Example #1
    def test_local_sigm_times_exp(self):
        # Test the `local_sigm_times_exp` optimization.
        # exp(x) * sigm(-x) -> sigm(x)
        # exp(-x) * sigm(x) -> sigm(-x)

        def match(func, ops):
            # print [node.op.scalar_op for node in func.maker.fgraph.toposort()]
            assert [node.op for node in func.maker.fgraph.toposort()] == ops

        m = self.get_mode(excluding=["local_elemwise_fusion", "inplace"])
        x, y = tt.vectors("x", "y")

        f = aesara.function([x], sigmoid(-x) * tt.exp(x), mode=m)
        match(f, [sigmoid])
        assert check_stack_trace(f, ops_to_check=sigmoid)

        f = aesara.function([x], sigmoid(x) * tt.exp(-x), mode=m)
        match(f, [tt.neg, sigmoid])
        assert check_stack_trace(f, ops_to_check=sigmoid)

        f = aesara.function([x], -(-(-(sigmoid(x)))) * tt.exp(-x), mode=m)
        match(f, [tt.neg, sigmoid, tt.neg])
        # assert check_stack_trace(f, ops_to_check=sigmoid)

        f = aesara.function(
            [x, y],
            (sigmoid(x) * sigmoid(-y) * -tt.exp(-x) * tt.exp(x * y) *
        topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
        for op, nb in [(sigmoid, 2), (tt.mul, 2), (tt.neg, 1), (tt.exp, 1)]:
            assert sum([n.op == op for n in topo]) == nb
    def test_connection_pattern_override(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y = tt.vectors("xy")

        def f1(x, y):
            del x
            # but we know how to backpropagate for x for some reasons
            # and we don't care about the gradient wrt y.
            return y + tt.round(y)

        def f1_back(inputs, output_gradients):
            return [output_gradients[0], aesara.gradient.disconnected_type()]

        op = cls_ofg(
            inputs=[x, y],
            outputs=[f1(x, y)],
            connection_pattern=[[True], [False]],  # This is new
        )  # This is new

        c = op(x, y)

        g1 = aesara.grad(c.sum(), x)

        out = g1.eval({
            x: np.ones((5, ), dtype=np.float32),
            y: np.ones((5, ), dtype=np.float32)
        assert np.allclose(out, [1.0] * 5)
Example #3
 def test_parse_mul_tree(self):
     x, y, z = tt.vectors("x", "y", "z")
     assert parse_mul_tree(x * y) == [False, [[False, x], [False, y]]]
     assert parse_mul_tree(-(x * y)) == [True, [[False, x], [False, y]]]
     assert parse_mul_tree(-x * y) == [False, [[True, x], [False, y]]]
     assert parse_mul_tree(-x) == [True, x]
     assert parse_mul_tree((x * y) * -z) == [
         [[False, [[False, x], [False, y]]], [True, z]],
    def test_full_graph(self):
        # Test `is_same_graph` with more complex graphs.

        x, y, z = tensor.vectors("x", "y", "z")
        t = x * y
                (x * 2, x * 2, (({}, True),)),
                    x * 2,
                    y * 2,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({y: x}, True),
                    x * 2,
                    y * 2,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({x: y}, True),
                    x * 2,
                    y * 3,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({y: x}, False),
                    t * 2,
                    z * 2,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({t: z}, True),
                    t * 2,
                    z * 2,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({z: t}, True),
                (x * (y * z), (x * y) * z, (({}, False),)),
    def test_nested(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y = tt.vectors("xy")
        u, v = x + y, x - y
        op_ft = cls_ofg([x, y], [u, v])
        op_ift = cls_ofg([x, y], [u / 2, v / 2])

        xx, yy = tt.vector("xx"), tt.vector("yy")
        xx2, yy2 = op_ift(*op_ft(xx, yy))
        fn = function([xx, yy], [xx2, yy2])

        xv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
        yv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
        xv2, yv2 = fn(xv, yv)
        assert np.allclose(xv, xv2)
        assert np.allclose(yv, yv2)
    def test_rop_override(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y = tt.vectors("xy")

        def ro(inps, epts):
            x, y = inps
            u, v = epts
            return [u * y * 2.0 + x * v * 1.5]

        u, v = tt.vectors("uv")
        op_mul_rop = cls_ofg([x, y, u, v], ro([x, y], [u, v]))
        op_mul = cls_ofg([x, y], [x * y], rop_overrides=ro)
        op_mul2 = cls_ofg([x, y], [x * y], rop_overrides=op_mul_rop)

        # single override case
        xx, yy = tt.vector("xx"), tt.vector("yy")
        du, dv = tt.vector("du"), tt.vector("dv")
        for op in [op_mul, op_mul2]:
            zz = op_mul(xx, yy)
            dw = tt.Rop(zz, [xx, yy], [du, dv])
            fn = function([xx, yy, du, dv], dw)
            vals = np.random.rand(4, 32).astype(config.floatX)
            dwval = fn(*vals)
            assert np.allclose(
                dwval, vals[0] * vals[3] * 1.5 + vals[1] * vals[2] * 2.0)
Example #7
def test_c_thunks():
    a = tensor.scalars("a")
    b, c = tensor.vectors("bc")
    cases = [False]
    if aesara.config.cxx:
    for c_thunks in cases:
        f = function(
            [a, b, c],
            ifelse(a, a * b, b * c),
                      linker=vm.VM_Linker(c_thunks=c_thunks, use_cloop=False)),
        f(1, [2], [3, 2])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            f(0, [2], [3, 4])
        assert any([hasattr(t, "cthunk") for t in f.fn.thunks]) == c_thunks
    def test_single_var(self):
        # Test `is_same_graph` with some trivial graphs (one Variable).

        x, y, z = tensor.vectors("x", "y", "z")
                (x, x, (({}, True),)),
                        ({}, False),
                        ({y: x}, True),
                (x, tensor.neg(x), (({}, False),)),
                (x, tensor.neg(y), (({}, False),)),
Example #9
    def test_perform_sigm_times_exp(self):
        # Test the core function doing the `sigm_times_exp` optimization.
        # It is easier to test different graph scenarios this way than by
        # compiling a aesara function.

        x, y, z, t = tt.vectors("x", "y", "z", "t")
        exp = tt.exp

        def ok(expr1, expr2):
            trees = [parse_mul_tree(e) for e in (expr1, expr2)]
            trees[0] = simplify_mul(trees[0])
            good = is_same_graph(compute_mul(trees[0]), compute_mul(trees[1]))
            if not good:
            assert good

        ok(sigmoid(x) * exp(-x), sigmoid(-x))
            -x * sigmoid(x) * (y * (-1 * z) * exp(-x)),
            -x * sigmoid(-x) * (y * (-1 * z)),
            -sigmoid(-x) * (exp(y) * (-exp(-z) * 3 * -exp(x)) *
                            (y * 2 * (-sigmoid(-y) *
                                      (z + t) * exp(z)) * sigmoid(z))) *
            sigmoid(x) * (-sigmoid(y) * (-sigmoid(-z) * 3) *
                          (y * 2 * ((z + t) * exp(z)))) * (-sigmoid(x)),
            exp(-x) * -exp(-x) * (-sigmoid(x) * -sigmoid(x)),
            -sigmoid(-x) * sigmoid(-x))
        ok(-exp(x) * -sigmoid(-x) * -exp(-x), -sigmoid(-x))
    def test_merge_only(self):
        # Test `is_same_graph` when `equal_computations` cannot be used.

        x, y, z = tensor.vectors("x", "y", "z")
        t = x * y
                (x, t, (({}, False), ({t: x}, True))),
                    t * 2,
                    x * 2,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({t: x}, True),
                    x * x,
                    x * y,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({y: x}, True),
                    x * x,
                    x * y,
                        ({}, False),
                        ({y: x}, True),
                    x * x + z,
                    x * y + t,
                    (({}, False), ({y: x}, False), ({y: x, t: z}, True)),
Example #11
def test_CheckAndRaise_equal():
    x, y = at.vectors("xy")
    g1 = assert_op(x, (x > y).all())
    g2 = assert_op(x, (x > y).all())

    assert equal_computations([g1], [g2])
    def test_grad_override(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y = tt.vectors("xy")

        def go(inps, gs):
            x, y = inps
            (g, ) = gs
            return [g * y * 2, g * x * 1.5]

        dedz = tt.vector("dedz")
        op_mul_grad = cls_ofg([x, y, dedz], go([x, y], [dedz]))

        op_mul = cls_ofg([x, y], [x * y], grad_overrides=go)
        op_mul2 = cls_ofg([x, y], [x * y], grad_overrides=op_mul_grad)

        # single override case (function or OfG instance)
        xx, yy = tt.vector("xx"), tt.vector("yy")
        for op in [op_mul, op_mul2]:
            zz = tt.sum(op(xx, yy))
            dx, dy = tt.grad(zz, [xx, yy])
            fn = function([xx, yy], [dx, dy])
            xv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
            yv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
            dxv, dyv = fn(xv, yv)
            assert np.allclose(yv * 2, dxv)
            assert np.allclose(xv * 1.5, dyv)

        # list override case
        def go1(inps, gs):
            x, w, b = inps
            g = gs[0]
            return g * w * 2

        def go2(inps, gs):
            x, w, b = inps
            g = gs[0]
            return g * x * 1.5

        w, b = tt.vectors("wb")
        # we make the 3rd gradient default (no override)
        op_linear = cls_ofg([x, w, b], [x * w + b],
                            grad_overrides=[go1, go2, "default"])
        xx, ww, bb = tt.vector("xx"), tt.vector("yy"), tt.vector("bb")
        zz = tt.sum(op_linear(xx, ww, bb))
        dx, dw, db = tt.grad(zz, [xx, ww, bb])
        fn = function([xx, ww, bb], [dx, dw, db])
        xv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
        wv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
        bv = np.random.rand(16).astype(config.floatX)
        dxv, dwv, dbv = fn(xv, wv, bv)
        assert np.allclose(wv * 2, dxv)
        assert np.allclose(xv * 1.5, dwv)
        assert np.allclose(np.ones(16, dtype=config.floatX), dbv)

        # NullType and DisconnectedType
        op_linear2 = cls_ofg(
            [x, w, b],
            [x * w + b],
            grad_overrides=[go1, NullType()(),
        zz2 = tt.sum(op_linear2(xx, ww, bb))
        dx2, dw2, db2 = tt.grad(
            [xx, ww, bb],
        assert isinstance(dx2.type, tt.TensorType)
        assert dx2.ndim == 1
        assert isinstance(dw2.type, NullType)
        assert isinstance(db2.type, DisconnectedType)
Example #13
 def test_compute_mul(self):
     x, y, z = tt.vectors("x", "y", "z")
     tree = (x * y) * -z
     mul_tree = parse_mul_tree(tree)
     assert parse_mul_tree(compute_mul(mul_tree)) == mul_tree
     assert is_same_graph(compute_mul(parse_mul_tree(tree)), tree)