device = -1 mesh_bound = zeros((2, m)) # mesh_bound[0] = arange(m)-1 # mesh_bound[1] = arange(m)+1 mesh_bound[0] = 0 mesh_bound[1] = 1 mesh_size = array([ 40, ] * m) I = Interp(m, d, mesh_bound, mesh_size, device=device) mesh_bound[1] += 1 / 200 dataset = meshgen(mesh_bound, [201, 201, 201]) dataset = torch.from_numpy(dataset).clone() dataset = nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface([ I.interp_coe, ], forward=lambda: I.forward(dataset)) nfi.flat_param = random.randn(nfi.numel()) x0 = nfi.flat_param #%% inputs_shape = [50, 50, 50] IN, JN, KN = int(200 / inputs_shape[0]), int(200 / inputs_shape[1]), int( 200 / inputs_shape[2]) indx = zeros((IN * JN * KN, 3), dtype=int32) idx = 0 for i in range(IN): for j in range(JN): for k in range(KN): indx[idx] = array([i, j, k]) * array(inputs_shape) idx += 1 for i in range(64):
if device>=0: I.cuda(device) mesh_bound[1] += 1/1000 dataset = meshgen(mesh_bound, [1001,1001]) dataset = torch.from_numpy(dataset) dataset = dataset = Variable(dataset) mesh_bound[1] -= 1/1000 IFixInputs = LagrangeInterpFixInputs(dataset,m,d,mesh_bound,mesh_size) IFixInputs.double() if device>=0: IFixInputs.cuda(device) ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.imshow(I(dataset).data.cpu().numpy()) #%% nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface([I.interp_coe,],forward=lambda :forward(I,dataset)) nfi.flat_param = random.randn(nfi.numel()) x,f,d = lbfgsb(nfi.f,nfi.flat_param,nfi.fprime,m=1000,factr=1,pgtol=1e-14,iprint=10) infe,infe_true = compare(I, dataset) ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.imshow(infe) errs = infe-infe_true ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(1,1,1) ax.imshow(errs) #%% outputs = IFixInputs() outputs_true = torch.from_numpy(testfunc(IFixInputs.inputs.cpu().numpy())) outputs_true = outputs_true.view(outputs.size()) outputs_true = outputs_true = Variable(outputs_true) nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface(IFixInputs.parameters(), forward=lambda :forwardFixInputs(IFixInputs, outputs_true))
param_group['w'].data[0, 1] = 1 param_group['b'].data[0] = 1 def grad_proj(param_group): if not param_group['w'].grad is None: param_group['w'][0, 1] = 0 if not param_group['b'].grad is None: param_group['b'][0] = 0 forward = forward_gen() param_group0 = {'params': {'w': net.weight0, 'b': net.bias0}} param_group1 = {'params': {'w': net.weight1, 'b': net.bias1}} param_group2 = {'params': iter([net.weight2, net.bias2])} nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface([param_group0, param_group1], forward=forward) a0 = random.randn(1000).astype(dtype=np.float32) def test(): a = a0[:nfi.numel()].copy() f = nfi.f(a) g = nfi.fprime(a) print(g) print(a - nfi.flat_param) print(nfi.f(a) - f) print(np.linalg.norm(nfi.fprime(a) - g)) nfi.fprime(a + 1) print(nfi.f(a) - f) print(nfi.flat_param - a) nfi.flat_param = a
(linpdelearner(sample['u0'], step) - sample['uT'])**2) / var def x_proj(*args, **kw): linpdelearner.fd2d.MomentBank.x_proj() def grad_proj(*args, **kw): linpdelearner.fd2d.MomentBank.grad_proj() nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface([ dict(params=linpdelearner.diff_params(), isfrozen=isfrozen, x_proj=x_proj, grad_proj=grad_proj), dict(params=linpdelearner.coe_params(), isfrozen=False, x_proj=None, grad_proj=None) ], forward=forward, always_refresh=False) callback.nfi = nfi try: # optimize xopt, f, d = lbfgsb(nfi.f, nfi.flat_param, nfi.fprime, m=500, callback=callback, factr=1e0, pgtol=1e-16,
""" a interface "forward" for NumpyFunctionInterface is needed """ def forward(): return powell_bs(nfix) """ At last, construct your NumpyFunctionInterface of the PyTorch tensor function """ listofparameters = [ nfix, ] nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface(listofparameters, forward=forward) """ Now it's ready to use interfaces given by "nfi": "nfi.flat_param,nfi.f,nfi.fprime". What these interfaces do is somethine like ``` class NumpyFunctionInterface: @property def params(self): # notice that nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface(listofparameters,forward) for p in listofparameters: yield p @property def flat_param(self): views = [] for p in self.params: views.append(p.view(-1))
stableloss = 0 sparseloss = 0 momentloss = 0 if constraint == 'frozen': momentloss = 0 loss = stablize * stableloss + dataloss + stepnum * sparsity * sparseloss + stepnum * momentsparsity * momentloss if torch.isnan(loss): loss = (torch.ones(1, requires_grad=True) / torch.zeros(1)).to(loss) return loss nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface([ dict(params=model.diff_params(), isfrozen=isfrozen, x_proj=model.diff_x_proj, grad_proj=model.diff_grad_proj), dict(params=model.expr_params(), isfrozen=False) ], forward=forward, always_refresh=False) callback.nfi = nfi def callbackhook(_callback, *args): # global model,block,u0_obs,T,stable_loss,data_loss,sparse_loss stableloss,dataloss,sparseloss,momentloss = \ setenv.loss(model, u_obs, globalnames, block, layerweight) stableloss,dataloss,sparseloss,momentloss = \ stableloss.item(),dataloss.item(),sparseloss.item(),momentloss.item() with as output: print("stableloss: {:.2e}".format(stableloss), " dataloss: {:.2e}".format(dataloss),
r = x[2] * te1 - x[3] * te2 + x[5] * te3 - y return def powell_bs(x): return (1e4 * x[0] * x[1] - 1)**2 + ((-x[0]).exp() + (-x[1]).exp() - 1.0001)**2 #%% Penalty penalty = Penalty(100, 1e-5) nfi = NumpyFunctionInterface([{ 'params': [ penalty.x1, ] }, { 'params': [ penalty.x2, ] }], penalty.forward) x0 =[penalty.x1.cpu(), penalty.x2.cpu()], 0).data.clone().numpy() x, f, d = lbfgsb(nfi.f, x0, nfi.fprime, m=100, factr=1, pgtol=1e-14, iprint=10) out, fx, its, imode, smode = slsqp(nfi.f, x0, fprime=nfi.fprime, acc=1e-16, iter=15000, iprint=1, full_output=True) #%% Trignometric trig = Trignometric(100)