Example #1
    def test_safeslug(self):

        examples = (
            ("This is a Test", "this-is-a-test"),
            ("this is a test", "this-is-a-test"),
            ("This is another-- test", "this-is-another-test"),
                'A real example: Hello World in C++ -- "a new approach*"!',

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        examples = ((u"Hänsel und Gretel", "haensel-und-gretel"), (u"fácil € ☺", "facil-eur"))

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        from unicodedata import normalize

        setattr(helpers, "normalize", normalize)
        helpers.translitcodec = None
        assert helpers.safeslug(u"Hänsel und Gretel") == "hansel-und-gretel"
Example #2
    def test_safeslugwithrussian(self):

        examples = [(u"Nothing happens", "nothing-happens"), (u"русский", "russkii")]

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        helpers.unidecode = None
        assert helpers.safeslug(u"русский") == ""
Example #3
    def test_safeslugwithrussian(self):

        examples = [(u'Nothing happens', 'nothing-happens'),
                    (u'русский', 'russkii')]

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        helpers.unidecode = None
        assert helpers.safeslug(u'русский') == ''
Example #4
    def test_safeslugwithrussian(self):

        examples = [(u'Nothing happens', 'nothing-happens'),
                    (u'русский', 'russkii')]

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        helpers.unidecode = None
        assert helpers.safeslug(u'русский') == ''
Example #5
def recurse(category, tree):

    yield category, sorted(list(fetch(tree)), key=lambda k: k.date, reverse=True)

    for subtree in iteritems(tree[0]):
        for item in recurse(category + "/" + safeslug(subtree[0]), subtree[1]):
            yield item
Example #6
def tweet(entry, conf, dryrun=False):
    """Send a tweet with the title, link and tags from an entry. The first time you
    need to authorize Acrylamid but than it works without any interaction."""

    key = "6k00FRe6w4SZfqEzzzyZVA"
    secret = "fzRfQcqQX4gcZziyLeoI5wSbnFb7GGj2oEh10hnjPUo"

    creds = os.path.expanduser('~/.twitter_oauth')
    if not os.path.exists(creds):
        twitter.oauth_dance("Acrylamid", key, secret, creds)

    oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = twitter.read_token_file(creds)
    t = twitter.Twitter(
        auth=twitter.OAuth(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, key, secret))

    tweet = u"New Blog Entry: {0} {1} {2}".format(
        entry.title, helpers.joinurl(conf['www_root'], entry.permalink),
        ' '.join([u'#' + helpers.safeslug(tag) for tag in entry.tags]))

    print('     ', bold(blue("tweet ")), end='')
    print('\n'.join(wrap(tweet.encode('utf8'), subsequent_indent=' ' * 13)))

    if not dryrun:
        except twitter.api.TwitterError as e:
                log.warn("%s" % json.loads(e.response_data)['error'])
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                log.warn("Twitter: something went wrong...")
Example #7
    def context(self, env, request):

        class Link:

            def __init__(self, title, href):
                self.title = title
                self.href = href if href.endswith('/') else href + '/'

        def tagify(tags):
            href = lambda t: expand(self.path, {'name': safeslug(t)})
            return [Link(t, href(t)) for t in tags]

        tags = defaultdict(list)
        for e in request['entrylist']:
            for tag in e.tags:

        env.tt.register('tagify', tagify)
        env.tag_cloud = Tagcloud(tags, self.conf['tag_cloud_steps'],
                                       self.conf.get('tag_cloud_shuffle', False))

        self.tags = {}
        for k, v in tags.iteritems():
            self.tags[safeslug(k)] = v

        return env
Example #8
def tweet(entry, conf, dryrun=False):
    """Send a tweet with the title, link and tags from an entry. The first time you
    need to authorize Acrylamid but than it works without any interaction."""

    key = "6k00FRe6w4SZfqEzzzyZVA"
    secret = "fzRfQcqQX4gcZziyLeoI5wSbnFb7GGj2oEh10hnjPUo"

    creds = os.path.expanduser('~/.twitter_oauth')
    if not os.path.exists(creds):
        twitter.oauth_dance("Acrylamid", key, secret, creds)

    oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = twitter.read_token_file(creds)
    t = twitter.Twitter(auth=twitter.OAuth(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, key, secret))

    tweet = u"New Blog Entry: {0} {1} {2}".format(entry.title,
        helpers.joinurl(conf['www_root'], entry.permalink),
        ' '.join([u'#' + helpers.safeslug(tag) for tag in entry.tags]))

    print('     ', bold(blue("tweet ")), end='')
    print('\n'.join(wrap(tweet.encode('utf8'), subsequent_indent=' '*13)))

    if not dryrun:
        except twitter.api.TwitterError as e:
                log.warn("%s" % json.loads(e.response_data)['error'])
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                log.warn("Twitter: something went wrong...")
Example #9
    def safeslug(self):

        examples = (
            ('This is a Test', 'this-is-a-test'),
            ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('This is another-- test',
            ('A real example: Hello World in C++ -- "a new approach*"!',

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        examples = ((u'Hänsel und Gretel', 'haensel-und-gretel'),
                    (u'fácil € ☺', 'facil-eu'), (u'русский', 'russkii'))

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected
Example #10
    def safeslug(self):

        examples = (('This is a Test', 'this-is-a-test'),
                    ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'),
                    ('This is another-- test', 'this-is-another-test'),
                    ('A real example: Hello World in C++ -- "a new approach*"!',

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        examples = ((u'Hänsel und Gretel', 'haensel-und-gretel'),
                    (u'fácil € ☺', 'facil-eu'),
                    (u'русский', 'russkii'))

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected
Example #11
    def generate(self, conf, env, data):
        """Creates paged listing by tag."""

        for tag in self.tags:

            data["entrylist"] = [entry for entry in self.tags[tag]]
            for res in Paginator.generate(self, conf, env, data, tag=tag, name=safeslug(tag)):
                yield res
Example #12
def recurse(category, tree):

    yield category, sorted(list(fetch(tree)),
                           key=lambda k: k.date,

    for subtree in iteritems(tree[0]):
        for item in recurse(category + '/' + safeslug(subtree[0]), subtree[1]):
            yield item
Example #13
    def test_safeslug(self):

        examples = (('This is a Test', 'this-is-a-test'),
                    ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'),
                    ('This is another-- test', 'this-is-another-test'),
                    ('A real example: Hello World in C++ -- "a new approach*"!',

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        examples = ((u'Hänsel und Gretel', 'haensel-und-gretel'),
                    (u'fácil € ☺', 'facil-eur'))

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        from unicodedata import normalize
        setattr(helpers, 'normalize', normalize)
        helpers.translitcodec = None
        assert helpers.safeslug(u'Hänsel und Gretel') == 'hansel-und-gretel'
Example #14
    def generate(self, conf, env, data):
        """Creates paged listing by tag."""

        for tag in self.tags:

            data['entrylist'] = [entry for entry in self.tags[tag]]
            for res in Paginator.generate(self,
                yield res
Example #15
    def test_safeslug(self):

        examples = (
            ('This is a Test', 'this-is-a-test'),
            ('this is a test', 'this-is-a-test'), ('This is another-- test',
            ('A real example: Hello World in C++ -- "a new approach*"!',

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        examples = ((u'Hänsel und Gretel', 'haensel-und-gretel'),
                    (u'fácil € ☺', 'facil-eur'))

        for value, expected in examples:
            assert helpers.safeslug(value) == expected

        from unicodedata import normalize
        setattr(helpers, 'normalize', normalize)
        helpers.translitcodec = None
        assert helpers.safeslug(u'Hänsel und Gretel') == 'hansel-und-gretel'
Example #16
    def _populate_tags(self, request):

        tags = defaultdict(list)
        tmap = defaultdict(int)

        for e in request['entrylist']:
            for tag in e.tags:
                tmap[tag] += 1

        # map tags to the most counted tag name
        for name in tags.keys()[:]:
            key = max([(tmap[key], key) for key in tmap
                       if key.lower() == name])[1]
            rv = tags.pop(key.lower())
            tags[key] = rv

        self.tags = dict([(safeslug(k), v) for k, v in tags.iteritems()])
        return tags
Example #17
    def _populate_tags(self, request):

        tags = defaultdict(list)
        tmap = defaultdict(int)

        for e in request['entrylist']:
            for tag in e.tags:
                tmap[tag] += 1

        # map tags to the most counted tag name
        for name in tags.keys()[:]:
            key = max([(tmap[key], key) for key in tmap
                       if key.lower() == name])[1]
            rv = tags.pop(key.lower())
            tags[key] = rv

        self.tags = dict([(safeslug(k), v) for k, v in tags.iteritems()])
        return tags
Example #18
 def tagify(tags):
     href = lambda t: expand(self.path, {'name': safeslug(t)})
     return [Link(t, href(t)) for t in tags] if isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)) \
         else Link(tags, href(tags))
Example #19
 def slug(self):
     """ascii safe entry title"""
     slug = self.props.get('slug', None)
     if not slug:
         slug = safeslug(self.title)
     return slug
Example #20
    def populate_tags(self, request):

        tags = fetch(request['entrylist'])
        self.tags = dict([(safeslug(k), v) for k, v in iteritems(tags)])
        return tags
Example #21
 def tagify(tags):
     href = lambda t: expand(self.path, {"name": safeslug(t)})
     return [Link(t, href(t)) for t in tags]
Example #22
    def _populate_tags(self, request):

        tags = fetch(request["entrylist"], skip=lambda x: x.draft)
        self.tags = dict([(safeslug(k), v) for k, v in tags.iteritems()])
        return tags
Example #23
    def populate_tags(self, request):

        tags = fetch(request['entrylist'])
        self.tags = dict([(safeslug(k), v) for k, v in iteritems(tags)])
        return tags
Example #24
    def populate_tags(self, request):

        tags = fetch(request['entrylist'] + request['translations'])
        self.tags = dict([(safeslug(k), v) for k, v in tags.iteritems()])
        return tags
Example #25
 def slug(self):
     """ascii safe entry title"""
     return safeslug(self.title)
Example #26
 def slug(self):
     """ascii safe entry title"""
     slug = self.props.get('slug', None)
     if not slug:
         slug = safeslug(self.title)
     return slug
Example #27
 def tagify(tags):
     href = lambda t: expand(self.path, {"name": safeslug(t)})
     return [Link(t, href(t)) for t in tags] if isinstance(tags, (list, tuple)) else Link(tags, href(tags))
Example #28
 def tagify(tags):
     href = lambda t: expand(self.path, {'name': safeslug(t)})
     return [Link(t, href(t)) for t in tags]