pass while ble.connected: # one_byte = # uart_server.write(one_byte) x, y, z = [ value / adafruit_lis3dh.STANDARD_GRAVITY for value in lis3dh.acceleration ] print("x = %0.3f G, y = %0.3f G, z = %0.3f G" % (x, y, z)) x_str = str(x) y_str = str(y) time.sleep(0.1) tilt = threshold(y, yInit) print("getTilt = ", tilt) tilt_value = tiltIndicator(tilt) uart_server.write('Euler angle: {}'.format(sensor.euler)) packet = Packet.from_stream(uart_server) print('Euler angle: {}'.format(sensor.euler)) # if isinstance(packet, AccelerometerPacket): # print(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z) # time.sleep(0.1) if (isinstance(packet, LocationPacket) & tilt == 1): print(packet.latitude, packet.longitude) time.sleep(2) lat = str(packet.latitude) longt = str(packet.longitude) alti = str(packet.altitude) # uart_server.write(lat + ',' + longt + alti + '\n') getTilt = 0 while True:
while True: # Advertise when not connected. ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass ble.stop_advertising() while ble.connected: if cp.button_a: print("Button A pressed!") cp.red_led = False cp.pixels.fill(0xFF0000) cp.play_tone(1000, 0.5) b_a = 100 else: b_a = 0 if cp.button_b: print("Button B pressed!") cp.red_led = True cp.pixels.fill(0) b_b = 100 else: b_b = 0 time.sleep(0.1) print((cp.light, cp.temperature, b_a, b_b)) uart_server.write("{}, {}, {}, {}\n".format(cp.light, cp.temperature, b_a, b_b)) time.sleep(0.1)
# Connected ble.stop_advertising() print("CONNECTED") # Loop and read ADC, print and send data over bluetooth while ble.connected: print("Firmware =", fw_ver) #ext = 33 # # set timestamp to accompany sensor data now = time.monotonic() print("time= ", now) # read ADS1115 adc value and voltage adc_cnt = chan.value adc_volt = chan.voltage print('{:5} {:5.3f}'.format(adc_cnt, adc_volt), end='') print() #uart_server.write("testing/") #ads.gain = 2 print("channel value= ", adc_cnt) # calculate SSA-100 current i_SSA = (adc_cnt / 32767) * 170.7 print("current = ", i_SSA) print(' ADC count= {:5} voltage = {:5.3f}\n'.format(adc_cnt, adc_volt)) # send current reading over bluetooth UARTService uart_server.write('{:5.1f}\n'.format(i_SSA)) time.sleep(0.1) # Disconnected print("DISCONNECTED")
ble = BLERadio() # uart_server = UARTServer() uart = UARTService() advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart) while True: ble.start_advertising(advertisement) # Advertise when not connected. while not ble.connected: # Wait for connection pass while ble.connected: # Connected if ble.in_waiting: # Check BLE commands packet = Packet.from_stream(uart) if isinstance(packet, ButtonPacket): if packet.button == '1' and packet.pressed: solenoid.value = True # Activate solenoid for 1 second sleep(1) solenoid.value = False led_intensity = led.value # Check blue LED detector intensity led_on = led_intensity > 1000 # Color: red = off, green = on color_packet = ColorPacket((255 * int(not led_on), 255 * led_on, 0)) try: uart.write(color_packet.to_bytes()) # Transmit state color except OSError: pass sleep(.2)
class Ble(): def __init__(self, onConnectionStateChanged, onAdvertising=None, onWrite=None): self._ble = BLERadio() self._uart_server = UARTService() self._onAdvertising = onAdvertising self._onWrite = onWrite self._advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(self._uart_server) self._isAdvertising = False self._onAdvertising = onAdvertising self._onWrite = onWrite self.__oldConnectionState = False self._onConnectionStateChanged = onConnectionStateChanged self._enabled = False def write(self, data): if self._ble.connected: self._uart_server.write(data) if self._onWrite: self._onWrite(data) def startAdvertising(self): if not self._ble.connected: self.stopAdvertising() self._ble.start_advertising(self._advertisement) display("Start Phone App and connect") display("Started Advertising to BLE devices") if self._onAdvertising: self._onAdvertising() self._isAdvertising = True def stopAdvertising(self): # if self._ble.connected: display("Stopped Advertising") self._ble.stop_advertising() self._isAdvertising = False def read(self): if self._ble.connected != self.__oldConnectionState: self._onConnectionStateChanged() self.__oldConnectionState = self._ble.connected def enable(self): self.startAdvertising() self._enabled = True def disable(self): self.stopAdvertising() self._enabled = False def toggle(self): if self._enabled: self.disable() else: self.enable() @property def isAdvertising(self): return self._isAdvertising @property def connected(self): return self._ble.connected @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled
# Now we're connected print ("Connected"); pixels.fill(GREEN) connections = ble.connections device = connections[0] while ble.connected: if uart.in_waiting: # Read the packet command = int.from_bytes(, "little") length =int.from_bytes(, "little") data = tup = (command, length, data) # Create the command object req = BugCommandFactory.CreateFromTuple(tup) # act upon the command object if isinstance(req, EchoRequest): print("Requested to echo: " + req.getMessage()) res = EchoResponse(req.getMessage()) uart.write(res.getDataBytes()) elif isinstance(req, EchoResponse): print("Response: " + req.getMessage()) pass print("Lost connection") pixels.fill(RED) time.sleep(2)
motor_1 = crickit.dc_motor_1 i2c = busio.I2C(board.D6, board.D5) mpr = adafruit_mprls.MPRLS(i2c, psi_min=0, psi_max=25) # 25psi = 172kPa print("Initial pressure (kPa):", mpr.pressure/10) while True: ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass # ble.stop_advertising() while ble.connected: kPa = mpr.pressure/10 uart_server.write("{},\n".format(kPa, )) print(kPa) # time.sleep(3.0) # kPa_tx = # print(kPa_tx) if kPa > 96.5266 and kPa <= 172.3600: # print((kPa, )) motor_1.throttle = 0.0 # time.sleep(1.0) elif 0 < kPa <= 96.5266: # print((kPa, )) motor_1.throttle = 1.0 # time.sleep(1.0) else: # print((kPa, ))
if s == 'ok': display_image('/ok.bmp') if s == 'cancel': display_image('/cancel.bmp') if s == 'bluetooth': display_image('/bluetooth.bmp') if s == 'green': group = displayio.Group() group.append(Rect(0, 0, 240, 240, fill=0x00FF00)) if s == 'red': group = displayio.Group() group.append(Rect(0, 0, 240, 240, fill=0xFF0000)) if s == 'blue': group = displayio.Group() group.append(Rect(0, 0, 240, 240, fill=0x0000FF)) # Check the buttons if not buttons[0] and _buttons[0]: uart.write(b'buttonA\n') if not buttons[1] and _buttons[1]: uart.write(b'buttonB\n') if not buttons[2] and _buttons[2]: uart.write(b'buttonC\n') if not buttons[3] and _buttons[3]: uart.write(b'buttonD\n') _buttons = buttons if not ble.connected:
class Aquarium: def __init__(self): # Set up watchdog timer self.watchdog = microcontroller.watchdog self.watchdog.deinit() self.watchdog.timeout = WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT self.watchdog.mode = WATCHDOG_MODE # Set up heartbeat output (i.e red LED) self._heartbeat = digitalio.DigitalInOut(HEARTBEAT_PIN) self._heartbeat.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT self._heartbeat_duration = HEARTBEAT_DURATION # Set up I2C bus i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) # Set up SPI bus spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) # Set up real time clock as source for time.time() or time.localtime() calls. print("Initialising real time clock.\n\n\n\n") clock = PCF8523(i2c) rtc.set_time_source(clock) print("Initialising display.\n\n\n\n") self.display = Display(self, DISPLAY_TIMEOUT, i2c, spi) print("Initialising lights.\n\n\n\n") self.lights = Lights(LIGHTS_ON_TIME, LIGHTS_OFF_TIME, LIGHTS_ENABLE_PIN, LIGHTS_DISABLE_PIN) print("Initialising feeder.\n\n\n\n") self.feeder = Feeder(FEEDING_TIMES, PORTIONS_PER_MEAL, FEEDER_MOTOR, FEEDER_STEPS_PER_ROTATION, FEEDER_STEP_DELAY, FEEDER_STEP_STYLE, i2c) print("Initialising temperature sensors.\n\n\n\n") ow_bus = OneWireBus(OW_PIN) self.water_sensor = TemperatureSensor(ow_bus, WATER_SN, WATER_OFFSET) self.air_sensor = TemperatureSensor(ow_bus, AIR_SN, AIR_OFFSET) # Set up SD card print("Setting up logging.\n\n\n\n") cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(SD_CS) sdcard = SDCard(spi, cs) vfs = storage.VfsFat(sdcard) storage.mount(vfs, "/sd") self._log_data = LOG_DATA self._log_interval = time_tuple_to_secs(LOG_INTERVAL) self._last_log = None print("Initialising Bluetooth.\n\n\n\n") self._ble = BLERadio() = BLE_NAME self._ble_uart = UARTService() self._ble_ad = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(self._ble_uart) def heartbeat(self): self.watchdog.feed() self._heartbeat.value = True time.sleep(self._heartbeat_duration) self._heartbeat.value = False def update_temps(self): self.water_temp = self.water_sensor.temperature self.air_temp = self.air_sensor.temperature def update_log(self): if not self._log_data: return if self._last_log: last_log_secs = time_struct_to_secs(self._last_log) current_secs = time_struct_to_secs(self._now) if current_secs - last_log_secs < self._log_interval: return print("Updating log:") datestamp, timestamp, log_line = self._get_status_strings() filename = datestamp + ".log" print(filename) print(log_line) with open("/sd/scales_logs/" + filename, mode="at", buffering=1) as logfile: logfile.write(log_line + "\n") self._last_log = self._now self._last_log = self._now print("Done.\n") def blelele(self): if not self._ble.connected: # Not connected, so make sure we're advertising for connections. try: self._ble.start_advertising(self._ble_ad) except BluetoothError: # Already advertising. Probably. pass return if self._ble_uart.in_waiting: # There's a command waiting. ble_command = self._ble_uart.readline() if ble_command: # First echo command, then respond. self._ble_uart.write(ble_command + b'\n') self._ble_respond(ble_command) def run_once(self): self.heartbeat() self._now = time.localtime() self.lights.update() self.feeder.update() self.update_temps() self.display.update() self.update_log() self.blelele() time.sleep(1) def run(self): while True: self.run_once() def _ble_respond(self, ble_command): if ble_command == b"v?": response = bytes(f"{BLE_NAME} v{__version__}\n", 'ascii') elif ble_command == b"s?": _, _, response = self._get_status_strings() response = bytes(response, 'ascii') elif ble_command == b"f?": response = f"{self.feeder.feeding_times}, {self.feeder.portions_per_meal}" response = bytes(response, 'ascii') elif ble_command == b"ff": self.feeder.feed() response = bytes("Fed 1 portion.", 'ascii') elif len(ble_command) > 2 and ble_command[:2] == b"fp": portions = int(str(ble_command[2:], 'ascii')) self.feeder.portions_per_meal = portions response = bytes(f"Set portions per meal to {portions}.", 'ascii') else: command = str(ble_command, 'ascii') response = bytes("ERROR: Invalid command '{}'\n".format(command), 'ascii') self._ble_uart.write(response) def _get_status_strings(self): datestamp = "{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}".format(self._now.tm_year, self._now.tm_mon, self._now.tm_mday) timestamp = datestamp + "T{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(self._now.tm_hour, self._now.tm_min, self._now.tm_sec) status = "{}, {:d}, {:7.4f}, {:7.4f}".format(timestamp, self.lights.is_enabled, self.water_temp, self.air_temp) return datestamp, timestamp, status
multstage += 1 lightcolor = multcolors[multstage] contacts_per_light = multipliers[multstage] for i in range(10): if num_contacts > i * contacts_per_light: pixels[i] = multcolors[i] else: pixels[i] = (0, 0, 0) # update Bluefruit Connect if radio.connected: was_connected = True uart_server.write(debug_text.encode()) if uart_server.in_waiting: raw_bytes = text = raw_bytes.decode().strip() print("RX:", text) if '143.all' in text: outstr = 'all uniques:\n' for i, addr in enumerate(sorted(list(unique_contacts))): outstr += ' {}: {}\n'.format(i, addrs_to_hex([addr])) uart_server.write(outstr.encode()) elif was_connected: was_connected = False radio.start_advertising(advertisement) #debug_test+=50
ble = BLERadio() = "yourUniqueName" uart_server = UARTService() advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart_server) pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 10, brightness=0.1) light = analogio.AnalogIn(board.LIGHT) while True: # Advertise when not connected. ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass ble.stop_advertising() while ble.connected: packet = Packet.from_stream(uart_server) if isinstance(packet, ColorPacket): if packet.color != None: # display packet that came in from computer print(packet.color) print(packet.to_bytes()) # set all NeoPixels to the received color pixels.fill(packet.color) # send the current light value brightness = light.value message = str(brightness) uart_server.write(message) print(message)
class Room: def __init__(self, use_debug=False): self.use_debug = use_debug self.subscription_ids = {} self.subscription_messages_on_reconnect = [] self.ble = BLERadio() self.uart_server = UARTService() self.advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(self.uart_server) self.chunk_size = 20 # adafruit_ble can only write in 20 byte chunks self.recv_msg_cache = "" def debug(self, msg): if self.use_debug: print(msg) def cleanup(self): self.uart_server.write('~:\n'.encode("utf-8")) def claim(self, claim_str): # Cleanup claim = cleanup all previous claims self.uart_server.write('N:{}\n'.format(claim_str).encode("utf-8")) def when(self, query_strings, callback): x = str(random.randint(0, 9999)) subscription_id = '0'*(4-len(x)) + x # like 0568 self.subscription_ids[subscription_id] = callback # S:0568:$ $ value is $x::$ $ $x is open x = 'S:{}:{}\n'.format(subscription_id, '::'.join(query_strings)).encode("utf-8") self.subscription_messages_on_reconnect.append(x) def parse_results(self, val): self.debug("parsing results: {}".format(val)) result_vals = val[1:-1].split("},{") results = [] for result_val in result_vals: result = {} rvs = result_val.split(",") for rv in rvs: kv = rv.strip().split(":") result[kv[0].replace('"', '').replace("'", '')] = kv[1].strip() results.append(result) return results def check_read_msg_cache_and_callbacks(self): lines = self.recv_msg_cache.split("\n") self.debug("lines: {}".format(lines)) if len(lines) > 1: # trim off the last line (either '' if \n is the last char or a partial string) # because it is not part of a string that ends in a \n full_lines = lines[:-1] for line_msg in full_lines: self.debug("Proccesing new sub update: {}".format(line_msg)) # 1234[{x:"5",y:"1"},{"x":1,"y":2}] sub_id = line_msg[:4] # first four characters of message are sub id val = line_msg[4:] if sub_id not in self.subscription_ids: print("Unknown sub id {}".format(sub_id)) continue callback = self.subscription_ids[sub_id] callback(self.parse_results(val)) self.recv_msg_cache = lines[-1] def listen_and_update_subscriptions(self): # self.debug("listening~~~~~") if self.uart_server.in_waiting: read_msg = self.recv_msg_cache += read_msg.decode("utf-8") self.check_read_msg_cache_and_callbacks() self.debug("sub update: {}".format(self.recv_msg_cache)) def connected(self): if not self.ble.connected: # Advertise when not connected. print("BLE not connected, advertising...") self.ble.start_advertising(self.advertisement) while not self.ble.connected: pass self.ble.stop_advertising() print("BLE now connected") time.sleep(1.0) # Give BLE connector time setup before sending data for sub_msg in self.subscription_messages_on_reconnect: self.debug("Sending sub message: {}".format(sub_msg)) self.uart_server.write(sub_msg) self.listen_and_update_subscriptions() return True
# uart_addresses = uart_client.scan(scanner) while not ble.connected: pass while ble.connected: # one_byte = # uart_server.write(one_byte) x, y, z = [ value / adafruit_lis3dh.STANDARD_GRAVITY for value in lis3dh.acceleration ] print("x = %0.3f G, y = %0.3f G, z = %0.3f G" % (x, y, z)) x_str = str(x) y_str = str(y) time.sleep(0.1) tilt = threshold(y, yInit) print("getTilt = ", tilt) tilt_value = tiltIndicator(tilt) uart_server.write(x_str + ',' + y_str + ',' + tilt_value + '\n') packet = Packet.from_stream(uart_server) # if isinstance(packet, AccelerometerPacket): # print(packet.x, packet.y, packet.z) # time.sleep(0.1) if (isinstance(packet, LocationPacket) & tilt == 1): print(packet.latitude, packet.longitude) time.sleep(2) lat = str(packet.latitude) longt = str(packet.longitude) alti = str(packet.altitude) # uart_server.write(lat + ',' + longt + alti + '\n') getTilt = 0
while True: ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass # Now we're connected while ble.connected: if uart.in_waiting: recvd = if recvd is not None: # convert bytearray to string data_string = ''.join([chr(b) for b in recvd]) print(data_string, end="") uart.write(data_string) if "Juggle" in data_string: uart.write("enter target") recvd = None while not uart.in_waiting: print("getting target value") time.sleep(1) recvd = juggle_target = ''.join([chr(b) for b in recvd]) print(juggle_target, end="") uart.write(juggle_target) uart.write("Counting juggles...") count = 0 while count < int(juggle_target):
from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp import time from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement from import UARTService uart = UARTService() advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart) while True: if cp.button_a: cp.play_file("horn.wav") if cp.button_b: cp.play_file("horn.wav") R = 0 G = 0 B = 0 x, y, z = cp.acceleration tuplaxyz = str(x) + ',' + str(y) + ',' + str(z) print(tuplaxyz) cp.pixels.fill(((R + abs(int(x))), (G + abs(int(y))), (B + abs(int(z))))) uart.write(tuplaxyz.encode('utf-8')) time.sleep(0.1)
print("Connected") # for connection in ble.connections: # if connection.connected: # if not connection.paired: # # pairs to phone # connection.pair(bond=True) # print("Paired") while ble.connected: if uart_service.in_waiting: line = uart_service.readline() command = line.strip().decode('utf-8') print("Command: " + command) if command == 'alert': pixel.fill(color.CYAN) vibrate(1, 0.5, 0) pixel.fill(color.BLUE) uart_service.write(line) # if BLE becomes disconnected then blue LED turns off # and BLE begins advertising again to reconnect blue_led.value = False print("Disconnected") print()
if pwm_on: led.duty_cycle = int((100 - pct) * 65535 / 100) if not pwm_on: if (time.monotonic() - pwm_indicate_time > PWM_INDICATE_BLINK_INTERVAL): pwm_indicate_time = time.monotonic() blink_pct = 0 pwm_indicate_count += 1 if pwm_indicate_count < PWM_INDICATE_BLINKS * 2: if pwm_indicate_count % 2 == 1: blink_pct = 100 led.duty_cycle = int((100 - blink_pct) * 65535 / 100) else: pwm_on = True led.duty_cycle = int((100 - pct) * 65535 / 100) if pi_gen_on and time.monotonic() - last_pi_send > PI_SEND_INTERVAL: text = "DIGIT = {}\r\n".format(next(pi_digits)) uart_service.write(text.encode()) last_pi_send = time.monotonic() button.update() if button.fell: pi_gen_on = not pi_gen_on pwm_on = False pwm_indicate_time = time.monotonic() pwm_indicate_count = 0 led.duty_cycle = 65535
was_connected = False while True: # Advertise BLE when not connected. if not ble.connected: was_connected = False if not ble.advertising: print(f'Start advertising as "{SERVICE_NAME}"') ble.start_advertising(advertisement, interval=0.5, timeout=5) # dismiss uart buffer when not connected if uart.in_waiting: uart.reset_input_buffer() else: if not was_connected: was_connected = True print("Connected") ble.stop_advertising() # pass-through uart data when connected if nbytes := uart.in_waiting: # data = data = uart.readline() if data: print("Broadcasting", data) uart_service.write(data) time.sleep(0.1)
print("Down") message = "Down" while y.value in range(MAX - THRESHOLD, MAX): pass elif buttonJ.value == 0: print("J") message = "J" while buttonJ.value == 0: pass elif buttonA.value == 0: print("A") message = "A" while buttonA.value == 0: pass elif buttonB.value == 0: print("B") message = "B" while buttonB.value == 0: pass else: message = "None" if message != "None": uart.write((message + "\n").encode("utf-8")) ''' ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass '''
while True: print("WAITING...") # Advertise when not connected. ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass # Connected ble.stop_advertising() print("CONNECTED") # Loop and read packets last_send = time.monotonic() while ble.connected: # INCOMING (RX) check for incoming text if uart_server.in_waiting: raw_bytes = text = raw_bytes.decode().strip() # print("raw bytes =", raw_bytes) print("RX:", text) # OUTGOING (TX) periodically send text if time.monotonic() - last_send > SEND_RATE: text = "COUNT = {}\r\n".format(count) print("TX:", text.strip()) uart_server.write(text.encode()) count += 1 last_send = time.monotonic() # Disconnected print("DISCONNECTED")
while True: # When not connected via BLERadio ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: Stemp = ss.get_temp( ) # read soil temperature from the temperature sensor Smoist = ss.moisture_read( ) # read soil moisture level through capacitive touch pad # share data via serial print(("temp: " + str(Stemp) + " moisture: " + str(Smoist))) time.sleep(1) ble.stop_advertising() # When connected via BLERadio while ble.connected: Stemp = ss.get_temp( ) # read soil temperature from the temperature sensor Smoist = ss.moisture_read( ) # read soil moisture level through capacitive touch pad # share data via serial, and BLERadio (UART & Plotter) x = Stemp y = Smoist print("Broadcasting via BLEradio") print(("soil temp: " + str(x) + " soil moisture: " + str(y))) uart_server.write("{},{}\n".format("soil temp: " + str(Stemp), " soil moisture: " + str(Smoist))) NeoPixelPattern() time.sleep(1)
now = time.monotonic() print("time= ",now) # read ADS1115 adc value and voltage adc_cnt = chan.value adc_volt = chan.voltage print('{:5} {:5.3f}'.format(adc_cnt, adc_volt), end='') #for gain in gains[1:]: # ads.gain = gain # print("ads.gain= ", ads.gain) # print(' | {:5} {:5.3f}'.format(chan.value, chan.voltage), end='') #print() #uart_server.write("testing/") #ads.gain = 2 print("adc count= ", adc_cnt) # calcuate current thru SSA-100 i_SSA = (adc_cnt/32767) * 170.7 print ("SSA-100 current = ", i_SSA) print(' count= {:5} voltage = {:5.3f}\n'.format(adc_cnt, adc_volt)) #uart_server.write('{},{}\n'.format(chan.value, small)) #uart_server.write(b'55uuhh\n') time.sleep(1.0) # send adc count and voltage uart_server.write('ADC count={:5} value={:5.3f} volts\n'.format(adc_cnt, adc_volt)) time.sleep(0.1) # send elapsed time and current uart_server.write('elapsed time={:5.0f} value={:5.1f} amps\n'.format(now, i_SSA)) time.sleep(0.5) # Disconnected print("DISCONNECTED")
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Dan Halbert for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Provide an "eval()" service over BLE UART. from adafruit_ble import BLERadio from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement from import UARTService ble = BLERadio() uart = UARTService() advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart) while True: ble.start_advertising(advertisement) print("Waiting to connect") while not ble.connected: pass print("Connected") while ble.connected: s = uart.readline() if s: try: result = str(eval(s)) except Exception as e: result = repr(e) uart.write(result.encode("utf-8"))
""" Used with Receives characters from the UARTService and transmits them back. """ from adafruit_ble import BLERadio from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement from import UARTService ble = BLERadio() uart = UARTService() advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart) while True: ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass while ble.connected: # Returns b'' if nothing was read. one_byte = if one_byte: print(one_byte) uart.write(one_byte)
ble = BLERadio() #定义广播名称'01Studio' #构建UART服务 Uart_Service = UARTService() #广播添加UART服务 advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(Uart_Service) while True: #发起广播 ble.start_advertising(advertisement) #等待连接 while not ble.connected: pass #连接蔡成功 while ble.connected: # 读取128个字节数据,如果没数据,则返回 b'' one_byte = #收到信息,REPL打印并回发 if one_byte: print(one_byte) Uart_Service.write(one_byte)
from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ProvideServicesAdvertisement from import UARTService ble = BLERadio() uart_server = UARTService() advertisement = ProvideServicesAdvertisement(uart_server) thermistor = adafruit_thermistor.Thermistor(board.TEMPERATURE, 10000, 10000, 25, 3950) light = analogio.AnalogIn(board.LIGHT) def scale(value): """Scale the light sensor values from 0-65535 (AnalogIn range) to 0-50 (arbitrarily chosen to plot well with temperature)""" return value / 65535 * 50 while True: # Advertise when not connected. ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while not ble.connected: pass ble.stop_advertising() while ble.connected: print((scale(light.value), thermistor.temperature)) uart_server.write('{},{}\n'.format(scale(light.value), thermistor.temperature)) time.sleep(0.1)
ble.start_advertising(advertisement) # Start advertising. was_connected = False last_send = time.monotonic() while not was_connected or ble.connected: if rainbow: pixels.fill((0,155,155)) if ble.connected: # If BLE is connected... if not was_connected: print('connected') ble.stop_advertising() was_connected = True #flag = 0 if touch_A2.value and time.monotonic() - last_send > SEND_RATE: print(touch_A2.value) print("A2 touched") uart_server.write('Checked-in!') #touch_A1.deinit() #touch_A1 = touchio.TouchIn(board.A1) last_send = time.monotonic() pixels.fill((255,0,255)) rainbow = False print(last_send) time.sleep(0.1) #print("Outside loop") #uart_server.write('Checked-in!') #flag = 1 # receive if uart_server.in_waiting: print("Inside uart_server") # note that the reading won't stop until buffer's full pkt = # adjust buffer size as needed