def write_log(s_entry="\n", s_path="log/", s_file="Python_log_" +"%Y%m%d") + ".txt"): """ Function to create log file :param s_entry: Log file entry :param s_path: Log file path :param s_file: Log file name :return: Nothing """ # IMPORT OWN MODULES from _my_modules import func_configure from _my_modules import func_system # DECLARE VARIABLES l_success: bool = False s_project: str = "WRITE_LOG: " + s_file try: with open(s_path + s_file, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as fl: # file opened for writing. write to it here # Write the log if s_entry == "Now": fl.write("----------------\n") s_entry = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + "\n" elif "%t" in s_entry: s_entry = s_entry.replace( "%t","%H:%M:%S")) s_entry += "\n" else: s_entry += "\n" fl.write(s_entry) fl.close() pass l_success = True except Exception as err: func_system.error_message( err, func_configure.s_name_project + ':Fail:' + s_project, func_configure.s_name_project + ': Fail: ' + s_project) return l_success
s_sql: str = "UPDATE `" + s_table + \ "` SET `show_in_list_summary` = " + str(i_value) + \ " WHERE `name` = '" + s_name + "';" # print(s_sql) mysql_cur.execute('START TRANSACTION;') mysql_cur.execute(s_sql) mysql_cur.execute('COMMIT;') mysql_cur.close() # UPDATE THE LOG b_return = True if func_configure.l_debug_project: print('Updated: Fabrik show-in-list ' + s_name + ' to ' + str(i_value)) if func_configure.l_log_project: func_file.write_log( '%t UPDATE SHOW-IN-LIST: ' + s_name + ' to ' + str(i_value), func_configure.s_path_project + 'log/') return b_return if __name__ == '__main__': try: from _my_modules import func_mysql sql_cxn = func_mysql.mysql_open(False, func_configure.s_joomla_database) s_tab = func_mysql.get_fabrik_table(False, 'element') update_show_in_list(sql_cxn, s_tab, 'ia_findlike_auto', 0) except Exception as e: func_system.error_message(e)