Example #1
def get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegionpass, latType, latSize):

    """        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     routine: get_region_latitude_wts_bnds
    #     purpose: compare the passed latitudes, latRegion, with the global 
    #              ones calculated here and extract the wts and bounds for
    #              the region
    #     usage:   wts,bnds = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegion, latType, latSize)
    #              where latRegion is the regional grid to check 
    #    return:   wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds    

    latTypeList = ['gaussian', 'equalarea', 'uniform', 'generic']

    if latType not in latTypeList:
        sendmsg("Error in latType -- it must be 'gaussian', 'equalarea', 'even' or 'generic' and not ", latType)
        raise ValueError

    if latSize == None:
        sendmsg('Error in latSize -- it must be a number')
        raise ValueError

    nlat = len(latRegionpass) 
    reverse_latitude = 'no'

    # ------ set latitude direction to n to s for comparisons ------- 

    if latRegionpass[0] < latRegionpass[nlat-1]:                         # need a copy?
        latRegion = numpy.array(latRegionpass, numpy.float64)
        latRegion = latlatRegion[::-1]
        reverse_latitude = 'yes'
        latRegion = latRegionpass

    small = 0.001                     # use as tolerance in checking values

    # ------ check the pass for gaussian latitudes ------- 

    if latType != 'generic':
        pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(latSize, latType)       # n to s global pts, wts and bnds
        latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0]

        imatch = -1
        i = 0
        while(imatch == -1):
            if abs(latvals[i] - latRegion[0]) < small:    # first index found
                startIndex = i
                imatch = 0
            i = i +  1
        imatch = -1
        while(imatch == -1):
            if abs(latvals[i] - latRegion[nlat - 1]) < small:    # last index found
                lastIndex = i 
                imatch = 0
            i = i +  1

        wts = pts_wts_bnds[1][startIndex:lastIndex + 1] 
        bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2][startIndex:lastIndex + 2] 

        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]

        return (wts,bnds)

    else:                            # must be generic latitude ------- 

        wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(latIn)
        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]
        return (wts,bnds)
Example #2
def get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegionpass, latType, latSize):
    """        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     routine: get_region_latitude_wts_bnds
    #     purpose: compare the passed latitudes, latRegion, with the global 
    #              ones calculated here and extract the wts and bounds for
    #              the region
    #     usage:   wts,bnds = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegion, latType, latSize)
    #              where latRegion is the regional grid to check 
    #    return:   wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds    

    latTypeList = ['gaussian', 'equalarea', 'uniform', 'generic']

    if latType not in latTypeList:
            "Error in latType -- it must be 'gaussian', 'equalarea', 'even' or 'generic' and not ",
        raise ValueError

    if latSize == None:
        sendmsg('Error in latSize -- it must be a number')
        raise ValueError

    nlat = len(latRegionpass)
    reverse_latitude = 'no'

    # ------ set latitude direction to n to s for comparisons -------

    if latRegionpass[0] < latRegionpass[nlat - 1]:  # need a copy?
        latRegion = numpy.array(latRegionpass, numpy.float64)
        latRegion = latlatRegion[::-1]
        reverse_latitude = 'yes'
        latRegion = latRegionpass

    small = 0.001  # use as tolerance in checking values

    # ------ check the pass for gaussian latitudes -------

    if latType != 'generic':
        pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(
            latSize, latType)  # n to s global pts, wts and bnds
        latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0]

        imatch = -1
        i = 0
        while (imatch == -1):
            if abs(latvals[i] - latRegion[0]) < small:  # first index found
                startIndex = i
                imatch = 0
            i = i + 1
        imatch = -1
        while (imatch == -1):
            if abs(latvals[i] -
                   latRegion[nlat - 1]) < small:  # last index found
                lastIndex = i
                imatch = 0
            i = i + 1

        wts = pts_wts_bnds[1][startIndex:lastIndex + 1]
        bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2][startIndex:lastIndex + 2]

        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]

        return (wts, bnds)

    else:  # must be generic latitude -------

        wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(latIn)
        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]
        return (wts, bnds)
Example #3
def get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass):

    """        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     routine: get_latitude_wts_bnds
    #     purpose: compare the passed checklatpass with the correct geophysical 
    #              ones calculated here. After finding a match call the function
    #              to get the bounds. 
    #     usage:   wts,bnds = get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass)
    #              where checklatpass is the grid to check 
    #    return:   wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds    
    small = 0.001                     # use as tolerance in checking values

    nlat = len(checklatpass) 

    reverse_latitude = 'no'

    # ------ set latitude direction to n to s for comparisons ------- 

    if checklatpass[0] < checklatpass[nlat-1]:                         # need a copy?
        checklat = numpy.array(checklatpass, numpy.float64)
        checklat = checklat[::-1]
        reverse_latitude = 'yes'
        checklat = checklatpass

    # ------ check the pass for evenly spaced latitudes ------- 

    firstdelta = abs(checklat[0] - checklat[1])
    maxdiff = 0.0
    for i in range(1, nlat - 1):
        diff = abs(firstdelta - (checklat[i] - checklat[i+1]))
        if diff > maxdiff:
            maxdiff = diff

    if maxdiff < small:
        if abs(90. - checklat[0]) > small or abs(-90. - checklat[nlat-1]) > small:
            grid_type = 'even'                                # evenly spaced without poles
            wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(checklat)
            if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
                wts = wts[::-1]
                bnds = bnds[::-1]
            return (wts,bnds)
            grid_type = 'uniform'                             # evenly spaced with poles
            pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type)
            wts = pts_wts_bnds[1]
            bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2]
            if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
                wts = wts[::-1]
                bnds = bnds[::-1]
            return (wts,bnds)

    # ------ check the pass for gaussian latitudes ------- 

    grid_type = 'gaussian'
    pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type)
    latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0]
    laterror = max( abs(latvals - checklat) )
    if laterror < small:
        wts = pts_wts_bnds[1]
        bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2]
        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]
        return (wts,bnds)

    # ------ check the pass for equalarea latitudes ------- 

    grid_type = 'equalarea'
    pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type)
    latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0]
    laterror = max( abs(latvals - checklat) )
    if laterror < small:
        wts = pts_wts_bnds[1]
        bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2]
        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]
        return (wts,bnds)

    # ------ must be generic latitude ------- 

    wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(checklat)
    if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
        wts = wts[::-1]
        bnds = bnds[::-1]
    return (wts,bnds)
Example #4
def get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass):
    """        #-------------------------------------------------------------------
    #     routine: get_latitude_wts_bnds
    #     purpose: compare the passed checklatpass with the correct geophysical 
    #              ones calculated here. After finding a match call the function
    #              to get the bounds. 
    #     usage:   wts,bnds = get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass)
    #              where checklatpass is the grid to check 
    #    return:   wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds    
    small = 0.001  # use as tolerance in checking values

    nlat = len(checklatpass)

    reverse_latitude = 'no'

    # ------ set latitude direction to n to s for comparisons -------

    if checklatpass[0] < checklatpass[nlat - 1]:  # need a copy?
        checklat = numpy.array(checklatpass, numpy.float64)
        checklat = checklat[::-1]
        reverse_latitude = 'yes'
        checklat = checklatpass

    # ------ check the pass for evenly spaced latitudes -------

    firstdelta = abs(checklat[0] - checklat[1])
    maxdiff = 0.0
    for i in range(1, nlat - 1):
        diff = abs(firstdelta - (checklat[i] - checklat[i + 1]))
        if diff > maxdiff:
            maxdiff = diff

    if maxdiff < small:
        if abs(90. - checklat[0]) > small or abs(-90. -
                                                 checklat[nlat - 1]) > small:
            grid_type = 'even'  # evenly spaced without poles
            wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(checklat)
            if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
                wts = wts[::-1]
                bnds = bnds[::-1]
            return (wts, bnds)
            grid_type = 'uniform'  # evenly spaced with poles
            pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type)
            wts = pts_wts_bnds[1]
            bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2]
            if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
                wts = wts[::-1]
                bnds = bnds[::-1]
            return (wts, bnds)

    # ------ check the pass for gaussian latitudes -------

    grid_type = 'gaussian'
    pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type)
    latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0]
    laterror = max(abs(latvals - checklat))
    if laterror < small:
        wts = pts_wts_bnds[1]
        bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2]
        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]
        return (wts, bnds)

    # ------ check the pass for equalarea latitudes -------

    grid_type = 'equalarea'
    pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type)
    latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0]
    laterror = max(abs(latvals - checklat))
    if laterror < small:
        wts = pts_wts_bnds[1]
        bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2]
        if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
            wts = wts[::-1]
            bnds = bnds[::-1]
        return (wts, bnds)

    # ------ must be generic latitude -------

    wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(checklat)
    if reverse_latitude == 'yes':
        wts = wts[::-1]
        bnds = bnds[::-1]
    return (wts, bnds)