Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        signature = other.Signature(
            sig='\x15\xed\x84\xaa:\xf2DO\x0e9 \xbcg\xf8\xc0\xcf\x87\x9a'

        from acme.messages import CertificateRequest
        self.msg = CertificateRequest(csr=CSR, signature=signature)

        self.jmsg_to = {
            'type': 'certificateRequest',
            'csr': jose.b64encode(CSR.as_der()),
            'signature': signature,
        self.jmsg_from = self.jmsg_to.copy()
        self.jmsg_from['signature'] = self.jmsg_from['signature'].to_json()
def test_order_finalize_early():
    Test that finalizing an order before its fully authorized results in the
    order having an error set and the status being invalid.
    # Create a client
    client = make_client(None)

    # Create a random domain and a csr
    domains = [random_domain()]
    csr_pem = make_csr(domains)

    # Create an order for the domain
    order = client.new_order(csr_pem)

    # Finalize the order without doing anything with the authorizations. YOLO
    # We expect this to generate an unauthorized error.
        "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized", lambda: client.net.post(
            order.body.finalize, CertificateRequest(csr=order.csr)))

    # Poll for a fixed amount of time checking for the order to become invalid
    # from the early finalization attempt initiated above failing
    deadline = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
    while datetime.datetime.now() < deadline:
        updatedOrder = requests.get(order.uri).json()
        if updatedOrder['status'] == "invalid":

    # If the loop ended and the status isn't invalid then we reached the
    # deadline waiting for the order to become invalid, fail the test
    if updatedOrder['status'] != "invalid":
        raise Exception("timed out waiting for order %s to become invalid" %

    # The order should have an error with the expected type
    if updatedOrder['error'][
            'type'] != 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized':
        raise Exception("order %s has incorrect error field type: \"%s\"" %
                        (order.uri, updatedOrder['error']['type']))
Example #3
 def setUp(self):
     from acme.messages import CertificateRequest
     self.req = CertificateRequest(csr=CSR)
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     from acme.messages import CertificateRequest
     self.req = CertificateRequest(csr=CSR, authorizations=('foo', ))