def aedat4ToAbstract(input_file):
    UI().objectUI.showMessage("Starting to read aedat4 file", "w")
    decoder = aedat.Decoder(input_file)
    event_list = []

        "Starting to read the data (no progress bar available)", "w")
    for packet in decoder:
        if 'events' in packet:
            for ev in packet['events']:
                    Event(ev[1], ev[2], ev[3], nsecsToSecs(ev[0])))

    UI().objectUI.showMessage("Finishing reading the aedat4 file", "c")
    return event_list
Example #2
import aedat

decoder = aedat.Decoder('/path/to/file.aedat')
decoder is a packet iterator with an additional method id_to_stream
id_to_stream returns a dictionary with the following structure:
    <int>: {
        'type': <str>,
type is one of 'events', 'frame', 'imus', 'triggers'
if type is 'events' or 'frame', its parent dictionary has the following structure:
    'type': <str>,
    'width': <int>,
    'height': <int>,

for packet in decoder:
    packet is a dictionary with the following structure:
        'stream_id': <int>,
    packet also has exactly one of the following fields:
        'events', 'frame', 'imus', 'triggers'
    print(packet['stream_id'], end=': ')
Example #3
def read_file(file_name, file_name_dat_aps=None, verbose=False):
    """parse a file from a neuromorphic camera and return events
    supported file formats are .aedat, .dat, .es and .csv
    if file_name.endswith('.aedat4'):
        decoder = aedat.Decoder(file_name)
        target_id = None
        width = None
        height = None
        for stream_id, stream in decoder.id_to_stream().items():
            if stream['type'] == 'events' and (target_id is None
                                               or stream_id < target_id):
                target_id = stream_id
        if target_id is None:
            raise Exception('there are no events in the AEDAT file')
        parsed_file = {
                tuple(packet['events'] for packet in decoder
                      if packet['stream_id'] == target_id)),
    elif file_name.endswith(
            '.dat') and '_aps' in file_name and file_name_dat_aps == None:
        parsed_file = loris_extension.read_dat_aps(file_name)
    elif file_name.endswith(
    ) and file_name_dat_aps != None and file_name_dat_aps.endswith('.dat'):
        parsed_file = loris_extension.read_dat_td_aps(file_name,
    elif file_name.endswith('.dat') and file_name_dat_aps == None:
        parsed_file = loris_extension.read_dat_td(file_name)
    elif file_name.endswith('.es'):
        parsed_file = loris_extension.read_event_stream(file_name)
    elif file_name.endswith('.csv'):
        parsed_file = csv.parse_file(file_name)
        print("I don't know what kind of format you want to read. " +
              "Please specify a valid file name ending such as .aedat4 etc")
        return None
    if parsed_file['type'] == 'dvs':
        parsed_file['events'] = parsed_file['events'].view(
            dtype=[(('ts', 't'),
                    '<u8'), ('x', '<u2'), ('y',
                                           '<u2'), (('p', 'is_increase'),
    elif parsed_file['type'] == 'atis':
        parsed_file['events'] = parsed_file['events'].view(
            dtype=[(('ts', 't'),
                    '<u8'), ('x',
                             '<u2'), ('y',
                                      '<u2'), ('is_threshold_crossing',
                                               '?'), (('p', 'polarity'), '?')])
    parsed_file['events'] = parsed_file['events'].view(type=np.rec.recarray)
    if verbose and file_name_dat_aps == None:
        print("Read " + str(len(parsed_file['events'])) + " events of type " +
              parsed_file['type'] + " from " + os.path.split(file_name)[-1])
    elif verbose:
        print("Read " + str(len(parsed_file['events'])) +
              " events from combined files with dvs and atis events.")
    return parsed_file
Example #4
import aedat
import pathlib
dirname = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent

decoder = aedat.Decoder(dirname / 'test_data.aedat4')

assert len(decoder.id_to_stream().keys()) == 4
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[0]['type'] == 'events'
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[0]['width'] == 346
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[0]['height'] == 260
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[1]['type'] == 'frame'
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[1]['width'] == 346
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[1]['height'] == 260
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[2]['type'] == 'imus'
assert decoder.id_to_stream()[3]['type'] == 'triggers'
counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
sizes = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for packet in decoder:
    counts[packet['stream_id']] += 1
    if 'events' in packet:
        sizes[0] += packet['events'].nbytes
    elif 'frame' in packet:
        sizes[1] += packet['frame']['pixels'].nbytes
    elif 'imus' in packet:
        sizes[2] += packet['imus'].nbytes
    elif 'triggers' in packet:
        sizes[3] += packet['triggers'].nbytes
assert counts[0] == 236
assert counts[1] == 59
assert counts[2] == 236
assert counts[3] == 177