Example #1
def resend_activation_key(request, user_id):
	user = get_object_or_404(User, pk=user_id)
	activation = get_object_or_None(ActivationKey, user=user)
	if not activation == None:
		# Cleaning database from unused objects
	if request.method == 'POST':
		form = ResendActivationKeyForm(request.POST)
		if not form.cleaned_data['email'] == user.email:
			messages.error(request, "E-mail address sent by you doesn't match \
			with address used to register this account.")
			return redirect(reverse('home'))
		if form.is_valid():
			t = loader.get_template('accounts/email/email_activation.html')
			ak = ActivationKey(user=user)
			webmaster_email = get_config('WEBMASTER_EMAIL', '*****@*****.**')
			site_name = get_config('SITE_NAME', 'Trinitee application')
			c = Context({'new_user': user, 'activation_key': ak.key,
				'webmaster_email': webmaster_email, 'site_name': site_name,
				'server_name': request.get_host()})
			send_mail("E-mail activation at %s" % site_name, t.render(c),
				get_config('MAILER_ADDRESS', '*****@*****.**'),
				[email], fail_silently=False)
			messages.success(request, "An email has been sent \
			to the specified address with instructions on how to activate \
			your new account. If it doesn't arrive you can contact the forum \
			administrator at %s" % webmaster_email)
			return redirect(reverse('home'))
		form = ResendActivationKeyForm()
	return {'form': form}
Example #2
def register(request):
# ref: comment to accounts.views.login_
	if request.method == 'POST':
		form = RegistrationForm(request.POST)
		if form.is_valid():
			username = form.cleaned_data['username']
			password = form.cleaned_data['password']
			email = form.cleaned_data['email']
			user = User(username=username, email=email, is_active=False)
			if not get_config('ACTIVATION_REQUIRED', False):
				user.is_active = True
				messages.success(request, "Thank you for registering."
					" You can now log in.")
				if not get_config('EMAIL_HOST', False) \
					or not get_config('EMAIL_PORT', False) \
					or not get_config('EMAIL_HOST_USER', False) \
					or not get_config('EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD', False):
					raise ImproperlyConfigured("You must configure mailer.")
				ak = ActivationKey(user=user)
				t = loader.get_template('accounts/email/email_activation.html')
				webmaster_email = get_config('WEBMASTER_EMAIL', '*****@*****.**')
				site_name = get_config('SITE_NAME', 'Trinitee application')
				c = Context({'new_user': user, 'activation_key': ak.key,
					'webmaster_email': webmaster_email, 'site_name': site_name,
					'server_name': request.get_host()})
				send_mail("E-mail activation at %s" % site_name, t.render(c),
					get_config('MAILER_ADDRESS', '*****@*****.**'),
				messages.success(request, "Thank you for registering."
					" An email has been sent to the specified address with"
					" instructions on how to activate your new account."
					" If it doesn't arrive you can contact the forum"
					" administrator at %s" % webmaster_email)
			return redirect(reverse('accounts.views.login'))
		form = RegistrationForm()
	return {'form': form}