Example #1
    def affine_matrix(self, kp_s, kp_t, fit_pos):
        ''' AFFINE_MATRIX

            Compute affine transformation matrix by corresponding points.

            Input arguments:

            - kp_s : key points from source image
            - kp_t : key points from target image
            - fit_pos : index of corresponding points


            - M : the affine transformation matrix whose dimension
            is 2 by 3


        # Extract corresponding points from all key points
        kp_s = kp_s[:, fit_pos[:, 0]]
        kp_t = kp_t[:, fit_pos[:, 1]]

        # Apply RANSAC to find most inliers
        _, _, inliers = Ransac(self.K, self.threshold).ransac_fit(kp_s, kp_t)

        # Extract all inliers from all key points
        kp_s = kp_s[:, inliers[0]]
        kp_t = kp_t[:, inliers[0]]

        # Use all inliers to estimate transform matrix
        A, t = Affine().estimate_affine(kp_s, kp_t)
        M = np.hstack((A, t))

        return M
Example #2
def affine_matrix(kp_master, kp_slave, fit_pos):
    # Extract corresponding points from all key points
    kp_master = kp_master[:, fit_pos[:, 0]]
    kp_slave = kp_slave[:, fit_pos[:, 1]]

    # Apply RANSAC to find most inliers

    _, _, inliers = Ransac(3, 1).ransac_fit(kp_master, kp_slave)
    # Extract all inliers from all key points
    kp_master = kp_master[:, inliers[0]]
    kp_slave = kp_slave[:, inliers[0]]

    # Use all inliers to estimate transform matrix
    A, t = Affine().estimate_affine(kp_master, kp_slave)
    M = np.hstack((A, t))

    return M
def match_with_mask(img_path, valid_pos, mask_p, mask_d, result_path):
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    print('gen label feature')
    img_p, img_d = gen_label_feature(img)
    temp1 = [[], []]
    temp2 = []
    print('original img pos count is ', len(img_p[0]))
    for i, x in enumerate(img_p[0]):
        if i % 100 == 0:
        pos = [int(img_p[0][i]), int(img_p[1][i])]
        if pos in valid_pos:
    img_p = np.array(temp1)
    img_d = np.array(temp2)
    print('valie img pos count is ', len(img_p[0]))

    fit_pos = match_SIFT(img_d, mask_d)
    print('fit count is ', len(fit_pos))
    img_p = img_p[:, fit_pos[:, 0]]
    mask_p = mask_p[:, fit_pos[:, 1]]
    start = time.time()
    _, _, inliers = Ransac(3, 1).ransac_fit(img_p, mask_p)
    print('inliners count is ', len(inliers[0]))
    img_p = img_p[:, inliers[0]]
    mask_p = mask_p[:, inliers[0]]
    A, t = Affine().estimate_affine(img_p, mask_p)
    M = np.hstack((A, t))
    end = time.time()

    rows, cols, _ = img.shape
    warp = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (cols, rows))
    print(result_path + img_path[9:])
    cv2.imwrite(result_path + img_path[9:], warp)
Example #4
# Randomly select 3 pairs of points to do estimation
idx = np.random.randint(0, pts_s.shape[1], (K, 1))
A_test, t_test = af.estimate_affine(pts_s[:, idx], pts_t[:, idx])

# Display known parameters with estimations
# They should be same when outlier_rate equals to 0,
# otherwise, they are totally different in some cases
print(A_true, '\n', t_true)
print(A_test, '\n', t_test)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Class Ransac
# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Create instance
rs = Ransac(K=3, threshold=1)

residual = rs.residual_lengths(A_test, t_test, pts_s, pts_t)

# Run RANSAC to estimate affine tansformation when
# too many outliers in points set
A_rsc, t_rsc, inliers = rs.ransac_fit(pts_s, pts_t)
print(A_rsc, '\n', t_rsc)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Class Align
# -------------------------------------------------------------

# Load source image and target image
source_path = 'Images/mona_source.png'
target_path = 'Images/mona_target.jpg'
Example #5
def imageRegistration(source_path, target_path):
    # Affine Transform
    # |x'|  = |a, b| * |x|  +  |tx|
    # |y'|    |c, d|   |y|     |ty|
    # pts_t =    A   * pts_s  + t

    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test Class Affine
    # -------------------------------------------------------------

    # Create instance
    af = Affine()

    # Generate a test case as validation with
    # a rate of outliers
    outlier_rate = 0.9
    A_true, t_true, pts_s, pts_t = af.create_test_case(outlier_rate)

    # At least 3 corresponding points to
    # estimate affine transformation
    K = 3
    # Randomly select 3 pairs of points to do estimation
    idx = np.random.randint(0, pts_s.shape[1], (K, 1))
    A_test, t_test = af.estimate_affine(pts_s[:, idx], pts_t[:, idx])

    # Display known parameters with estimations
    # They should be same when outlier_rate equals to 0,
    # otherwise, they are totally different in some cases
    print(A_true, '\n', t_true)
    print(A_test, '\n', t_test)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test Class Ransac
    # -------------------------------------------------------------

    # Create instance
    rs = Ransac(K=3, threshold=1)

    residual = rs.residual_lengths(A_test, t_test, pts_s, pts_t)

    # Run RANSAC to estimate affine tansformation when
    # too many outliers in points set
    A_rsc, t_rsc, inliers = rs.ransac_fit(pts_s, pts_t)
    print(A_rsc, '\n', t_rsc)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test Class Align
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Image file name")
    # parser.add_argument('--source',type=str,default='',help="Image source source_path") #takes in template
    # parser.add_argument('--input',type=str,default='',help="Image input path") #takes in filled in form
    # args=parser.parse_args()
    # # Load source image and target image
    # source_path = args.input
    # target_path = args.source

    # Create instance
    al = Align(source_path, target_path, threshold=1)

    # Image transformation