Example #1
 def test_strength(self):
     p1 = Point(0, 0, 1000)
     p2 = Point(0, 0, 1200)
     self.assertEqual(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params), self.model['C'].strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.assertTrue(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.assertFalse(self.model.strength(p2, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T=Point(1000, 0, 0)))
     self.assertFalse(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(R=Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(1, 0, 0))))
     self.assertFalse(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
Example #2
 def test_set_pose(self):
     self.model['Plate'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T=Point(25, 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].pose, Pose(T=Point(25, 0, 0)))
     self.model['Plate'].pose = Pose(T=Point(50, 0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].pose, Pose(T=Point(50, 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].get_relative_pose(), Pose(T=Point(32, 8, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].pose, Pose(T=Point(82, 8, 3.2)))
     self.model['Block'].set_relative_pose(Pose(T=Point(16, 8, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].pose, Pose(T=Point(50, 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].pose, Pose(T=Point(66, 8, 3.2)))
Example #3
 def test_mount(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].mount_pose(), Pose(T=Point(0, 0, 3.2)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].mount, self.model['Plate'])
     self.assertTrue(self.model['Block'] in self.model['Plate'].children)
     self.model['Block'].mount = None
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].mount, None)
     self.assertFalse(self.model['Block'] in self.model['Plate'].children)
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].get_absolute_pose(), Pose(T=Point(32, 8, 0)))
     self.model['Plate'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T=Point(25, 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].get_absolute_pose(), Pose(T=Point(32, 8, 0)))
     self.model['Block'].mount = self.model['Plate']
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].mount, self.model['Plate'])
     self.assertTrue(self.model['Block'] in self.model['Plate'].children)
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].get_absolute_pose(), Pose(T=Point(57, 8, 3.2)))
Example #4
 def test_hook(self):
     def callback():
         self.value += 1
     self.model['Block'].posecallbacks['test'] = callback
     self.model['Block'].set_relative_pose(Pose(T=Point(16, 8, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.value, 1)
     self.model['Plate'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T=Point(50, 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.value, 2)
     self.model['Block'].mount = None
     self.assertEqual(self.value, 3)
     self.model['Plate'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T=Point(100, 0, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.value, 3)
     del self.model['Block'].posecallbacks['test']
     self.assertEqual(self.value, 3)
Example #5
 def test_occlusion_cache(self):
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertTrue(all([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(R=Rotation.from_axis_angle(-pi / 2.0, Point(1, 0, 0))))
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertTrue(all([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(R=Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(1, 0, 0))))
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertTrue(all([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.model['C'].setparam('zS', 600.0)
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
Example #6
 def test_get_pose(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].get_absolute_pose(), Pose())
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].get_relative_pose(), Pose())
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Plate'].pose, Pose())
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].get_absolute_pose(), Pose(T=Point(32, 8, 3.2)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].get_relative_pose(), Pose(T=Point(32, 8, 0)))
     self.assertEqual(self.model['Block'].pose, Pose(T=Point(32, 8, 3.2)))
Example #7
def find_convex_group(ex, sceneobj, vertex):
    Find the set of faces that form a convex set with respect to a given vertex.

    @param sceneobj: The name of the object in the scene.
    @type sceneobj: C{str}
    @param vertex: The vertex.
    @type vertex: L{adolphus.geometry.Point}
    @return: List of indices of the list of faces of the scene object.
    @rtype: C{list} of C{int}
    solid = ex.model[sceneobj]
    faces = solid.faces_of_vertex(vertex)
    normals_v = [solid.normals[face] for face in faces]
    direction = avg_points(normals_v)
    angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(direction)
    axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(direction)
    pose = Pose(vertex, Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis)).inverse()
    vertices = solid.vertex_neighbors(vertex)
    v_map = pose.map(vertex)
    mapped = []
    for point in vertices:
    convex_indices = [solid.vertices.index(vertex)]
    for i in range(len(mapped)):
        if mapped[i].z >= v_map.z:
    candidates = combinations(convex_indices, 3)
    convex_set = []
    for item in candidates:
        tri = solid.flook(solid.vertices[item[0]], \
                          solid.vertices[item[1]], \
        if tri != None:
    return convex_set
Example #8
def modify_camera(model, camera, lut, x, h, d, beta):
    if model[camera].negative_side:
        y = -d * sin(beta) + model[model.active_laser].pose.T.y
        z = d * cos(beta) + h
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi + beta, Point(1, 0, 0))
        y = d * sin(beta) + model[model.active_laser].pose.T.y
        z = d * cos(beta) + h
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(0, 1, 0)) + \
            Rotation.from_axis_angle(-beta, Point(-1, 0, 0))
    T = Point(x, y, z)
    model[camera].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T, R))
    f, ou, ov, A = lut.parameters(d)
    model[camera].setparam('zS', d)
    model[camera].setparam('f', f)
    model[camera].setparam('o', [ou, ov])
    model[camera].setparam('A', A)
Example #9
def parse_from_halcon(hstring):
    Convert tuple data in string format from HALCON into the camera ID and
    target pose.

    @param hstring: the string data from HALCON.
    @type hstring: C{str}
    @return: Camera ID and target pose.
    @rtype: C{str}, L{Pose}

    frame_markers = {}
        for pair in hstring.split(';'):
            pose = pair.split(':')[1].split(',')
            weight = float(pose[len(pose) - 1].split('|').pop())
            pose[len(pose) - 1] = pose[len(pose) - 1].split('|')[0]
            for i in range(len(pose)):
                pose[i] = float(pose[i])
            frame_markers.update({int(pair.split(':')[0]): \
                               {'pose':pose, 'weight':weight}})
        for marker in frame_markers:
            trans_vec = [frame_markers[marker]['pose'][3],frame_markers[marker]['pose'][7],\
            rot_mat = [[] for x in range(3)]
            for i in range(3):
                rot_mat[i] = [
                    frame_markers[marker]['pose'][4 * i],
                    frame_markers[marker]['pose'][4 * i + 1],
                    frame_markers[marker]['pose'][4 * i + 2]
            t = Point(trans_vec)
            r = Rotation.from_rotation_matrix(rot_mat)
            pose = Pose(t, r)
            frame_markers[marker]['pose'] = pose
    return frame_markers
Example #10
def gaussian_yz_pose_error(pose, tsigma, rsigma):
    T, R = pose.T, pose.R
    T = Point(gauss(T.x, tsigma), gauss(T.y, tsigma), gauss(T.z, tsigma))
    R += Rotation.from_axis_angle(Angle(gauss(0, rsigma)), Point(1, 0, 0))
    return Pose(T=T, R=R)
Example #11
     except ImportError:
         vision_graph = None
 # Run demo.
 best = None
 for t in range(1, args.interpolate * (len(points) - 1)):
     if ex.exit:
     # Set target pose.
     normal = -(path(t / float(args.interpolate)) - path((t - 1) \
              / float(args.interpolate))).unit()
     angle = Point(0, -1, 0).angle(normal)
     axis = Point(0, -1, 0).cross(normal)
     R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis)
         Pose(T=path(t / float(args.interpolate)), R=R))
     # Compute best view.
     current = best
     best, score = ex.model.best_view(
         current=(current and frozenset([current]) or None),
     best = set(best).pop()
     if current != best:
         ex.execute('select %s' % best)
             ex.execute('guide %s target' % current)
Example #12
 def setUp(self):
     self.p = Point(3, 4, 5)
     self.dp = DirectionalPoint(-7, 1, 9, 1.3, 0.2)
     self.R = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', (pi, 0, 0))
     self.P1 = Pose(R=self.R)
     self.P2 = Pose(T=Point(3, 2, 1), R=self.R)
Example #13
class TestGeometry(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for the geometry module.
    def setUp(self):
        self.p = Point(3, 4, 5)
        self.dp = DirectionalPoint(-7, 1, 9, 1.3, 0.2)
        self.R = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', (pi, 0, 0))
        self.P1 = Pose(R=self.R)
        self.P2 = Pose(T=Point(3, 2, 1), R=self.R)

    def test_angle(self):
        a = Angle(0.3)
        self.assertTrue(abs(a - Angle(0.3 + 2 * pi)) < 1e-4)
        b = a + Angle(6.0)
        self.assertTrue(b < a)
        b = -a
        self.assertTrue(b > a)

    def test_point_eq(self):
        e = 9e-5
        self.assertEqual(self.p, Point(3 + e, 4 - e, 5 + e))

    def test_point_add_sub(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.p + self.dp, Point(-4, 5, 14))
        self.assertEqual(self.dp + self.p, DirectionalPoint(-4, 5, 14, 1.3, 0.2))
        self.assertEqual(self.p - self.dp, Point(10, 3, -4))

    def test_point_mul_div(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.p * 1.5, Point(4.5, 6, 7.5))
        self.assertEqual(self.p / 2, Point(1.5, 2, 2.5))

    def test_point_dot(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.p.dot(Point(2, 1, 3)), 25)

    def test_point_cross(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.p.cross(Point(1, 2, 1)), Point(-6, 2, 2))

    def test_point_neg(self):
        self.assertEqual(-self.p, Point(-3, -4, -5))
        self.assertEqual(-self.dp, DirectionalPoint(7, -1, -9, 1.3 + pi, 0.2))

    def test_point_magnitude(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.p.magnitude(), sqrt(sum([self.p[i] ** 2 for i in range(3)])))

    def test_point_unit(self):
        m = self.p.magnitude()
        self.assertEqual(self.p.unit(), Point(*[self.p[i] / m for i in range(3)]))

    def test_point_euclidean(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.p.euclidean(Point(0, 0, 0)), self.p.magnitude())

    def test_point_angle(self):
        self.assertTrue(abs(float(self.p.angle(-self.p)) - pi) < 1e-4)

    def test_point_direction_unit(self):
        rho, eta = self.dp.rho, self.dp.eta
        self.assertEqual(self.dp.direction_unit(), Point(sin(rho) * cos(eta), sin(rho) * sin(eta), cos(rho)))

    def test_rotation_rotate_point(self):
        r = Point(3, -4, -5)
        self.assertEqual(r, self.R.rotate(self.p))
        r = DirectionalPoint(-7, -1, -9, pi - 1.3, 2 * pi - 0.2)
        self.assertEqual(r, self.P1.map(self.dp))

    def test_pose_map(self):
        m = Point(6, -2, -4)
        self.assertEqual(m, self.P2.map(self.p))
        m = DirectionalPoint(-4, 1, -8, pi - 1.3, 2 * pi - 0.2)
        self.assertEqual(m, self.P2.map(self.dp))

    def test_triangle_intersection(self):
        triangle = Triangle(Point(-3, -3, 0), Point(-3, 2, 0), Point(4, 1, 0))
        self.assertTrue(triangle.intersection(Point(-1, -1, 3), Point(-1, -1, -3), True))
        self.assertTrue(triangle.intersection(Point(-1, -1, -3), Point(-1, -1, 3), True))
        self.assertFalse(triangle.intersection(Point(5, 5, 3), Point(5, 5, -3), True))
        self.assertFalse(triangle.intersection(Point(5, 5, 3), Point(5, 5, 1), True))

    def test_triangle_overlap(self):
        triangles = [Triangle(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(10, 2, 0), Point(8, 0, 6)),
                     Triangle(Point(0, 2, 1), Point(4, -7, 2), Point(7, 3, 3)),
                     Triangle(Point(-1, -1, -1), Point(-1, -2, 2), Point(-5, -1, -1))]
Example #14
def main():
    # parse command line arguments for reference marker id
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Choose reference marker.')
    parser.add_argument('ref_id', type=int, help='ID of the reference marker')
    ui = parser.parse_args()
    # set up network socket
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.bind(('localhost', 5678))
    # accept incoming connection requests
    channel, details = sock.accept()
    # create a text file for poses
    filename = 'ourposes.txt'
    FILE = open(filename, 'w')
        # acceptable forms of 'yes' and 'no' for quiting prompts
        end = ''
        yes_set = set(['y', 'Y', 'yes', 'Yes', 'YES'])
        no_set = set(['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO'])
        ''' MAP-BUILDING MODE '''
        print '*************** MAP-BUILDING MODE ***************\n'
        # initialize empty graph and the global relative poses (GRPs)
        graph = Graph()
        global_relposes = {}
        while (True):
            # if a key is pressed
            if kbhit():
                # catch the key
                key = ord(getch())
                # calculate the current shortest path to the reference using dijkstra's algorithm
                curr_prev = dijkstra(graph, ui.ref_id)
                # find the unconnected vertices (markers)
                uc_verts = [
                    um for um in curr_prev
                    if um != ui.ref_id and curr_prev[um] == None
                # if 's' is pressed on the keyboard, update user on all current registered and unconnected markers
                if key == 115:
                    print len(graph.vertices), 'Registered marker(s):', list(
                    print len(
                        uc_verts), 'Unconnected marker(s):', uc_verts, '\n'
                # if 'q' is pressed on the keyboard, notify user of all registered markers and also if...
                # ... (i) reference marker is not registered or (ii) not all registered markers have a ...
                # ... route back to the reference marker
                # give user the option to exit
                elif key == 113:
                    # if the reference marker is not registered as a vertex in the graph, tell user they ...
                    # ... cannot go into online mode without it
                    # give them option to end the program
                    if ui.ref_id not in graph.vertices:
                        print 'The reference marker has not been registered.  You cannot continue to'
                        print 'online mode without it.'
                        end = raw_input(
                            'Are you sure you want to end the program? (y/n): '
                        if end in yes_set:
                            # show the number of registered markers
                            print '- There are currently', len(
                                graph.vertices), 'registered markers:', list(
                            # warn user of any disconnections in the graph
                            if not connected(graph):
                                print '- The following have no route to the reference marker:', uc_verts
                                print '- All markers have a route to the reference marker.'
                            # ask the user if they want to end map-building mode despite the warning
                            while (end not in (yes_set | no_set)):
                                end = raw_input(
                                    'End map-building mode? (y/n): ')
                            # end or continue map-building mode depending on user's choice
                            if end in yes_set:
            # parse the incoming data from halcon
            frame_markers = {}
            hstring = channel.recv(65536)
            if not hstring or hstring == 'no markers found':
            # if socket is closed from the other end (halcon), stop the program
            # elif hstring == 'connection closed':
            # print '---- CONNECTION CLOSED (HALCON) ----'
            # return
                frame_markers = parse_from_halcon(hstring)

            # update the set of vertices in the graph with the local markers
            # find the local relative poses (LRPs) of the markers w.r.t. one another and use them ...
            # ... to update the GRP and the graph
            local_relposes = {}
            for marker in frame_markers:
                marker_a = frame_markers[marker]
                for other in frame_markers:
                        assert other != marker
                        assert (marker, other) not in local_relposes
                    except AssertionError:
                    marker_b = frame_markers[other]
                    pose_ab = marker_a['pose'] - marker_b['pose']
                    pose_ba = -pose_ab
                    weight_ab = marker_a['weight'] + marker_b['weight']
                    weight_ba = weight_ab
                    local_relposes[(marker, other)] = {
                        'pose': pose_ab,
                        'weight': weight_ab
                    local_relposes[(other, marker)] = {
                        'pose': pose_ba,
                        'weight': weight_ba
                    # if the edge joining the two markers does not exist in neither the GRPs nor the graph, ...
                    # ... add it to both from the LRPs
                    if (marker, other) not in global_relposes:
                                         other)] = local_relposes[(marker,
                                         marker)] = local_relposes[(other,
                            Edge((marker, other)),
                            local_relposes[(marker, other)]['weight'])
                    # however, if it already exists and the weight of the new one is less than the existing one, ...
                    # ... replace the existing ones in the GRPs and graph with the new one
                        if weight_ab < global_relposes[(marker,
                                             other)] = local_relposes[(marker,
                            global_relposes[(other, marker)] = local_relposes[(
                                other, marker)]
                            graph.weights[Edge((marker, other))] = weight_ab
            # send message back to halcon telling it python prog. is done processing frame data and ready for more
        # write the graph information to file
        FILE.write('------ GRAPH ------\n\n')
        FILE.write(str(graph) + '\n\n')
        # obtain the "previous array" of the shortest path as determined by dijkstra's algorithm
        prev = dijkstra(graph, ui.ref_id)
        # write title of section (marker poses) to file
        FILE.write('------ MARKER POSES ------\n\n')
        # find the global pose (and its associated aggregate weight) of each marker in the map w.r.t. the reference marker
        gmarkposes = {}
        for marker in prev:
            pose_comp = Pose()
            agg_weight = 0.0
            curr_i = marker
            prev_i = prev[curr_i]
            # skip markers that are disconnected from the reference
            if not prev_i and curr_i != ui.ref_id:
            # loop until reference is reached
            while prev_i:
                edge_i = (curr_i, prev_i)
                pose_comp += global_relposes[edge_i]['pose']
                agg_weight += global_relposes[edge_i]['weight']
                curr_i = prev_i
                prev_i = prev[curr_i]
            # store the global pose and weight of the marker
            gmarkposes[marker] = {'pose': pose_comp, 'weight': agg_weight}
            # write the global pose to the file
            FILE.write(str(marker) + ': ' + str(gmarkposes[marker]) + '\n\n')
        ''' ONLINE MODE '''
        print '\n\n*************** ONLINE MODE ***************\n'
        # write title of section (marker poses) to file
        FILE.write('------ ONLINE MODE ------\n\n')
        # data is initially not recorded to file
        rec = 0
        while (True):
            # if a key is pressed
            if kbhit():
                # catch the key
                key = ord(getch())
                # if 'q' is pressed on the keyboard, give user the option to exit
                if key == 113:
                    end = raw_input(
                        'Are you sure you want to end the program? (y/n): ')
                    if end in yes_set:
                # if key is 'r', toggle recording of data to file
                if key == 114:
                    rec = rec ^ 1
            # parse the incoming data from halcon
            frame_markers = {}
            hstring = channel.recv(65536)
            if not hstring or hstring == 'no markers found':
            # if socket is closed from the other end (halcon), stop the program
            # elif hstring == 'connection closed':
            # print '---- CONNECTION CLOSED (HALCON) ----'
            # return
                frame_markers = parse_from_halcon(hstring)
            # find the camera pose that yields the minimum aggregate weight of all markers in the frame
            bestmarker = None
            bestpose = None
            minweight = float('inf')
            for marker in frame_markers:
                if marker in gmarkposes:
                    marker_i = frame_markers[marker]
                    gcampose = -marker_i['pose'] + gmarkposes[marker]['pose']
                    gcamweight = marker_i['weight'] + gmarkposes[marker][
                    if gcamweight < minweight:
                        bestmarker = marker
                        bestpose = gcampose
                        minweight = gcamweight
            print '----------------------------'
            print 'through marker: ', bestmarker
            print 'pose: ', bestpose
            print 'weight: ', minweight
            print '----------------------------'
            # if record toggle is on, record the poses to file
            if rec == 1:
                if (bestpose):
                    temp = str(bestpose.T).split(',')
                    bestpose_str = temp[0][1:] + ' ' + temp[1][1:]
                    FILE.write(bestpose_str + '\n')
            # send message back to halcon telling it python prog. is done processing frame data and ready for more
        print '---- CONNECTION CLOSED (PYTHON) ----'