Example #1
    def __init__(self, direct=False):
        self.robot_config = arm.Config(use_cython=False, hand_attached=True)

        # Timestap is fixed and specified in .ttt file
        self.dt = 0.005
        self.direct = direct

        if direct:
            self.interface = VREP(robot_config=self.robot_config, dt=self.dt)
            self.interface = None

        self.requested_reset_q = None
        self.requested_target_shadow_q = None
        self.close_requested = False
Example #2
Move the UR5 VREP arm to a target position.
The simulation ends after 1.5 simulated seconds, and the
trajectory of the end-effector is plotted in 3D.
import numpy as np
import traceback

from abr_control.arms import jaco2 as arm
from abr_control.controllers import OSC, Damping, signals
from abr_control.interfaces import VREP

# initialize our robot config for the jaco2
robot_config = arm.Config(use_cython=True, hand_attached=False)

# damp the movements of the arm
damping = Damping(robot_config, kv=10)
# instantiate controller
ctrlr = OSC(
    vmax=[0.5, 0],  # [m/s, rad/s]
    # control (x, y, z) out of [x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma]
    ctrlr_dof=[True, True, True, False, False, False])

# create our adaptive controller
adapt = signals.DynamicsAdaptation(
    n_input=2,  # we apply adaptation on the most heavily stressed joints
Example #3
Move the UR5 CoppeliaSim arm to a target position.
The simulation ends after 1500 time steps, and the
trajectory of the end-effector is plotted in 3D.
import traceback
import numpy as np

# from abr_control.arms import ur5 as arm
from abr_control.arms import jaco2 as arm

# from abr_control.arms import onejoint as arm
from abr_control.controllers import Sliding
from abr_control.interfaces import CoppeliaSim

# initialize our robot config
robot_config = arm.Config()

# instantiate controller
# NOTE: These values are non-optimal
ctrlr = Sliding(robot_config, kd=10.0, lamb=30.00)

# create our CoppeliaSim interface
interface = CoppeliaSim(robot_config, dt=0.001)

# set up lists for tracking data
ee_track = []
target_track = []

    # get the end-effector's initial position
Example #4
A basic script for connecting and moving the arm to a target
configuration in joint space, offset from its starting position.
The simulation simulates 1500 time steps and then plots the results.
import numpy as np
import traceback

# from abr_control.arms import ur5 as arm
from abr_control.arms import jaco2 as arm
# from abr_control.arms import onelink as arm
from abr_control.controllers import Joint
from abr_control.interfaces import VREP

# initialize our robot config
robot_config = arm.Config(use_cython=True)
# if using the Jaco 2 arm with the hand attached, use the following instead:
# robot_config = arm.Config(use_cython=True, hand_attached=False)

# instantiate the REACH controller for the jaco2 robot
ctrlr = Joint(robot_config, kp=50)

# create interface and connect
interface = VREP(robot_config=robot_config, dt=.005)

# make the target an offset of the current configuration
feedback = interface.get_feedback()
target = feedback['q'] + np.ones(robot_config.N_JOINTS) * .3

# For VREP files that have a shadow arm to show the target configuration
Example #5
from download_examples_db import check_exists as examples_db

from abr_analyze.paths import figures_dir
from abr_analyze.plotting import Draw3dData, DrawArm

# the number of samples to interpolate our data to, set to None for no
# interpolation
interpolated_samples = 100
# list our tests and their relevant save locations
db_name = "abr_analyze_examples"
test = "test_1"
baseline = "baseline_1"

# instantiate our robot config
robot_config = jaco2.Config()

# Instantiate our arm drawing module
draw_arm = DrawArm(

# instantiate our generic trajectory drawing module
draw_3d = Draw3dData(db_name=db_name,

ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="3d")