Example #1
def fill_with(agent, tokens, _):
    'to make full with a substance; to supply with as much as can be contained'
    [new_parent, substance] = tokens[1:3]
    return Configure('fill', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [fill/v] [indirect/o] with ' + 
                     direct=substance, new=('in', new_parent))
Example #2
def give(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to yield possession of; to deliver over, as property'
    to_be_given = check_for_metonymy(tokens[1], concept)
    return Configure('give', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [give/v] [direct/o] to [indirect/o]',
                     direct=to_be_given, old=('of', agent),
                     new=('of', tokens[2]))
Example #3
def fill_with_from(agent, tokens, _):
    'to make full with a substance from a source or vessel'
    [vessel, substance, source] = tokens[1:4]
    return Configure('fill', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [fill/v] [indirect/o] with ' + 
                              '[direct/o] from [' + source + '/o]',
                     direct=substance, old=('in', source), new=('in', vessel))
Example #4
def throw(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to fling, cast, or hurl with a certain whirling motion of the arm'
    item = concept.item[tokens[1]]
    new_place = str(concept.room_of(agent))
    return Configure('throw', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [toss/v] [direct/s] up',
                     direct=tokens[1], old=(item.link, item.parent),
                     new=('through', new_place))
Example #5
def enter(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to go into something, such as a compartment or door'
    link = 'in'
    if concept.item[tokens[1]].door:
        link = 'through'
    return Configure('enter', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [enter/v] [indirect/o]',
                     direct=agent, new=(link, tokens[1]))
Example #6
def drop(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to let go; to set aside; to have done with; to let fall to the ground'
    to_be_dropped = check_for_metonymy(tokens[1], concept)
    room = str(concept.room_of(to_be_dropped))
    return Configure('drop', agent,
                     template=['[agent/s] [relinquish/v] [direct/o]',
                               '[agent/s] [set/v] [direct/o] down'],
                     direct=to_be_dropped, new=('in', room))
Example #7
def fill_from(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to make full from a source or vessel'
    [vessel, source] = tokens[1:3]
    if len(concept.item[source].children) > 0:
        (_, direct) = concept.item[source].children[0]
        direct = '@cosmos'
    return Configure('fill', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [fill/v] [indirect/o] from [' + 
                              source + '/o]',
                     direct=direct, old=('in', source), new=('in', vessel))
Example #8
def leave_from(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to bring oneself out of some location'
    link = 'in'
    if (tokens[1] in concept.item and 
        concept.item[tokens[1]] == concept.item[agent].parent):
        link = concept.item[agent].link
    room_tag = str(concept.room_of(agent))
    template = '[agent/s] [get/v] out of [' + tokens[1] + '/o]'
    return Configure('depart', agent,
                     template=template, direct=agent,
                     old=(link, tokens[1]), new=('in', room_tag))
Example #9
def free_from(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to bring out from some specified compartment'
    [direct, container] = tokens[1:3]
    link = 'in'
    if (container in concept.item and 
        concept.item[container] == concept.item[direct].parent):
        link = concept.item[direct].link
    room_tag = str(concept.room_of(agent))
    template = '[agent/s] [free/v] [direct/o] from [' + container + '/o]'
    return Configure('free', agent,
                     template=template, direct=direct,
                     old=(link, container), new=('in', room_tag))
Example #10
def remove_from(agent, tokens, concept):
    'to bring out of some location'
    [direct, container] = tokens[1:3]
    if (direct == agent):
        return free_from(agent, tokens, concept)
    link = 'in'
    if (container in concept.item and 
        concept.item[container] == concept.item[direct].parent):
        link = concept.item[direct].link
    template = '[agent/s] [remove/v] [direct/o] from [' + container + '/o]'
    return Configure('remove', agent,
                     template=template, direct=direct,
                     old=(link, container), new=('of', agent))
Example #11
from item_model import Actor, Room, Thing
from action_model import Behave, Configure, Sense
import can

discourse = {
    'metadata': {
         'title': 'The Simulated Bank Robbery'},
    {'commanded': '@robber', 'focalizer': '@robber', 'narratee': None,
     'time_words': False, 'room_name_headings': False}}

READ_SLIPS = Behave('read', '@teller', direct='@slips')
SNOOZE = Behave('snooze', '@guard',
    template='[agent/s] [snooze/ing/v]')
COUNT_SLIPS = Behave('count', '@teller', direct='@slips')
DON_MASK = Configure('wear', '@robber', direct='@mask', new=('on', '@robber'),
    template='[agent/s] [put/v] on [direct/o]')
TYPE = Behave('type', '@teller')
PLAY = Behave('play', '@teller',
    template="[agent/s] [play/v] Solitaire a bit on [agent's] computer")
ROBBER_TO_LOBBY = Behave('leave', '@robber',
    template='[agent/s] [leave/v] the street',
    direct='@robber', direction='in')
WAVE = Behave('wave', '@teller', target='@robber',
    template='[agent/s] [wave/v] to [direct/o]')
BRANDISH = Behave('brandish', '@robber', target='@teller', indirect='@fake_gun',
    template='[agent/s] [brandish/v] [indirect/o] at [direct/o]')
LAUGH = Behave('laugh', '@teller')
WAKE = Behave('wake', '@guard')
SEE_ROBBER = Sense('see', '@guard', direct='@robber', modality='sight')
GUARD_TO_LOBBY = Behave('leave', '@guard',
    template='[agent/s] [leave/v] the guard post',
Example #12
def feed(agent, tokens, _):
    'to give food to; to supply with nourishment'
    return Configure('feed', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [feed/v] [direct/o] to [indirect/s]',
                     direct=tokens[1], old=('of', agent), new=('of', tokens[2]))
Example #13
def doff(agent, tokens, _):
    'to strip; to divest; to undress'
    return Configure('doff', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [take/v] off [direct/o]',
                     direct=tokens[1], old=('on', agent), new=('of', agent))
Example #14
def wear(agent, tokens, _):
    'to carry or bear upon the person, as an article of clothing, etc.'
    return Configure('wear', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [put/v] [direct/o] on',
                     direct=tokens[1], old=('of', agent), new=('on', agent))
Example #15
def take(agent, tokens, concept):
    "to get into one's hold or possession; to procure; to seize and carry away"
    to_be_taken = check_for_metonymy(tokens[1], concept)
    return Configure('take', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [pick/v] [direct/o] up',
                     direct=to_be_taken, new=('of', agent))
Example #16
def put_on(agent, tokens, _):
    'to bring to a position or place; to place; to lay; to set'
    return Configure('put', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [put/v] [direct/o] on [indirect/o]',
                     direct=tokens[1], new=('on', tokens[2]))
Example #17
def pour_on_from(agent, tokens, _):
    'to cause a substance to flow from somewhere onto something'
    [substance, source, vessel] = tokens[1:4]
    return Configure('pour', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [pour/v] [direct/o] onto [indirect/o]',
                     direct=substance, old=('in', source), new=('on', vessel))
Example #18
def pour_on(agent, tokens, _):
    'to cause a substance to flow in a stream onto something'
    [substance, vessel] = tokens[1:3]
    return Configure('pour', agent,
                     template='[agent/s] [pour/v] [direct/o] onto [indirect/o]',
                     direct=substance, new=('on', vessel))