Example #1
 def synthesize_multiple(self,
     if ofp is None:
         handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=".wav")
         handler = None
         output_file_path = ofp
         rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS] = u"festival"
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS_PATH] = u"text2wave"
         tts_engine = FESTIVALWrapper(rconf=rconf)
         anchors, total_time, num_chars = tts_engine.synthesize_multiple(
             text_file, output_file_path, quit_after, backwards)
         gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
         if zero_length:
             self.assertEqual(total_time, 0.0)
             self.assertGreater(total_time, 0.0)
     except (OSError, TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as exc:
         gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
         raise exc
Example #2
def align(text_path, audio_path, align_out_path, word_align=True):
    # create Task object
    config_string = u"task_language=hi"
    config_string += "|os_task_file_format=json"
    rconf = None
    if word_align:
        config_string += "|os_task_file_levels=3"
        config_string += "|is_text_type=mplain"
        rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
        rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.MFCC_MASK_NONSPEECH] = True
        rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.MFCC_MASK_NONSPEECH_L3] = True
        config_string += "|is_text_type=plain"

    task = Task(config_string=config_string)
    task.text_file_path_absolute = text_path
    task.audio_file_path_absolute = audio_path
    task.sync_map_file_path_absolute = align_out_path

    # process Task
    ExecuteTask(task, rconf=rconf).execute()

    # output sync map to file

    # Remove annoying unicode characters
    with open(align_out_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
        alignment = json.load(f)
    with open(align_out_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
        json.dump(alignment, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
Example #3
 def inner(c_ext, cew_subprocess, cache):
     if ofp is None:
         handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=".wav")
         handler = None
         output_file_path = ofp
         rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS] = self.TTS
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS_PATH] = self.TTS_PATH
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.C_EXTENSIONS] = c_ext
               CEW_SUBPROCESS_ENABLED] = cew_subprocess
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS_CACHE] = cache
         tts_engine = self.TTS_CLASS(rconf=rconf)
         anchors, total_time, num_chars = tts_engine.synthesize_multiple(
             text_file, output_file_path, quit_after, backwards)
         gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
         if cache:
         if zero_length:
             self.assertEqual(total_time, 0.0)
             self.assertGreater(total_time, 0.0)
     except (OSError, TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as exc:
         gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
         if (cache) and (tts_engine is not None):
         with self.assertRaises(expected_exc):
             raise exc
Example #4
 def test_use_cache(self):
     if self.TTS == u"":
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS_CACHE] = True
     tts_engine = self.TTS_CLASS(rconf=rconf)
 def test_set_tts(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
 def test_set_granularity(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.100"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mws, TimeValue("0.040"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.050"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mws, TimeValue("0.020"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.020"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mws, TimeValue("0.005"))
 def test_set_tts(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
 def test_set_granularity(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.100"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mws, TimeValue("0.040"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.050"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mws, TimeValue("0.020"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.020"))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mws, TimeValue("0.005"))
Example #9
 def synthesize_single(self, text, language, ofp=None, zero_length=False):
     if ofp is None:
         handler, output_file_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=".wav")
         handler = None
         output_file_path = ofp
         rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS] = u"festival"
         rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS_PATH] = u"text2wave"
         tts_engine = FESTIVALWrapper(rconf=rconf)
         result = tts_engine.synthesize_single(text, language,
         gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
         if zero_length:
             self.assertEqual(result, 0)
             self.assertGreater(result, 0)
     except (OSError, TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError) as exc:
         gf.delete_file(handler, output_file_path)
         raise exc
 def test_tts_path(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts_path, None)
 def test_tts(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.tts, "espeak")
 def test_mwl(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mwl, TimeValue("0.100"))
 def test_mmn(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.mmn, False)
class AbstractCLIProgram(Loggable):
    This class is an "abstract" CLI program.

    To create a new CLI program, create a new class,
    derived from this one, and overload
    ``NAME``, ``HELP``, and ``perform_command()``.

    :param use_sys: if ``True``, call ``sys.exit`` when needed;
                    otherwise, never call ``sys.exit`` and
                    just return a return code/value
    :type  use_sys: bool
    :param string invoke: the CLI command to be invoked
    :param rconf: a runtime configuration. Default: ``None``, meaning that
                  default settings will be used.
    :type  rconf: :class:`aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration`

    NAME = gf.file_name_without_extension(__file__)

    AENEAS_URL = u"http://www.readbeyond.it/aeneas/"
    DOCS_URL = u"http://www.readbeyond.it/aeneas/docs/"
    GITHUB_URL = u"https://github.com/ReadBeyond/aeneas/"
    ISSUES_URL = u"https://github.com/ReadBeyond/aeneas/issues/"
    RB_URL = u"http://www.readbeyond.it"


    HELP = {
        "description": u"An abstract CLI program",
        "synopsis": [],
        "options": [],
        "parameters": [],
        "examples": []

    TAG = u"CLI"

    def __init__(self, use_sys=True, invoke=None, rconf=None, logger=None):
        super(AbstractCLIProgram, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger)
        self.invoke = u"python -m aeneas.tools.%s" % (self.NAME) if (
            invoke is None) else invoke
        self.use_sys = use_sys
        self.formal_arguments_raw = []
        self.formal_arguments = []
        self.actual_arguments = []
        self.log_file_path = None
        self.verbose = False
        self.very_verbose = False

        Logger.CRITICAL: gf.print_error,
        Logger.DEBUG: gf.print_info,
        Logger.ERROR: gf.print_error,
        Logger.INFO: gf.print_info,
        Logger.SUCCESS: gf.print_success,
        Logger.WARNING: gf.print_warning

    def print_generic(self, msg, prefix=None):
        Print a message and log it.

        :param msg: the message
        :type  msg: Unicode string
        :param prefix: the (optional) prefix
        :type  prefix: Unicode string
        if prefix is None:
            self._log(msg, Logger.INFO)
            self._log(msg, prefix)
        if self.use_sys:
            if (prefix is not None) and (prefix
                                         in self.PREFIX_TO_PRINT_FUNCTION):

    def print_error(self, msg):
        Print an error message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.ERROR)

    def print_info(self, msg):
        Print an info message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.INFO)

    def print_success(self, msg):
        Print a success message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.SUCCESS)

    def print_warning(self, msg):
        Print a warning message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.WARNING)

    def exit(self, code):
        Exit with the given exit code,
        possibly with ``sys.exit()``.

        :param code: the exit code
        :type  code: int
        :rtype: int
        if self.use_sys:
        return code

    def print_help(self, short=False):
        Print help message and exit.

        :param short: print short help only
        :type  short: bool
        header = [
            u"  %s - %s" % (self.NAME, self.HELP["description"]),

        synopsis = [u"SYNOPSIS", u"  %s [-h|--help|--version]" % (self.invoke)]
        if "synopsis" in self.HELP:
            for syn, opt in self.HELP["synopsis"]:
                if opt:
                    opt = u" [OPTIONS]"
                    opt = u""
                synopsis.append(u"  %s %s%s" % (self.invoke, syn, opt))


        options = [
            u"  -h : print short help and exit",
            u"  --help : print full help and exit",
            u"  --version : print the program name and version and exit",
            u"  -l[=FILE], --log[=FILE] : log verbose output to tmp file or FILE if specified",
            u"  -r=CONF, --runtime-configuration=CONF : apply runtime configuration CONF",
            u"  -v, --verbose : verbose output",
            u"  -vv, --very-verbose : verbose output, print date/time values",
        if "options" in self.HELP:
            for opt in self.HELP["options"]:
                options.append(u"  %s" % (opt))
        options = [u"OPTIONS"] + sorted(options) + [u""]

        parameters = []
        if ("parameters" in self.HELP) and (len(self.HELP["parameters"]) > 0):
            for par in self.HELP["parameters"]:
                parameters.append(u"  %s" % (par))

        examples = []
        if ("examples" in self.HELP) and (len(self.HELP["examples"]) > 0):
            for exa in self.HELP["examples"]:
                examples.append(u"  %s %s" % (self.invoke, exa))

        footer = [
            u"EXIT CODES",
            u"  %d : no error" % (self.NO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE),
            u"  %d : error" % (self.ERROR_EXIT_CODE),
            u"  %d : help shown, no command run" % (self.HELP_EXIT_CODE),
            u"  Alberto Pettarin, http://www.albertopettarin.it/",
            u"REPORTING BUGS",
            u"  Please use the GitHub Issues Web page : %s" %
            u"  2012-2016, Alberto Pettarin and ReadBeyond Srl",
            u"  This software is available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3",
            u"SEE ALSO",
            u"  Code repository  : %s" % (self.GITHUB_URL),
            u"  Documentation    : %s" % (self.DOCS_URL),
            u"  Project Web page : %s" % (self.AENEAS_URL),

        msg = header + synopsis + options + parameters + examples
        if not short:
            msg += footer
        if self.use_sys:
        return self.exit(self.HELP_EXIT_CODE)

    def print_name_version(self):
        Print program name and version and exit.

        :rtype: int
        if self.use_sys:
            self.print_generic(u"%s v%s" % (self.NAME, aeneas_version))
        return self.exit(self.HELP_EXIT_CODE)

    def run(self, arguments, show_help=True):
        Program entry point.

        Please note that the first item in ``arguments`` is discarded,
        as it is assumed to be the script/invocation name;
        pass a "dumb" placeholder if you call this method with
        an argument different that ``sys.argv``.

        :param arguments: the list of arguments
        :type  arguments: list
        :param show_help: if ``False``, do not show help on ``-h`` and ``--help``
        :type  show_help: bool
        :rtype: int
        # convert arguments into Unicode strings
        if self.use_sys:
            # check that sys.stdin.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding are set to utf-8
            if not gf.FROZEN:
                if sys.stdin.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                        u"The default input encoding is not UTF-8.")
                        u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell."
                if sys.stdout.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                        u"The default output encoding is not UTF-8.")
                        u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell."
            # decode using sys.stdin.encoding
            args = [gf.safe_unicode_stdin(arg) for arg in arguments]
            # decode using utf-8 (but you should pass Unicode strings as parameters anyway)
            args = [gf.safe_unicode(arg) for arg in arguments]

        if show_help:
            if u"-h" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=True)

            if u"--help" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=False)

            if u"--version" in args:
                return self.print_name_version()

        # store formal arguments
        self.formal_arguments_raw = arguments
        self.formal_arguments = args

        # to obtain the actual arguments,
        # remove the first one and "special" switches
        args = args[1:]
        set_args = set(args)

        # set verbosity, if requested
        for flag in set([u"-v", u"--verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
        for flag in set([u"-vv", u"--very-verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
            self.very_verbose = True

        # set RuntimeConfiguration string, if specified
        for flag in [u"-r", u"--runtime-configuration"]:
            rconf_string = self.has_option_with_value(flag,
            if rconf_string is not None:
                self.rconf = RuntimeConfiguration(rconf_string)
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, rconf_string))

        # set log file path, if requested
        log_path = None
        for flag in [u"-l", u"--log"]:
            log_path = self.has_option_with_value(flag, actual_arguments=False)
            if log_path is not None:
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, log_path))
            elif flag in set_args:
                handler, log_path = gf.tmp_file(
            if log_path is not None:
                self.log_file_path = log_path

        # if no actual arguments left, print help
        if (len(args) < 1) and (show_help):
            return self.print_help(short=True)

        # store actual arguments
        self.actual_arguments = args

        # create logger
        self.logger = Logger(tee=self.verbose,
        self.log([u"Formal arguments: %s", self.formal_arguments])
        self.log([u"Actual arguments: %s", self.actual_arguments])
        self.log([u"Runtime configuration: '%s'", self.rconf.config_string()])

        # perform command
        exit_code = self.perform_command()
        self.log([u"Execution completed with code %d", exit_code])

        # output log if requested
        if self.log_file_path is not None:
                u"User requested saving log to file '%s'", self.log_file_path
            if self.use_sys:
                self.print_info(u"Log written to file '%s'" %

        return self.exit(exit_code)

    def has_option(self, target):
        Return ``True`` if the actual arguments include
        the specified ``target`` option or,
        if ``target`` is a list of options,
        at least one of them.

        :param target: the option or a list of options
        :type  target: Unicode string or list of Unicode strings
        :rtype: bool
        if isinstance(target, list):
            target_set = set(target)
            target_set = set([target])
        return len(target_set & set(self.actual_arguments)) > 0

    def has_option_with_value(self, prefix, actual_arguments=True):
        Check if the actual arguments include an option
        starting with the given ``prefix`` and having a value,
        e.g. ``--format=ogg`` for ``prefix="--format"``.

        :param prefix: the option prefix
        :type  prefix: Unicode string
        :param actual_arguments: if ``True``, check among actual arguments;
                                 otherwise check among formal arguments
        :rtype actual_arguments: bool
        :rtype: Unicode string or None
        if actual_arguments:
            args = self.actual_arguments
            args = self.formal_arguments
        for arg in [
                arg for arg in args
                if (arg is not None) and (arg.startswith(prefix + u"="))
            lis = arg.split(u"=")
            if len(lis) >= 2:
                return u"=".join(lis[1:])
        return None

    def perform_command(self):
        Perform command and return the appropriate exit code.

        :rtype: int
        self.log(u"This function should be overloaded in derived classes")
        self.log([u"Invoked with %s", self.actual_arguments])
        return self.NO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE

    def check_c_extensions(self, name=None):
        If C extensions cannot be run, emit a warning
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.
        If ``name`` is not ``None``, check just
        the C extension with that name.

        :param name: the name of the Python C extension to test
        :type  name: string
        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.can_run_c_extension(name=name):
            if name is None:
                self.print_warning(u"Unable to load Python C Extensions")
                self.print_warning(u"Unable to load Python C Extension %s" %
            self.print_warning(u"Running the slower pure Python code")
                u"See the documentation for directions to compile the Python C Extensions"
            return False
        return True

    def check_input_file_or_directory(self, path):
        If the given path does not exist, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the input file or directory
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if (not gf.file_can_be_read(path)) and (not os.path.isdir(path)):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to read file or directory '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the path is written/escaped correctly and that you have read permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def check_input_file(self, path):
        If the given path does not exist, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the input file
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.file_can_be_read(path):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to read file '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the file path is written/escaped correctly and that you have read permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def check_output_file(self, path):
        If the given path cannot be written, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the output file
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.file_can_be_written(path):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to create file '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the file path is written/escaped correctly and that you have write permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def check_output_directory(self, path):
        If the given directory cannot be written, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the output directory
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            self.print_error(u"Directory '%s' does not exist" % (path))
            return False
        test_file = os.path.join(path, u"file.test")
        if not gf.file_can_be_written(test_file):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to write inside directory '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the directory path is written/escaped correctly and that you have write permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def get_text_file(self, text_format, text, parameters):
        if text_format == u"list":
            text_file = TextFile(logger=self.logger)
            return text_file
            if text_format not in TextFileFormat.ALLOWED_VALUES:
                self.print_error(u"File format '%s' is not allowed" %
                self.print_error(u"Allowed text file formats: %s" %
                                 (" ".join(TextFileFormat.ALLOWED_VALUES)))
                return None
                return TextFile(text,
            except OSError:
                self.print_error(u"Cannot read file '%s'" % (text))
            return None

    def print_no_pafy_error(self):
            u"You need to install Python modules youtube-dl and pafy to download audio from YouTube. Run:"
        self.print_error(u"$ pip install youtube-dl pafy")
        self.print_error(u"or, to install for all users:")
        self.print_error(u"$ sudo pip install youtube-dl pafy")
Example #15
 def __init__(self, logger=None, rconf=None):
     self.logger = logger if logger is not None else Logger()
     self.rconf = rconf if rconf is not None else RuntimeConfiguration()
 def test_clone(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     rconf2 = rconf.clone()
     self.assertNotEqual(id(rconf), id(rconf2))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.config_string, rconf2.config_string)
 def test_config_string(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
Example #18
    def __adjust_durations(self, subs: List[SubRipItem], audio_file_path: str, stretch_in_lang: str) -> List[SubRipItem]:
        from aeneas.executetask import ExecuteTask
        from aeneas.task import Task
        from aeneas.runtimeconfiguration import RuntimeConfiguration
        from aeneas.logger import Logger as AeneasLogger

        # Initialise a DTW alignment task
        task_config_string = (
        runtime_config_string = "dtw_algorithm=stripe"  # stripe or exact
        task = Task(config_string=task_config_string)

            segment_path, _ = MediaHelper.extract_audio_from_start_to_end(
                str(subs[len(subs) - 1].end),

            # Create a text file for DTW alignments
            root, _ = os.path.splitext(segment_path)
            text_file_path = "{}.txt".format(root)

            with open(text_file_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as text_file:
                for sub_new in subs:
                    text_file.write(os.linesep * 2)

            task.audio_file_path_absolute = segment_path
            task.text_file_path_absolute = text_file_path
            task.sync_map_file_path_absolute = "{}.srt".format(root)

            tee = False
            if Logger.VERBOSE:
                tee = True
            if Logger.QUIET:
                tee = False
            with self.__lock:
                # Execute the task

                # Output new subtitle segment to a file

            # Load the above subtitle segment
            adjusted_subs = Subtitle.load(
            for index, sub_new_loaded in enumerate(adjusted_subs):
                sub_new_loaded.index = subs[index].index

                    start=None, end=str(subs[0].start)
            return adjusted_subs
            # Housekeep intermediate files
            if task.audio_file_path_absolute is not None and os.path.exists(
            if task.text_file_path_absolute is not None and os.path.exists(
            if task.sync_map_file_path_absolute is not None and os.path.exists(task.sync_map_file_path_absolute):
Example #19
    def run(self, arguments, show_help=True):
        Program entry point.

        Please note that the first item in ``arguments`` is discarded,
        as it is assumed to be the script/invocation name;
        pass a "dumb" placeholder if you call this method with
        an argument different that ``sys.argv``.

        :param arguments: the list of arguments
        :type  arguments: list
        :param show_help: if ``False``, do not show help on ``-h`` and ``--help``
        :type  show_help: bool
        :rtype: int
        # convert arguments into Unicode strings
        if self.use_sys:
            # check that sys.stdin.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding are set to utf-8
            if not gf.FROZEN:
                if sys.stdin.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                    self.print_warning(u"The default input encoding is not UTF-8.")
                    self.print_warning(u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell.")
                if sys.stdout.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                    self.print_warning(u"The default output encoding is not UTF-8.")
                    self.print_warning(u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell.")
            # decode using sys.stdin.encoding
            args = [gf.safe_unicode_stdin(arg) for arg in arguments]
            # decode using utf-8 (but you should pass Unicode strings as parameters anyway)
            args = [gf.safe_unicode(arg) for arg in arguments]

        if show_help:
            if u"-h" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=True)

            if u"--help" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=False)

            if u"--version" in args:
                return self.print_name_version()

        # store formal arguments
        self.formal_arguments_raw = arguments
        self.formal_arguments = args

        # to obtain the actual arguments,
        # remove the first one and "special" switches
        args = args[1:]
        set_args = set(args)

        # set verbosity, if requested
        for flag in set([u"-v", u"--verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
        for flag in set([u"-vv", u"--very-verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
            self.very_verbose = True

        # set RuntimeConfiguration string, if specified
        for flag in [u"-r", u"--runtime-configuration"]:
            rconf_string = self.has_option_with_value(flag, actual_arguments=False)
            if rconf_string is not None:
                self.rconf = RuntimeConfiguration(rconf_string)
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, rconf_string))

        # set log file path, if requested
        log_path = None
        for flag in [u"-l", u"--log"]:
            log_path = self.has_option_with_value(flag, actual_arguments=False)
            if log_path is not None:
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, log_path))
            elif flag in set_args:
                handler, log_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".log", root=self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TMP_PATH])
            if log_path is not None:
                self.log_file_path = log_path

        # if no actual arguments left, print help
        if (len(args) < 1) and (show_help):
            return self.print_help(short=True)

        # store actual arguments
        self.actual_arguments = args

        # create logger
        self.logger = Logger(tee=self.verbose, tee_show_datetime=self.very_verbose)
        self.log([u"Formal arguments: %s", self.formal_arguments])
        self.log([u"Actual arguments: %s", self.actual_arguments])
        self.log([u"Runtime configuration: '%s'", self.rconf.config_string()])

        # perform command
        exit_code = self.perform_command()
        self.log([u"Execution completed with code %d", exit_code])

        # output log if requested
        if self.log_file_path is not None:
            self.log([u"User requested saving log to file '%s'", self.log_file_path])
            if self.use_sys:
                self.print_info(u"Log written to file '%s'" % self.log_file_path)

        return self.exit(exit_code)
Example #20
class AbstractCLIProgram(Loggable):
    This class is an "abstract" CLI program.

    To create a new CLI program, create a new class,
    derived from this one, and overload
    ``NAME``, ``HELP``, and ``perform_command()``.

    :param use_sys: if ``True``, call ``sys.exit`` when needed;
                    otherwise, never call ``sys.exit`` and
                    just return a return code/value
    :type  use_sys: bool
    :param string invoke: the CLI command to be invoked
    :param rconf: a runtime configuration. Default: ``None``, meaning that
                  default settings will be used.
    :type  rconf: :class:`aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration`

    NAME = gf.file_name_without_extension(__file__)

    AENEAS_URL = u"http://www.readbeyond.it/aeneas/"
    DOCS_URL = u"http://www.readbeyond.it/aeneas/docs/"
    GITHUB_URL = u"https://github.com/ReadBeyond/aeneas/"
    ISSUES_URL = u"https://github.com/ReadBeyond/aeneas/issues/"
    RB_URL = u"http://www.readbeyond.it"


    HELP = {"description": u"An abstract CLI program", "synopsis": [], "options": [], "parameters": [], "examples": []}

    TAG = u"CLI"

    def __init__(self, use_sys=True, invoke=None, rconf=None, logger=None):
        super(AbstractCLIProgram, self).__init__(rconf=rconf, logger=logger)
        self.invoke = u"python -m aeneas.tools.%s" % (self.NAME) if (invoke is None) else invoke
        self.use_sys = use_sys
        self.formal_arguments_raw = []
        self.formal_arguments = []
        self.actual_arguments = []
        self.log_file_path = None
        self.verbose = False
        self.very_verbose = False

        Logger.CRITICAL: gf.print_error,
        Logger.DEBUG: gf.print_info,
        Logger.ERROR: gf.print_error,
        Logger.INFO: gf.print_info,
        Logger.SUCCESS: gf.print_success,
        Logger.WARNING: gf.print_warning,

    def print_generic(self, msg, prefix=None):
        Print a message and log it.

        :param msg: the message
        :type  msg: Unicode string
        :param prefix: the (optional) prefix
        :type  prefix: Unicode string
        if prefix is None:
            self._log(msg, Logger.INFO)
            self._log(msg, prefix)
        if self.use_sys:
            if (prefix is not None) and (prefix in self.PREFIX_TO_PRINT_FUNCTION):

    def print_error(self, msg):
        Print an error message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.ERROR)

    def print_info(self, msg):
        Print an info message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.INFO)

    def print_success(self, msg):
        Print a success message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.SUCCESS)

    def print_warning(self, msg):
        Print a warning message and log it.

        :param string msg: the message
        self.print_generic(msg, Logger.WARNING)

    def exit(self, code):
        Exit with the given exit code,
        possibly with ``sys.exit()``.

        :param code: the exit code
        :type  code: int
        :rtype: int
        if self.use_sys:
        return code

    def print_help(self, short=False):
        Print help message and exit.

        :param short: print short help only
        :type  short: bool
        header = [u"", u"NAME", u"  %s - %s" % (self.NAME, self.HELP["description"]), u""]

        synopsis = [u"SYNOPSIS", u"  %s [-h|--help|--version]" % (self.invoke)]
        if "synopsis" in self.HELP:
            for syn, opt in self.HELP["synopsis"]:
                if opt:
                    opt = u" [OPTIONS]"
                    opt = u""
                synopsis.append(u"  %s %s%s" % (self.invoke, syn, opt))


        options = [
            u"  -h : print short help and exit",
            u"  --help : print full help and exit",
            u"  --version : print the program name and version and exit",
            u"  -l[=FILE], --log[=FILE] : log verbose output to tmp file or FILE if specified",
            u"  -r=CONF, --runtime-configuration=CONF : apply runtime configuration CONF",
            u"  -v, --verbose : verbose output",
            u"  -vv, --very-verbose : verbose output, print date/time values",
        if "options" in self.HELP:
            for opt in self.HELP["options"]:
                options.append(u"  %s" % (opt))
        options = [u"OPTIONS"] + sorted(options) + [u""]

        parameters = []
        if ("parameters" in self.HELP) and (len(self.HELP["parameters"]) > 0):
            for par in self.HELP["parameters"]:
                parameters.append(u"  %s" % (par))

        examples = []
        if ("examples" in self.HELP) and (len(self.HELP["examples"]) > 0):
            for exa in self.HELP["examples"]:
                examples.append(u"  %s %s" % (self.invoke, exa))

        footer = [
            u"EXIT CODES",
            u"  %d : no error" % (self.NO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE),
            u"  %d : error" % (self.ERROR_EXIT_CODE),
            u"  %d : help shown, no command run" % (self.HELP_EXIT_CODE),
            u"  Alberto Pettarin, http://www.albertopettarin.it/",
            u"REPORTING BUGS",
            u"  Please use the GitHub Issues Web page : %s" % (self.ISSUES_URL),
            u"  2012-2016, Alberto Pettarin and ReadBeyond Srl",
            u"  This software is available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3",
            u"SEE ALSO",
            u"  Code repository  : %s" % (self.GITHUB_URL),
            u"  Documentation    : %s" % (self.DOCS_URL),
            u"  Project Web page : %s" % (self.AENEAS_URL),

        msg = header + synopsis + options + parameters + examples
        if not short:
            msg += footer
        if self.use_sys:
        return self.exit(self.HELP_EXIT_CODE)

    def print_name_version(self):
        Print program name and version and exit.

        :rtype: int
        if self.use_sys:
            self.print_generic(u"%s v%s" % (self.NAME, __version__))
        return self.exit(self.HELP_EXIT_CODE)

    def run(self, arguments, show_help=True):
        Program entry point.

        Please note that the first item in ``arguments`` is discarded,
        as it is assumed to be the script/invocation name;
        pass a "dumb" placeholder if you call this method with
        an argument different that ``sys.argv``.

        :param arguments: the list of arguments
        :type  arguments: list
        :param show_help: if ``False``, do not show help on ``-h`` and ``--help``
        :type  show_help: bool
        :rtype: int
        # convert arguments into Unicode strings
        if self.use_sys:
            # check that sys.stdin.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding are set to utf-8
            if not gf.FROZEN:
                if sys.stdin.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                    self.print_warning(u"The default input encoding is not UTF-8.")
                    self.print_warning(u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell.")
                if sys.stdout.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                    self.print_warning(u"The default output encoding is not UTF-8.")
                    self.print_warning(u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell.")
            # decode using sys.stdin.encoding
            args = [gf.safe_unicode_stdin(arg) for arg in arguments]
            # decode using utf-8 (but you should pass Unicode strings as parameters anyway)
            args = [gf.safe_unicode(arg) for arg in arguments]

        if show_help:
            if u"-h" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=True)

            if u"--help" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=False)

            if u"--version" in args:
                return self.print_name_version()

        # store formal arguments
        self.formal_arguments_raw = arguments
        self.formal_arguments = args

        # to obtain the actual arguments,
        # remove the first one and "special" switches
        args = args[1:]
        set_args = set(args)

        # set verbosity, if requested
        for flag in set([u"-v", u"--verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
        for flag in set([u"-vv", u"--very-verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
            self.very_verbose = True

        # set RuntimeConfiguration string, if specified
        for flag in [u"-r", u"--runtime-configuration"]:
            rconf_string = self.has_option_with_value(flag, actual_arguments=False)
            if rconf_string is not None:
                self.rconf = RuntimeConfiguration(rconf_string)
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, rconf_string))

        # set log file path, if requested
        log_path = None
        for flag in [u"-l", u"--log"]:
            log_path = self.has_option_with_value(flag, actual_arguments=False)
            if log_path is not None:
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, log_path))
            elif flag in set_args:
                handler, log_path = gf.tmp_file(suffix=u".log", root=self.rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TMP_PATH])
            if log_path is not None:
                self.log_file_path = log_path

        # if no actual arguments left, print help
        if (len(args) < 1) and (show_help):
            return self.print_help(short=True)

        # store actual arguments
        self.actual_arguments = args

        # create logger
        self.logger = Logger(tee=self.verbose, tee_show_datetime=self.very_verbose)
        self.log([u"Formal arguments: %s", self.formal_arguments])
        self.log([u"Actual arguments: %s", self.actual_arguments])
        self.log([u"Runtime configuration: '%s'", self.rconf.config_string()])

        # perform command
        exit_code = self.perform_command()
        self.log([u"Execution completed with code %d", exit_code])

        # output log if requested
        if self.log_file_path is not None:
            self.log([u"User requested saving log to file '%s'", self.log_file_path])
            if self.use_sys:
                self.print_info(u"Log written to file '%s'" % self.log_file_path)

        return self.exit(exit_code)

    def has_option(self, target):
        Return ``True`` if the actual arguments include
        the specified ``target`` option or,
        if ``target`` is a list of options,
        at least one of them.

        :param target: the option or a list of options
        :type  target: Unicode string or list of Unicode strings
        :rtype: bool
        if isinstance(target, list):
            target_set = set(target)
            target_set = set([target])
        return len(target_set & set(self.actual_arguments)) > 0

    def has_option_with_value(self, prefix, actual_arguments=True):
        Check if the actual arguments include an option
        starting with the given ``prefix`` and having a value,
        e.g. ``--format=ogg`` for ``prefix="--format"``.

        :param prefix: the option prefix
        :type  prefix: Unicode string
        :param actual_arguments: if ``True``, check among actual arguments;
                                 otherwise check among formal arguments
        :rtype actual_arguments: bool
        :rtype: Unicode string or None
        if actual_arguments:
            args = self.actual_arguments
            args = self.formal_arguments
        for arg in [arg for arg in args if (arg is not None) and (arg.startswith(prefix + u"="))]:
            lis = arg.split(u"=")
            if len(lis) >= 2:
                return u"=".join(lis[1:])
        return None

    def perform_command(self):
        Perform command and return the appropriate exit code.

        :rtype: int
        self.log(u"This function should be overloaded in derived classes")
        self.log([u"Invoked with %s", self.actual_arguments])
        return self.NO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE

    def check_c_extensions(self, name=None):
        If C extensions cannot be run, emit a warning
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.
        If ``name`` is not ``None``, check just
        the C extension with that name.

        :param name: the name of the Python C extension to test
        :type  name: string
        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.can_run_c_extension(name=name):
            if name is None:
                self.print_warning(u"Unable to load Python C Extensions")
                self.print_warning(u"Unable to load Python C Extension %s" % (name))
            self.print_warning(u"Running the slower pure Python code")
            self.print_warning(u"See the documentation for directions to compile the Python C Extensions")
            return False
        return True

    def check_input_file_or_directory(self, path):
        If the given path does not exist, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the input file or directory
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if (not gf.file_can_be_read(path)) and (not os.path.isdir(path)):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to read file or directory '%s'" % (path))
            self.print_error(u"Make sure the path is written/escaped correctly and that you have read permission on it")
            return False
        return True

    def check_input_file(self, path):
        If the given path does not exist, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the input file
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.file_can_be_read(path):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to read file '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the file path is written/escaped correctly and that you have read permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def check_output_file(self, path):
        If the given path cannot be written, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the output file
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if not gf.file_can_be_written(path):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to create file '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the file path is written/escaped correctly and that you have write permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def check_output_directory(self, path):
        If the given directory cannot be written, emit an error
        and return ``False``. Otherwise return ``True``.

        :param path: the path of the output directory
        :type  path: string (path)
        :rtype: bool
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            self.print_error(u"Directory '%s' does not exist" % (path))
            return False
        test_file = os.path.join(path, u"file.test")
        if not gf.file_can_be_written(test_file):
            self.print_error(u"Unable to write inside directory '%s'" % (path))
                u"Make sure the directory path is written/escaped correctly and that you have write permission on it"
            return False
        return True

    def get_text_file(self, text_format, text, parameters):
        if text_format == u"list":
            text_file = TextFile(logger=self.logger)
            return text_file
            if text_format not in TextFileFormat.ALLOWED_VALUES:
                self.print_error(u"File format '%s' is not allowed" % (text_format))
                self.print_error(u"Allowed text file formats: %s" % (" ".join(TextFileFormat.ALLOWED_VALUES)))
                return None
                return TextFile(text, text_format, parameters, logger=self.logger)
            except OSError:
                self.print_error(u"Cannot read file '%s'" % (text))
            return None

    def print_no_pafy_error(self):
        self.print_error(u"You need to install Python modules youtube-dl and pafy to download audio from YouTube. Run:")
        self.print_error(u"$ pip install youtube-dl pafy")
        self.print_error(u"or, to install for all users:")
        self.print_error(u"$ sudo pip install youtube-dl pafy")
Example #21
 def test_loggable_rconf_logger(self):
     logger = Logger()
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     loggable = Loggable(rconf=rconf, logger=logger)
     self.assertEqual(rconf, loggable.rconf)
     self.assertEqual(logger, loggable.logger)
Example #22
 def test_loggable_rconf(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     loggable = Loggable(rconf=rconf)
     self.assertEqual(rconf, loggable.rconf)
Example #23
if lang not in ["eng", "hi", "hin"]:
    print("only hi and eng allowed for language")

from aeneas.executetask import ExecuteTask
from aeneas.task import Task
from aeneas.runtimeconfiguration import RuntimeConfiguration

config_string = u"task_language=" + lang + u"|is_text_type=subtitles|os_task_file_format=srt"

tempout, tempfilename = tempfile.mkstemp()
task = Task(config_string=config_string)
task.audio_file_path_absolute = args.audio
task.text_file_path_absolute = args.txt
task.sync_map_file_path_absolute = tempfilename
rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
# This option ignores the non-word sounds in the audio
rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.MFCC_MASK_NONSPEECH] = True
rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.MFCC_MASK_LOG_ENERGY_THRESHOLD] = 2.5

# To use a different Text-to-Speech engine
#rconf[RuntimeConfiguration.TTS] = "festival"

# process Task
ExecuteTask(task, rconf=rconf).execute()

# output sync map to file

f = open(args.out, "w")
 def test_safety_checks(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.safety_checks, True)
 def test_clone(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     rconf2 = rconf.clone()
     self.assertNotEqual(id(rconf), id(rconf2))
     self.assertEqual(rconf.config_string, rconf2.config_string)
 def test_sample_rate(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.sample_rate, 16000)
 def test_set_rconf_string(self):
     params = [
         (u"aba_nonspeech_tolerance=0.040", "aba_nonspeech_tolerance",
         (u"aba_no_zero_duration=0.040", "aba_no_zero_duration",
         (u"allow_unlisted_languages=True", "allow_unlisted_languages",
         (u"c_extensions=False", "c_extensions", False),
         (u"cdtw=False", "cdtw", False),
         (u"cew=False", "cew", False),
         (u"cmfcc=False", "cmfcc", False),
         (u"cew_subprocess_enabled=True", "cew_subprocess_enabled", True),
         (u"cew_subprocess_path=/foo/bar/python", "cew_subprocess_path",
         (u"downloader_sleep=5.000", "downloader_sleep",
         (u"downloader_retry_attempts=5", "downloader_retry_attempts", 5),
         (u"dtw_algorithm=exact", "dtw_algorithm", "exact"),
         (u"dtw_margin=100", "dtw_margin", TimeValue("100")),
         (u"ffmpeg_path=/foo/bar/ffmpeg", "ffmpeg_path", "/foo/bar/ffmpeg"),
         (u"ffmpeg_sample_rate=8000", "ffmpeg_sample_rate", 8000),
         (u"ffprobe_path=/foo/bar/ffprobe", "ffprobe_path",
         (u"job_max_tasks=10", "job_max_tasks", 10),
         (u"mfcc_filters=100", "mfcc_filters", 100),
         (u"mfcc_size=20", "mfcc_size", 20),
         (u"mfcc_fft_order=256", "mfcc_fft_order", 256),
         (u"mfcc_lower_frequency=120.0", "mfcc_lower_frequency", 120.0),
         (u"mfcc_upper_frequency=5000.0", "mfcc_upper_frequency", 5000.0),
         (u"mfcc_emphasis_factor=1.0", "mfcc_emphasis_factor", 1.0),
         (u"mfcc_mask_nonspeech=True", "mfcc_mask_nonspeech", True),
         (u"mfcc_window_length=0.360", "mfcc_window_length",
         (u"mfcc_window_shift=0.160", "mfcc_window_shift",
         (u"dtw_margin_l1=100", "dtw_margin_l1", TimeValue("100")),
         (u"mfcc_mask_nonspeech_l1=True", "mfcc_mask_nonspeech_l1", True),
         (u"mfcc_window_length_l1=0.360", "mfcc_window_length_l1",
         (u"mfcc_window_shift_l1=0.160", "mfcc_window_shift_l1",
         (u"dtw_margin_l2=30", "dtw_margin_l2", TimeValue("30")),
         (u"mfcc_mask_nonspeech_l2=True", "mfcc_mask_nonspeech_l2", True),
         (u"mfcc_window_length_l2=0.360", "mfcc_window_length_l2",
         (u"mfcc_window_shift_l2=0.160", "mfcc_window_shift_l2",
         (u"dtw_margin_l3=10", "dtw_margin_l3", TimeValue("10")),
         (u"mfcc_mask_nonspeech_l3=True", "mfcc_mask_nonspeech_l3", True),
         (u"mfcc_window_length_l3=0.360", "mfcc_window_length_l3",
         (u"mfcc_window_shift_l3=0.160", "mfcc_window_shift_l3",
          "mfcc_mask_extend_speech_after", 1),
          "mfcc_mask_extend_speech_before", 1),
          "mfcc_mask_log_energy_threshold", 0.750),
          "mfcc_mask_min_nonspeech_length", 5),
         (u"nuance_tts_api_id=foo", "nuance_tts_api_id", "foo"),
         (u"nuance_tts_api_key=bar", "nuance_tts_api_key", "bar"),
         (u"safety_checks=False", "safety_checks", False),
         (u"task_max_audio_length=1000", "task_max_audio_length",
         (u"task_max_text_length=1000", "task_max_text_length", 1000),
         (u"tmp_path=/foo/bar", "tmp_path", "/foo/bar"),
         (u"tts=festival", "tts", "festival"),
         (u"tts_path=/foo/bar/festival", "tts_path", "/foo/bar/festival"),
         (u"tts_api_sleep=5.000", "tts_api_sleep", TimeValue("5.000")),
         (u"tts_api_retry_attempts=3", "tts_api_retry_attempts", 3),
         (u"tts_voice_code=ru", "tts_voice_code", "ru"),
         (u"tts_cache=True", "tts_cache", True),
         (u"tts_l1=festival", "tts_l1", "festival"),
         (u"tts_path_l1=/foo/bar/festival", "tts_path_l1",
         (u"tts_l2=festival", "tts_l2", "festival"),
         (u"tts_path_l2=/foo/bar/festival", "tts_path_l2",
         (u"tts_l3=festival", "tts_l3", "festival"),
         (u"tts_path_l3=/foo/bar/festival", "tts_path_l3",
         (u"vad_extend_speech_after=1.000", "vad_extend_speech_after",
         (u"vad_extend_speech_before=1.000", "vad_extend_speech_before",
         (u"vad_log_energy_threshold=0.750", "vad_log_energy_threshold",
         (u"vad_min_nonspeech_length=0.500", "vad_min_nonspeech_length",
     for string, key, value in params:
         rconf = RuntimeConfiguration(string)
         self.assertEqual(rconf[key], value)
 def test_dtw_margin(self):
     rconf = RuntimeConfiguration()
     self.assertEqual(rconf.dtw_margin, TimeValue("60.000"))
Example #29
 def test_convert_rc(self):
     rc = RuntimeConfiguration(u"ffmpeg_sample_rate=44100")
     for f in self.FILES:
         self.convert(f["path"], runtime_configuration=rc)
    def run(self, arguments, show_help=True):
        Program entry point.

        Please note that the first item in ``arguments`` is discarded,
        as it is assumed to be the script/invocation name;
        pass a "dumb" placeholder if you call this method with
        an argument different that ``sys.argv``.

        :param arguments: the list of arguments
        :type  arguments: list
        :param show_help: if ``False``, do not show help on ``-h`` and ``--help``
        :type  show_help: bool
        :rtype: int
        # convert arguments into Unicode strings
        if self.use_sys:
            # check that sys.stdin.encoding and sys.stdout.encoding are set to utf-8
            if not gf.FROZEN:
                if sys.stdin.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                        u"The default input encoding is not UTF-8.")
                        u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell."
                if sys.stdout.encoding not in ["UTF-8", "UTF8"]:
                        u"The default output encoding is not UTF-8.")
                        u"You might want to set 'PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8' in your shell."
            # decode using sys.stdin.encoding
            args = [gf.safe_unicode_stdin(arg) for arg in arguments]
            # decode using utf-8 (but you should pass Unicode strings as parameters anyway)
            args = [gf.safe_unicode(arg) for arg in arguments]

        if show_help:
            if u"-h" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=True)

            if u"--help" in args:
                return self.print_help(short=False)

            if u"--version" in args:
                return self.print_name_version()

        # store formal arguments
        self.formal_arguments_raw = arguments
        self.formal_arguments = args

        # to obtain the actual arguments,
        # remove the first one and "special" switches
        args = args[1:]
        set_args = set(args)

        # set verbosity, if requested
        for flag in set([u"-v", u"--verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
        for flag in set([u"-vv", u"--very-verbose"]) & set_args:
            self.verbose = True
            self.very_verbose = True

        # set RuntimeConfiguration string, if specified
        for flag in [u"-r", u"--runtime-configuration"]:
            rconf_string = self.has_option_with_value(flag,
            if rconf_string is not None:
                self.rconf = RuntimeConfiguration(rconf_string)
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, rconf_string))

        # set log file path, if requested
        log_path = None
        for flag in [u"-l", u"--log"]:
            log_path = self.has_option_with_value(flag, actual_arguments=False)
            if log_path is not None:
                args.remove("%s=%s" % (flag, log_path))
            elif flag in set_args:
                handler, log_path = gf.tmp_file(
            if log_path is not None:
                self.log_file_path = log_path

        # if no actual arguments left, print help
        if (len(args) < 1) and (show_help):
            return self.print_help(short=True)

        # store actual arguments
        self.actual_arguments = args

        # create logger
        self.logger = Logger(tee=self.verbose,
        self.log([u"Formal arguments: %s", self.formal_arguments])
        self.log([u"Actual arguments: %s", self.actual_arguments])
        self.log([u"Runtime configuration: '%s'", self.rconf.config_string()])

        # perform command
        exit_code = self.perform_command()
        self.log([u"Execution completed with code %d", exit_code])

        # output log if requested
        if self.log_file_path is not None:
                u"User requested saving log to file '%s'", self.log_file_path
            if self.use_sys:
                self.print_info(u"Log written to file '%s'" %

        return self.exit(exit_code)