parent_dir(service['_servicefile_']) projects = service.get('projects') if not isinstance(projects, list): return mylog.error('配置文件 : 格式错误,projects必须为list') for project in projects: if not isinstance(project, dict): return mylog.error('配置文件 : 格式错误,projects的每一项必须为dict') projectpath = project.get('path') if not projectpath or not isinstance(projectpath, (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : 格式错误,projects的path必须定义为字符串') projectpath = projectpath.strip() if projectpath[0] != '/': projectpath = servicefile_path + '/' + projectpath projectpath = myfiles.abspath(projectpath) if not myfiles.dir_exists(projectpath): mylog.error('配置文件 : 工程路径不存在', projectpath) return mylog.error('工程路径需为 相对与配置文件的相对路径 或 绝对路径') project['path'] = projectpath configure_py = project.get('configure_py', None) if configure_py and not isinstance(configure_py, (str, unicode)): return mylog.error('配置文件 : 格式错误,projects的configure_py配置指向必须定义为字符串') if not configure_py: configure_py = projectpath + '/configure/game/' if configure_py[0] != '/': configure_py = servicefile_path + '/' + configure_py if not myfiles.file_exists(configure_py): mylog.error('配置文件 : 游戏配置py文件不存在', configure_py) return mylog.error( '游戏配置py文件需为 相对与配置文件的相对路径 或 绝对路径 或 缺省使用工程目录下/configure/game/' ) project['configure_py'] = myfiles.abspath(configure_py) configure_json = project.get('configure_json', None) if configure_json and not isinstance(configure_json, (str, unicode)): return mylog.error( '配置文件 : 格式错误,projects的configure_json配置指向必须定义为字符串') if not configure_json: configure_json = projectpath + '/configure_json/configurescripts/' if configure_json[0] != '/': configure_json = servicefile_path + '/' + configure_json if not myfiles.file_exists(configure_json): mylog.error('配置文件 : 游戏配置json文件不存在', configure_json) return mylog.error( '游戏配置json文件需为 相对与配置文件的相对路径 或 绝对路径 或 缺省使用工程目录下/configure_json/configurescripts/' ) project['configure_json'] = myfiles.abspath(configure_json) return 1