def __init__(self, targets, delay, record = False ): """ Initializer. @type targets: list @param targets: list of System under test (SUT) identifiers. @type delay: float @param delay: Wait-time between consequtive keywords (in seconds) @type record: boolean @param record: Is the test recorded to html-file """ self._targetNames = targets self._targets = [] self.delay = delay self._rec_process = None self._kwCount = 1 self._logger = None self._separator = " " if record: self._logger = KeywordLogger() self._kw_cache = {} # Special commands listed here for interactive mode completer self._commands = {} self._commands["exit"] = ["quit","q","exit"] self._commands["kws"] = ["list","kws","list full","kws full"] self._commands["info"] = ["info"] self._commands["special"] = []
class TestRunner(object): """ TestRunner class is used to run Keyword-driven tests. The class allows test to be run interactively (given through stdin), from file or from server. To run tests from a server, TestRunner uses classes ToolProtocol and ToolProtocolHTTP. """ def __init__(self, targets, delay, record = False ): """ Initializer. @type targets: list @param targets: list of System under test (SUT) identifiers. @type delay: float @param delay: Wait-time between consequtive keywords (in seconds) @type record: boolean @param record: Is the test recorded to html-file """ self._targetNames = targets self._targets = [] self.delay = delay self._rec_process = None self._kwCount = 1 self._logger = None self._separator = " " if record: self._logger = KeywordLogger() self._kw_cache = {} # Special commands listed here for interactive mode completer self._commands = {} self._commands["exit"] = ["quit","q","exit"] self._commands["kws"] = ["list","kws","list full","kws full"] self._commands["info"] = ["info"] self._commands["special"] = [] def _setupTestAutomation(self): """Sets up test automation environment @rtype: boolean @returns: True if success, False otherwise """ raise NotImplementedError() def _cleanupTestAutomation(self): """Cleans up test automation environment""" raise NotImplementedError() def __setTarget(self,targetName): if re.match("['\"].*['\"]",targetName): targetName = targetName[1:-1] if targetName == "test" or targetName == "testi": print "Warning: 'test' and 'testi' considered dummy targets." return True for t in self._targets: if == targetName: self._activeTarget = t return True return False def initTest(self): """ Inits a test run. Creates a log file and starts recording if defined. """ print "Setting up testing environment..." if not self._setupTestAutomation(): return False print "setup complete" self._activeTarget = self._targets[0] if self._logger: print "Recording test to a file" self._logger.startLog() return True def _stopTest(self): """ Stops a test run. Closes the log-file and stops recording process. """ print "Cleaning up testing environment..." self._cleanupTestAutomation() print "clean up complete" if self._logger: self._logger.endLog() print "Test finished" def endTest(self): print "Shutting down" self._stopTest() def keywordInfo(self, kw ): kws = self._getKeywords() if kw in kws: print kw self.printKw(kw,"#",kws[kw][1]) def printKw(self,kw,header,text): print header*len(kw) print docstring = text.splitlines() strip_len = 0 if len(docstring[0]) == 0: docstring = docstring[1:] for line in docstring: if len(line.strip()) > 0: first_line = line.lstrip() strip_len = len(line) - len(first_line) break for line in docstring: print line[strip_len:].rstrip() print def listKeywords(self, basekw = keyword.Keyword,full=False,header="#"): kws = self._getKeywords({},basekw) kws_keys = sorted(kws.keys()) for kw in kws_keys: print kw if full: self.printKw(kw,header,kws[kw][1]) def _getKeywords(self, kw_dictionary = {}, basekw = keyword.Keyword): use_cache = len(kw_dictionary) == 0 if use_cache and basekw in self._kw_cache: return self._kw_cache[basekw] for kw in basekw.__subclasses__(): kw_name = str(kw)[str(kw).rfind('.')+1:str(kw).rfind("'")] if not kw_name.endswith("Keyword"): kw_dictionary[kw_name] = (str(kw.__module__),str(kw.__doc__)) self._getKeywords(kw_dictionary,kw) if use_cache: self._kw_cache[basekw] = kw_dictionary return kw_dictionary def __instantiateKeywordProxyObject(self,kwproxy, kwName,kwAttr,kwproxy_class): kwobject = None try: kwmodule = __import__(kwproxy_class, globals(), locals(), [kwproxy], -1) # kwobject = eval("kwmodule." + kw + "()") kwobject = getattr(kwmodule,kwproxy)() if not kwobject.initialize(kwName, kwAttr,self._activeTarget): kwobject = None if kwobject: print 'Recognized keyword: %s' % kwName print 'Attributes: %s' % kwAttr except Exception, e: print e print "Error: KeywordProxy error" kwobject = None return kwobject