def generate_ifc_cylinder_geom(shape: PrimCyl, f): """Create IfcExtrudedAreaSolid from primitive PrimCyl""" p1 = shape.p1 p2 = shape.p2 r = shape.r vec = np.array(p2) - np.array(p1) uvec = unit_vector(vec) vecdir = to_real(uvec) cr_dir = np.array([0, 0, 1]) if vector_length(abs(uvec) - abs(cr_dir)) == 0.0: cr_dir = np.array([1, 0, 0]) perp_dir = np.cross(uvec, cr_dir) if vector_length(perp_dir) == 0.0: raise ValueError("Perpendicular dir cannot be zero") create_ifc_placement(f, to_real(p1), vecdir, to_real(perp_dir)) opening_axis_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, to_real(p1), vecdir, to_real(perp_dir)) depth = vector_length(vec) profile = f.createIfcCircleProfileDef("AREA",, None, r) return create_ifcextrudedareasolid(f, profile, opening_axis_placement, Z, depth)
def create_polyline_beam(beam, f, profile): ifc_polyline = beam.curve.get_ifc_elem() extrude_dir = ifc_dir(f, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) global_placement = create_ifc_placement(f) extrude_area_solid = f.create_entity("IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid", profile, global_placement, ifc_polyline, 0.0, 1.0, extrude_dir) loc_plac = create_ifc_placement(f) return extrude_area_solid, loc_plac, ifc_polyline
def shell_elem_to_ifc(elem: Elem, f, subref, owner_history): verts = [ifc_vertex(point, f) for point in elem.nodes] orientedEdges = [] for e1, e2 in elem.shape.edges_seq: orientedEdges.append(f.createIfcOrientedEdge(None, None, f.createIfcEdge(verts[e1], verts[e2]), True)) edgeLoop = f.createIfcEdgeLoop(tuple(orientedEdges)) plane = f.create_entity( "IfcPlane", create_ifc_placement(f, to_real(elem.fem_sec.local_z), to_real(elem.fem_sec.local_x)) ) faceBound = f.createIfcFaceBound(edgeLoop, True) face = f.createIfcFaceSurface((faceBound,), plane, True) faceTopologyRep = f.createIfcTopologyRepresentation(subref["reference"], "Reference", "Face", (face,)) faceProdDefShape = f.createIfcProductDefinitionShape(None, None, (faceTopologyRep,)) return f.create_entity( "IfcStructuralSurfaceMember", create_guid(), owner_history, f"El{}", None, None, create_local_placement(f), faceProdDefShape, "SHELL", elem.fem_sec.thickness, )
def to_ifc_fem(fem: FEM, f: ifcopenshell.file) -> None: owner_history = fem.parent.get_assembly().user.to_ifc() f.create_entity( "IfcStructuralAnalysisModel", create_guid(), owner_history,, "ADA FEM model", ".NOTDEFINED.", "LOADING_3D", ) subref = create_reference_subrep(f, create_ifc_placement(f)) el_ids = [] logging.warning("Note! IFC FEM export is Work in progress") for elem in fem.elements: if not in el_ids: el_ids.append( else: logging.error(f'Skipping doubly defined element "{}"') continue if elem.shape.elem_type_group == elem.EL_TYPES.LINE: _ = line_elem_to_ifc(elem, f, subref, owner_history) elif elem.shape.elem_type_group == elem.EL_TYPES.SHELL: _ = shell_elem_to_ifc(elem, f, subref, owner_history) else: logging.error(f'Unsupported elem type "{elem.type}"')
def generate_ifc_prim_sweep_geom(shape: PrimSweep, f): sweep_curve = shape.sweep_curve.get_ifc_elem() profile = f.create_entity("IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef", "AREA", None, shape.profile_curve_outer.get_ifc_elem()) ifc_xdir = f.create_entity( "IfcDirection", [float(x) for x in shape.profile_curve_outer.xdir]) opening_axis_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, O, Z, X) return create_IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid(f, sweep_curve, profile, opening_axis_placement, None, None, ifc_xdir)
def generate_ifc_prim_extrude_geom(shape: PrimExtrude, f): """Create IfcExtrudedAreaSolid from primitive PrimExtrude""" # # polyline = self.create_ifcpolyline(self.file, [p[:3] for p in points]) normal = shape.poly.normal h = shape.extrude_depth points = [ tuple(x.astype(float).tolist()) for x in shape.poly.seg_global_points ] seg_index = shape.poly.seg_index polyline = create_ifcindexpolyline(f, points, seg_index) profile = f.createIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("AREA", None, polyline) opening_axis_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, O, Z, X) return create_ifcextrudedareasolid(f, profile, opening_axis_placement, [float(n) for n in normal], h)
def create_ifc_trimmed_curve(curve: CurveRevolve, f: "ifile"): loc_plac = create_ifc_placement(f, origin=curve.rot_origin) ifc_circle = f.create_entity("IFCCIRCLE", loc_plac, curve.radius) param1 = (f.create_entity("IFCPARAMETERVALUE", 0.0), ifc_p(f, curve.p1)) param2 = (f.create_entity("IFCPARAMETERVALUE", np.deg2rad(curve.angle)), ifc_p(f, curve.p2)) trim_curve = f.create_entity( "IFCTRIMMEDCURVE", BasisCurve=ifc_circle, Trim1=param1, Trim2=param2, SenseAgreement=True, MasterRepresentation="PARAMETER", ) return trim_curve
def generate_ifc_box_geom(shape: PrimBox, f): """Create IfcExtrudedAreaSolid from primitive PrimBox""" p1 = shape.p1 p2 = shape.p2 points = [ p1, (p1[0], p2[1], p1[2]), (p2[0], p2[1], p1[2]), (p2[0], p1[1], p1[2]), ] depth = p2[2] - p1[2] polyline = create_ifcpolyline(f, points) profile = f.createIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("AREA", None, polyline) opening_axis_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, O, Z, X) return create_ifcextrudedareasolid(f, profile, opening_axis_placement, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), depth)
def generate_ifc_prim_revolve_geom(shape: PrimRevolve, f): """Create IfcRevolveAreaSolid from primitive PrimRevolve""" # # IfcRevolvedAreaSolid revolve_axis = [float(n) for n in shape.revolve_axis] revolve_origin = [float(x) for x in shape.revolve_origin] revolve_angle = shape.revolve_angle points = [ tuple(x.astype(float).tolist()) for x in shape.poly.seg_global_points ] seg_index = shape.poly.seg_index polyline = create_ifcindexpolyline(f, points, seg_index) profile = f.createIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("AREA", None, polyline) opening_axis_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, O, Z, X) return create_ifcrevolveareasolid( f, profile, opening_axis_placement, revolve_origin, revolve_axis, revolve_angle, )
def write_ifc_plate(plate: Plate): if plate.parent is None: raise ValueError( "Ifc element cannot be built without any parent element") a = plate.parent.get_assembly() f = a.ifc_file context = f.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext")[0] owner_history = a.user.to_ifc() parent = plate.parent.get_ifc_elem() xvec = plate.poly.xdir zvec = plate.poly.normal yvec = np.cross(zvec, xvec) # Wall creation: Define the wall shape as a polyline axis and an extruded area solid plate_placement = create_local_placement( f, relative_to=parent.ObjectPlacement) tra_mat = np.array([xvec, yvec, zvec]) t_vec = [0, 0, plate.t] origin = np.array(plate.poly.placement.origin) res = origin +, t_vec) polyline = create_ifcpolyline( f, [origin.astype(float).tolist(), res.tolist()]) axis_representation = f.createIfcShapeRepresentation( context, "Axis", "Curve2D", [polyline]) extrusion_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, O, Z, X) points = [(float(n[0]), float(n[1]), float(n[2])) for n in plate.poly.seg_global_points] seg_index = plate.poly.seg_index polyline = create_ifcindexpolyline(f, points, seg_index) # polyline = plate.create_ifcpolyline(f, point_list) ifcclosedprofile = f.createIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef( "AREA", None, polyline) ifcdir = f.createIfcDirection(zvec.astype(float).tolist()) ifcextrudedareasolid = f.createIfcExtrudedAreaSolid( ifcclosedprofile, extrusion_placement, ifcdir, plate.t) body = f.createIfcShapeRepresentation(context, "Body", "SolidModel", [ifcextrudedareasolid]) if "hidden" in plate.metadata.keys(): if plate.metadata["hidden"] is True: a.presentation_layers.append(body) product_shape = f.createIfcProductDefinitionShape( None, None, [axis_representation, body]) ifc_plate = f.createIfcPlate( plate.guid, owner_history,,, None, plate_placement, product_shape, None, ) plate._ifc_elem = ifc_plate # Add colour if plate.colour is not None: add_colour(f, ifcextrudedareasolid, str(plate.colour), plate.colour) # Add penetrations # elements = [] for pen in plate.penetrations: # elements.append(pen.ifc_opening) f.createIfcRelVoidsElement( create_guid(), owner_history, None, None, ifc_plate, pen.ifc_opening, ) # Material f.create_entity( "IfcRelAssociatesMaterial", create_guid(), owner_history,,, [ifc_plate], plate.material.ifc_mat, ) # if "props" in plate.metadata.keys(): if plate.ifc_options.export_props is True: add_multiple_props_to_elem(plate.metadata.get("props", dict()), ifc_plate, f, owner_history) return ifc_plate
def generate_ifc_PrimSphere_geom(shape: PrimSphere, f): """Create IfcSphere from primitive PrimSphere""" opening_axis_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, to_real(shape.cog), Z, X) return f.createIfcSphere(opening_axis_placement, float(shape.radius))
def write_ifc_wall(wall: Wall): if wall.parent is None: raise ValueError( "Ifc element cannot be built without any parent element") a = wall.parent.get_assembly() f = a.ifc_file context = f.by_type("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext")[0] owner_history = a.user.to_ifc() parent = wall.parent.get_ifc_elem() elevation = wall.placement.origin[2] # Wall creation: Define the wall shape as a polyline axis and an extruded area solid wall_placement = create_local_placement(f, relative_to=parent.ObjectPlacement) # polyline = wall.create_ifcpolyline(f, [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0, 0.0)]) polyline2d = create_ifcpolyline(f, wall.points) axis_representation = f.createIfcShapeRepresentation( context, "Axis", "Curve2D", [polyline2d]) extrusion_placement = create_ifc_placement(f, (0.0, 0.0, float(elevation)), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) polyline = create_ifcpolyline(f, wall.extrusion_area) profile = f.createIfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("AREA", None, polyline) solid = create_ifcextrudedareasolid(f, profile, extrusion_placement, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0), wall.height) body = f.createIfcShapeRepresentation(context, "Body", "SweptSolid", [solid]) if "hidden" in wall.metadata.keys(): if wall.metadata["hidden"] is True: a.presentation_layers.append(body) product_shape = f.createIfcProductDefinitionShape( None, None, [axis_representation, body]) wall_el = f.create_entity( "IfcWall", wall.guid, owner_history,, "An awesome wall", None, wall_placement, product_shape, None, ) # Check for penetrations elements = [] if len(wall.inserts) > 0: for i, insert in enumerate(wall.inserts): opening_element = add_negative_extrusion( f, O, Z, X, insert.height, wall.openings_extrusions[i], wall_el) if issubclass(type(insert), Part) is False: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized type "{type(insert)}"') elements.append(opening_element) # for shape_ in insert.shapes: # insert_el = add_ifc_insert_elem(wall, shape_, opening_element, wall_el, insert.metadata["ifc_type"]) # elements.append(insert_el) f.createIfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure( create_guid(), owner_history, "Wall Elements", None, [wall_el] + elements, parent, ) if wall.ifc_options.export_props is True: props = create_property_set("Properties", f, wall.metadata, owner_history) f.createIfcRelDefinesByProperties( create_guid(), owner_history, "Properties", None, [wall_el], props, ) return wall_el