def test_validate_item_switchable_incomplete_list_templates(self): button_list_templates = { ListTemplateType.LOCATION, "{0} (currently {1})" } button_switching_info = SwitchInfo(Item.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_LIGHT, "up", "down") self.items_by_id[1044] = SwitchableItem( 1044, 0x8, Labels("button", "a button", "a red button", [". It is dark", ". It is glowing"]), 2, None, button_list_templates, button_switching_info) validation = self.validator.validate(self.data_collection) self.assertEqual(1, len(validation)) validation_line = validation[0] self.assertEqual( "Missing or incomplete list templates found for switchable item {0} \"{1}\". While not mandatory, this will lead to incomplete descriptions of this item when listed. Switchable items should specify either \"default\" or both \"location\" and \"carrying\" list templates.", validation_line.template) self.assertEqual(Severity.WARN, validation_line.severity) self.assertEqual((1044, "button"), validation_line.args)
def setup_items(self): = Item(1105, 0x2, Labels("book", "a book", "a book of fairytales"), 2, "The Pied Piper", {}, None) lamp_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.DEFAULT, "{0} (currently {1})"} lamp_switching_info = SwitchInfo(Item.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_LIGHT, "off", "on") self.lamp = SwitchableItem(1043, 0x100A, Labels("lamp", "a lamp", "a small lamp"), 3, None, lamp_list_templates, lamp_switching_info) suit_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.USING, "(wearing) {0}"} self.suit = UsableItem(1046, 0x402, Labels("suit", "a suit", "a space-suit"), 2, None, suit_list_templates, Item.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_AIR) self.basket = ContainerItem( 1107, 0x3, Labels("basket", "a basket", "a large basket"), 8, None, {}) self.desk = Item(1000, 0x20000, Labels("desk", "a desk", "a large mahogany desk"), 6, None, {}) self.desk.add_container(self.lighthouse_location) self.wolf = Item(1080, 0x80006, Labels("wolf", "a wolf", "a vicious wolf"), 4, None, {}, None) self.wolf.add_container(self.lighthouse_location) self.items_by_id = { 1105:, 1043: self.lamp, 1046: self.suit, 1107: self.basket, 1000: self.desk, 1080: self.wolf, } self.item_collection = ItemCollection({}, self.items_by_id)
def setUp(self): = Item(1105, 0x2, Labels("book", "a book", "a book of fairytales"), 2, "The Pied Piper", {}) self.desk = Item(1106, 0x20000, Labels("desk", "a desk", "a large mahogany desk"), 6, None, {}) rope_list_templates = { ListTemplateType.LOCATION: "{0} (coiled neatly)", ListTemplateType.CARRYING: "{0} (tied safely)" } self.rope = Item(1123, 0x2, Labels("rope", "some rope", "a small length of rope"), 2, None, rope_list_templates) basket_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.DEFAULT: "{0} (upright)"} self.basket = ContainerItem( 1107, 0x3, Labels("basket", "a basket", "a large basket"), 6, None, basket_list_templates) box_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.DEFAULT: "{0} (open)"} = ContainerItem(1108, 0x3, Labels("box", "a box", "a small box"), 3, None, box_list_templates) lamp_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.DEFAULT: "{0} ({1})"} lamp_switching_info = SwitchInfo(Item.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_LIGHT, "off", "on") self.lamp = SwitchableItem(1043, 0x100A, Labels("lamp", "a lamp", "a small lamp"), 2, None, lamp_list_templates, lamp_switching_info) button_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.DEFAULT: "{0} ({1})"} button_switching_info = SwitchInfo(Item.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_LIGHT, "up", "down") self.button = SwitchableItem( 1044, 0x8, Labels("button", "a button", "a red button", [". It is dark", ". It is glowing"]), 2, None, button_list_templates, button_switching_info) lever_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.DEFAULT: "{0} ({1})"} lever_switching_info = SwitchInfo(Location.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_LIGHT, "down", "up") self.lever = SwitchableItem( 1045, 0x8, Labels("lever", "a lever", "a mysterious lever"), 2, None, lever_list_templates, lever_switching_info) suit_list_templates = {ListTemplateType.USING: "{0} (being worn)"} self.suit = UsableItem(1046, 0x402, Labels("suit", "a suit", "a space-suit"), 2, None, suit_list_templates, Item.ATTRIBUTE_GIVES_AIR) = SentientItem(1047, 0x80002, Labels("cat", "a cat", "a black cat"), 3, None, {}) self.water = Item( 1109, 0x22902, Labels("water", "some water", "some water", [". It is cold", ". It is hot"]), 1, None, {}) self.mine_location = Location( 11, 0x0, Labels("Mines", "in the mines", ". There are dark passages everywhere.")) self.inventory = Inventory( 0, 0x1, Labels("Main Inventory", "in the main inventory", ", where items live usually."), 100) self.steam = Item(1117, 0x2, Labels("steam", "some steam", "some hot steam"), 1, None, {}) self.water.transformations[98] = self.steam