class AinsworthTestCases(unittest.TestCase): """Test Ainsworth functions. test cases for abydos.phonetic.Ainsworth """ pa = Ainsworth() def test_ainsworth_encode(self): """Test abydos.phonetic.Ainsworth.encode.""" self.assertEqual(''), '') self.assertEqual('a'), 'ə') self.assertEqual('I'), 'ɑi') self.assertEqual('there'), 'ðɛə') self.assertEqual('winning'), 'wɪnnɪŋg') self.assertEqual('Daniel'), 'dænɑiɛl') self.assertEqual('row'), 'rɑʊ') self.assertEqual('dole'), 'doəl') self.assertEqual('retired'), 'rɛtɜɛd') self.assertEqual('Ainsworth'), 'ɛiɪnswɜrð') self.assertEqual('snap'), 'snæp') self.assertEqual('spinned'), 'spɪnnɛd') self.assertEqual('zoo'), 'zu') self.assertEqual('ooze'), 'uz') self.assertEqual('parallelogram'), 'pɑɔlɛlogræm') # Examples showing behavior when encountering unhandled characters self.assertEqual('Schluss'), 'sklus') self.assertEqual('Schlüsse'), 'sklsɛ') self.assertEqual('Schluß'), 'sklu')
SPFC, SfinxBis, SoundD, Soundex, SoundexBR, SpanishMetaphone, StatisticsCanada, Waahlin, ) from . import EXTREME_TEST, _corpus_file, _fuzz, _random_char spfc = SPFC() algorithms = { 'ainsworth': Ainsworth().encode, 'alpha_sis': AlphaSIS().encode, 'bmpm': BeiderMorse().encode, 'bmpm_german': BeiderMorse(language_arg='german').encode, 'bmpm_french': BeiderMorse(language_arg='french').encode, 'bmpm_gen_exact': BeiderMorse(match_mode='exact').encode, 'bmpm_ash_approx': BeiderMorse(name_mode='ash').encode, 'bmpm_ash_exact': BeiderMorse(name_mode='ash', match_mode='exact').encode, 'bmpm_sep_approx': BeiderMorse(name_mode='sep').encode, 'bmpm_sep_exact': BeiderMorse(name_mode='sep', match_mode='exact').encode, 'caverphone_1': Caverphone(version=1).encode, 'caverphone_2': Caverphone().encode, 'daitch_mokotoff_soundex': DaitchMokotoff().encode, 'davidson': Davidson().encode, 'dolby': Dolby().encode, 'dolby_ml4': Dolby(max_length=4).encode,
alpha_sis = AlphaSIS() daitch_mokotoff = DaitchMokotoff() double_metaphone = DoubleMetaphone() haase = Haase() haase_primary = Haase(primary_only=True) koelner = Koelner() russell = RussellIndex() sfinxbis = SfinxBis() sfinxbis_6 = SfinxBis(max_length=6) soundex_census = Soundex(var='Census') spfc = SPFC() algorithms = { 'ainsworth': Ainsworth().encode, 'alpha_sis': lambda _: ', '.join(alpha_sis.encode(_)), 'bmpm': BeiderMorse().encode, 'bmpm_german': BeiderMorse(language_arg='german').encode, 'bmpm_french': BeiderMorse(language_arg='french').encode, 'bmpm_gen_exact': BeiderMorse(match_mode='exact').encode, 'bmpm_ash_approx': BeiderMorse(name_mode='ash').encode, 'bmpm_ash_exact': BeiderMorse(name_mode='ash', match_mode='exact').encode, 'bmpm_sep_approx':
def __init__(self, model='latin'): self.model = model self.impH = input_helpers.InputHelper() self.ST = syllable_tokenizer.SyllableTokenizer() # Phonetic Encoder = Ainsworth() # Soundex Firstname Algorithm self.pshp_soundex_first = PSHPSoundexFirst() # String Distance algorithms self.algos = [ IterativeSubString(), BISIM(), DiscountedLevenshtein(), Prefix(), LCSstr(), MLIPNS(), Strcmp95(), MRA(), Editex(), SAPS(), FlexMetric(), JaroWinkler(mode='Jaro'), HigueraMico(), Sift4(), Eudex(), ALINE(), Covington(), PhoneticEditDistance() ] self.algo_names = [ 'iterativesubstring', 'bisim', 'discountedlevenshtein', 'prefix', 'lcsstr', 'mlipns', 'strcmp95', 'mra', 'editex', 'saps', 'flexmetric', 'jaro', 'higueramico', 'sift4', 'eudex', 'aline', 'covington', 'phoneticeditdistance' ] # extract model tarball into directory if doesnt exist model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "models", self.model) if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) tar = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "models", self.model + ".tar.gz"), "r:gz") tar.extractall(model_dir) tar.close() # String Distance Pipeline (Level 0/Base Model) self.baseModel = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, 'base.pkl')) # Character Embedding Network (Level 0/Base Model) self.vocab = preprocess.VocabularyProcessor( max_document_length=15, min_frequency=0).restore(os.path.join(model_dir, 'vocab')) siamese_model = os.path.join(model_dir, 'siamese') graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default() as graph: self.sess = tf.Session() with self.sess.as_default(): # Load the saved meta graph and restore variables saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph( '{}.meta'.format(siamese_model)) saver.restore(self.sess, siamese_model) # Get the placeholders from the graph by name self.input_x1 = graph.get_operation_by_name('input_x1').outputs[0] self.input_x2 = graph.get_operation_by_name('input_x2').outputs[0] self.dropout_keep_prob = graph.get_operation_by_name( 'dropout_keep_prob').outputs[0] self.prediction = graph.get_operation_by_name( 'output/distance').outputs[0] self.sim = graph.get_operation_by_name( 'accuracy/temp_sim').outputs[0] # Logreg (Level 1/Meta Model) self.metaModel = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, 'meta.pkl')) # seen names (mapping dict from raw name to processed name) self.seen_names = {} # seen pairs (mapping dict from name pair tuple to similarity) self.seen_pairs = {}
class Matcher: def __init__(self, model='latin'): self.model = model self.impH = input_helpers.InputHelper() self.ST = syllable_tokenizer.SyllableTokenizer() # Phonetic Encoder = Ainsworth() # Soundex Firstname Algorithm self.pshp_soundex_first = PSHPSoundexFirst() # String Distance algorithms self.algos = [ IterativeSubString(), BISIM(), DiscountedLevenshtein(), Prefix(), LCSstr(), MLIPNS(), Strcmp95(), MRA(), Editex(), SAPS(), FlexMetric(), JaroWinkler(mode='Jaro'), HigueraMico(), Sift4(), Eudex(), ALINE(), Covington(), PhoneticEditDistance() ] self.algo_names = [ 'iterativesubstring', 'bisim', 'discountedlevenshtein', 'prefix', 'lcsstr', 'mlipns', 'strcmp95', 'mra', 'editex', 'saps', 'flexmetric', 'jaro', 'higueramico', 'sift4', 'eudex', 'aline', 'covington', 'phoneticeditdistance' ] # extract model tarball into directory if doesnt exist model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "models", self.model) if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) tar = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "models", self.model + ".tar.gz"), "r:gz") tar.extractall(model_dir) tar.close() # String Distance Pipeline (Level 0/Base Model) self.baseModel = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, 'base.pkl')) # Character Embedding Network (Level 0/Base Model) self.vocab = preprocess.VocabularyProcessor( max_document_length=15, min_frequency=0).restore(os.path.join(model_dir, 'vocab')) siamese_model = os.path.join(model_dir, 'siamese') graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default() as graph: self.sess = tf.Session() with self.sess.as_default(): # Load the saved meta graph and restore variables saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph( '{}.meta'.format(siamese_model)) saver.restore(self.sess, siamese_model) # Get the placeholders from the graph by name self.input_x1 = graph.get_operation_by_name('input_x1').outputs[0] self.input_x2 = graph.get_operation_by_name('input_x2').outputs[0] self.dropout_keep_prob = graph.get_operation_by_name( 'dropout_keep_prob').outputs[0] self.prediction = graph.get_operation_by_name( 'output/distance').outputs[0] self.sim = graph.get_operation_by_name( 'accuracy/temp_sim').outputs[0] # Logreg (Level 1/Meta Model) self.metaModel = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, 'meta.pkl')) # seen names (mapping dict from raw name to processed name) self.seen_names = {} # seen pairs (mapping dict from name pair tuple to similarity) self.seen_pairs = {} def similarity(self, name_a, name_b, prob=True, threshold=0.5, sirname_first=False): # input validation if not (isinstance(name_a, str) and isinstance(name_b, str)): raise TypeError( 'Only string comparison is supported in similarity method') # exact match returns 1 if name_a == name_b: return 1 # preprocess names name_a = self.preprocess(name_a) name_b = self.preprocess(name_b) if sirname_first: fname_a, lname_a, fname_b, lname_b = name_a[-1], name_a[0], name_b[ -1], name_b[0] else: fname_a, lname_a, fname_b, lname_b = name_a[0], name_a[-1], name_b[ 0], name_b[-1] if len(name_a) > 1 and len(name_b) > 1: if lname_a != lname_b: return 0 # sort pair to normalize pair = tuple( sorted((fname_a, fname_b), key=lambda item: (-len(item), item))) # empty or single-character initial-like string returns 0 if len(pair[0]) <= 1 or len(pair[1]) <= 1: return 0 # exact match returns 1 if pair[0] == pair[1]: return 1 # return pair score if seen seen = self.seen_set(pair, self.seen_pairs) if seen is not None: if prob: return seen return 1 if seen >= threshold else 0 # generate features for base-level model features = self.featurize(pair) # make inference on meta model sim = self.meta_inf(pair, features) # add pair score to the seen dictionary self.seen_pairs[hash(pair)] = sim if prob: return sim return 1 if sim >= threshold else 0 def fuzzymerge(self, df1, df2, how='inner', on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None, indicator=False, limit=1, threshold=0.5, allow_exact_matches=True, sirname_first=False): # TODO parameter validation if not (0 < threshold < 1): raise ValueError( 'threshold must be decimal number between 0 and 1 (given = {})' .format(threshold)) if how.lower() == 'right': df1, df2 = df2, df1 left_on, right_on = right_on, left_on how = 'left' if on is None: k1, k2 = left_on, right_on else: k1, k2 = on, on right_on = on key = 'key' # if name key in columns - generate random integer while key in df1.columns: key = str(randint(1, 1000000)) df1[key] = df1[k1].apply( lambda x: self.get_top_matches(x, df2[k2], limit=limit, thresh=threshold, exact=allow_exact_matches, sirname_first=sirname_first)) df1 = df1.explode(key) df1[key] = df1.apply(lambda row: row.key[0], axis=1) df1 = df1.merge(df2, how=how, left_on=key, right_on=right_on, indicator=indicator) del df1[key] return df1 def dedupe(self, names, threshold=0.5, keep='longest', replace=False, reverse=True, sirname_first=False, limit=3): # parameter validation if keep not in ('longest', 'frequent'): raise ValueError( 'invalid arguement {} for parameter \'keep\', use one of -- longest, frequent, alpha' .format(keep)) if keep == 'frequent': # make frequency counter count = Counter(names) if not replace: # early filtering of dupes by converting to set seen = set() seen_add = seen.add names = [x for x in names if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))] results = [] for item in names: if item in results and replace is False: pass # find fuzzy matches matches = self.get_top_matches(item, names, limit=limit, thresh=threshold, exact=True, sirname_first=sirname_first) # no duplicates found if len(matches) == 0: results.append(item) else: # sort matches if keep == 'longest': # sort by longest to shortest matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=reverse) elif keep == 'frequent': # add frequencies # sort by most frequent, then longest matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: (count[x[0]], len(x[0])), reverse=reverse) else: # sort alphabetically matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=reverse) if not (replace is False and matches[0][0] in results): results.append(matches[0][0]) return results def sum_ipa(self, name_a, name_b): feat1 = ipa_to_features( feat2 = ipa_to_features( score = sum(cmp_features(f1, f2) for f1, f2 in zip(feat1, feat2)) / len(feat1) return score def preprocess(self, name): # lookup name seen = self.seen_set(name, self.seen_names) if seen is not None: return seen # chained processing steps processed_name = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z\W]+', '', unidecode.unidecode(name).lower().strip()) \ .replace('\'s', '').replace('\'', '') processed_name = [ x for x in re.split('\W+', processed_name) if x != '' ] # add processed name to the seen dictionary self.seen_names[hash(name)] = processed_name return processed_name def featurize(self, pair): if len(pair) != 2: raise ValueError( 'Length mismatch: Expected axis has 2 elements, new values have {} elements' .format(len(pair))) # syllable tokenize names syll_a = self.ST.tokenize(pair[0]) syll_b = self.ST.tokenize(pair[1]) # generate unique features features = np.zeros(23) features[0] = fuzz.partial_ratio(syll_a, syll_b) # partial ratio features[1] = fuzz.token_sort_ratio(syll_a, syll_b) # sort ratio features[2] = fuzz.token_set_ratio(syll_a, syll_b) # set ratio features[3] = self.sum_ipa(pair[0], pair[1]) # sum IPA features[4] = 1 if self.pshp_soundex_first.encode( pair[0]) == self.pshp_soundex_first.encode( pair[1]) else 0 # PSHPSoundexFirst # generate remaining features for i, algo in enumerate(self.algos): features[i + 5] = algo.sim(pair[0], pair[1]) return features def transform_names(self, pair): x1 = np.asarray(list(self.vocab.transform(np.asarray([pair[0]])))) x2 = np.asarray(list(self.vocab.transform(np.asarray([pair[1]])))) return x1, x2 def siamese_inf(self, df): x1, x2 = self.transform_names(df) # collect the predictions here (prediction, sim) =[self.prediction, self.sim], { self.input_x1: x1, self.input_x2: x2, self.dropout_keep_prob: 1.0, }) sim = 1 - prediction[0] return sim def base_model_inf(self, x): # get the positive class prediction from model y_pred = self.baseModel.predict_proba(x.reshape(1, -1))[0, 1] return y_pred def meta_inf(self, pair, base_features): meta_features = np.zeros(5) meta_features[0] = self.base_model_inf(base_features) meta_features[1] = self.siamese_inf(pair) # add base features to meta_features ('tkn_set', 'iterativesubstring', 'strcmp95') meta_features[2] = base_features[2] # tkn_set meta_features[3] = base_features[5] # iterativesubstring meta_features[4] = base_features[11] # strcmp95 sim = self.metaModel.predict_proba(meta_features.reshape(1, -1))[0, 1] return sim def seen_set(self, item, mapping): h = hash(item) if h in mapping: return mapping[h] def get_top_matches(self, name, choices, thresh=0.5, exact=True, limit=1, sirname_first=False): sl = self.get_matches(name, choices, thresh, exact, sirname_first=sirname_first) return heapq.nlargest( limit, sl, key=lambda i: i[1]) if limit is not None else sorted( sl, key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True) def get_matches(self, name, choices, score_cutoff=0.5, exact=True, sirname_first=False): # catch generators without lengths if choices is None or len(choices) == 0: return exact = 2 if exact is True else 1 for choice in choices: score = self.similarity(name, choice, sirname_first=sirname_first) if exact > score >= score_cutoff: yield choice, score
# Model pkg import joblib #Featurizer packges import unidecode from abydos.distance import (IterativeSubString, BISIM, DiscountedLevenshtein, Prefix, LCSstr, MLIPNS, Strcmp95, MRA, Editex, SAPS, FlexMetric, JaroWinkler, HigueraMico, Sift4, Eudex, ALINE, PhoneticEditDistance) from abydos.phonetic import PSHPSoundexFirst, Ainsworth from abydos.phones import * import re from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler # Featurizer pshp_soundex_first = PSHPSoundexFirst() pe = Ainsworth() iss = IterativeSubString() bisim = BISIM() dlev = DiscountedLevenshtein() prefix = Prefix() lcs = LCSstr() mlipns = MLIPNS() strcmp95 = Strcmp95() mra = MRA() editex = Editex() saps = SAPS() flexmetric = FlexMetric() jaro = JaroWinkler(mode='Jaro') higuera_mico = HigueraMico() sift4 = Sift4() eudex = Eudex()
def __init__(self, model='latin', prefilter=True, allow_alt_surname=True, allow_initials=True, allow_missing_components=True): # user-provided parameters self.model = model self.allow_alt_surname = allow_alt_surname self.allow_initials = allow_initials self.allow_missing_components = allow_missing_components self.prefilter = prefilter if self.prefilter: self.refined_soundex = { 'b': 1, 'p': 1, 'f': 2, 'v': 2, 'c': 3, 'k': 3, 's': 3, 'g': 4, 'j': 4, 'q': 5, 'x': 5, 'z': 5, 'd': 6, 't': 6, 'l': 7, 'm': 8, 'n': 8, 'r': 9 } # verify user-supplied class arguments model_dir = self.validate_parameters() self.impH = input_helpers.InputHelper() # Phonetic Encoder = Ainsworth() # Soundex Firstname Algorithm self.pshp_soundex_first = PSHPSoundexFirst() # Soundex Lastname Algorithm self.pshp_soundex_last = PSHPSoundexLast() # String Distance algorithms self.algos = [IterativeSubString(), BISIM(), DiscountedLevenshtein(), Prefix(), LCSstr(), MLIPNS(), Strcmp95(), MRA(), Editex(), SAPS(), FlexMetric(), JaroWinkler(mode='Jaro'), HigueraMico(), Sift4(), Eudex(), ALINE(), CovingtonGuard(), PhoneticEditDistance()] self.algo_names = ['iterativesubstring', 'bisim', 'discountedlevenshtein', 'prefix', 'lcsstr', 'mlipns', 'strcmp95', 'mra', 'editex', 'saps', 'flexmetric', 'jaro', 'higueramico', 'sift4', 'eudex', 'aline', 'covington', 'phoneticeditdistance'] # String Distance Pipeline (Level 0/Base Model) self.baseModel = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, 'base.pkl')) # Character Embedding Network (Level 0/Base Model) self.vocab = preprocess.VocabularyProcessor(max_document_length=15, min_frequency=0).restore( os.path.join(model_dir, 'vocab')) siamese_model = os.path.join(model_dir, 'siamese') # start tensorflow session graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default() as graph: self.sess = tf.Session() if tf.__version__[0] == '1' else tf.compat.v1.Session() with self.sess.as_default(): # Load the saved meta graph and restore variables if tf.__version__[0] == '1': saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('{}.meta'.format(siamese_model)) else: saver = tf.compat.v1.train.import_meta_graph('{}.meta'.format(siamese_model)) saver.restore(self.sess, siamese_model) # Get the placeholders from the graph by name self.input_x1 = graph.get_operation_by_name('input_x1').outputs[0] self.input_x2 = graph.get_operation_by_name('input_x2').outputs[0] self.dropout_keep_prob = graph.get_operation_by_name('dropout_keep_prob').outputs[0] self.prediction = graph.get_operation_by_name('output/distance').outputs[0] self.sim = graph.get_operation_by_name('accuracy/temp_sim').outputs[0] # Logreg (Level 1/Meta Model) self.metaModel = joblib.load(os.path.join(model_dir, 'meta.pkl')) # seen names (mapping dict from raw name to processed name) self.seen_names = {} # seen pairs (mapping dict from name pair tuple to similarity) self.seen_pairs = {} # user scores (mapping dict from name pair tuple to similarity) self.user_scores = {}