Example #1
    def test_bincountFn(self):
        w = vector("w")

        def ref(data, w=None, minlength=None):
            size = int(data.max() + 1)
            if minlength:
                size = max(size, minlength)
            if w is not None:
                out = np.zeros(size, dtype=w.dtype)
                for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                    out[data[i]] += w[i]
                out = np.zeros(size, dtype=a.dtype)
                for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                    out[data[i]] += 1
            return out

        for dtype in (
            x = vector("x", dtype=dtype)

            a = np.random.randint(1, 51, size=(25)).astype(dtype)
            weights = np.random.random((25, )).astype(config.floatX)

            f1 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x))
            f2 = aesara.function([x, w], bincount(x, weights=w))

            assert (ref(a) == f1(a)).all()
            assert np.allclose(ref(a, weights), f2(a, weights))
            f3 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x, minlength=55))
            f4 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x, minlength=5))
            assert (ref(a, minlength=55) == f3(a)).all()
            assert (ref(a, minlength=5) == f4(a)).all()
            # skip the following test when using unsigned ints
            if not dtype.startswith("u"):
                a[0] = -1
                f5 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x, assert_nonneg=True))
                with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
Example #2
    def test_bincountFn(self, dtype):
        w = vector("w")

        rng = np.random.default_rng(4282)

        def ref(data, w=None, minlength=None):
            size = int(data.max() + 1)
            if minlength:
                size = max(size, minlength)
            if w is not None:
                out = np.zeros(size, dtype=w.dtype)
                for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                    out[data[i]] += w[i]
                out = np.zeros(size, dtype=a.dtype)
                for i in range(data.shape[0]):
                    out[data[i]] += 1
            return out

        x = vector("x", dtype=dtype)

        a = rng.integers(1, 51, size=(25)).astype(dtype)
        weights = rng.random((25, )).astype(config.floatX)

        f1 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x))
        f2 = aesara.function([x, w], bincount(x, weights=w))

        assert np.array_equal(ref(a), f1(a))
        assert np.allclose(ref(a, weights), f2(a, weights))

        f3 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x, minlength=55))
        f4 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x, minlength=5))

        assert np.array_equal(ref(a, minlength=55), f3(a))
        assert np.array_equal(ref(a, minlength=5), f4(a))

        # skip the following test when using unsigned ints
        if not dtype.startswith("u"):
            a[0] = -1
            f5 = aesara.function([x], bincount(x, assert_nonneg=True))
            with pytest.raises(AssertionError):