Example #1
def copy_test_to_device(build_dir, device_dir, abi):
    abi_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'libs', abi)
    if not os.path.isdir(abi_dir):
        raise RuntimeError('No libraries for {}'.format(abi))

    test_cases = []
    for test_file in os.listdir(abi_dir):
        if test_file in ('gdbserver', 'gdb.setup'):

        if not test_file.endswith('.so'):

        # TODO(danalbert): Libs with the same name will clobber each other.
        # This was the case with the old shell based script too. I'm trying not
        # to change too much in the translation.
        lib_path = os.path.join(abi_dir, test_file)
        adb.push(lib_path, device_dir)

        # TODO(danalbert): Sync data.
        # The libc++ tests contain a DATA file that lists test names and their
        # dependencies on file system data. These files need to be copied to
        # the device.

    if len(test_cases) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Could not find any test executables.')

    return test_cases
Example #2
def copy_test_to_device(build_dir, device_dir, abi):
    abi_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'libs', abi)
    if not os.path.isdir(abi_dir):
        raise RuntimeError('No libraries for {}'.format(abi))

    test_cases = []
    for test_file in os.listdir(abi_dir):
        if test_file in ('gdbserver', 'gdb.setup'):

        if not test_file.endswith('.so'):

        # TODO(danalbert): Libs with the same name will clobber each other.
        # This was the case with the old shell based script too. I'm trying not
        # to change too much in the translation.
        lib_path = os.path.join(abi_dir, test_file)
        adb.push(lib_path, device_dir)

        # TODO(danalbert): Sync data.
        # The libc++ tests contain a DATA file that lists test names and their
        # dependencies on file system data. These files need to be copied to
        # the device.

    if len(test_cases) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Could not find any test executables.')

    return test_cases
Example #3
def generate_tmp_file():
    """Generates temp file and pushes it to target"""
    global tmp_file
    if not tmp_file:
        tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        print('*** preparing temporary file with name ' + tmp_file.name)
    adb.push(tmp_file.name, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)

    #gets full path on target for tmp_file
    global tmp_file_on_target
    tmp_file_on_target = (DEST_FOLDER_TARGET + os.path.basename(tmp_file.name))
    print('*** getting path to tmp_file ' + str(tmp_file.name))

    #gets path to dest_folder_host
    global tmp_file
    global dest_folder_host
    dest_folder_host = os.path.dirname(tmp_file.name)
    print('*** getting path to dest_folder_host ' + dest_folder_host)
Example #4
def generate_tmp_file():
    """Generates temp file and pushes it to target"""
    global tmp_file
    if not tmp_file:
        tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
        print('*** preparing temporary file with name ' + tmp_file.name)
    adb.push(tmp_file.name, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)

    #gets full path on target for tmp_file
    global tmp_file_on_target
    tmp_file_on_target = (DEST_FOLDER_TARGET + os.path.basename(tmp_file.name))
    print('*** getting path to tmp_file ' + str(tmp_file.name))

    #gets path to dest_folder_host
    global tmp_file
    global dest_folder_host
    dest_folder_host = os.path.dirname(tmp_file.name)
    print('*** getting path to dest_folder_host ' + dest_folder_host)
Example #5
def _copy_test_to_device(build_dir, device_dir, abi, test_filters, test_name):
    abi_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'libs', abi)
    if not os.path.isdir(abi_dir):
        raise RuntimeError('No libraries for {}'.format(abi))

    test_cases = []
    for test_file in os.listdir(abi_dir):
        if test_file in ('gdbserver', 'gdb.setup'):

        file_is_lib = False
        if not test_file.endswith('.so'):
            file_is_lib = True
            case_name = _make_subtest_name(test_name, test_file)
            if not test_filters.filter(case_name):

        # TODO(danalbert): Libs with the same name will clobber each other.
        # This was the case with the old shell based script too. I'm trying not
        # to change too much in the translation.
        lib_path = os.path.join(abi_dir, test_file)
        print('\tPushing {} to {}...'.format(lib_path, device_dir))
        adb.push(lib_path, device_dir)

        # Binaries pushed from Windows may not have execute permissions.
        if not file_is_lib:
            file_path = posixpath.join(device_dir, test_file)
            adb.shell('chmod +x ' + file_path)

        # TODO(danalbert): Sync data.
        # The libc++ tests contain a DATA file that lists test names and their
        # dependencies on file system data. These files need to be copied to
        # the device.

    if len(test_cases) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Could not find any test executables.')

    return test_cases
Example #6
 def test_push_n_invalid_source_folder(self):
     global tmp_file
     result = adb.push(NON_EXISTING_DIR, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)
     self.assertNotEqual(str(result), 0)
Example #7
 def test_push_n_invalid_2_sparameter(self):
     global tmp_file
     result = adb.push(tmp_file.name,None)
     self.assertNotEqual(str(result), 0)
Example #8
 def test_push_n_invalid_1_parameter(self):
     global tmp_file
     result = adb.push(None,DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)
     self.assertNotEqual(str(result), 0)
Example #9
 def test_push_p(self):
     global tmp_file
     global positive_exp_result_wo_output
     result = adb.push(tmp_file.name, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)
     self.assertEqual(result, positive_exp_result_wo_output)
Example #10
    def _launchAndAttach(self):
        # name of child binary
        CHILD_EXECUTABLE = 'plugin-container'
        # 'file' command argument for parent process
        PARENT_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(self.libdir, 'bin', 'app_process')
        # 'file' command argument for child process
        if self.objdir:
            CHILD_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(self.objdir,
                    'dist', 'bin', CHILD_EXECUTABLE)
            CHILD_FILE_PATH = None

        # launch
        pkg = self._getPackageName()
        sys.stdout.write('Launching %s... ' % pkg)
        out = adb.call(['shell', 'am', 'start',
                '-a', 'org.mozilla.gecko.DEBUG', '-n', pkg + '/.App'])
        if 'error' in out.lower():
            print ''
            print out
            raise gdb.GdbError('Error while launching %s.' % pkg)

        # FIXME sleep for 1s to allow time to launch

        # wait for launch to complete
        pkgProcs = []
        while not [True for x in pkgProcs if CHILD_EXECUTABLE not in x]:
            ps = adb.call(['shell', 'ps']).splitlines()
            # get parent/child processes that are waiting ('S' state)
            pkgProcs = [x for x in ps if pkg in x and
                    ('S' in x.split() or 'T' in x.split())]
        print 'Done'

        # get parent/child(ren) pid's
        pidParent = next((x.split()[1]
                for x in pkgProcs if CHILD_EXECUTABLE not in x))
        pidChild = [x.split()[1]
                for x in pkgProcs if CHILD_EXECUTABLE in x]
        pidChildParent = pidParent

        # see if any gdbserver instance is running, and discard
        # the debuggee from our list because it's already taken
        for proc in [x.split() for x in ps if 'gdbserver' in x]:
            # get the program being debugged by examine gdbserver cmdline
            cmdline = adb.call(['shell', 'cat',
                    '/proc/' + proc[1] + '/cmdline']).split('\0')
            if '--attach' not in cmdline:
            # this should be the pid
            pid = next((x for x in reversed(cmdline) if x.isdigit()))
            if pid == pidParent:
                pidParent = None
            elif pid in pidChild:

        if pidParent:
            # the parent is not being debugged, pick the parent
            pidAttach = pidParent
            sys.stdout.write('Attaching to parent (pid %s)... ' % pidAttach)
        elif not pidChild:
            # ok, no child is available. assume the user
            # wants to wait for child to start up
            pkgProcs = None
            print 'Waiting for child process...'
            while not pkgProcs:
                ps = adb.call(['shell', 'ps']).splitlines()
                # check for 'S' state, for right parent, and for right child
                pkgProcs = [x for x in ps if ('S' in x or 'T' in x) and \
                        pidChildParent in x and CHILD_EXECUTABLE in x]
            pidChild = [x.split()[1] for x in pkgProcs]

        # if the parent was not picked, pick the right child
        if not pidParent and len(pidChild) == 1:
            # that is easy
            pidAttach = pidChild[0]
            sys.stdout.write('Attaching to child (pid %s)... ' % pidAttach)
        elif not pidParent:
            # should not happen for now, because we only use one child
            pidAttach = None
            while pidAttach not in pidChild:
                print 'WTF multiple child processes found:'
                for i in range(len(pidChild)):
                    print '%d. pid %s' % (i + 1, pidChild[i])
                pidAttach = readinput.call('Child pid: ', '-l', str(pidChild))
                if pidAttach.isdigit() and int(pidAttach) > 0 \
                        and int(pidAttach) <= len(pidChild):
                    pidAttach = pidChild[pidAttach]
            sys.stdout.write('Attaching... ')
        self.pid = pidAttach

        # push gdbserver if it's not there
        gdbserverPath = '/data/local/tmp/gdbserver'
        if not adb.pathExists(gdbserverPath):
            adb.push(os.path.join(self.bindir, 'gdbserver'), gdbserverPath)

        # run this after fork() and before exec(gdbserver)
        # so 'adb shell gdbserver' doesn't get gdb's signals
        def gdbserverPreExec():

        # can we run as root?
        if 'uid=0' in adb.call(['shell', 'id']):
            gdbserverProc = adb.call(['shell',
                    gdbserverPath, '--attach', ':0', pidAttach],
                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE, async=True,
            sys.stdout.write('as non-root... ')
            gdbserverProc = adb.call(['shell', 'run-as', pkg,
                    gdbserverPath, '--attach', ':0', pidAttach],
                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE, async=True,

        # we passed ':0' to gdbserver so it'll pick a port for us
        # but that means we have to find the port from stdout
        # while this complicates things a little, it allows us to
        # have multiple gdbservers running
        port = None
        while not port:
            if gdbserverProc.poll() is not None:
                print ''
                print gdbserverProc.stdout.read()
                raise gdb.GdbError('gdbserver exited unexpectedly')
            line = gdbserverProc.stdout.readline().split()
            # kind of hacky, assume the port number comes after 'port'
            if 'port' in line:
                port = line[line.index('port') + 1]

        self.port = port
        self.gdbserver = gdbserverProc

        # collect output from gdbserver in another thread
        def makeGdbserverWait(obj, proc):
            def gdbserverWait():
                obj.gdbserverOut = proc.communicate();
            return gdbserverWait;
                target = makeGdbserverWait(self, gdbserverProc)).start()

        # forward the port that gdbserver gave us
        adb.forward('tcp:' + port, 'tcp:' + port)
        print 'Done'

        sys.stdout.write('Setting up remote debugging... ')
        # load the right file
        gdb.execute('file ' + (PARENT_FILE_PATH
                if pidParent else CHILD_FILE_PATH), False, True)
        gdb.execute('target remote :' + port, False, True)
        print 'Done\n'

        if pidParent:
            print 'Run another gdb session to debug child process.\n'
        print 'Ready. Use "continue" to resume execution.'
Example #11
 def test_push_n_invalid_source_folder(self):
     global tmp_file
     result = adb.push(NON_EXISTING_DIR, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)
     self.assertNotEqual(str(result), 0)
Example #12
 def test_push_n_invalid_2_sparameter(self):
     global tmp_file
     result = adb.push(tmp_file.name, None)
     self.assertNotEqual(str(result), 0)
Example #13
 def test_push_n_invalid_1_parameter(self):
     global tmp_file
     result = adb.push(None, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)
     self.assertNotEqual(str(result), 0)
Example #14
 def test_push_p(self):
     global tmp_file
     global positive_exp_result_wo_output
     result = adb.push(tmp_file.name, DEST_FOLDER_TARGET)
     self.assertEqual(result, positive_exp_result_wo_output)