Example #1
 def event_button_add(self,widget,data=None):
     print "RunnerSetup::event_button_add()"
     newJob = DataDict()
     newJob.pushBack("aprun", "False")
     newJob.pushBack("command", "")
     newJob.pushBack("commandArgs", "")
     newJob.pushBack("tasks", "-1")
     newJob.pushBack("tasksNode", "-1")
     newJob.pushBack("tasksNuma", "-1")
     self.__tasksListStore.append(["NewTask", "", -1, -1, -1, -1, False, newJob])
     self.event_tasksList_cursorChanged(self.__tasksList, None)
Example #2
 def generateRunConfigDict(self):
     Return a DataDict saved by the RunConfig
     specifiying the information neccessary to load the analysis
     using loadAnalysisByDict()
     for loading the analysis . 
     assert self.type in AnalysisInterface.getTypes()
     d = DataDict()
     d.pushBack("type", self.type)
     d.pushBack("name", self.instName)
     return d
Example #3
 def ParsePowerThorughSurface(self,sectionNamesList,sectionList):
     Parses 'powerThroughSurface' sections, returns a DataDict with one entry (another dataDict) for each section found.
     ptsSects =  self.__findMySections(sectionNamesList, sectionList, "powerThroughSurface")
     retDict = DataDict()
     for sec in ptsSects:
         secDict = DataDict()
         secDict.pushBack("surfaceID", re.match(r"surfaceID\s*:\s*(\d+)",sec[1].strip()).group(1))
         secDict.pushBack("ModeID", re.match(r"ModeID\s*:\s*(\d+)",sec[2].strip()).group(1))
         pow = re.match(r"Power\s*:\s*\(\s*("+redigits+r"),\s*("+redigits+r")\s*\)\s*\(W\)", sec[3].strip())
         secDict.pushBack("Power_real", pow.group(1))
         secDict.pushBack("Power_imag", pow.group(2))
         retDict.pushBack("surf", secDict)
     return retDict
Example #4
 def ParseRoverQ(self,sectionNamesList,sectionList,L=-1.0):
     "Parses RoverQ sections, returns a DataDict. Assumes there to be only one RoverQ."
     RoQsec =  self.__findMySections(sectionNamesList, sectionList, "RoverQ")
     if len(RoQsec) == 0:
     elif len(RoQsec) > 1:
         raise RFpostException_runAna("More than one RoverQ section encountered in input file '" + self.fname + "'")
     RoQsec = RoQsec[0]
     loi = [] #Lines of interest
     trigger = False
     for line in RoQsec:
         if trigger:
             #We are capturing!
             if line.strip() == "}":
             #Ready for trigger
             if line.strip().startswith("ModeID"):
                 trigger = True
     #Parse line-for-line
     retDict = DataDict()
     for line in loi:
         ldic = DataDict()
         ls = re.match(r'\s*(\d+)\s+('+redigits+")\s+\(\s*("+redigits+"),\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*\)\s*("+redigits+")\s*("+redigits+")",line)
         #ls = line.split()
         ldic.pushBack("ModeID", ls.group(1))
         ldic.pushBack("Frequency", ls.group(2)) #Hz
         ldic.pushBack("Vr", ls.group(3))
         ldic.pushBack("Vi", ls.group(4))
         ldic.pushBack("Vabs", ls.group(5)) #V
         if L != -1.0:
             ldic.pushBack("Ez_ave", str(float(ldic["Vabs"])/(L/1000.0)))  #V/m
         ldic.pushBack("RoQ", ls.group(6))
         if L != -1.0:
             ldic.pushBack("RoQ_norm", str(float(ls.group(6))/L)) #Ohm/mm (weird unit, but changing would mean data containing two versions :/)
     return retDict
Example #5
    def parseData(self, dataString, L=-1.0):
        #Split into sections by looking for [NAME]
        sectionNamesList = []
        sectionList = []

        sectionBuffer = []
        braceCounter = 0

        for line in dataString.splitlines():
            #Look for new sections
            if len(sectionNamesList) == len(sectionList):
                mobj = re.match(r"\[(\w*)\]",line)
                if mobj:
            #Scan to the end of section
                if line.strip().startswith("{"):
                    braceCounter += 1
                elif line.strip().startswith("}"):
                    braceCounter -=1
                if braceCounter == 0:
                    #Reached end of a section
                    sectionBuffer = []
        assert len(sectionNamesList) == len(sectionList)
        #Filter through sections to find the interesting results
        retDict = DataDict()
        retDict.pushBack("RoverQ", self.ParseRoverQ(sectionNamesList, sectionList,L))
        retDict.pushBack("maxFieldsOnSurface", self.ParseMaxFieldsOnSurface(sectionNamesList, sectionList,retDict)) #This depends on RoverQ's results, accessed through retDict
        retDict.pushBack("powerThroughSurface", self.ParsePowerThorughSurface(sectionNamesList, sectionList))
        retDict.pushBack("fieldSurfPlaneIntersect", self.ParseFieldSurfPlaneIntersect(sectionNamesList, sectionList, retDict)) #Depends on RoverQ
        retDict.pushBack("field2SurfsIntersect", self.ParseField2SurfsIntersect(sectionNamesList, sectionList, retDict)) #Depends on RoverQ
        retDict.pushBack("fieldSurfRotPlaneIntersect", self.ParseFieldSurfRotPlaneIntersect(sectionNamesList, sectionList, retDict)) #Depends on RoverQ
        return retDict
Example #6
 def ParseFieldSurfRotPlaneIntersect(self,sectionNamesList,sectionList, retDataROQ=None):
     Parses 'FieldSurfRotPlaneIntersect' sections, returns a DataDict with one entry (another dataDict) for each section found.
     Dependent on output from RoverQ analysis for normalization, which it searches for through "retData". Skipped if not found.
     ptsSects =  self.__findMySections(sectionNamesList, sectionList, "fieldSurfRotPlaneIntersect")
     retDict = DataDict()
     for sec in ptsSects:
         secDict = DataDict()
         secDict.pushBack("surfaceID", re.match(r"surfaceID\s*:\s*(\d+)",sec[1].strip()).group(1))
         modID = re.match(r"ModeID\s*:\s*(\d+)",sec[2].strip()).group(1); secDict.pushBack("ModeID", modID)
         secDict.pushBack("rotAngle", re.match(r"rotAngle\s*:\s*("+redigits2+r")\s*\[deg\]",sec[3].strip()).group(1))
         Ematch = re.match(r"maxE\s*:\s*(" + redigits + r")\s*\(V/m\)\s*at\s*\(\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*,\s*(" + redigits + r")\s*,\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*\)",sec[4].strip())
         Emax = Ematch.group(1); secDict.pushBack("Emax", Emax)
         Hmatch = re.match(r"maxH\s*:\s*(" + redigits + r")\s*\(A/m\)\s*at\s*\(\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*,\s*(" + redigits + r")\s*,\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*\)",sec[5].strip())
         Hmax = Hmatch.group(1); secDict.pushBack("Hmax", Hmax)
         SCmatch = re.match(r"maxSC\s*:\s*(" + redigits + r")\s*\(VA/m\^2\)\s*at\s*\(\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*,\s*(" + redigits + r")\s*,\s*(" + redigits + ")\s*\)\s*\(assumed mu_r = 1\)",sec[6].strip())
         SCmax = SCmatch.group(1); secDict.pushBack("SCmax", SCmax)
         if retDataROQ != None:
                 RoQ = retDataROQ["RoverQ"]
                 Ez_ave = None
                 for mode in RoQ.getVals("mode"):
                     if int(mode["ModeID"]) == int(modID):
                         assert Ez_ave == None
                         Ez_ave = float(mode["Ez_ave"])
                 if Ez_ave != None:
                     secDict.pushBack("Ez_ave", str(Ez_ave))
                     secDict.pushBack("Emax_norm", str(float(Emax)/Ez_ave))
                     secDict.pushBack("Hmax_norm", str(float(Hmax)/Ez_ave))
                     secDict.pushBack("SCmax_norm", str(float(SCmax)/Ez_ave/Ez_ave))
                     print "Didn't find Ez_ave"
             except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
                 print "No normalization found, skipping"
         retDict.pushBack("surf", secDict)
     return retDict
Example #7
 def ParseMaxFieldsOnSurface(self,sectionNamesList,sectionList,retDataROQ=None):
     Parses 'maxFieldsOnSurface' sections, returns a DataDict with one entry (another dataDict) for each section found.
     Dependent on output from RoverQ analysis for normalization, which it searches for through "retData". Skipped if not found.
     mfosSec =  self.__findMySections(sectionNamesList, sectionList, "maxFieldsOnSurface")
     retDict = DataDict()
     #print mfosSec
     for sec in mfosSec:
         secDict = DataDict()
         surfID_match = re.match("surfaceID :[ ]*([0-9]*)", sec[1].strip())
         #print  sec[1].strip(), surfID_match.groups()
         surfID = surfID_match.group(1)
         secDict.pushBack("surfaceID", surfID)
         print "sec=", sec
         for i in xrange(2,len(sec)-1,4):
             #print "*****", i, sec[i], sec[i+1], sec[i+2]
             modDict = DataDict()
             print "sec[" + str(i) + "] = '" + sec[i] + "'"
             modID_match = re.match("ModeID :[ ]*([0-9]*)", sec[i].strip())
             modID = modID_match.group(1)
             modDict.pushBack("modeID", modID)
             Emax_match = re.match(r"Emax :[ ]*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*e\+[0-9]*)",sec[i+1].strip())
             Emax = Emax_match.group(1)
             modDict.pushBack("Emax", Emax)
             Hmax_match = re.match(r"Hmax :[ ]*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*e\+[0-9]*)",sec[i+2].strip())
             Hmax = Hmax_match.group(1)
             modDict.pushBack("Hmax", Hmax)
             SCmax_match = re.match(r"SCmax :[ ]*([0-9]*\.[0-9]*e\+[0-9]*)",sec[i+3].strip())
             SCmax = SCmax_match.group(1)
             modDict.pushBack("SCmax", SCmax)
             if retDataROQ != None:
                     RoQ = retDataROQ["RoverQ"]
                     Ez_ave = None
                     for mode in RoQ.getVals("mode"):
                         if int(mode["ModeID"]) == int(modID):
                             assert Ez_ave == None
                             Ez_ave = float(mode["Ez_ave"])
                     if Ez_ave != None:
                         modDict.pushBack("Ez_ave", str(Ez_ave))
                         modDict.pushBack("Emax_norm", str(float(Emax)/Ez_ave))
                         modDict.pushBack("Hmax_norm", str(float(Hmax)/Ez_ave))
                         modDict.pushBack("SCmax_norm", str(float(SCmax)/Ez_ave/Ez_ave))
                         print "Didn't find Ez_ave"
                 except AcdOptiException_dataDict_getValsSingle:
                     print "No normalization found, skipping"
             secDict.pushBack("mode", modDict)
         retDict.pushBack("surf", secDict)
     return retDict