Example #1
class KafkaIntegrationTestCase(unittest2.TestCase):
    create_client = True
    topic = None

    def setUp(self):
        super(KafkaIntegrationTestCase, self).setUp()
        if not os.environ.get('KAFKA_VERSION'):  # pragma: no cover
            log.error('KAFKA_VERSION unset!')

        if not self.topic:
            self.topic = "%s-%s" % (
                self.id()[self.id().rindex(".") + 1:], random_string(10))

        if self.create_client:
            self.client = KafkaClient(
                '%s:%d' % (self.server.host, self.server.port),

        yield ensure_topic_creation(self.client, self.topic,

        self._messages = {}

    def tearDown(self):
        super(KafkaIntegrationTestCase, self).tearDown()
        if not os.environ.get('KAFKA_VERSION'):  # pragma: no cover
            log.error('KAFKA_VERSION unset!')

        if self.create_client:
            yield self.client.close()
            # Check for outstanding delayedCalls. Note, this may yield
            # spurious errors if the class's client has an outstanding
            # delayed call due to reconnecting.
            dcs = self.reactor.getDelayedCalls()
            if dcs:  # pragma: no cover
                log.error("Outstanding Delayed Calls at tearDown: %s\n\n",
                          ' '.join([str(dc) for dc in dcs]))

    def current_offset(self, topic, partition):
        offsets, = yield self.client.send_offset_request(
            [OffsetRequest(topic, partition, -1, 1)])

    def msg(self, s):
        if s not in self._messages:
            self._messages[s] = '%s-%s-%s' % (s, self.id(), str(uuid.uuid4()))

        return self._messages[s]
Example #2
class IntegrationMixin(object):
    Mixin for tests that require a Kafka cluster.

    The `setUp()` and `tearDown()` methods bring up a Kafka cluster and create
    a topic for the test to use.

    Mix this into a subclass of `twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase`. Note that
    you must override *harness_kw* in the subclass.

    :data dict harness_kw:
        Keyword arguments for `harness`. Subclasses must set this to specify
        ``replicas`` (the number of Kafka brokers) and may specify other
        arguments — see `afkak.fixtures.KafkaHarness.start()`.

    :data dict client_kw:
        Keyword arguments for `client`. Subclasses may inject keyword arguments
        by overriding this. The default is empty.

    :ivar str topic:
        Kafka topic name. This may be set in subclasses. If ``None``, a random
        topic name is generated by `setUp()`.

    :ivar harness:
        `afkak.test.fixtures.KafkaHarness` instance. This is created by the
        `setUp()` method and automatically torn down.

    :ivar client:
        `afkak.KafkaClient` instance created by the `setUp()` method.

    :ivar reactor: Twisted reactor.
    topic = None
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    client_kw = {}

    if not os.environ.get('KAFKA_VERSION'):  # pragma: no cover
        skip = 'KAFKA_VERSION is not set'

    def setUp(self):
        log.info("Setting up test %s", self.id())

        self.harness = KafkaHarness.start(**self.harness_kw)

        if not self.topic:
            self.topic = "%s-%s" % (
                self.id()[self.id().rindex(".") + 1:], random_string(10))

        self.client = KafkaClient(

        yield ensure_topic_creation(self.client, self.topic,

        self._messages = {}

    def tearDown(self):
        log.info("Tearing down test: %r", self)

    def current_offset(self, topic, partition):
        offsets, = yield self.client.send_offset_request(
            [OffsetRequest(topic, partition, -1, 1)])

    def retry_while_broker_errors(self, f, *a, **kw):
        Call a function, retrying on retriable broker errors.

        If calling the function fails with one of these exception types it is
        called again after a short delay:

        * `afkak.common.RetriableBrokerResponseError` (or a subclass thereof)
        * `afkak.common.PartitionUnavailableError`

        The net effect is to keep trying until topic auto-creation completes.

        :param f: callable, which may return a `Deferred`
        :param a: arbitrary positional arguments
        :param kw: arbitrary keyword arguments
        while True:
                returnValue((yield f(*a, **kw)))
            except (RetriableBrokerResponseError, PartitionUnavailableError):
                yield async_delay(0.1, clock=self.reactor)

    def msg(self, s):
        if s not in self._messages:
            self._messages[s] = (u'%s-%s-%s' % (s, self.id(), uuid.uuid4())).encode('utf-8')

        return self._messages[s]
Example #3
class KafkaIntegrationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    create_client = True
    topic = None
    server = None
    reactor = None

    def shortDescription(self):
        Show the ID of the test when nose displays its name, rather than
        a snippet of the docstring.
        return self.id()

    def setUp(self):
        log.info("Setting up test %s", self.id())
        super(KafkaIntegrationTestCase, self).setUp()
        if not os.environ.get('KAFKA_VERSION'):  # pragma: no cover
            log.error('KAFKA_VERSION unset!')

        if not self.topic:
            self.topic = "%s-%s" % (self.id()[self.id().rindex(".") + 1:],

        if self.create_client:
            self.client = KafkaClient('%s:%d' %
                                      (self.server.host, self.server.port),

        yield ensure_topic_creation(self.client,

        self._messages = {}

    def tearDown(self):
        log.info("Tearing down test: %r", self)
        super(KafkaIntegrationTestCase, self).tearDown()
        if not os.environ.get('KAFKA_VERSION'):  # pragma: no cover
            log.error('KAFKA_VERSION unset!')

        if self.create_client:
            yield self.client.close()
            # Check for outstanding delayedCalls. Note, this may yield
            # spurious errors if the class's client has an outstanding
            # delayed call due to reconnecting.
            dcs = self.reactor.getDelayedCalls()
            if dcs:  # pragma: no cover
                log.error("Outstanding Delayed Calls at tearDown: %s\n\n",
                          ' '.join([str(dc) for dc in dcs]))

    def current_offset(self, topic, partition):
        offsets, = yield self.client.send_offset_request(
            [OffsetRequest(topic, partition, -1, 1)])

    def msg(self, s):
        if s not in self._messages:
            self._messages[s] = (u'%s-%s-%s' %
                                 (s, self.id(), uuid.uuid4())).encode('utf-8')

        return self._messages[s]