def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self.__undescribedFiles, self.__describedFiles = self.noDescriptionTestsAndInformationOnTheOther( ) self.__totTestFiles = len(self.__undescribedFiles) + len( self.__describedFiles.keys()) self.__allDescribed = len(self.__undescribedFiles) == 0 self.__ravenDir = os.path.join(get_raven_loc(), '..') self.__userPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.__ravenDir, ".."))
import copy import shutil import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import numpy as np import dill as pk # load utils ## don't pop from path so we can use it later sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'src')) import _utils as hutils sys.path.pop() # get raven location RAVEN_LOC = hutils.get_raven_loc() CF_LOC = hutils.get_cashflow_loc(raven_path=RAVEN_LOC) sys.path.append(os.path.join(CF_LOC, '..')) from CashFlow.src.main import get_project_length from CashFlow.src import CashFlows sys.path.pop() sys.path.append(os.path.join(RAVEN_LOC, '..')) from utils import xmlUtils from InputTemplates.TemplateBaseClass import Template as TemplateBase sys.path.pop() class Template(TemplateBase): """
# Copyright 2020, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED import sys from CashFlows import CashFlowGroup import _utils as hutils raven_path = hutils.get_raven_loc() sys.path.append(raven_path) class CashFlowUser: """ Base class for objects that want to access the functionality of the CashFlow objects. Generally this means the CashFlowUser will have an "economics" xml node used to define it, and will have a group of cash flows associated with it (e.g. a "component") In almost all cases, initialization methods should be called as part of the inheritor's method call. """ @classmethod def get_input_specs(cls, spec): """ Collects input specifications for this class. Note this needs to be called as part of an inheriting class's specification definition @ In, spec, InputData, specifications that need cash flow added to it @ Out, input_specs, InputData, specs """ # this unit probably has some economics spec.addSub(CashFlowGroup.get_input_specs()) return spec def __init__(self):
# Copyright 2020, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED """ Evaluated signal values for use in HERON """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import os import sys import abc from base import Base from scipy import interpolate import _utils as hutils framework_path = hutils.get_raven_loc() sys.path.append(framework_path) from utils import InputData, utils, InputTypes class Placeholder(Base): """ Objects that hold a place in the HERON workflow but don't hold value until converted into the RAVEN workflow. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor. @ In, kwargs, dict, passthrough args @ Out, None """ Base.__init__(self, **kwargs) = None # identifier self._source = None # name of file? the signal should come from
# Copyright 2020, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED """ Tests by running an executable. """ import os import sys LOGOS_LOC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) sys.path.append(LOGOS_LOC) import _utils as logos_utils sys.path.pop() # get RAVEN base testers RAVEN_FRAMEWORK_LOC = logos_utils.get_raven_loc() TESTER_LOC = os.path.join(RAVEN_FRAMEWORK_LOC, '..', 'scripts', 'TestHarness', 'testers') sys.path.append(TESTER_LOC) from RavenFramework import RavenFramework as RavenTester sys.path.pop() class LogosRun(RavenTester): """ A Logos stand-alone test interface. """ @staticmethod def get_valid_params(): """
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2020, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED """ Runs HERON. """ import os import sys import argparse import input_loader from base import Base import _utils as hutils raven_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( hutils.get_raven_loc(), '..')) #os.path.dirname(__file__)#'~/projects/raven/raven_framework' sys.path.append(raven_path) from MessageHandler import MessageHandler sys.path.pop() class HERON(Base): def __init__(self): """ Constructor. @ In, None @ Out, None """ Base.__init__(self) self._components = [] # units involved in this study self._sources = [