Example #1
def bounding_xray_map_symmetry(atoms, pad, volume):

     # Get atom positions.
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    # Transform atom coordinates to volume ijk indices.
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix
    tf = multiply_matrices(volume.data.xyz_to_ijk_transform,
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    ijk = xyz

    # Find integer bounds.
    from math import floor, ceil
    ijk_min = [int(floor(i-pad)) for i in ijk.min(axis=0)]
    ijk_max = [int(ceil(i+pad)) for i in ijk.max(axis=0)]

    #gather information about unit cell and symmetry
    ijk_cell_size = getattr(volume.data, 'unit_cell_size', volume.data.size)
    syms = volume.data.symmetries
    step = volume.data.step
    from VolumeFilter import cover
    cg = cover.map_covering_box(volume, ijk_min, ijk_max, ijk_cell_size, syms, step)
    from VolumeViewer import volume_from_grid_data
    v = volume_from_grid_data(cg, show_data = False)
    v.copy_settings_from(volume, copy_region = False)
    return v	
Example #2
def center_of_atoms(atoms):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)
    from numpy import sum
    center = tuple(sum(xyz, axis=0) / len(xyz))
    return center
Example #3
def grid_sas_surface(atoms, probe_radius=1.4, grid_spacing=0.5):
    Stripped from Chimera's Surface.gridsurf
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=False)
    radii = np.array([a.radius for a in atoms], np.float32)

    # Compute bounding box for atoms
    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)
    pad = 2 * probe_radius + radii.max()
    origin = [x - pad for x in xyz_min]

    # Create 3d grid for computing distance map
    s = grid_spacing
    shape = [
        int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2 * pad) / s)) for a in (2, 1, 0)
    matrix = np.empty(shape, np.float32)
    max_index_range = 2
    matrix[:, :, :] = max_index_range

    # Transform centers and radii to grid index coordinates
    xyz_to_ijk_tf = ((1.0 / s, 0, 0, -origin[0] / s),
                     (0, 1.0 / s, 0, -origin[1] / s), (0, 0, 1.0 / s,
                                                       -origin[2] / s))
    ijk = xyz.copy()
    transform_points(ijk, xyz_to_ijk_tf)
    probed_radii = radii.copy()
    probed_radii += probe_radius
    probed_radii /= s

    # Compute distance map from surface of spheres, positive outside.
    sphere_surface_distance(ijk, probed_radii, max_index_range, matrix)
    # Get the SAS surface as a contour surface of the distance map
    return contour_surface(matrix, 0, cap_faces=False, calculate_normals=False)
Example #4
def center_of_atoms(atoms):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)
    from numpy import sum
    center = tuple(sum(xyz, axis=0) / len(xyz))
    return center
def molecule_center(molecule):

  from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
  xyz = get_atom_coordinates(molecule.atoms)
  if len(xyz) == 0:
    return (0,0,0)
  c = tuple(xyz.mean(axis = 0))
  return c
def atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    tf = xform_matrix(xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    return xyz
def path_points(atoms, bonds, xform_to_surface, bond_point_spacing=None):

    points = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform_to_surface)

    from bondzone import bond_points, concatenate_points
    bpoints = bond_points(bonds, xform_to_surface, bond_point_spacing)
    if len(bpoints) > 0:
        points = concatenate_points(points, bpoints)

    return points
Example #8
def atoms_outside_map(atoms, dr, contour_level):
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    from chimera import Xform
    values = dr.interpolated_values(xyz, Xform())

    from numpy import compress
    aolist = list(compress(values < contour_level, atoms))
    return aolist
def atoms_outside_map(atoms, dr, contour_level):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)
    from chimera import Xform
    values = dr.interpolated_values(xyz, Xform())

    from numpy import compress
    aolist = list(compress(values < contour_level, atoms))
    return aolist
Example #10
def get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, xform_matrix(xform))

    return xyz
Example #11
def path_points(atoms, bonds, xform_to_surface, bond_point_spacing = None):

    points = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform_to_surface)

    from bondzone import bond_points, concatenate_points
    bpoints = bond_points(bonds, xform_to_surface, bond_point_spacing)
    if len(bpoints) > 0:
        points = concatenate_points(points, bpoints)

    return points
def atom_positions(atoms, xform = None):

    import _multiscale
    xyz = _multiscale.get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    if xform:
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        tf = xform_matrix(xform.inverse())
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    return xyz
def get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, xform_matrix(xform))

    return xyz
def transform_atom_positions(atoms, tf, from_atoms = None):

    if from_atoms is None:
        from_atoms = atoms
    import _multiscale
    xyz = _multiscale.get_atom_coordinates(from_atoms, transformed = False)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    from chimera import Point
    for i,a in enumerate(atoms):
Example #15
def chimeracoords2numpy(molecule):
    molecule : chimera.molecule

    numpy.array with molecule.atoms coordinates
    return get_atom_coordinates(molecule.atoms, transformed=False)
def colorEsp(surf,
    from chimera import MaterialColor
    if isinstance(colors[0], MaterialColor):
        colors = [mc.rgba() for mc in colors]
    if len(colors) != len(vals) and len(colors) != len(vals) + 2:
        raise ValueError("Number of colors (%d) must be the same as"
                         " number of values or number of values +2 (%d, %d)" %
                         (len(colors), len(vals), len(vals) + 2))
    # are charges available?
    # don't use checkNoCharges() since that may add hydrogens and
    # therefore change surface
    atoms = surf.atoms
        # are charges missing or None?
        [a.charge + 1.0 for a in atoms]
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        _chargeAtoms(atoms, hisScheme)

    replyobj.status("Computing electrostatics")
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    coords = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)
    import numpy
    charges = numpy.array([a.charge for a in atoms])
    from _esp import computeEsp
    piece = surf.surface_piece
    vertices, triangles = piece.geometry
    normals = piece.normals
    potentials = computeEsp(vertices,
    belowColor = colors[0]
    aboveColor = colors[-1]
    if len(colors) == len(vals) + 2:
        colors = colors[1:-1]
    from SurfaceColor import interpolate_colormap
    rgbas = interpolate_colormap(potentials, vals, colors, aboveColor,
    from Surface import set_coloring_method
    set_coloring_method('ESP coloring', surf, None)
    replyobj.status("Coloring surface")
    surf.surface_piece.vertexColors = rgbas
    surf.surface_piece.using_surface_coloring = True
    replyobj.status("Surface colored")
def molecule_atom_set(ma):

    m, atoms = ma

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)

    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    transform = xform_matrix(m.openState.xform)

    aset = Atom_Set(xyz, transform, atoms)
    return aset
def chain_atom_subset(ca):

    cp, atoms = ca

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)

#    transform = chain_transform(cp)
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    transform = xform_matrix(cp.surface_model().openState.xform)

    aset = Atom_Set(xyz, transform, atoms, cp)
    return aset
Example #19
def molecule_grid_data(atoms, resolution, step, pad, cutoff_range,

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates, bounding_box
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)

    # Transform coordinates to local coordinates of the molecule containing
    # the first atom.  This handles multiple unaligned molecules.
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    m0 = atoms[0].molecule
    tf = xform_matrix(m0.openState.xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)

    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)

    origin = [x - pad for x in xyz_min]
    ijk = (xyz - origin) / step
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    sdev = sigma_factor * resolution / step
    from numpy import zeros, float32
    sdevs = zeros((len(atoms), 3), float32)
    sdevs[:] = sdev
    from math import pow, pi, ceil
    normalization = pow(2 * pi, -1.5) * pow(sdev * step, -3)
    shape = [
        int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2 * pad) / step))
        for a in (2, 1, 0)
    matrix = zeros(shape, float32)

    from _gaussian import sum_of_gaussians
    sum_of_gaussians(ijk, anum, sdevs, cutoff_range, matrix)
    matrix *= normalization

    molecules = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(molecules) > 1:
        name = 'molmap res %.3g' % (resolution, )
        name = 'molmap %s res %.3g' % (m0.name, resolution)

    from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
    grid = Array_Grid_Data(matrix, origin, (step, step, step), name=name)

    return grid, molecules
Example #20
def set_atom_volume_values(molecule, volume_data_region, attribute_name):

    atoms = molecule.atoms
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)  # Untransformed coordinates
    xyz_xform = molecule.openState.xform

    dr = volume_data_region
    values, outside = dr.interpolated_values(xyz, xyz_xform,
                                             out_of_bounds_list = True)

    n = len(atoms)
    for a in range(n):
        v = float(values[a])    # Use float otherwise get a NumPy scalar.
        setattr(atoms[a], attribute_name, v)

    for a in outside:
        setattr(atoms[a], attribute_name, 0)
def set_atom_volume_values(molecule, volume_data_region, attribute_name):

    atoms = molecule.atoms
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)  # Untransformed coordinates
    xyz_xform = molecule.openState.xform

    dr = volume_data_region
    values, outside = dr.interpolated_values(xyz,

    n = len(atoms)
    for a in range(n):
        v = float(values[a])  # Use float otherwise get a NumPy scalar.
        setattr(atoms[a], attribute_name, v)

    for a in outside:
        setattr(atoms[a], attribute_name, 0)
Example #22
def molecule_grid_data(atoms, resolution, step, pad,
                       cutoff_range, sigma_factor):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates, bounding_box
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    # Transform coordinates to local coordinates of the molecule containing
    # the first atom.  This handles multiple unaligned molecules.
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    m0 = atoms[0].molecule
    tf = xform_matrix(m0.openState.xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)

    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)

    origin = [x-pad for x in xyz_min]
    ijk = (xyz - origin) / step
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    sdev = sigma_factor * resolution / step
    from numpy import zeros, float32
    sdevs = zeros((len(atoms),3), float32)
    sdevs[:] = sdev
    from math import pow, pi, ceil
    normalization = pow(2*pi,-1.5)*pow(sdev*step,-3)
    shape = [int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2*pad) / step))
             for a in (2,1,0)]
    matrix = zeros(shape, float32)

    from _gaussian import sum_of_gaussians
    sum_of_gaussians(ijk, anum, sdevs, cutoff_range, matrix)
    matrix *= normalization

    molecules = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(molecules) > 1:
        name = 'molmap res %.3g' % (resolution,)
        name =  'molmap %s res %.3g' % (m0.name, resolution)
    from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
    grid = Array_Grid_Data(matrix, origin, (step,step,step), name = name)

    return grid, molecules
Example #23
def contacting_transforms(mol, csys, tflist, cdist):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(mol.atoms)
    pxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, identity_matrix
    from numpy import array, float32
    point_tf = xform_matrix(pxf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, point_tf) # points in reference coords
    ident = array(identity_matrix(),float32)
    from _closepoints import find_close_points_sets, BOXES_METHOD
    ctflist = [tf for tf in tflist if
                                          [(points, ident)],
                                          [(points, array(tf,float32))],
                                          cdist)[0][0]) > 0]
    return ctflist
Example #24
def contacting_transforms(mol, csys, tflist, cdist):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(mol.atoms)
    pxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, identity_matrix
    from numpy import array, float32
    point_tf = xform_matrix(pxf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, point_tf)  # points in reference coords
    ident = array(identity_matrix(), float32)
    from _closepoints import find_close_points_sets, BOXES_METHOD
    ctflist = [
        tf for tf in tflist if len(
            find_close_points_sets(BOXES_METHOD, [(points, ident)], [(
                points, array(tf, float32))], cdist)[0][0]) > 0
    return ctflist
Example #25
def inertia_ellipsoid(m):

    atoms = m.atoms
    n = len(atoms)
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    from numpy import array, dot, outer, argsort, linalg
    wxyz = array(anum).reshape((n, 1)) * xyz
    mass = sum(anum)

    c = wxyz.sum(axis=0) / mass  # Center of mass
    v33 = dot(xyz.transpose(), wxyz) / mass - outer(c, c)
    eval, evect = linalg.eigh(v33)

    # Sort by eigenvalue size.
    order = argsort(eval)
    seval = eval[order]
    sevect = evect[:, order]

    return sevect, seval, c
Example #26
def atom_coordinates(atoms):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)
    return xyz
Example #27
def atom_coordinates(atoms):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)
    return xyz
Example #28
from VolumeViewer import Volume
vols = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes = [Volume])
if len(vols) == 0 :
    print " - no volumes loaded"
dmap = vols[0]
print " - volume: %s" % dmap.name

from chimera import Molecule

mols = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes = [Molecule])
if len(mols) == 0 :
    print " - no molecules loaded"

for mi, mol in enumerate (mols) :

    print ""
    print "Model %d/%d: %s" % (mi+1, len(mols), mol.name)
    mapq.mapq.SetBBAts ( mol )

    ats = [at for at in mol.atoms if not at.element.name == "H"]
    points = _multiscale.get_atom_coordinates ( ats, transformed = False )
    print " - search tree: %d/%d ats" % ( len(ats), len(mol.atoms) )
    allAtTree = AdaptiveTree ( points.tolist(), ats, 1.0)
    #allAtTree = None

    mapq.mapq.CalcQp ( mol, None, dmap, allAtTree=allAtTree )
Example #29
def detectClash(testAtoms, test="others", clashThreshold=clashDef,
		hbondAllowance=hbondDef, assumedMaxVdw=2.1,
		bondSeparation=bondSepDef, intraRes=False, interSubmodel=False):
	"""Detect steric clashes

	   'testAtoms' should be a list of atoms.

	   If 'test' is 'others' then non-bonded clashes between atoms in
	   'testAtoms' and non-'testAtoms' atoms will be found.  If 'test'
	   is 'model' then the same clashes as 'others' will be found, but
	   inter-model clashes will be eliminated.  If 'test' is 'self'
	   then non-bonded clashes within 'testAtoms' atoms will be found.
	   Otherwise 'test' should be a list of atoms to test against.
	   The "clash value" is the sum of the VDW radii minus the distance,
	   keeping only the maximal clash (which must exceed 'clashThreshold').

	   'hbondAllowance' is how much the clash value is reduced if one
	   atom is a donor and the other an acceptor.

	   Atom pairs are eliminated from consideration if they are less than
	   or equal to 'bondSeparation' bonds apart.

	   Intra-residue clashes are ignored unless intraRes is True.
	   Inter-submodel clashes are ignored unless interSubmodel is True.

	   Returns a dictionary keyed on atoms, with values that are
	   dictionaries keyed on clashing atom with value being the clash value.

	# use the fast _closepoints module to cut down candidate atoms if we
	# can (since _closepoints doesn't know about "non-bonded" it isn't as
	# useful as it might otherwise be)
	if test in ("others", "model"):
		mList = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule])
		testSet = set(testAtoms)
		from numpy import array
		testList = array(testAtoms)
		otherAtoms = [a for m in mList for a in m.atoms
							if a not in testSet]
		otherAtoms = array(otherAtoms)
		if len(otherAtoms) == 0:
			from chimera import UserError
			raise UserError("All atoms are in test set: no others"
				" available to test against")
		from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
		tPoints = get_atom_coordinates(testList, transformed = True)
		oPoints = get_atom_coordinates(otherAtoms, transformed = True)
		cutoff = 2.0 * assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
		from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
		tClose, oClose = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD,
						tPoints, oPoints, cutoff)
		testAtoms = testList.take(tClose)
		searchAtoms = otherAtoms.take(oClose)
	elif not isinstance(test, basestring):
		searchAtoms = test
		searchAtoms = testAtoms

	from chimera.misc import atomSearchTree
	tree = atomSearchTree(list(searchAtoms))
	clashes = {}
	for a in testAtoms:
		cutoff = a.radius + assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
		nearby = tree.searchTree(a.xformCoord().data(), cutoff)
		if not nearby:
		needExpansion = a.allLocations()
		exclusions = set(needExpansion)
		for i in range(bondSeparation):
			nextNeed = []
			for expand in needExpansion:
				for n in expand.neighbors:
					if n in exclusions:
			needExpansion = nextNeed
		for nb in nearby:
			if nb in exclusions:
			if not intraRes and a.residue == nb.residue:
			if a in clashes and nb in clashes[a]:
			if not interSubmodel \
			and a.molecule.id == nb.molecule.id \
			and a.molecule.subid != nb.molecule.subid:
			if test == "model" and a.molecule != nb.molecule:
			clash = a.radius + nb.radius - a.xformCoord().distance(
			if hbondAllowance:
				if (_donor(a) and _acceptor(nb)) or (
				_donor(nb) and _acceptor(a)):
					clash -= hbondAllowance
			if clash < clashThreshold:
			clashes.setdefault(a, {})[nb] = clash
			clashes.setdefault(nb, {})[a] = clash
	return clashes
Example #30
def detectClash(testAtoms,
    """Detect steric clashes

	   'testAtoms' should be a list of atoms.

	   If 'test' is 'others' then non-bonded clashes between atoms in
	   'testAtoms' and non-'testAtoms' atoms will be found.  If 'test'
	   is 'model' then the same clashes as 'others' will be found, but
	   inter-model clashes will be eliminated.  If 'test' is 'self'
	   then non-bonded clashes within 'testAtoms' atoms will be found.
	   Otherwise 'test' should be a list of atoms to test against.
	   The "clash value" is the sum of the VDW radii minus the distance,
	   keeping only the maximal clash (which must exceed 'clashThreshold').

	   'hbondAllowance' is how much the clash value is reduced if one
	   atom is a donor and the other an acceptor.

	   Atom pairs are eliminated from consideration if they are less than
	   or equal to 'bondSeparation' bonds apart.

	   Intra-residue clashes are ignored unless intraRes is True.
	   Inter-submodel clashes are ignored unless interSubmodel is True.

	   Returns a dictionary keyed on atoms, with values that are
	   dictionaries keyed on clashing atom with value being the clash value.

    # use the fast _closepoints module to cut down candidate atoms if we
    # can (since _closepoints doesn't know about "non-bonded" it isn't as
    # useful as it might otherwise be)
    if test in ("others", "model"):
        mList = chimera.openModels.list(modelTypes=[chimera.Molecule])
        testSet = set(testAtoms)
        from numpy import array
        testList = array(testAtoms)
        otherAtoms = [a for m in mList for a in m.atoms if a not in testSet]
        otherAtoms = array(otherAtoms)
        if len(otherAtoms) == 0:
            from chimera import UserError
            raise UserError("All atoms are in test set: no others"
                            " available to test against")
        from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
        tPoints = get_atom_coordinates(testList, transformed=True)
        oPoints = get_atom_coordinates(otherAtoms, transformed=True)
        cutoff = 2.0 * assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
        from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
        tClose, oClose = find_close_points(BOXES_METHOD, tPoints, oPoints,
        testAtoms = testList.take(tClose)
        searchAtoms = otherAtoms.take(oClose)
    elif not isinstance(test, basestring):
        searchAtoms = test
        searchAtoms = testAtoms

    from chimera.misc import atomSearchTree
    tree = atomSearchTree(list(searchAtoms))
    clashes = {}
    for a in testAtoms:
        cutoff = a.radius + assumedMaxVdw - clashThreshold
        nearby = tree.searchTree(a.xformCoord().data(), cutoff)
        if not nearby:
        needExpansion = a.allLocations()
        exclusions = set(needExpansion)
        for i in range(bondSeparation):
            nextNeed = []
            for expand in needExpansion:
                for n in expand.neighbors:
                    if n in exclusions:
            needExpansion = nextNeed
        for nb in nearby:
            if nb in exclusions:
            if not intraRes and a.residue == nb.residue:
            if a in clashes and nb in clashes[a]:
            if not interSubmodel \
            and a.molecule.id == nb.molecule.id \
            and a.molecule.subid != nb.molecule.subid:
            if test == "model" and a.molecule != nb.molecule:
            clash = a.radius + nb.radius - a.xformCoord().distance(
            if hbondAllowance:
                if (_donor(a) and _acceptor(nb)) or (_donor(nb)
                                                     and _acceptor(a)):
                    clash -= hbondAllowance
            if clash < clashThreshold:
            clashes.setdefault(a, {})[nb] = clash
            clashes.setdefault(nb, {})[a] = clash
    return clashes
Example #31
def atoms_inertia(atoms):

  from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
  xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
  weights = [a.element.mass for a in atoms]
  return moments_of_inertia([(xyz,weights)])
Example #32
def atoms_inertia(atoms):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)
    weights = [a.element.mass for a in atoms]
    return moments_of_inertia([(xyz, weights)])
Example #33
    def compute_chain_atom_xyz(self, chain_id):

        alist = self.chain_atoms(chain_id)
        from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
        xyz = get_atom_coordinates(alist)
        return xyz
Example #34
def atom_coordinates(atoms):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    return points
Example #35
 def xyz(self, transformed=True):
     return get_atom_coordinates(self.compound.mol.atoms,