Example #1
 def logdet(self):
     z = self.z0  # sxd
     u = self.u_  # d
     w = self.w_  # d
     b = self.b  # .
     deriv = self.h.deriv  # f'
     if not self.batched:
         # f'(sxd \dot d + .) * -xd = sxd
         phi = deriv(z.dot(w) + b).dimshuffle(0, "x") * w.dimshuffle("x", 0)
         # \abs(. + sxd \dot d) = s
         det = aet.abs_(1.0 + phi.dot(u))
         return aet.log(det)
         z = z.swapaxes(0, 1)
         b = b.dimshuffle(0, "x")
         # z bxsxd
         # u bxd
         # w bxd
         # b bx-x-
         # f'(bxsxd \bdot bxd + bx-x-) * bx-xd = bxsxd
         phi = deriv(aet.batched_dot(z, w) + b).dimshuffle(
             0, 1, "x") * w.dimshuffle(0, "x", 1)
         # \abs(. + bxsxd \bdot bxd) = bxs
         det = aet.abs_(1.0 + aet.batched_dot(phi, u))  # bxs
         return aet.log(det).sum(0)  # s
Example #2
def check_jacobian_det(
    y = constructor("y")
    y.tag.test_value = test

    if rv_var is None:
        rv_var = y

    rv_inputs = rv_var.owner.inputs if rv_var.owner else []

    x = transform.backward(y, *rv_inputs)
    if make_comparable:
        x = make_comparable(x)

    if not elemwise:
        jac = at.log(at.nlinalg.det(jacobian(x, [y])))
        jac = at.log(at.abs_(at.diag(jacobian(x, [y]))))

    # ljd = log jacobian det
    actual_ljd = aesara.function([y], jac)

    computed_ljd = aesara.function(
        [y], at.as_tensor_variable(transform.log_jac_det(y, *rv_inputs)), on_unused_input="ignore"

    for yval in domain.vals:
        close_to(actual_ljd(yval), computed_ljd(yval), tol)
def test_flow_det(flow_spec):
    z0 = at.arange(0, 20).astype("float32")
    flow = flow_spec(dim=20, z0=z0.dimshuffle("x", 0))
    with aesara.config.change_flags(compute_test_value="off"):
        z1 = flow.forward.flatten()
        J = at.jacobian(z1, z0)
        logJdet = at.log(at.abs_(at.nlinalg.det(J)))
        det = flow.logdet[0]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(logJdet.eval(), det.eval(), atol=0.0001)
def test_flow_det_local(flow_spec):
    z0 = at.arange(0, 12).astype("float32")
    spec = flow_spec.cls.get_param_spec_for(d=12)
    params = dict()
    for k, shp in spec.items():
        params[k] = np.random.randn(1, *shp).astype("float32")
    flow = flow_spec(dim=12, z0=z0.reshape((1, 1, 12)), **params)
    assert flow.batched
    with aesara.config.change_flags(compute_test_value="off"):
        z1 = flow.forward.flatten()
        J = at.jacobian(z1, z0)
        logJdet = at.log(at.abs_(at.nlinalg.det(J)))
        det = flow.logdet[0]
    np.testing.assert_allclose(logJdet.eval(), det.eval(), atol=0.0001)
Example #5
def log_normal(x, mean, **kwargs):
    Calculate logarithm of normal distribution at point `x`
    with given `mean` and `std`

    x: Tensor
        point of evaluation
    mean: Tensor
        mean of normal distribution
    kwargs: one of parameters `{sigma, tau, w, rho}`

    There are four variants for density parametrization.
    They are:
        1) standard deviation - `std`
        2) `w`, logarithm of `std` :math:`w = log(std)`
        3) `rho` that follows this equation :math:`rho = log(exp(std) - 1)`
        4) `tau` that follows this equation :math:`tau = std^{-1}`
    sigma = kwargs.get("sigma")
    w = kwargs.get("w")
    rho = kwargs.get("rho")
    tau = kwargs.get("tau")
    eps = kwargs.get("eps", 0.0)
    check = sum(map(lambda a: a is not None, [sigma, w, rho, tau]))
    if check > 1:
        raise ValueError("more than one required kwarg is passed")
    if check == 0:
        raise ValueError("none of required kwarg is passed")
    if sigma is not None:
        std = sigma
    elif w is not None:
        std = aet.exp(w)
    elif rho is not None:
        std = rho2sigma(rho)
        std = tau**(-1)
    std += f(eps)
    return f(c) - aet.log(aet.abs_(std)) - (x - mean)**2 / (2.0 * std**2)
Example #6
    def _step(i, pkm1, pkm2, qkm1, qkm2, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, r):
        xk = -(x * k1 * k2) / (k3 * k4)
        pk = pkm1 + pkm2 * xk
        qk = qkm1 + qkm2 * xk
        pkm2 = pkm1
        pkm1 = pk
        qkm2 = qkm1
        qkm1 = qk

        xk = (x * k5 * k6) / (k7 * k8)
        pk = pkm1 + pkm2 * xk
        qk = qkm1 + qkm2 * xk
        pkm2 = pkm1
        pkm1 = pk
        qkm2 = qkm1
        qkm1 = qk

        old_r = r
        r = aet.switch(aet.eq(qk, zero), r, pk / qk)

        k1 += one
        k2 += k26update
        k3 += two
        k4 += two
        k5 += one
        k6 -= k26update
        k7 += two
        k8 += two

        big_cond = aet.gt(aet.abs_(qk) + aet.abs_(pk), BIG)
        biginv_cond = aet.or_(aet.lt(aet.abs_(qk), BIGINV),
                              aet.lt(aet.abs_(pk), BIGINV))

        pkm2 = aet.switch(big_cond, pkm2 * BIGINV, pkm2)
        pkm1 = aet.switch(big_cond, pkm1 * BIGINV, pkm1)
        qkm2 = aet.switch(big_cond, qkm2 * BIGINV, qkm2)
        qkm1 = aet.switch(big_cond, qkm1 * BIGINV, qkm1)

        pkm2 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, pkm2 * BIG, pkm2)
        pkm1 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, pkm1 * BIG, pkm1)
        qkm2 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, qkm2 * BIG, qkm2)
        qkm1 = aet.switch(biginv_cond, qkm1 * BIG, qkm1)

        return (
            (pkm1, pkm2, qkm1, qkm2, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, r),
            until(aet.abs_(old_r - r) < (THRESH * aet.abs_(r))),
Example #7
 def _step(i, t, s):
     t *= (i - b) * value / i
     step = t / (a + i)
     s += step
     return ((t, s), until(aet.abs_(step) < threshold))
Example #8
def sigma2rho(sigma):
    `sigma -> rho` aesara converter
    :math:`mu + sigma*e = mu + log(1+exp(rho))*e`"""
    return aet.log(aet.exp(aet.abs_(sigma)) - 1.0)
Example #9
 def jacobian_det(self, x):
     grad = aet.reshape(gradient(aet.sum(self.backward(x)), [x]), x.shape)
     return aet.log(aet.abs_(grad))
Example #10
 def dist(self, X, Xs):
     if Xs is None:
         Xs = at.transpose(X)
         Xs = at.transpose(Xs)
     return at.abs_((X - Xs + self.c) % (self.c * 2) - self.c)
Example #11
def laplace(epsilon, obs_data, sim_data):
    """Laplace kernel."""
    return -at.abs_((obs_data - sim_data) / epsilon)
Example #12
 def jacobian_det(self, rv_var, rv_value):
     grad = at.reshape(
         gradient(at.sum(self.backward(rv_var, rv_value)), [rv_value]), rv_value.shape
     return at.log(at.abs_(grad))
Example #13
            mode = get_mode("FAST_RUN").including("gpuarray")
            f = aesara.function([guard_in],
            result.cache[key] = f
        return f(inp)

    result.cache = dict()
    return result

f_gpua_min = f_compute(tt.min)
f_gpua_max = f_compute(tt.max)
f_gpua_absmax = f_compute(lambda x: tt.max(tt.abs_(x)))

class NanGuardMode(Mode):
    A Aesara compilation Mode that makes the compiled function automatically
    detect NaNs and Infs and detect an error if they occur.

    nan_is_error : bool
        If True, raise an error anytime a NaN is encountered.
    inf_is_error : bool
        If True, raise an error anytime an Inf is encountered.  Note that some
        pylearn2 modules currently use np.inf as a default value (e.g.
        mlp.max_pool) and these will cause an error if inf_is_error is True.