def add_handler(sub_args): alias = sub_args.alias service = sub_args.service account = sub_args.account if alias is None: alias = str(click.prompt("Please type an alias to store the credential (this alias must be unique)")) if not _alias_valid(alias): select = == alias) service = str(select[0].service) account = str(select[0].account) sys.exit("Aborting , this alias already exist for the service " + service + " and the account " + account) if service is None: service = str(click.prompt("Please type the name of the service you want to use")) if not sub_args.noformat: if service.split("://")[0].lower() == "http": service = urlparse(service).netloc service = service.lower() if account is None: account = str(click.prompt("Please enter the account for the credential (aka login)")) select = == service) & (Account.account == account)) if len(select) != 0: print "The account " + account + " associated to the service " + service + " already exist" if not click.confirm("Do you wish to continue adding this credential ?"): sys.exit("Aborting") passphrase = getpass.getpass("Enter passphrase:") Account.create(service=service, account=account, passphrase=passphrase, alias=alias)
def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip): c = Comment(body = body, link_id = link._id, sr_id = link.sr_id, author_id = author._id, ip = ip) c._spam = author._spam #these props aren't relations if parent: c.parent_id = parent._id c._commit() link._incr('num_comments', 1) to = None if parent: to = Account._byID(parent.author_id) elif link.is_self: to = Account._byID(link.author_id) inbox_rel = None # only global admins can be message spammed. if to and (not c._spam or in g.admins): inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, 'inbox') return (c, inbox_rel)
def cprint(a: Account): """Clean prints an Account """ print("Account({},{},".format(a.get_name(), a.get_kind())) pprint(a.get_ts()) print(",") pprint(a.get_budgets())
def _view_range_budget(a: Account, timeframe: [(int, int)], width: int) -> str: """Returns string of Account's budget tuple over a certain time period """ bud_lim = ((width-10)//11) # How many budgets can be on one line it = len(timeframe) # How many budgets that will be displayed set_lim = it//bud_lim + 1 # How many sets to iterate through set_apprch = 0; bud_apprch = 0; lines = list() while set_apprch != set_lim: set_apprch += 1 title_sub_str = "Account {} for set {}".format(a.get_name(), set_apprch) hd = "="*width + "\n" space_amt = width//2-len(title_sub_str) title_str = "{}{}{}".format(" "*space_amt, title_sub_str, " "*space_amt) attrib_str = "Attribute|" goal_str = "Goal.....|" reach_str = 'Reached..|' remain_str = "Remaining|" for y,m in timeframe[(set_apprch-1)*min(bud_lim, it):set_apprch*min(bud_lim, it)]: bud_apprch += 1 attrib_str += " {} {}|".format(bc.months_abv(m), y+1) g_str = "{:.2f}".format(a.get_goal(y,m)/100) goal_str += "."*(10-len(g_str)) + g_str+"|" r_str = "{:.2f}".format(a.get_reached(y,m)/100) reach_str += "."*(10-len(r_str)) + r_str+"|" e_str = "{:.2f}".format(a.get_remain(y,m)/100) remain_str += "."*(10-len(e_str)) + e_str + "|" lines.append(title_str + "\n" + hd + attrib_str + "\n" + goal_str + "\n" + reach_str + "\n" + remain_str + "\n") return "\n".join(lines)
def draw(uid, currency): s = current_session() u = Account.find(uid) if not u: raise exceptions.UserNotFound helpers.require_free_backpack_slot(s, uid) if currency == 'ppoint': amount = constants.LOTTERY_PRICE Account.add_user_credit(u, [('ppoint', -amount)], exceptions.InsufficientFunds) elif currency == 'jiecao': amount = constants.LOTTERY_JIECAO_PRICE Account.add_user_credit(u, [('jiecao', -amount)], exceptions.InsufficientFunds) else: raise exceptions.InvalidCurrency reward = random.choice(constants.LOTTERY_REWARD_LIST) item = Item(owner_id=uid, sku=reward, status='backpack') s.add(item) s.flush() s.add(ItemActivity( uid=uid, action='lottery',, extra=json.dumps({'currency': currency, 'amount': amount}),, )) return reward
def main(): try: rate_history = RateHistory(u"配置.ini") print rate_history # return if len(sys.argv) < 2: data_file = raw_input(u"请输入文件名称:".encode('gbk')).decode('gbk') else: data_file = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(data_file): print u"文件'%s'不存在" % data_file exit(0) balance_list = load_balance_flow(data_file) acc = Account(rate_history) earn = acc.interest(balance_list) open(u"明细.csv", "w").write(str(acc)) print u"余额明细如下\n%s" % acc print u"明细可参考文档'明细.csv'" print u"总利息 %s亿,余额 %s亿" % (earn, acc.total_amount()) print u"计算完成!" except Exception, e: print u"异常:%s" % str(e) traceback.print_tb()
def test_checking_account(): bank = Bank() checkingAccount = Account(CHECKING) bill = Customer("Bill").openAccount(checkingAccount) bank.addCustomer(bill) checkingAccount.deposit(100.0) assert_equals(bank.totalInterestPaid(), 0.1)
def modify(self, account, newname = None): if not Account.hasSupport( return False if not self.exists(account): return False pm = PersistenceManager() if not pm.existsConfig(): return False config = pm.readConfig() accountType = Account.networkToAccount( for entry in config['accounts'][]: if entry['name'] == if newname: entry['name'] = newname if accountType == 'OAuth': entry['key'], entry['secret'] = account.credentials() elif accountType == 'UserPass': entry['user'], entry['password'] = account.credentials() break pm.writeConfig(config) return True
def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip): from r2.lib.db.queries import changed c = Comment(_ups=1, body=body, link_id=link._id, sr_id=link.sr_id, author_id=author._id, ip=ip) c._spam = author._spam # these props aren't relations if parent: c.parent_id = parent._id link._incr("num_comments", 1) to = None name = "inbox" if parent: to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True) elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply: to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True) name = "selfreply" c._commit() changed(link, True) # only the number of comments has changed inbox_rel = None # only global admins can be message spammed. if to and (not c._spam or in g.admins): inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name) return (c, inbox_rel)
class AccountTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.account = Account(number='123456', holder='Linus') def test_it_has_a_number(self): self.account.number |should| equal_to('123456') def test_it_as_a_holder(self): self.account.holder |should| equal_to('Linus') def test_it_has_a_balance_beginning_at_zero(self): self.account.balance |should| be(0) def test_it_allows_deposit(self): self.account.deposit(100) self.account.balance |should| be(100) self.account.deposit(100) self.account.balance |should| be(200) def test_it_allows_withdrawals(self): self.account.deposit(100) self.account.withdrawal(75) self.account.balance |should| be(25) def test_it_raises_an_error_for_insufficient_balance(self): self.account.deposit(100) (self.account.withdrawal, 100.01) |should| throw(InsufficientBalance)
def getAllByNetwork(self, network): if not Account.hasSupport(network): return None pm = PersistenceManager() if not pm.existsConfig(): return None config = pm.readConfig() accounts = [] accountType = Account.networkToAccount(network) for entry in config['accounts'][network]: account = Account.getAccount(network, entry['name']) if accountType == 'OAuth': account.setCredentials((entry['key'], entry['secret'])) elif accountType == 'UserPass': account.setCredentials((entry['user'], entry['password'])) accounts.append(account) return accounts
def new_account(): """ Endpoint for creating new accounts when the app is installed. Returns the account id and the account's secret key. """ if not request.form.get('uuid'): return api_error('must provide a device uuid') uuid = request.form['uuid'].strip() name = request.form['name'].strip() if 'name' in request.form else None email = request.form['email'].strip() if 'email' in request.form else None phone = request.form['phone'].strip() if 'phone' in request.form else None if phone == '': phone = None if Account.uuid_used(uuid): return user_error('an account already exists for this device.') if phone and Account.phone_used(phone): return user_error('phone number already in use') if email and Account.email_used(email): return user_error('email already in use') new_account =, name, phone, email) if not new_account: return api_error('unable to create new account') ret = {'aid': new_account.aid, 'key': new_account.key} return jsonify(**ret)
def _new(cls, author, link, parent, body, ip,criticism=False): from r2.lib.db.queries import changed #We're turing it off for now... criticism = False c = Comment(_ups = 1, body = body, link_id = link._id, sr_id = link.sr_id, author_id = author._id, ip = ip) c._spam = author._spam c.criticism=criticism #these props aren't relations if parent: c.parent_id = parent._id #should increment based on crit flag #Each should contain the root author and its id, problem is the id isn't created yet if we're the root so have to be clever if criticism: link._incr("num_criticisms",1) if parent: c.rootauthor=parent.rootauthor if parent.rootid: c.rootid=parent.rootid else: c.rootid=parent._id else: c.rootauthor=author._id c.rootid=False else: link._incr('num_comments', 1) to = None name = 'inbox' if parent: to = Account._byID(parent.author_id, True) elif link.is_self and not link.noselfreply: to = Account._byID(link.author_id, True) name = 'selfreply' c._commit() changed(link, True) # link's number of comments changed inbox_rel = None # only global admins can be message spammed. # Don't send the message if the recipient has blocked # the author if to and ((not c._spam and author._id not in to.enemies) or in g.admins): # When replying to your own comment, record the inbox # relation, but don't give yourself an orangered orangered = ( != inbox_rel = Inbox._add(to, c, name, orangered=orangered) return (c, inbox_rel)
def _view_all_budgets(a: Account, width: int) -> str: """Returns string of Account's budget tuple over all time periods. Prints out strings with the specified maximum width """ r = sorted( [(y,m) for y in a.get_budgets() for m in a.get_budgets(y)], key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]), reverse = True) return "\n"+_view_range_budget(a, r, width)
def _breakdown_str(i: int, a: Account, tf: [(int, int)], net: float, line: str) -> str: """Returns string indicating the breakdown of an Account """ tf_amount = round( sum(t.get_amount() for t in a.get_ts() \ if (t.get_year(), t.get_month()) in tf)/100, 2) tf_perc = round((tf_amount/net)*100, 2) return line.format(i, a.get_name(), tf_amount, tf_perc)
def create_account(self, attr, password, password_confirm): account = Account("", attr) if account.create_key(password, password_confirm): self.accounts[account._id] = self.set_account(account._id) return self._store() else: return False
def _um(a: Account, y: int) -> [int]: """Returns integers representing unique months of an Account and breakout integer """ if y in a.get_budgets(): return sorted( set(bc.months_abv(m) for m in a.get_budgets(y)), key=lambda x: bc.months_to_int[x]) + [-1] return [-1]
def get_default_account(cls): # we are not going to set the id, because we never save this url = '' username = '******' password = '******' default_account = Account(url, username, password) default_account.set_section_id(AccountManager.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID) return default_account
def _budget_total(a: Account, s: str, tf: [(int, int)]) -> int: """Returns sum of Account's attribute over specified timeframe """ _sum = 0 for y,m in tf: if y in a.get_budgets(): if m in a.get_budgets(y): method_str = "a.get_" + s + "(" + str(y)+ "," + str(m) + ")" _sum += eval(method_str) return _sum
def analyse_trade_stock(self, in_market_stra, out_market_stra, stock_id = '999999'): account = Account(50000*1000) # initial money market_trigger = StraTrigger(in_market_stra, out_market_stra) market_status_in_market = False hold_stock_days = 0 # tick: (time, [(stock_id, (open, close, high, low, volume)), (stock_id, ()), ...]) for tick in self.stocks.iter_ticks(): time_, stocks_price = tick for sid, price in stocks_price: if sid == stock_id: in_market_trigger, out_market_trigger = market_trigger.update(price) if not market_status_in_market: # 不在市场内, 寻找入市机会 if in_market_trigger: account.buy_stock(stock_id, price[1], today = time_) # close价格作为买入, 卖出价 market_status_in_market = True market_trigger.enter_market() hold_stock_days = 0 else: if price: hold_stock_days += 1 if out_market_trigger: account.sell_stock(stock_id, price[1], today = time_, hold_stock_days = hold_stock_days) market_status_in_market = False market_trigger.quit_market() break account.update(tick) account.summarize() total_profit =['account_total_profit'] no_fee_profit =['no_fee_total_profit'] max_backoff =['max_backoff'] self._show_account_info(account) #self._show_stock_trade(account) return (total_profit, no_fee_profit, max_backoff)
def start(self, delay=0): if 'enabled' in self.rspec and self.rspec['enabled'] <= 0: logger.log('sliver_lxc: not starting %s, is not enabled' return # the generic /etc/init.d/vinit script is permanently refreshed, and enabled self.install_and_enable_vinit() # expose .ssh for omf_friendly slivers if 'tags' in self.rspec and 'omf_control' in self.rspec['tags']: Account.mount_ssh_dir( Sliver_Libvirt.start (self, delay) # if a change has occured in the slice initscript, reflect this in /etc/init.d/vinit.slice self.refresh_slice_vinit()
def test_transfer(): checkingAccount = Account(CHECKING) savingsAccount = account(SAVINGS) henry = Customer("Henry").openAccount(checkingAccount).openAccount(savingsAccount) checkingAccount.deposit(100.0) savingsAccount.deposit(4000.0) savingsAccount.transferFunds(checkingAccount, 200.0) assert_equals(henry.getStatement(), "Statement for Henry" + "\n\nChecking Account\n deposit $100.00\n deposit $200.00\nTotal $300.00" + "\n\nSavings Account\n deposit $4000.00\n withdrawal $200.00\nTotal $3800.00" + "\n\nTotal In All Accounts $4100.00")
def get(self): """Handles OpenID Connect flow once user redirected back.""" session = get_current_session() session.regenerate_id() session['response_with_code'] = self.request.path_url\ + '?' + self.request.query_string # Perform steps 2, 3, and 4 # 1) Exchange authorization code for access token # 2) Verify obtained access token # 3) Use access token to obtained user info openidconnect_credentials =\ IDP_FLOW.step234_exchange_and_tokeninfo_and_userinfo( self.request.params) # Log in the user session['a_t'] = openidconnect_credentials.access_token session['user_id'] = session['token_info'] = openidconnect_credentials.tokeninfo session['user_info'] = openidconnect_credentials.userinfo userinfo = openidconnect_credentials.userinfo user_id = # not happy with this, but not sure what else is available acct = Account(key_name=user_id, if 'name' in userinfo else None, user_info=userinfo.to_json(), family_name=userinfo.family_name if 'family_name' in userinfo else None, locale=userinfo.locale if 'locale' in userinfo else None, gender=userinfo.gender if 'gender' in userinfo else None, if 'email' in userinfo else None, given_name=userinfo.given_name if 'given_name' in userinfo else None, google_account_id=user_id if 'id' in userinfo else None, verified_email=userinfo.verified_email if 'verified_email' in userinfo else None, if 'link' in userinfo else None, picture=userinfo.picture if 'picture' in userinfo else None) # store the account within the DB acct.access_token = openidconnect_credentials.access_token acct.put() # redirect the user to the main page self.redirect('/')
def get_important_friends(cls, user_id, max_lookup=500, limit=100): a = Account._byID(user_id, data=True) # friends are returned chronologically by date, so pick the end of the list # for the most recent additions friends = Account._byID(a.friends[-max_lookup:], return_dict=False, data=True) # if we don't have a last visit for your friends, we don't care about them friends = [x for x in friends if hasattr(x, "last_visit")] # sort friends by most recent interactions friends.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, "last_visit"), reverse=True) return [x._id for x in friends[:limit]]
def stream_select(game_pk): url = '' + game_pk + '/content' headers = { 'User-Agent': UA_ANDROID } r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=VERIFY) json_source = r.json() stream_title = ['Highlights'] #media_id = [] free_game = [] media_state = [] content_id = [] playback_scenario = [] epg = json_source['media']['epg'][0]['items'] for item in epg: xbmc.log(str(item)) if item['mediaState'] != 'MEDIA_OFF': title = str(item['mediaFeedType']).title() title = title.replace('_', ' ') stream_title.append(title + " (" + item['callLetters'].encode('utf-8') + ")") media_state.append(item['mediaState']) #media_id.append(item['mediaId']) content_id.append(item['contentId']) # playback_scenario.append(str(item['playback_scenario'])) # All past games should have highlights if len(stream_title) == 0: # and stream_date > localToEastern(): msg = "No playable streams found." dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.notification('Streams Not Found', msg, ICON, 5000, False) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(addon_handle, False, xbmcgui.ListItem()) sys.exit() stream_url = '' dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() n ='Choose Stream', stream_title) if n > -1 and stream_title[n] != 'Highlights': account = Account() stream_url, headers = account.get_stream(content_id[n-1]) if '.m3u8' in stream_url: play_stream(stream_url, headers) elif stream_title[n] == 'Highlights': highlight_select_stream(json_source['highlights']['live']['items']) else: xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(addon_handle, False, xbmcgui.ListItem()) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all,true)')
def start(self, delay=0): logger.log('==================== sliver_lxc.start {}'.format( if 'enabled' in self.rspec and self.rspec['enabled'] <= 0: logger.log('sliver_lxc: not starting {}, is not enabled'.format( return # the generic /etc/init.d/vinit script is permanently refreshed, and enabled self.install_and_enable_vinit() # expose .ssh for omf_friendly slivers if 'tags' in self.rspec and 'omf_control' in self.rspec['tags']: Account.mount_ssh_dir( # logger.log("NM is exiting for debug - just about to start {}".format( # exit(0) Sliver_Libvirt.start(self, delay)
class Test(object): def __init__(self): self.account = Account(10000) self.stocks = Stocks() self.stocks.load_from_file('stock_data.dat') def test_stra(self, stra): self.account.reset() for tick in self.stocks.iter_ticks(): time_, oper = stra.first_oper(tick) oper = stra.second_oper(tick, self.account, time_, oper) oper = stra.third_oper(tick, self.account, time_, oper) return result
def __load_accounts_from_config(self): for section in self.__config.sections(): section_id = self.__next_id() url = self.__config.get(section, 'url') username = self.__config.get(section, 'username') try: password = self.__config.get(section, 'password') if password == '': password = None except NoOptionError: password = None new_account = Account(url, username, password) new_account.set_section_id(section_id) self.__set_section_id_and_load_account(new_account)
def setAccount(self, accountNumber=None, meterNumber=None): index = None for i, val in enumerate(self.account): if val.getAccount() == str(accountNumber): index = i if index == None: newAccount = Account(str(accountNumber)) newAccount.setMeter(meterNumber) self.account.append(newAccount) else: print "Existing Account: ", self.account[index] self.account[index].setMeter(meterNumber)
def configure(self, rec): #sliver.[LXC/QEMU] tolower case #sliver_type = rec['type'].split('.')[1].lower() #BASE_DIR = '/cgroup/libvirt/{}/{}/'.format(sliver_type, # Disk allocation # No way through cgroups... figure out how to do that with user/dir quotas. # There is no way to do quota per directory. Chown-ing would create # problems as username namespaces are not yet implemented (and thus, host # and containers share the same name ids # Btrfs support quota per volumes if "rspec" in rec and "tags" in rec["rspec"]: if cgroups.get_cgroup_path( == None: # If configure is called before start, then the cgroups won't exist # yet. NM will eventually re-run configure on the next iteration. # TODO: Add a post-start configure, and move this stuff there logger.log("Configure: postponing tag check on {} as cgroups are not yet populated" .format( else: tags = rec["rspec"]["tags"] # It will depend on the FS selection if 'disk_max' in tags: disk_max = tags['disk_max'] if disk_max == 0: # unlimited pass else: # limit to certain number pass # Memory allocation if 'memlock_hard' in tags: mem = str(int(tags['memlock_hard']) * 1024) # hard limit in bytes cgroups.write(, 'memory.limit_in_bytes', mem, subsystem="memory") if 'memlock_soft' in tags: mem = str(int(tags['memlock_soft']) * 1024) # soft limit in bytes cgroups.write(, 'memory.soft_limit_in_bytes', mem, subsystem="memory") # CPU allocation # Only cpu_shares until figure out how to provide limits and guarantees # (RT_SCHED?) if 'cpu_share' in tags: cpu_share = tags['cpu_share'] cgroups.write(, 'cpu.shares', cpu_share) # Call the upper configure method (ssh keys...) Account.configure(self, rec)
def __enter__(self) -> Account: return Account(service.next_acc_id(),, self.balance)
from car import Car from account import Account if __name__ == "__main__": car = Car("AMS545", Account("Andres Herrera", "ASN545")) print(vars(car)) car2 = Car("AM8945", Account("Andrea Herrera", "ASA545")) print(vars(car2))
def sub_acc_bal(self, account: Account, amount: float): account.sub_balance(amount) return self
def add_to_watchlist(api_key, firstname, lastname): account = Account.api_authenticate(api_key) name = firstname + " " + lastname account.add_to_watchlist(name) return jsonify({"added": name})
def get_api_key(): data = request.get_json() account = Account.login(username=data['username'], password=data['password']) return jsonify({"api_key": account.api_key})
import pytest from account import Account checking = Account('Checking') saving = Account('Saving', 10) def test_account_balance(): assert checking.start_balance == 0 checking + 10 assert checking.balance == 10 assert saving.start_balance == 10 with pytest.raises(ValueError): saving - 'a' saving - 5 assert saving.balance == 5 def test_account_comparison(): assert checking > saving assert checking >= saving assert saving < checking assert saving <= checking saving + 5 def test_account_len(): checking + 10 checking + 3
from car import Car from account import Account if __name__ == "__main__": print("hola mundo") car = Car("AMW123", Account("Christian Fernandez", "C-653")) print(vars(car)) print(vars(car.driver)) car2 = Car("DRT345", Account("Marcos Lopez", "C-534")) print(vars(car2)) print(vars(car2.driver))
from account import Account from userdefined_exceptions import AmountTooSmallException from userdefined_exceptions import InsufficientBalanceException a1 = Account("mike", 12345, 200) balance = a1.checkBalance() print("Balance in {}'s account is {}".format(a1.holder, balance)) success, balance = a1.deposit(1000) print("Deposit status: {}".format(success)) print("Balance after deposit is {}".format(balance)) #success, balance = a1.deposit(10) try: success, balance = a1.deposit(10) except AmountTooSmallException as e: # print("give an amount greater than 50") print(e.message) a1.withDraw(300) try: a1.withDraw(2000000) except InsufficientBalanceException as i: print(i.message) print("you tried to withdrew an amount of {}".format(i.amount))
from car import Car from account import Account if __name__ == "__main__": print("Hello world!!") car = Car("TEH23", Account("Pepito Perez", "UY3T4")) print(vars(car)) print(vars(car.driver))
from car import Car from account import Account if __name__ == "__main__": print("Hello world") car = Car("GFK253", Account("Dilan Ariza", "10001333805")) print(vars(car)) print(vars(car.driver))
from car import Car from account import Account if __name__ == "__main__": print("Hola Mundo") car = Car("AMS234", Account("Andrés Herrera", "AND876")) print(vars(car)) print(vars(car.driver))
# if-else condition set for trendline color if lst_regr_data[0] > lst_regr_data[1]: a.plot(lst_regr_days, lst_regr_data, ls="--", lw=0.75, color=DEC_COLOR) else: a.plot(lst_regr_days, lst_regr_data, ls="--", lw=0.75, color=INC_COLOR) canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, self) canvas.get_tk_widget().place(x=0, y=0) ''' Main Loop ''' if __name__ == '__main__': # instantiate core class objects data = Data() acct = Account() analysis = Analysis() app = Gui() app.geometry(str(WIN_LENGTH) + "x" + str(WIN_WIDTH)) app.mainloop()
Write a test program that creates an Account object with an account id of 1122, a balance of $20,000, and an annual interest rate of 4.5%. Use the withdraw method to withdraw $2,500, use the deposit method to deposit $3,000, and print the id, balance, monthly interest rate, and monthly interest. """ from account import Account if __name__ == "__main__": # create dictionay to hold the test account parameters account_dict = { "account_id": 1122, "balance": 20000, "int_rate": 0.045, "withdrawal_amount": 2500, "deposit_amount": 3000 } account = Account(account_dict["account_id"], account_dict["balance"], account_dict["int_rate"]) account.withdraw(account_dict["withdrawal_amount"]) account.deposit(account_dict["deposit_amount"]) print("The id is: {}".format(account.getId())) print("The balance is: ${:0,.2f}".format(account.getBalance())) print("The monthly interest rate is: {} %".format( account.getMonthlyInterestRate() * 100)) print("The monthly interest is: ${:0,.2f}".format( account.getMonthlyInterest()))
def testWithSufficientFunds(self): account = Account(10) amount = account.debit(4) self.assertEqual(amount, 4)
def author(self): return Account._byID(self.author_id, True)
def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, spam=False, organic=False): from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score from r2.lib.count import incr_counts # An account can only perform 1 voting operation at a time. with g.make_lock('account_%s_voting' % sub._id) as lock: kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower() lock.log('voting checkpoint A') # If downvoting ensure that the user has enough karma, it # will raise an exception if not. if dir == False: sub.check_downvote(kind) lock.log('voting checkpoint B') # Do the voting. sr = obj.subreddit_slow karma = sub.karma(kind, sr) lock.log('voting checkpoint C') #check for old vote rel = cls.rel(sub, obj) oldvote = list( rel._query(rel.c._thing1_id == sub._id, rel.c._thing2_id == obj._id, data=True)) amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1 # Users have a vote_multiplier which effects how much their votes are worth if isinstance(sub, Account): amount *= sub.vote_multiplier lock.log('voting checkpoint D') is_new = False #old vote if len(oldvote): v = oldvote[0] oldamount = int(v._name) v._name = str(amount) #these still need to be recalculated old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', True) v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma) and v.valid_thing and not spam) v.valid_user = (v.valid_user and v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)) #new vote else: is_new = True oldamount = 0 v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount)) v.author_id = obj.author_id v.ip = ip old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma) and not spam) v.valid_user = v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma) if organic: = organic lock.log('voting checkpoint E') v._commit() lock.log('voting checkpoint F') # Record that this account has made a downvote. up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount) if down_change: sub.incr_downvote(down_change, kind) lock.log('voting checkpoint G') # Release the lock since both the downvote count and the vote count # have been updated, and then continue by updating karmas. update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing) if v.valid_user: author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True) author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change, down_change) #update the sr's valid vote count if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link': if sub._id != obj.author_id: incr_counts([sr]) return v
def draft_player(api_key, firstname, lastname): account = Account.api_authenticate(api_key) name = firstname + " " + lastname account.draft_player(name) return jsonify({"added": name})
from car import Car from account import Account from uberX import UberX from user import User if __name__ == "__main__": print("Inicializando las info de los carros") print("Car") car = Car( "AMS256", Account("Andres Herrera", "ASD12365", "*****@*****.**", "2563")) print(vars(car)) print(vars(car.driver)) print("UberX") uberX = UberX( "KLO365", Account("Marco Lois", "SGHJ1236", "*****@*****.**", "7856"), "Toyota", "Corolla") print(vars(uberX)) print(vars(uberX.driver)) print("User") user = User("mariana Valle", "SDFG125F", "*****@*****.**", "7856") print(vars(user))
def remove_from_watchlist(api_key, firstname, lastname): account = Account.api_authenticate(api_key) name = firstname + " " + lastname account.remove_from_watchlist(name) return jsonify({"removed": name})
def fetch_accounts(self, username): query = f'SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Username = "******";' res = self.database_connector.execute_query(query) accounts = [Account(acc) for acc in res] return accounts
def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic=False, cheater=False, timer=None): from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score from r2.lib.count import incr_sr_count from r2.lib.db import queries if timer is None: timer = SimpleSillyStub() sr = obj.subreddit_slow kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower() karma = sub.karma(kind, sr) is_self_link = (kind == 'link' and getattr(obj, 'is_self', False)) #check for old vote rel = cls.rel(sub, obj) oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values() oldvote = filter(None, oldvote) timer.intermediate("pg_read_vote") amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1 is_new = False #old vote if len(oldvote): v = oldvote[0] oldamount = int(v._name) v._name = str(amount) #these still need to be recalculated old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', False) v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater) and getattr(v, 'valid_thing', False)) v.valid_user = (getattr(v, 'valid_user', False) and v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)) #new vote else: is_new = True oldamount = 0 v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount)) v.ip = ip old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater) v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma) and not is_self_link) if organic: = organic v._commit() timer.intermediate("pg_write_vote") up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount) if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1): # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1 update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v, old_valid_thing) timer.intermediate("pg_update_score") if v.valid_user: author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True) author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change) timer.intermediate("pg_incr_karma") #update the sr's valid vote count if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link': if sub._id != obj.author_id: incr_sr_count(sr) timer.intermediate("incr_sr_counts") # now write it out to Cassandra. We'll write it out to both # this way for a while CassandraVote._copy_from(v) VotesByAccount.copy_from(v) timer.intermediate("cassavotes") queries.changed(v._thing2, True) timer.intermediate("changed") return v
def main(): acc = Account('Vipin', 200) acc += 400 acc -= 100 print(acc)
amount = 0 time = "" violations = list() for line in fileinput.input(): logger.debug(line) json_data = json.loads(line) oper = list(json_data.keys())[0] if oper == "account": if account is None: # Create a new account active_card = json_data[oper]["active-card"] available_limit = json_data[oper]["available-limit"] account = Account(available_limit, active_card) else: violations.append("account-already-initialized") elif oper == "transaction": if account is None: violations.append("account-not-initialized") elif active_card is False: violations.append("card-not-active") else: merchant = json_data[oper]["merchant"] amount = json_data[oper]["amount"] time = json_data[oper]["time"] # Perform transcation if oper == "transaction" and len(violations) == 0:
def setUp(self) -> None: self.account = Account(name="Adrian", account_number="1234567890", surname="Woda", account_balance=20000.00)
def add_acc_bal(self, account: Account, amount: float): account.add_balance(amount) return self
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.account = Account(name="Adrian", account_number="1234567890", surname="Woda", account_balance=20000.00) # self.account = Mock() # self.account.owner = Mock(return_value="Adrian Woda") def test_env_variable(self): self.assertEqual(os.environ['zmienna'], "123") def test_something(self): self.assertEqual(self.account(), "1234567890") def test_should_return_proper_owner_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.account.owner(), "Adrian Woda") def test_should_return_account_balance(self): self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 20000.00) def test_should_return_account_number(self): self.assertEqual(self.account.number(), "1234567890") def test_should_properly_transfer_money(self): self.account.transfer(-150) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 19850) def test_should_properly_transfer_money2(self): self.account.transfer(1000) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 21000) def test_should_card_return_owner_name(self): card = Card(self.account, "0000") self.assertEqual(card(), "Adrian Woda") def test_should_check_pin(self): card = Card(self.account, "0000") self.assertTrue(card.check_pin("0000")) self.assertFalse(card.check_pin("2345")) def test_should_card_return_proper_account(self): card = Card(self.account, "0000") self.assertEqual(card.get_account(), self.account) def test_should_withdraw_money_from_account(self): # 1. chce sprawdzic, czy po wyplacie, moj balance zmniejszyl się self.account.withdraw(500) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 19500) def test_should_withdraw_money_from_account2(self): # 2. chce sprawdzic, czy moge wyciagnac wiecej niz mam self.account.withdraw(25000) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 20000) def test_should_withdraw_money_from_account3(self): # 3. chce sprawdzic, czy moge wyciagnac wszystko self.account.withdraw(20000) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 0) def test_should_send_money_to_another_account(self): account2 = Account(name="John", surname="Doe", account_number="0987654321", account_balance=20000.00) self.account.sendMoney(account2, 10) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 20000 - 10) self.assertEqual(account2.balance(), 20000 + 10) def test_should_send_money_to_another_account2(self): account2 = Account(name="John", surname="Doe", account_number="0987654321", account_balance=20000.00) self.account.sendMoney(account2, 21000) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 20000) self.assertEqual(account2.balance(), 20000) def test_should_not_be_able_to_send_negative_amount_of_money(self): account2 = Account(name="John", surname="Doe", account_number="0987654321", account_balance=20000.00) self.account.sendMoney(account2, -1000) self.assertEqual(self.account.balance(), 20000, "account1 balance mismatch") self.assertEqual(account2.balance(), 20000, "account2 balance mismatch") def test_should_cart_be_blocked_after_3_incorret_attempts(self): cart = Card(account=self.account, pin="1234") cart.check_pin("0000") cart.check_pin("0000") cart.check_pin("0000") with self.assertRaises(CardLockedException): cart.check_pin("1234") def test_should_cart_not_be_blocked_after_2_incorrect_attempts(self): cart = Card(account=self.account, pin="1234") cart.check_pin("0000") cart.check_pin("0000") self.assertTrue(cart.check_pin("1234")) def test_x(self): cart = Card(account=self.account, pin="1234") cart.check_pin("0000") cart.check_pin("0000") cart.check_pin("1234") cart.check_pin("0000") self.assertTrue(cart.check_pin("1234")) def test_warinings(self): warnings.warn("You really want to assert warnings?!", RuntimeWarning) with self.assertWarnsRegex(RuntimeWarning, "warning") as warning: warnings.warn("another warning", RuntimeWarning)
def __init__(self): """Store the accounts the user has added(Twitter by default).""" self.accounts = {"twitter": Account(), "facebook": Account()}
"""Use the indexer to search for transactions on chain.""" __author__ = "Adriano Di Luzio <*****@*****.**>" import json import base64 import msgpack from config import account_mnemonic from connect import indexer_client from account import Account def search(sender): response = indexer_client.search_transactions_by_address(address=sender.address) print(json.dumps(response, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) txns = response["transactions"] last_txn = txns[0] # Txs are sorted from most to least recent. note = last_txn["note"] print() print(f"✍️ Most recent note:\n{msgpack.unpackb(base64.b64decode(note))}") if __name__ == "__main__": sender = Account.from_mnemonic(account_mnemonic) search(sender)
def vote(cls, sub, obj, dir, ip, organic=False, cheater=False): from admintools import valid_user, valid_thing, update_score from r2.lib.count import incr_sr_count from r2.lib.db import queries sr = obj.subreddit_slow kind = obj.__class__.__name__.lower() karma = sub.karma(kind, sr) is_self_link = (kind == 'link' and getattr(obj, 'is_self', False)) #check for old vote rel = cls.rel(sub, obj) oldvote = rel._fast_query(sub, obj, ['-1', '0', '1']).values() oldvote = filter(None, oldvote) amount = 1 if dir is True else 0 if dir is None else -1 is_new = False #old vote if len(oldvote): v = oldvote[0] oldamount = int(v._name) v._name = str(amount) #these still need to be recalculated old_valid_thing = getattr(v, 'valid_thing', False) v.valid_thing = (valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater) and getattr(v, 'valid_thing', False)) v.valid_user = (v.valid_user and v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma)) #new vote else: is_new = True oldamount = 0 v = rel(sub, obj, str(amount)) v.ip = ip old_valid_thing = v.valid_thing = valid_thing(v, karma, cheater=cheater) v.valid_user = (v.valid_thing and valid_user(v, sr, karma) and not is_self_link) if organic: = organic v._commit() v._fast_query_timestamp_touch(sub) up_change, down_change = score_changes(amount, oldamount) if not (is_new and obj.author_id == sub._id and amount == 1): # we don't do this if it's the author's initial automatic # vote, because we checked it in with _ups == 1 update_score(obj, up_change, down_change, v.valid_thing, old_valid_thing) if v.valid_user: author = Account._byID(obj.author_id, data=True) author.incr_karma(kind, sr, up_change - down_change) #update the sr's valid vote count if is_new and v.valid_thing and kind == 'link': if sub._id != obj.author_id: incr_sr_count(sr) # now write it out to Cassandra. We'll write it out to both # this way for a while voter = v._thing1 votee = v._thing2 cvc = CassandraVote._rel(Account, votee.__class__) try: cv = cvc._fast_query(voter._id36, votee._id36) except tdb_cassandra.NotFound: cv = cvc(thing1_id=voter._id36, thing2_id=votee._id36) = v._name cv.valid_user, cv.valid_thing = v.valid_user, v.valid_thing cv.ip = v.ip if getattr(v, 'organic', False) or hasattr(cv, 'organic'): = getattr(v, 'organic', False) cv._commit() queries.changed(votee, True) return v
def __init__(self, holder, accnumber, sbal, overdraft_limit): Account.__init__(self, holder, accnumber, sbal) self.overdraft_limit = overdraft_limit