Example #1
 def _determine_emitter(self, request):
     """ Simple return first emmiter.
     emiters_dict = dict((e.media_type, e) for e in as_tuple(self.emitters))
     types = emiters_dict.keys()
     accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*')
     if accept != '*/*':
         base_format = mimeparse.best_match(types, request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
         if base_format:
             return emiters_dict.get(base_format) or self.default_emitter
     return self.default_emitter
Example #2
    def authenticate(self):
        """ Attempt to authenticate the request, returning an authentication context or None.
            An authentication context may be any object, although in many cases it will simply be a :class:`User` instance.

        # Attempt authentication against each authenticator in turn,
        auth_result = True
        for authenticator in as_tuple(self.authenticators):
            self.auth = authenticator(self)
            auth_result = self.auth.authenticate()
            if auth_result:
            raise HttpError("Authorization required.", status=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED)

        return auth_result
Example #3
            # Get the appropriate create/read/update/delete function
            func = getattr(self, self.callmap.get(method, None))

            # Get function data
            content = func(request, *args, **resources)
            response = Response(content)

        except HttpError, e:
            response = Response(e.message, status=e.status)

        except Exception, e:
            response = self.handle_exception(e)

        # Always add these headers
        response.headers['Allow'] = ', '.join(as_tuple(self.allowed_methods))
        response.headers['Vary'] = 'Authenticate, Accept'

        # Serialize response
        emitter = JSONEmitter if method == 'OPTIONS' else None
        response = self.emit(request, response, emitter=emitter)

        # Send finished signal
        api_request_finished.send(self, request=self.request, response=response)

        return response

    def check_method_allowed(self, method):
        """ Ensure the request method is permitted for this resource, raising a ResourceException if it is not.
        if not method in self.callmap.keys():