Example #1
	def search(ctx, cmd, arg, *args):
		"""so <tag1> <tag2> <etc>\nSearch through stackoverflow for the given tags"""
		thingy = ";".join(args)

		bunnies = 'search?tagged=%s&pagesize=3' % thingy
		searchURL = apiURL % bunnies

		urlObject = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL)
		urlObject = StringIO(urlObject.read()) # Ugly hack because we can't .read() from the gzip otherwise
		urlObject = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=urlObject) # Stack Overflow compresseses

		decoded = jsonLoad(urlObject)

		results = decoded["total"]

		if results > 0:
			res = min(results, 3)
			ctx.reply("Results 1-%d of %s" % (res, prettyNumber(results)), "StackOverflow")
			ctx.reply("No results for your query", "StackOverflow")

		for q in decoded['questions']:
			title = q['title']
			questionURL = qURL % ('questions', q['question_id'])
			ctx.reply(u'%s • %s' % (title, questionURL), 'StackOverflow')
Example #2
	def wikipedia_cmd(ctx, cmd, arg):
		"""wikipedia <search>
Searches through wikipedia for the given search string"""
		o = openUrl(u"http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=search&srsearch=%s&srwhat=text&srlimit=3&format=xml" % urllib.quote(arg))

		xml = dom.parse(o)
		results = int(xml.getElementsByTagName("searchinfo")[0].getAttribute("totalhits"))
		if results > 0:
			res = min(results, 3)
			ctx.reply("Results 1-%d out of %s" % (res, prettyNumber(results)), "Wikipedia")
			ctx.reply(u"No results found for %s" % arg, "Wikipedia")

		for i in xml.getElementsByTagName("p"):
			title = i.getAttribute("title")
			snippet = i.getAttribute("snippet")
			# Hilight the matched parts
			snippet = re.sub('<span class=\'searchmatch\'>(.+?)</span>', u'`B\\1`B', snippet)
			# Clean it up nice and pretty now
			snippet = re.sub('<[^>]+>', u'', snippet)
			snippet = re.sub(' ([.,!?\'])', u'\\1', snippet)
			snippet = snippet.replace('  ', u' ')
			# And then display it. :D
			ctx.reply(u"`B%s`B ( %s ) • %s" % (title, "http://wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % urllib.quote(title), snippet), "Wikipedia")
Example #3
def displayMeta(ctx, data, vid):
    """Displays a single youtube video result, given the xml node"""

    s = u""
    s += u"Title: %s " % data.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].firstChild.data
    s += u" • By: %s" % data.getElementsByTagName("author")[0].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.data
    s += u" • Length: %s" % prettyTime(data.getElementsByTagName("yt:duration")[0].getAttribute("seconds"))
    s += u" • View Count: %s" % prettyNumber(data.getElementsByTagName("yt:statistics")[0].getAttribute("viewCount"))

    r = data.getElementsByTagName("gd:rating")
    if len(r):
        r = r[0]
        s += u" • Average Rating: %1.2f/5 over %s people" % (
        s += u" • No ratings"

    s += u" • http://youtu.be/%s" % vid
    ctx.reply(s, "YouTube")
Example #4
def displayMeta(ctx, data, vid):
	"""Displays a single youtube video result, given the xml node"""
	s = u""
	s += u"Title: %s " % data.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].firstChild.data
	s += u" • By: %s"  % data.getElementsByTagName("author")[0].getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild.data

	showRest = True

	r = data.getElementsByTagName("yt:state")
	if len(r):
		r = r[0]
		if r.getAttribute("name") == "restricted":
			showRest = r.getAttribute("reasonCode") == "limitedSyndication"
			if showRest:
				s += u" • Syndication Limited."
				s += u" • Video is unavailable: %s" % r.firstChild.data

	if showRest:
		s += u" • Length: %s" % prettyTime(data.getElementsByTagName("yt:duration")[0].getAttribute("seconds"))
		s += u" • View Count: %s" % prettyNumber(data.getElementsByTagName("yt:statistics")[0].getAttribute("viewCount"))

		r = data.getElementsByTagName("gd:rating")
		if len(r):
			r = r[0]
			s += u" • Average Rating: %1.2f/5 over %s people" % (
			s += u" • No ratings"
	s += u" • http://youtu.be/%s" % vid
	addStatusToArchive(ctx, s, "YouTube")
	ctx.reply(s, "YouTube")
Example #5
    def youtube_cmd(ctx, cmd, arg):
        """youtube <search string>
Searches youtube for the given search string"""
        url = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=%s&max-results=3&v=2" % urllib.quote(arg)
        r = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        r = dom.parse(r)

        results = int(r.getElementsByTagName("openSearch:totalResults")[0].firstChild.data)

        if results > 0:
            res = min(results, 3)
            ctx.reply("Results 1-%d out of %s" % (res, prettyNumber(results)), "YouTube")
            ctx.reply("No results found for %s" % arg, "YouTube")

        for i in r.getElementsByTagName("entry"):
            vid = i.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.data
            vid = vid.split(":")[-1]

            displayMeta(ctx, i, vid)