def create_notebook_pool(): notebook_pool = [] in_result = [] cursor, db = create_connection() sql = 'select distinct notebook_id from result' cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() for row in sql_res: in_result.append(int(row[0])) in_notebook = [] sql = 'select distinct id from notebook where isRandom=1' cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() for row in sql_res: in_notebook.append(int(row[0])) sql = 'select pair.nid from pair,dataset where and dataset.server_ip = \'' + ip + '\'' cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() for row in sql_res: if int(row[0]) not in in_result: continue if int(row[0]) not in in_notebook: continue if int(row[0]) not in notebook_pool: notebook_pool.append(int(row[0])) return notebook_pool
def check_model(notebook_id): model_dic = eval(CONFIG.get('models', 'model_dic')) cursor, db = create_connection() sql = 'select model_type from result where notebook_id = ' + str(notebook_id) cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() model_list = np.zeros([len(model_dic.keys())]) check = False for row in sql_res: if row[0] in model_dic.keys(): model_id = model_dic[row[0]]-1 model_list[model_id] = 1 check = True return check,model_list
def train(notebook_root, dataset_root, ip): def check_model(notebook_id): model_dic = eval(CONFIG.get('models', 'model_dic')) cursor, db = create_connection() sql = 'select model_type from result where notebook_id = ' + str( notebook_id) cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() model_list = np.zeros([len(model_dic.keys())]) check = False for row in sql_res: if row[0] in model_dic.keys(): model_id = model_dic[row[0]] - 1 model_list[model_id] = 1 check = True return check, model_list def create_notebook_pool(): notebook_pool = [] in_result = [] cursor, db = create_connection() sql = 'select distinct notebook_id from result' cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() for row in sql_res: in_result.append(int(row[0])) in_notebook = [] sql = 'select distinct id from notebook where isRandom=1' cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() for row in sql_res: in_notebook.append(int(row[0])) sql = 'select pair.nid from pair,dataset where and dataset.server_ip = \'' + ip + '\'' cursor.execute(sql) sql_res = cursor.fetchall() for row in sql_res: if int(row[0]) not in in_result: continue if int(row[0]) not in in_notebook: continue if int(row[0]) not in notebook_pool: notebook_pool.append(int(row[0])) return notebook_pool notebook_pool = create_notebook_pool() train_config = eval(CONFIG.get('train', 'train')) nepisode = train_config['nepisode'] obs_dim = train_config['obs_dim'] ope_dic = eval(CONFIG.get('operators', 'operations')) learning_rate = train_config['learning_rate'] gamma = train_config['gamma'] dense_dim = train_config['dense_dim'] column_num = train_config['column_num'] act_1_dim = 0 for item in ope_dic: if ope_dic[item]['index'] > act_1_dim: act_1_dim = ope_dic[item]['index'] # 27 agent = PolicyGradient(act_1_dim=act_1_dim + 1, act_2_dim=column_num, obs_dim=obs_dim, dense_dim=dense_dim, lr=learning_rate, gamma=gamma) if os.path.exists('reward_list.npy'): print('exists') reward_list = list(np.load('./reward_list.npy', allow_pickle=True)) else: reward_list = [] if os.path.exists('loss_pg.npy'): print('loss exists') loss_list = list(np.load('./loss_pg.npy', allow_pickle=True)) else: loss_list = [] iteration = 0 if os.path.exists('act_reward_pg.npy'): print('exists') act_reward = np.load('./act_reward_pg.npy', allow_pickle=True).item() else: act_reward = {} for i_episode in range(nepisode): ep_rwd = 0 notebook_id = random.choice(notebook_pool) print("\033[0;35;40m" + "notebook_id:" + str(notebook_id) + "\033[0m") notebook_path = notebook_root + str(notebook_id) + '.ipynb' notebook_code = get_code_txt(notebook_path) res_line_number = -1 s_t, len_data = rpc_client_get_origin_state(notebook_id, notebook_code, column_num, ip) # print(s_t) check_result, model_list = check_model(notebook_id) while s_t == 'run failed' or check_result == False: notebook_pool.remove(notebook_id) notebook_id = random.choice(notebook_pool) print("\033[0;34;40m" + "notebook_id:" + str(notebook_id) + "\033[0m") notebook_path = notebook_root + str(notebook_id) + '.ipynb' notebook_code = get_code_txt(notebook_path) s_t, len_data = rpc_client_get_origin_state( notebook_id, notebook_code, column_num, ip) check_result, model_list = check_model(notebook_id) s_t_p = s_t s_t = np.ravel(s_t) type_ = np.array([int(np.load('type.npy', allow_pickle=True))]) if len(s_t) == 1900: s_t = np.concatenate((type_, s_t), axis=0) if len(s_t) == 1901: s_t = np.concatenate((s_t, model_list), axis=0) # pprint.pprint(s_t) if len(s_t) == 0: continue while True: terminal1 = False if int(np.load('type.npy', allow_pickle=True)) != 1: terminal1 = True action1, action2 = agent.step(s_t) # 已知当前状态,通过网络预测预测下一步的动作(这里要改) # print(len_data) # print(len(s_t_p)) check_res = check_action_by_rule(action1 + 1, action2, s_t_p, len_data, column_num=column_num) count = 0 s_t_plus_1 = np.zeros([1942]) if check_res == False: reward = -1.0 terminal = True # while cehck_res == False and count < 10: # print('changed_act1:',action1) # count += 1 # action1,action2 = agent.step_1() # 已知当前状态,通过网络预测预测下一步的动作(这里要改) # cehck_res = check_action_by_rule(action1 + 1, action2 + 1, s_t_p,len_data,column_num=column_num) else: if action2 == column_num - 1: target_content = { 'operation': action1 + 1, 'data_object': -1, } else: target_content = { 'operation': action1 + 1, 'data_object': action2, } # print('?>>?') # print('act:',act) # 执行动作,得到新状态,立即回报,是否终止 # s_t = [] eventlet.monkey_patch() try: with eventlet.Timeout(60, False): # 设置超时时间为2秒 s_t, action, reward, terminal, s_t_plus_1, notebook_code, res_line_number, len_data_plus_1 = rpc_client_do_an_action( notebook_id, notebook_code, target_content, column_num, res_line_number, ip) except: break if s_t == []: break # print('?>>?') if reward == -2: continue # print("\033[0;36;40m" + "s_t:" + str(s_t) + "\033[0m") s_t = np.ravel(s_t) type_ = np.array([int(np.load('type.npy', allow_pickle=True))]) if int(np.load('type.npy', allow_pickle=True)) != 1: terminal = True if len(s_t) == 1900: s_t = np.concatenate((type_, s_t), axis=0) if len(s_t) == 1901: s_t = np.concatenate((s_t, model_list), axis=0) s_t_p = s_t_plus_1 s_t_plus_1 = np.ravel(s_t_plus_1) if len(s_t_plus_1) == 1900: s_t_plus_1 = np.concatenate(([0], s_t_plus_1), axis=0) if len(s_t_plus_1) == 1901: s_t_plus_1 = np.concatenate((s_t_plus_1, model_list), axis=0) s_t = s_t_plus_1 len_data = len_data_plus_1 act = (action1, action2) agent.memory.store_transition(s_t, act, reward) # 放入采样池(这里要改) ep_rwd += reward print("\033[0;36;40m" + "reward:" + str(reward) + "\033[0m") print("\033[0;36;40m" + "terminal:" + str(terminal) + "\033[0m") print("\033[0;36;40m" + "act:" + str(act) + "\033[0m") if terminal or terminal1: loss = agent.learn() # 一个完整过程终止,开始优化网络 loss_list.append(loss) print('Ep: %i' % i_episode, "|Ep_r: %f" % ep_rwd) sql = 'update notebook set trained_time = trained_time + 1 where id=' + str( notebook_id) cursor, db = create_connection() cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() if act[0] not in act_reward: act_reward[act[0]] = [] act_reward[act[0]].append(ep_rwd) reward_list.append(ep_rwd) # if i_episode % 50 == 0:'./reward_list.npy', reward_list)'loss_pg', loss_list)'act_reward_pg', act_reward) break