Example #1
    async def cancel(self) -> SocketMessageResponse:
        log().info("cancelling print...")
        if not self.actualState["status"]["state"]['flags']['printing']:
            return SocketMessageResponse(
                1, "pandora is not in an printing state")

        await self.octoapi.cancel()
        await self.octoapi.post_command("G1 Z140")
        return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #2
    async def command(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> SocketMessageResponse:
        log().info("executing command...")
        if 'command' not in data:
            log().warning("command not specified")
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, "command not specified")

        for cmd in data['command'].split(";"):
            await self.octoapi.post_command(cmd)
        return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #3
    async def wifi(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> SocketMessageResponse:
        log().info("changing wifi...")
        for k in ['ssid', 'psk']:
            if k not in data:
                return SocketMessageResponse(1, k + " parameter not specified")

        log().info("new wifi data: ssid=" + data['ssid'] + " psk=" +
        wifi = 'network={\n  ssid="' + data['ssid'] + '"\n  psk="' + data[
            'psk'] + '"\n}\n'
        wpa_supplicant_txt = open("/boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt").read()
             "w").write(wifi + wpa_supplicant_txt)
        return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #4
    async def move(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> SocketMessageResponse:
        for k in ['axis', 'distance']:
            if k not in data:
                return SocketMessageResponse(1, k + " not specified")

        for cmd in [
                'G91', 'G1 {}{} F1000'.format(data['axis'], data['distance']),
            log().info("executing command from move command chain " + cmd +
            await self.octoapi.post_command(cmd)
        return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #5
 async def load(self) -> SocketMessageResponse:
     log().info("loading filament...")
     for cmd in ['M109 S210', 'G92 E0', 'G1 E100 F150', 'M109 S0']:
         log().info("executing command from load command chain " + cmd +
         await self.octoapi.post_command(cmd)
     return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #6
    async def settings(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> SocketMessageResponse:
        log().info("changing settings...")
        keys = [x for x in data if x not in ['instruction']]
        if not len(keys):
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, "no new settings has been sent")

        for k in keys:
            if k not in self.actualState['settings']:
                return SocketMessageResponse(1,
                                             "setting " + k + " not supported")

        for k in keys:
            self.actualState['settings'][k] = data[k]
        json.dump(self.actualState['settings'], open("../store.json", "w"))
        await self.syncWithUlab()
        return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #7
    async def print(self, data: Dict[str, str]) -> SocketMessageResponse:
        if 'file' not in data:
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, "file not specified")

        if self.actualState['download']['file'] is not None:
            return SocketMessageResponse(
                1, "file " + self.actualState['download']['file'] +
                " has already been sheduled to download and print")

        if not self.actualState["status"]["state"]['text'] == 'Operational':
            return SocketMessageResponse(
                1, "pandora is not in an operational state")

        upload_path = get_args().octoprint_upload_path
        if not os.path.isdir(upload_path):
        gcode = upload_path + '/' + (data['file'] if data['file'].endswith(
            '.gcode') else data['file'] + '.gcode')

        if not os.path.isfile(gcode):
            log().info("file " + gcode + " not found, downloading it...")

            async def download_and_print():
                self.actualState["download"]["file"] = data['file']
                self.actualState["download"]["completion"] = 0.0
                r = await self.ulabapi.download(data['file'])

                if not r.status == 200:
                    log().warning("error downloading file " + data['file'] +
                                  " from url: " + str(r.status))
                    self.actualState["download"]["file"] = None
                    self.actualState["download"]["completion"] = -1

                await self._download_file(r, gcode)
                await self._print_file(gcode)

            ))  # todo: get running loop from somewhere cleaner
            return SocketMessageResponse(
                0, "file was not on ucloud, downloading it and printing it...")

        await self._print_file(gcode)
        return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #8
 async def home(self) -> SocketMessageResponse:
     await self.octoapi.post_command("G28")
     return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #9
 async def stop(self) -> SocketMessageResponse:
     log().info("stopping transmission")
     self.transmitting = False
     return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")
Example #10
    async def listener(self, data_raw: str) -> SocketMessageResponse:
            data: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] = json.loads(data_raw)
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            log().error("error decoding instruction " + data_raw)
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, "cannot decode instruction")

        if 'instruction' not in data:
                "received instruction without specifying an instruction name")
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, "instruction not specified")

        instruction = data['instruction']
        log().info("instruction " + instruction + " detected")
        if instruction in [
                "home", "start", "stop", "print", "command", "load", "unload",
            error_flag = False
                if self.actualState["status"]["state"]['text'] != 'Operational':
                    error_flag = True
            except KeyError:
                error_flag = True
            except TypeError:
                error_flag = True
            if error_flag:
                    "instruction not allowed if pandora is not on an operational state"
                return SocketMessageResponse(
                    1, "printer is not on an operational state")

            if instruction == "start":
                return await self.start()

            elif instruction == "stop":
                return await self.stop()

            if instruction == 'home':
                return await self.home()

            elif instruction == 'print':
                return await self.print(data)

            elif instruction == 'cancel':
                return await self.cancel()

            elif instruction == 'settings':
                return await self.settings(data)

            elif instruction == 'move':
                return await self.move(data)

            elif instruction == 'command':
                return await self.command(data)

            elif instruction == 'load':
                return await self.load()

            elif instruction == 'unload':
                return await self.unload()

            elif instruction == 'wifi':
                return await self.wifi(data)

                return SocketMessageResponse(
                    1, data['instruction'] + " instruction not supported")

        except HttpException as e:
            log().warning("octoapi responded " + str(e.code) + ", to " +
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, "printer responded " + str(e.code))

        except Exception as e:
            return SocketMessageResponse(1, str(e))
Example #11
 async def start(self) -> SocketMessageResponse:
     log().info("starting transmission")
     self.transmitting = True
     return SocketMessageResponse(0, "ok")