Example #1
    def fixTangentOpposite(self, aCurve, keyVal, index, tangentType, curTangType, keysIndexSelN, *args):

        if index == None:

        currVal = keyVal[index]
        nextVal = keyVal[index + 1]
        currTime = cmds.keyframe(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), timeChange=True)[0]  # current time value
        nextTime = cmds.keyframe(aCurve, query=True, index=(index + 1, index + 1), timeChange=True)[
        ]  # current time value

        power = 2

        # get in values for next key
        ix = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index + 1, index + 1), ix=True)[
        ]  # in tangent handle x position
        iy = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index + 1, index + 1), iy=True)[
        ]  # in tangent handle y position

        # get out values
        ox = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), ox=True)[0]  # out tangent handle x position
        oy = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), oy=True)[0]  # out tangent handle y position

        # curve position at handle
        valIn = (
            - cmds.keyframe(
                aCurve, query=True, eval=True, time=(nextTime - ix / 0.125, nextTime - ix / 0.125), valueChange=True
        valOut = (
                aCurve, query=True, eval=True, time=(currTime + ox / 0.125, currTime + ox / 0.125), valueChange=True
            - currVal

        # convert to radians if rotate
        isRotate = animMod.isAnimCurveRotate(aCurve)
        if isRotate:
            currVal = math.radians(currVal)
            nextVal = math.radians(nextVal)
            valIn = math.radians(valIn)
            valOut = math.radians(valOut)

        # difference btw val and y
        difIn = iy / 3 - valIn
        difOut = oy / 3 - valOut

        # detect
        if (difIn > 0 and difOut > 0) or (difIn < 0 and difOut < 0):

            if abs(difIn) > abs(difOut):
                inOut = "in"

                inOut = "out"

            for x in xrange(5):
                currVal = keyVal[index]
                nextVal = keyVal[index + 1]
                # get in values for next key
                ix = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index + 1, index + 1), ix=True)[
                ]  # in tangent handle x position
                iy = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index + 1, index + 1), iy=True)[
                ]  # in tangent handle y position

                # get out values
                ox = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), ox=True)[
                ]  # out tangent handle x position
                oy = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), oy=True)[
                ]  # out tangent handle y position

                # curve position at handle
                valIn = (
                    - cmds.keyframe(
                        time=(nextTime - ix / 0.125, nextTime - ix / 0.125),
                valOut = (
                        time=(currTime + ox / 0.125, currTime + ox / 0.125),
                    - currVal

                # convert to radians if rotate
                isRotate = animMod.isAnimCurveRotate(aCurve)
                if isRotate:
                    currVal = math.radians(currVal)
                    nextVal = math.radians(nextVal)
                    valIn = math.radians(valIn)
                    valOut = math.radians(valOut)

                # difference btw val and y
                difIn = iy / 3 - valIn
                difOut = oy / 3 - valOut

                if inOut == "in":
                    # print"IN"

                    # if next key is is array
                    if index + 1 in keysIndexSelN:

                        newY = (iy / 3) + (valOut - (oy / 3)) * power
                            aCurve, edit=True, index=(index + 1, index + 1), iy=newY * 3, oy=newY * 3, ox=ix

                    # print"OUT"
                    newY = (oy / 3) + (valIn - (iy / 3)) * power
                    cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), iy=newY * 3, oy=newY * 3, ix=ox)

Example #2
    def flowTangent(self, aCurve, keyVal, index, tangentType, curTangType, *args):

        if curTangType == "Zero" and tangentType == "flow":

        if index == None:

        # is it first or last key?
        keyLocation = self.getKeyLocation(keyVal, index)

        if keyLocation != "mid" and tangentType != "bounce":

        currVal = keyVal[index]
        currTime = cmds.keyframe(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), timeChange=True)[0]  # current time value

        # get in values
        ix = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), ix=True)[0]  # in tangent handle x position
        iy = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), iy=True)[0]  # in tangent handle y position

        # get out values
        ox = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), ox=True)[0]  # out tangent handle x position
        oy = cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), oy=True)[0]  # out tangent handle y position

        cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, index=(index, index), lock=False)
        if tangentType == "flow":
            if ox > ix:
                ox = ix
                oy = iy
                cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), ox=ox, oy=oy)
                ix = ox
                iy = oy
                cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), ix=ix, iy=iy)

        # curve position at handle
        valIn = cmds.keyframe(
            aCurve, query=True, eval=True, time=(currTime - ix / 0.125, currTime - ix / 0.125), valueChange=True
        valOut = cmds.keyframe(
            aCurve, query=True, eval=True, time=(currTime + ox / 0.125, currTime + ox / 0.125), valueChange=True

        # if the anim curve is rotate, convert to radians
        isRotate = animMod.isAnimCurveRotate(aCurve)
        if isRotate:
            currVal = math.radians(currVal)
            valIn = math.radians(valIn)
            valOut = math.radians(valOut)
            # print "isrotate"

        # distance between the curve position and the key value
        distValueIn = valIn - currVal
        distValueOut = valOut - currVal

        # distance between the curve position and the tangent y position
        distTangIn = distValueIn + (iy / 3)
        distTangOut = distValueOut - (oy / 3)

        if tangentType == "flow":

            # calculate the difference btween the distances between the curve position and the tangent y position
            dif = distTangIn - distTangOut

            newOy = (oy / 3) - dif

            # newIy     = (iy/3)-dif
            newIy = newOy

            # print "newIy",newIy,"(iy/3)",(iy/3),"(oy/3)",(oy/3),"currVal",currVal,"valOut",valOut,"distIn",distTangIn,"distOut",distTangOut,"dif",dif,"distValueIn",distValueIn,"distValueOut",distValueOut

        elif tangentType == "bounce":
            newIy = -distValueIn + (-distValueIn - (iy / 3))
            newOy = distValueOut + (distValueOut - (oy / 3))

            print "---------------------------"
            print "newIy",newIy
            print "newOy",newOy
            print "(iy/3)",(iy/3)
            print "(oy/3)",(oy/3)
            print "currVal",currVal
            print "valOut",valOut
            print "distIn",distTangIn
            print "distOut",distTangOut
            print "distValueIn",distValueIn
            print "distValueOut",distValueOut

        # apply

        cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), iy=newIy * 3, oy=newOy * 3)
Example #3
    def fixTangentOvershoot(self, aCurve, keyVal, index, tangentType, curTangType, keysIndexSelN, *args):

        # print "qual index? ", index
        if index == None:

        # fix tangent limit  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        applied = False

        power = 0.8

        # get in values
        iy = (
            cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), iy=True)[0] / 3 * power
        )  # in tangent handle y position
        oy = (
            cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, query=True, index=(index, index), oy=True)[0] / 3 * power
        )  # out tangent handle y position

        prevVal = keyVal[index - 1]
        currVal = keyVal[index]
        nextVal = keyVal[index + 1]

        # convert to radians if rotate
        isRotate = animMod.isAnimCurveRotate(aCurve)
        if isRotate:
            prevVal = math.radians(prevVal)
            currVal = math.radians(currVal)
            nextVal = math.radians(nextVal)

        difNext = (nextVal - currVal) * power
        difPrev = (currVal - prevVal) * power

        if (difNext < 0 and oy < difNext) or (difNext > 0 and oy > difNext):
            cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), inTangentType="auto", outTangentType="auto")

            cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), oy=difNext * 3)
            applied = True

        if (difPrev < 0 and iy < difPrev) or (difPrev > 0 and iy > difPrev):
            cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), inTangentType="auto", outTangentType="auto")

            cmds.keyTangent(aCurve, edit=True, index=(index, index), iy=difPrev * 3)

            # print "aplicou index:", index

            if index - 1 in keysIndexSelN:
                    aCurve, edit=True, index=(index - 1, index - 1), inTangentType="auto", outTangentType="auto"

                self.flowTangent(aCurve, keyVal, index - 1, tangentType)
                applied = True

                # print "flow index:", index-1
        print "--------------------------------"
        print  "index", index
        print  "iy",iy
        print  "oy",oy
        print  "difPrev",difPrev
        print  "prevVal",prevVal
        print  "nextVal",nextVal
        print  "currVal",currVal

        return applied