Example #1
    'six >=1.5.2',
    'PyYAML >=3.10',
    'python-dateutil >=2.1',
    'Jinja2 >=2.7',
    'numpy >=1.7.1',
    'packaging >=16.8',
    'tornado >=4.3',

# handle the compat difference for futures (meta.yaml handles differently)
if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7):
    REQUIRES.append('futures >=3.0.3')

# if this is just conda-build skimming information, skip all this actual work
if not conda_rendering():
    fixup_for_packaged()  # --build_js and --install_js not valid FROM sdist
    fixup_building_sdist()  # must build BokehJS when MAKING sdists

    bokehjs_action = build_or_install_bokehjs()

# configuration to include all the special or non-python files in the package
# directory that need to also be installed or included in a build
package_path(join(SERVER, 'static'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'core', '_templates'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'sphinxext', '_templates'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'server', 'views'), ('.html'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'sampledata', '_data'))
package_files('LICENSE.txt', 'themes/*.yaml')

Example #2
# state our runtime deps here, also used by meta.yaml (so KEEP the spaces)
    'six >=1.5.2',
    'PyYAML >=3.10',
    'python-dateutil >=2.1',
    'Jinja2 >=2.7',
    'numpy >=1.7.1',
    'tornado >=4.3',

# handle the compat difference for futures (meta.yaml handles differently)
if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7):
    REQUIRES.append('futures >=3.0.3')

# if this is just conda-build skimming information, skip all this actual work
if not conda_rendering():
    fixup_for_packaged()   # --build_js and --install_js not valid FROM sdist
    fixup_building_sdist() # must build BokehJS when MAKING sdists

    bokehjs_action = build_or_install_bokehjs()

# configuration to include all the special or non-python files in the package
# directory that need to also be installed or included in a build
package_path(join(SERVER, 'static'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'core', '_templates'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'sphinxext', '_templates'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'server', 'views'), ('.html'))
package_path(join(ROOT, 'bokeh', 'sampledata', '_data'))
package_files('LICENSE.txt', 'themes/*.yaml')
