def Audio(audio, chat_id): global spo global goes goes = 1 file = local + "/Songs/" + audio + ".ogg" bot.download_file(audio, file) audio = acrcloud.recognizer(config, file) try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: None if audio['status']['msg'] != "Success": bot.sendMessage( chat_id, "Sorry cannot detect the song from audio :(, retry...") else: artist = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['artists'][0]['name'] track = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['title'] album = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['album']['name'] try: date = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['release_date'] except KeyError: None try: label = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['label'] except KeyError: None try: genre = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['genres'][0]['name'] except KeyError: None try: album += ">" + date except NameError: None try: album += ">" + label except NameError: None try: album += ">" + genre except NameError: None if len(album) > 64: album = "Infos with too many bytes" if len(album.split(">")) == 1: album = "No informations" url = json.loads( requests.get("" + track.replace("#", "") + " + " + artist.replace("#", "")).text) try: for a in range(url['total'] + 1): if url['data'][a]['title'] == track or url['data'][a][ 'title_short'] in track: id = url['data'][a]['link'] image = url['data'][a]['album']['cover_xl'] break except IndexError: try: url = json.loads( requests.get("" + track.replace("#", "").split(" ")[0] + " + " + artist.replace("#", "")).text) for a in range(url['total'] + 1): if track.split(" ")[0] in url['data'][a]['title']: id = url['data'][a]['link'] image = url['data'][a]['album']['cover_xl'] break except IndexError: try: id = "" + \ audio['metadata']['music'][0]['external_metadata']['spotify']['track']['id'] try: url = spo.track(id) except: token = generate_token() spo = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) url = spo.track(id) image = url['album']['images'][0]['url'] except KeyError: None try: id = "" + \ str(audio['metadata']['music'][0] ['external_metadata']['deezer']['track']['id']) url = json.loads( requests.get("" + id.split("/")[-1]).text) image = url['album']['cover_xl'] except KeyError: None try: bot.sendPhoto( chat_id, image, caption=track + " - " + artist, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Download", callback_data=id), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Info", callback_data=album) ]])) except: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Error :(") goes = 2
def Audio(audio, chat_id): global spo file = loc_dir + audio + ".ogg" try: bot.download_file(audio, file) except telepot.exception.TelegramError: sendMessage(chat_id, translate( languag[chat_id], "File sent is too big, please send a file lower than 20 MB")) return audio = acrcloud.recognizer(config, file) try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: pass if audio['status']['msg'] != "Success": sendMessage(chat_id, translate( languag[chat_id], "Sorry cannot detect the song from audio :(, retry...")) else: artist = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['artists'][0]['name'] track = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['title'] album = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['album']['name'] try: date = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['release_date'] album += "_" + date except KeyError: album += "_" try: label = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['label'] album += "_" + label except KeyError: album += "_" try: genre = audio['metadata']['music'][0]['genres'][0]['name'] album += "_" + genre except KeyError: album += "_" if len(album) > 64: album = "Infos with too many bytes" try: url = request("" + track.replace( "#", "") + " + " + artist.replace("#", ""), chat_id, True).json() except AttributeError: return try: for a in range(url['total'] + 1): if url['data'][a]['title'] == track: id = url['data'][a]['link'] image = url['data'][a]['album']['cover_xl'] break except IndexError: try: id = "" + \ audio['metadata']['music'][0]['external_metadata']['spotify']['track']['id'] try: url = spo.track(id) except: spo = spotipy.Spotify(auth=generate_token()) url = spo.track(id) image = url['album']['images'][0]['url'] except KeyError: pass try: id = "" + \ str(audio['metadata']['music'][0] ['external_metadata']['deezer']['track']['id']) try: url = request(id, chat_id, True).json() except AttributeError: return image = url['album']['cover_xl'] except KeyError: pass try: sendPhoto(chat_id, image, caption=track + " - " + artist, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Download", callback_data=id), InlineKeyboardButton( text="Info", callback_data=album)] ] )) except: sendMessage(chat_id, translate(languag[chat_id], "Error :("))
fs = 44100 os.system('cls') print('LyricsFinder by Srki & Bobo\n') print('snimam') rec_start = time.time() myrec = sd.rec(int(duration*fs)) sd.wait() print('pisem u fajl') sf.write('test.wav', myrec, fs) print('prepoznajem') stopwatch = time.time() song = acr.recognizer(config, 'test.wav') print('vreme:', time.time() - stopwatch) if song['status']['msg'] == 'Success': # artist_name = fix_text(song['metadata']['music'][0]['artists'][0]['name']) # song_name = fix_text(song['metadata']['music'][0]['title']) artist_name = song['metadata']['music'][0]['artists'][0]['name'] song_name = song['metadata']['music'][0]['title'] play_offset = song['metadata']['music'][0]['play_offset_ms'] / 1000 song_start = rec_start - play_offset song_duration = song['metadata']['music'][0]['duration_ms'] / 1000 lyrics = genius.search_song(song_name, artist_name) print(lyrics) if lyrics is None: