caller = None print( "Ensure you had started app runner server on host {} listening port {}" .format([host, ""][host is None], [port, 53575][port is None])) print(""" To start server clone this repo to desired host and start app runner server by running script from demo folder like this: python ./ [<listening_port>] Default listening port value is 53575 """) run( 'python3', [ '', 'envs/calc/calc_test.yaml', # Test Environment 'ip_tests', # Tests package location (tests kind) 'arith', # Test package 'main', # Test module 'RootTest', # Test class ] + args + generics, '../src', 'python') if caller is not None: caller = None
print( "Ensure you had started app runner server on host {} listening port {}" .format([host, ""][host is None], [port, 53575][port is None])) print(""" To start server clone this repo to desired host and start app runner server by running script from demo folder like this: python ./ [<listening_port>] Default listening port value is 53575 """) run( 'python3', [ '', 'envs/calc/calc_crt.yaml', # Test Environment 'ip_tests', # Tests package location (tests kind) 'arith', # Test package 'main', # Test module 'RootTest', # Test class '-k=crt:True' # keyworded argument for Test class constructor to use crt test set ] + args + generics, '../src', 'python') if caller is not None: caller = None
specified. You may specify: * test name like "test_sum" and/or others * -v to print more verbose messages * -re to print elapsed time for tests * -vt to timestamp messages with real time (seconds past since 1970-01-01...) To get info for more options run 'python ../src/ -h' """ import sys from _run_helper import run if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-h': print(h) exit(0) run( 'python3', [ '', 'envs/calc/calc_test_mocked.yaml', # Test Environment 'ip_tests', # Tests package location (tests kind) 'arith', # Test package 'main', # Test module 'RootTest', # Test class ] + sys.argv[1:], '../src', 'python')
#!/bin/python h = """ Starts app runner server for running calc app. Usage: python ./ [<port>] * <port> - Listening port for app runner server """ import sys from _run_helper import run, run_background if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-h': print(h) exit(0) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: port = sys.argv[1] else: port = '53575' run('python3', ['', 'calc', port, 'python3', '../calc/'], '../src/comealongs/caller', 'python', ['', 'calc', port, 'python', '../calc/'])