Example #1
# blobviews.py
# January 2011, Kyle Miller

import blobs
from actionlist import ContinueWith, DeferAction, ActionList, action_assert, ActionTable
from tornado.httpclient import HTTPError
import uuid

# Definitions of view handlers

blob_views = ActionTable(doc="""These are views for individual blobs.
  The signature for each is (handler, blob, a_data) -> String""")

blob_views.define_actionlist("show", doc="For rendering the blob to html.")
blob_views.define_actionlist("edit", doc="For a blob edit view.")
blob_views.define_actionlist("edit_post", doc="For posting from a blob edit view.")
blob_views.define_actionlist("delete", doc="For a deleting a blob.")
blob_views.define_actionlist("delete_post", doc="For actually deleting a blob.")

blob_to_html = ActionList(doc="""This is to convert a blob to html.
  It is used by the show blob_view.  It's separated so we can make a
  BlobModule for blobs""")

blob_get_name = ActionList(doc="""This is to get a string identifier
   of a blob for a user to view.  Not guaranteed to be unique!""")

blob_create_view = ActionList(doc="""This is to construct a view for
   creating a new blob.  This isn't a blob_view since we don't know
   the blob yet.""")
Example #2
# bbviews.py
# January 2011, Kyle Miller
# views of a blob base

import blobs
from actionlist import ContinueWith, DeferAction, ActionList, action_assert, ActionTable
from tornado.httpclient import HTTPError
import uuid

# Definitions of view handlers

bb_views = ActionTable(doc="""These are views for entire blob bases.""")

bb_views.define_actionlist("recent_changes", doc="For showing what's recently been done to a blob.")

def bb_views_recent_changes(handler, blob_base):
    entries = handler.db.doc.find({"blob_base": blob_base}).sort([("modified", -1)])
    the_blobs = blobs.Blob.docs_to_blobs(handler.db, entries)
    handler.render("bbrecent_changes.html", blob_base=blob_base, the_blobs=the_blobs)
Example #3
# docviews.py
# January 2011, Kyle Miller

import blobs
from actionlist import ContinueWith, DeferAction, ActionList, action_assert, ActionTable
from tornado.httpclient import HTTPError
import uuid
import blobviews

# Definitions of view handlers

doc_views = ActionTable(doc="""These are views for documents.""")

doc_views.define_actionlist("show", doc="For showing a whole document (and all of its current versions).")
doc_views.define_actionlist("history", doc="For showing the history of a document.")

# doc action: show

def docview_show_default(handler, doc_id) :
    entries = handler.db.tags.find({"_doc_id" : doc_id, "_masked" : False}).sort([("modified", -1)])
    the_blobs = list(blobs.Blob.tags_to_blobs(handler.db, entries))
    if not the_blobs :
        entries = handler.db.tags.find({"_doc_id" : doc_id}).sort([("modified", -1)])
        the_blobs = list(blobs.Blob.tags_to_blobs(handler.db, entries))
        if not the_blobs :
            raise HTTPError(404)