def pytask_execute_task_setup(task: Task) -> None: """Take a short-cut for skipped tasks during setup with an exception.""" is_unchanged = has_mark(task, "skip_unchanged") if is_unchanged: raise SkippedUnchanged ancestor_failed_marks = get_marks(task, "skip_ancestor_failed") if ancestor_failed_marks: message = "\n".join( skip_ancestor_failed(*mark.args, **mark.kwargs) for mark in ancestor_failed_marks) raise SkippedAncestorFailed(message) is_skipped = has_mark(task, "skip") if is_skipped: raise Skipped skipif_marks = get_marks(task, "skipif") if skipif_marks: marker_args = [ skipif(*mark.args, **mark.kwargs) for mark in skipif_marks ] message = "\n".join(arg[1] for arg in marker_args if arg[0]) should_skip = any(arg[0] for arg in marker_args) if should_skip: raise Skipped(message)
def pytask_collect_task( session: Session, path: Path, name: str, obj: Any ) -> Task | None: """Collect a task which is a function. There is some discussion on how to detect functions in this `thread <>`_. :class:`types.FunctionType` does not detect built-ins which is not possible anyway. """ if (name.startswith("task_") or has_mark(obj, "task")) and callable(obj): dependencies = parse_nodes(session, path, name, obj, depends_on) products = parse_nodes(session, path, name, obj, produces) markers = obj.pytask_meta.markers if hasattr(obj, "pytask_meta") else [] kwargs = obj.pytask_meta.kwargs if hasattr(obj, "pytask_meta") else {} # Get the underlying function to avoid having different states of the function, # e.g. due to pytask_meta, in different layers of the wrapping. unwrapped = inspect.unwrap(obj) return Task( base_name=name, path=path, function=unwrapped, depends_on=dependencies, produces=products, markers=markers, kwargs=kwargs, ) else: return None
def _extract_priorities_from_tasks(tasks: list[Task]) -> dict[str, int]: """Extract priorities from tasks. Priorities are set via the ``pytask.mark.try_first`` and ``pytask.mark.try_last`` markers. We recode these markers to numeric values to sort all available by priorities. ``try_first`` is assigned the highest value such that it has the rightmost position in the list. Then, we can simply call :meth:`list.pop` on the list which is far more efficient than ``list.pop(0)``. """ priorities = { { "try_first": has_mark(task, "try_first"), "try_last": has_mark(task, "try_last"), } for task in tasks } tasks_w_mixed_priorities = [ name for name, p in priorities.items() if p["try_first"] and p["try_last"] ] if tasks_w_mixed_priorities: name_to_task = { task for task in tasks} reduced_names = [ name_to_task[name].short_name for name in tasks_w_mixed_priorities ] text = format_strings_as_flat_tree(reduced_names, "Tasks with mixed priorities", TASK_ICON) raise ValueError( "'try_first' and 'try_last' cannot be applied on the same task. See the " f"following tasks for errors:\n\n{text}") # Recode to numeric values for sorting. numeric_mapping = {(True, False): 1, (False, False): 0, (False, True): -1} numeric_priorities = { name: numeric_mapping[(p["try_first"], p["try_last"])] for name, p in priorities.items() } return numeric_priorities
def _check_if_task_is_skipped(task_name: str, dag: nx.DiGraph) -> bool: task = dag.nodes[task_name]["task"] is_skipped = has_mark(task, "skip") if is_skipped: return True skip_if_markers = get_marks(task, "skipif") is_any_true = any( _skipif(*marker.args, **marker.kwargs)[0] for marker in skip_if_markers) return is_any_true
def pytask_collect_file( session: Session, path: Path, reports: list[CollectionReport] ) -> list[CollectionReport] | None: """Collect a file.""" if any(path.match(pattern) for pattern in session.config["task_files"]): spec = importlib_util.spec_from_file_location(path.stem, str(path)) if spec is None: raise ImportError(f"Can't find module {path.stem!r} at location {path}.") mod = importlib_util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) collected_reports = [] for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mod): # Ensures that tasks with this decorator are only collected once. if has_mark(obj, "task"): continue if has_mark(obj, "parametrize"): names_and_objects = session.hook.pytask_parametrize_task( session=session, name=name, obj=obj ) else: names_and_objects = [(name, obj)] for name_, obj_ in names_and_objects: report = session.hook.pytask_collect_task_protocol( session=session, reports=reports, path=path, name=name_, obj=obj_ ) if report is not None: collected_reports.append(report) return collected_reports else: return None
def pytask_execute_task_setup(session: Session, task: Task) -> None: """Exit persisting tasks early. The decorator needs to be set and all nodes need to exist. """ if has_mark(task, "persist"): try: for name in node_and_neighbors(session.dag, node = (session.dag.nodes[name].get("task") or session.dag.nodes[name]["node"]) node.state() except NodeNotFoundError: all_nodes_exist = False else: all_nodes_exist = True if all_nodes_exist: raise Persisted
def pytask_collect_file( session: Session, path: Path, reports: list[CollectionReport]) -> list[CollectionReport] | None: """Collect a file.""" if (any(path.match(pattern) for pattern in session.config["task_files"]) and COLLECTED_TASKS[path]): # Remove tasks from the global to avoid re-collection if programmatic interface # is used. tasks = COLLECTED_TASKS.pop(path) name_to_function = parse_collected_tasks_with_task_marker(tasks) collected_reports = [] for name, function in name_to_function.items(): session.hook.pytask_parametrize_kwarg_to_marker( obj=function, kwargs=function.pytask_meta. kwargs, # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) if has_mark(function, "parametrize"): names_and_objects = session.hook.pytask_parametrize_task( session=session, name=name, obj=function) else: names_and_objects = [(name, function)] for name_, obj_ in names_and_objects: report = session.hook.pytask_collect_task_protocol( session=session, reports=reports, path=path, name=name_, obj=obj_) if report is not None: collected_reports.append(report) return collected_reports else: return None