def __init__(self, xml_parser=None, pretty_xml=False):
        """Inits SoapBuffer.

      xml_parser: str XML parser to use.
      pretty_xml: bool Indicator for whether to prettify XML.
        super(SoapBuffer, self).__init__()

        self._buffer = ''
        self.__dump = {}
        self.__xml_parser = xml_parser
        # Pick a default XML parser, if none was set.
        if not self.__xml_parser:
            for parser, status in [(PYXML, PYXML_LIB), (ETREE, ETREE_LIB)]:
                if status: self.__xml_parser = parser
        # Validate current state of the chosen XML parser.
        if self.__xml_parser == PYXML and not PYXML_LIB:
            msg = 'PyXML v%s or newer is required.' % MIN_PYXML_VERSION
            raise MissingPackageError(msg)
        elif self.__xml_parser == ETREE and not ETREE_LIB:
            msg = 'ElementTree v%s or newer is required.' % MIN_ETREE_VERSION
            raise MissingPackageError(msg)
        elif self.__xml_parser != PYXML and self.__xml_parser != ETREE:
            msg = ('Invalid input for XML parser, expecting one of %s.' %
                   sorted(set(PYXML + ETREE)))
            raise InvalidInputError(msg)
        # Set XML parser signature.
        if self.__xml_parser == PYXML:
            self.__xml_parser_sig = '%s v%s' % (PYXML_NAME, MIN_PYXML_VERSION)
        elif self.__xml_parser == ETREE:
            self.__xml_parser_sig = '%s v%s' % (ETREE_NAME, ETREE_VERSION)
        self.__pretty_xml = pretty_xml
Example #2
LIB_HOME = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
LIB_NAME = 'AdWords API Python Client Library'
LIB_SHORT_NAME = 'AwApi-Python'
LIB_URL = ''
LIB_AUTHOR = 'Stan Grinberg'
LIB_AUTHOR_EMAIL = '*****@*****.**'
LIB_VERSION = '14.2.1'

    msg = (
        'Unsupported version of the core module is detected. Please download '
        'the latest version of client library at %s.' % LIB_URL)
    raise MissingPackageError(msg)

# Tuple of tuples representing API versions, where each inner tuple is a
# combination of the API vesrion and whether API used JAXB.
API_VERSIONS_MAP = (('v13', False), ('v200909', True), ('v201003', True),
                    ('v201008', True), ('v201101', True))
API_VERSIONS = [version for version, is_jaxb_api in API_VERSIONS_MAP]

# Accepted combinations of headers which user has to provide. Either one of
# these is required in order to make a succesful API request.
REQUIRED_SOAP_HEADERS = (('email', 'password', 'useragent', 'developerToken'),
                         ('email', 'password', 'userAgent', 'developerToken'),
                         ('authToken', 'userAgent',
                          'developerToken'), ('userAgent', 'developerToken'))
Example #3
    def __GetBufferAsDict(self):
        """Parse HTTP headers and SOAP data.

      dict Request's HTTP headers and SOAP data.
        tags = (('Outgoing HTTP headers', 'dumpHeadersOut'), ('Outgoing SOAP',
                ('Incoming HTTP headers', 'dumpHeadersIn'), ('Incoming SOAP',
        xml_dumps = self.GetBufferAsStr().split('_' * 33)
        if len(xml_dumps) > 1:
            # The HTTP and SOAP messages were delivered via ZSI.
            if not PYXML_LIB:
                msg = 'PyXML v%s or newer is required.' % MIN_PYXML_VERSION
                raise MissingPackageError(msg)

            for xml_part in xml_dumps:
                xml_part = xml_part.lstrip('\n').rstrip('\n')
                if not xml_part: continue
                xml_part = '\n'.join(xml_part.split('\n')[1:])
                in_parts = xml_part.split('\n\n', 1)
                if len(in_parts) == 1:
                    from ZSI.version import Version
                    xml_out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n%s' % xml_part
                    if self.__pretty_xml:
                        xml_out = self.__PrettyPrintXml(xml_out, 1)
                    self.__dump['dumpHeadersOut'] = (
                        '%s Outgoing HTTP headers %s\n'
                        'User-Agent: ZSI %s (; %s\n'
                        '%s' % ('*' * 3, '*' * 46, '.'.join(map(
                            str, Version)), self.__xml_parser_sig, '*' * 72))
                    self.__dump['dumpSoapOut'] = (
                        '%s Outgoing SOAP %s\n%s\n%s' %
                        ('*' * 3, '*' * 54, xml_out, '*' * 72))
                elif len(in_parts) == 2:
                    sub_parts = in_parts[0].split('-' * 7)
                    xml_in = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n%s' %
                    if self.__pretty_xml:
                        xml_in = self.__PrettyPrintXml(xml_in, 1)
                    self.__dump['dumpHeadersIn'] = (
                        '%s Incoming HTTP headers %s\n'
                        '%s\n%s' %
                        ('*' * 3, '*' * 46,
                         (' '.join(sub_parts[0].split('\n')) +
                          sub_parts[1]).replace('\r', ''), '*' * 72))
                    self.__dump['dumpSoapIn'] = (
                        '%s Incoming SOAP %s\n%s\n%s' %
                        ('*' * 3, '*' * 54, xml_in, '*' * 72))
            # The HTTP and SOAP messages were delivered via SOAPpy or httplib.HTTPS.
            xml_dumps = self.GetBufferAsStr().split('*' * 72)
            for xml_part in xml_dumps:
                xml_part = xml_part.lstrip('\n').rstrip('\n')
                for name, tag in tags:
                    if xml_part.find(name) > -1:
                        # Insert XML parser signature into the SOAP header.
                        trigger = xml_part[xml_part.lower(
                               ):xml_part.lower().find('content-type') + 12]
                        if trigger and tag == 'dumpHeadersOut':
                            xml_part = xml_part.replace(
                                trigger, 'XML-parser: %s\n%s' %
                                (self.__xml_parser_sig, trigger))
                        if self.__pretty_xml:
                            doc = []
                            banner = ''
                            for line in xml_part.split('\n'):
                                if line.rfind('SOAP %s' % ('*' * 46)) > -1:
                                    banner = line
                            if banner:
                                xml_part = '%s\n%s' % (banner,
                                                           '\n'.join(doc), 1))
                        self.__dump[tag] = (xml_part + '\n' + '*' * 72)
        return self.__dump