Example #1
	def fixup(item):
		if isinstance(item, dict):
			d = {k: fixup(v) for k, v in iteritems(item)}
			if len(d) == 1 and first_value(d) is None and first_value(item) is not None:
				return {}
			return d
		if isinstance(item, (list, tuple, set,)):
			l = [fixup(v) for v in item]
			if l == [None] and list(item) != [None]:
				l = []
			return type(item)(l)
		if isinstance(item, (type, OptionEnum)):
			return None
		assert isinstance(item, (bytes, unicode, int, float, long, bool, OptionEnum, NoneType, datetime.datetime, datetime.date, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)), type(item)
		return item
Example #2
    def _merge_auto_single(self, it, ix):
        # find a non-empty one, so we can look at the data in it
        data = next(it)
        if isinstance(data, num_types):
            # special case for when you have something like (count, dict)
            return sum(it, data)
        if isinstance(data, list):
            for part in it:
            return data
        while not data:
                data = next(it)
            except StopIteration:
                # All were empty, return last one
                return data
        depth = 0
        to_check = data
        while hasattr(to_check, "values"):
            if not to_check:
                raise self._exc("Empty value at depth %d (index %d)" % (
            to_check = first_value(to_check)
            depth += 1
        if hasattr(to_check, "update"):  # like a set
            depth += 1
        if not depth:
            raise self._exc("Top level has no .values (index %d)" % (ix, ))

        def upd(aggregate, part, level):
            if level == depth:
                for k, v in iteritems(part):
                    if k in aggregate:
                        upd(aggregate[k], v, level + 1)
                        aggregate[k] = v

        for part in it:
            upd(data, part, 1)
        return data
Example #3
		def convert(default_v, v):
			if isinstance(default_v, RequiredOption):
				if v is None and not default_v.none_ok:
					raise OptionException('Option %s on method %s requires a non-None value (%r)' % (k, method, default_v.value,))
				default_v = default_v.value
			if default_v is None or v is None:
				if isinstance(default_v, _OptionString):
					raise OptionException('Option %s on method %s requires a non-empty string value' % (k, method,))
				if hasattr(default_v, '_valid') and v not in default_v._valid:
					raise OptionException('Option %s on method %s requires a value in %s' % (k, method, default_v._valid,))
				if isinstance(default_v, OptionDefault):
					v = default_v.default
				return v
			if isinstance(default_v, OptionDefault):
				default_v = default_v.value
			if isinstance(default_v, dict) and isinstance(v, dict):
				if default_v:
					sample_v = first_value(default_v)
					for chk_v in itervalues(default_v):
						assert isinstance(chk_v, type(sample_v))
					return {k: convert(sample_v, v) for k, v in iteritems(v)}
					return v
			if isinstance(default_v, (list, set, tuple,)) and isinstance(v, str_types + (list, set, tuple,)):
				if isinstance(v, str_types):
					v = (e.strip() for e in v.split(','))
				if default_v:
					sample_v = first_value(default_v)
					for chk_v in default_v:
						assert isinstance(chk_v, type(sample_v))
					v = (convert(sample_v, e) for e in v)
				return type(default_v)(v)
			if isinstance(default_v, (OptionEnum, OptionEnumValue,)):
				if not (v or None) in default_v._valid:
					ok = False
					for cand_prefix in default_v._prefixes:
						if v.startswith(cand_prefix):
							ok = True
					if not ok:
						raise OptionException('%r not a permitted value for option %s on method %s (%s)' % (v, k, method, default_v._valid))
				return v or None
			if isinstance(default_v, str_types + num_types) and isinstance(v, str_types + num_types):
				if isinstance(default_v, _OptionString):
					v = str(v)
					if not v:
						raise OptionException('Option %s on method %s requires a non-empty string value' % (k, method,))
					return v
				if isinstance(default_v, unicode) and isinstance(v, bytes):
					return v.decode('utf-8')
				return type(default_v)(v)
			if (isinstance(default_v, type) and isinstance(v, typefuzz(default_v))) or isinstance(v, typefuzz(type(default_v))):
				return v
			if isinstance(default_v, bool) and isinstance(v, (str, int)):
				lv = str(v).lower()
				if lv in ('true', '1', 't', 'yes', 'on',):
					return True
				if lv in ('false', '0', 'f', 'no', 'off', '',):
					return False
			if isinstance(default_v, _date_types):
				default_v = type(default_v)
			if default_v in _date_types:
					return typing_conv[default_v.__name__](v)
				except Exception:
					raise OptionException('Failed to convert option %s %r to %s on method %s' % (k, v, default_v, method,))
			if isinstance(v, str_types) and not v:
				return type(default_v)()
			if isinstance(default_v, JobWithFile) or default_v is JobWithFile:
				defaults = ('', '', False, None,)
				if default_v is JobWithFile:
					default_v = defaults
				if not isinstance(v, (list, tuple,)) or not (2 <= len(v) <= 4):
					raise OptionException('Option %s (%r) on method %s is not %s compatible' % (k, v, method, type(default_v)))
				v = tuple(v) + defaults[len(v):] # so all of default_v gets convert()ed.
				v = [convert(dv, vv) for dv, vv in zip(default_v, v)]
				return JobWithFile(*v)
			raise OptionException('Failed to convert option %s of %s to %s on method %s' % (k, type(v), type(default_v), method,))
Example #4
    # big value - will change if it roundtrips through (any type of) float, semibig to find 32bit issues, and a float.
     13578058080989382, 1 / 3),
    "json": ({
        "a": [1, 2, {
            "b": {}
    }, None, "bl\xe4"),

value_cnt = {len(v) for v in data.values()}
assert len(value_cnt) == 1, "All tuples in data must have the same length."
value_cnt = first_value(value_cnt)

not_none_capable = {

def sort_data_for_slice(sliceno):
    # numeric types use only (modified) v[0], other types cycle through their values.
    # int64 goes down one every other line,
    # all other numeric columns go up sliceno + 1 every line.
    # json starts as 0 (pretending to be a numeric type).
    def add(offset):
        res = []
        for k, v in sorted(data.items()):