def runs(pattern_type = 1, noise_method = 2): patterns = ['sp','svp','fvp'] noise_para = ['0','1_0.05','2_0.05_0.03','3_0.05'] data_file = 'AR_'+patterns[pattern_type-1]+'_n_10_d_' + str(days) + '_nm_' + noise_para[noise_method] # 'Simulated_arrival_rates_no_noise_' + str(days) # samples = sio.loadmat( data_file ) arrival_rates = samples['AR'] num_sbs, steps = arrival_rates.shape steps = 20000 # The number of steps (can freely modify) if soft_update == 1 : tui = 1 # Target network update interval TAUt = TAU else: tui = 100 TAUt = 1 ar_size = num_sbs his_ar_size = ar_size * num_his_ar load_size = ar_size + 1 action_size = num_sbs state_size = num_sbs * 2 print( "Size of history ar: " + str(his_ar_size) ) print( "Size of action: " + str(action_size) ) print( "Number of timeslots: " + str(steps) ) rewards = np.zeros( (steps) ) # reward of each timeslot mean_reward = np.zeros( ( int(steps/48) + 1 ) ) actions = np.zeros( (steps, num_sbs) ) # refined action actions_o = np.zeros( (steps, num_sbs) ) # original/raw output action of the actor network prev_action = np.ones( (num_sbs) ) pred_ars = np.zeros( (steps, num_sbs) ) # predicted arrival rates of the next timeslot real_loads = np.zeros( (steps, num_sbs+1) ) pred_loads = np.zeros( (steps, num_sbs+1) ) arp_errors = [1] # average error in the predicted arrival rate lm_errors = [1] # average error in the mapped load c_errors = [1] # average error in the Q values (critic network output) a_errors = [1] # average error in the action output # Randomly initialize critic, actor, target critic, target actor and load prediction network and replay buffer, in the agent agent = DDPG( his_ar_size, ar_size, action_size, TAUt, is_batch_norm, write_sum ) exploration_noise = OUNoise( num_sbs ) for i in range( num_his_ar, steps ): #print("i: "+str(i)) his_ar = np.reshape( arrival_rates[:,i-num_his_ar:i], (1, his_ar_size) , order='F' ) pred_ar = agent.ar_pred_net.evaluate_ar_pred( his_ar ) #real_ar = np.array( arrival_rates[:,i] ) #print("his_ar: "+str(his_ar)) # Generate a state_ac of the AC network state_ac = agent.construct_state( pred_ar, prev_action ) # if eps_greedy: # epsilon-greedy based exploration if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon/i:#math.log(i+2): # sigmai = 0.3#/math.log(i+1) action = exploration_noise.noisei( 0.0, sigmai ) else: action = agent.evaluate_actor( state_ac ) action = action[0] else: # noise-based exploration action = agent.evaluate_actor( state_ac )[0] sigmai = agent.decay(i, 0.01, 0.5, num_his_ar, steps/2, 2) #action = [ 1-a if random.uniform(0, 1)<sigmai else a for a in action ] noise = exploration_noise.noisei( 0, sigmai ) #0.5/math.log(i+2) action = action + noise actions_o[i] = action # Refine the action, including rounding to 0 or 1, and greedy exploration if i<3000: action = agent.refine_action( state_ac, action, ac_ref1 ) # refine the action else: action = agent.refine_action( state_ac, action, ac_ref2 ) # after taking the action and the env reacts #print("action_o: "+str(actions_o[i])+", action"+str(action)) #print("pred_ar: "+str(pred_ar)) pred_load = agent.load_map_net.evaluate_load_map( pred_ar, np.reshape( action, [1, action_size] ) ) real_ar = arrival_rates[:,i] real_load = agent.env.measure_load( real_ar, action ) #print("pred_load: "+str(pred_load)) #print("real_load: "+str(real_load)) reward = agent.env.find_reward( real_load, action, prev_action ) # #print("real reward: "+str(reward)) next_his_ar = np.reshape( arrival_rates[:, i-num_his_ar+1:i+1], (1, his_ar_size) , order='F' ) next_pred_ar = agent.ar_pred_net.evaluate_ar_pred( next_his_ar ) next_state_ac = agent.construct_state( next_pred_ar, action ) # # Add s_t, s_t+1, action, reward to experience memory #print("real_ar: "+str(real_ar) + "action: "+str(action)) ar_action = np.concatenate([real_ar, action]) agent.add_experience_ac( state_ac, next_state_ac, action, reward ) agent.add_experience_arp( his_ar, real_ar ) agent.add_experience_lm( ar_action, real_load ) # Train critic and actor network, maybe multiple minibatches per step a_lr = max(A_LR_MIN, agent.decay(i, A_LR_MIN, A_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2) ) #max( AC_LR_MIN[0], AC_LR_MAX[0]/math.log2(i+1) ) c_lr = max(C_LR_MIN, agent.decay(i, C_LR_MIN, C_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2) ) #max( AC_LR_MIN[1], AC_LR_MAX[1]/math.log2(i+1) ) learning_rate = [ a_lr, c_lr ] cerror = 1 aerror = 1 ac_train_times = min(16, max(1, int(i/500)) ) for j in range( 0, ac_train_times ): # #between 1 and 5 cerrort, aerrort = agent.train_ac( learning_rate, soft_update ) if cerrort !=1: cerror = cerrort aerror = aerrort if ( (i%tui == 0) and (soft_update==0) ): agent.update_target_net() # Train ar prediction network, after many steps, one minibatch is enough for each step arp_error = 1 arp_train_times = min(10, max(1, int(i/ARP_BATCH_SIZE)) ) #if i<1000 else 5 lr = max(ARP_LR_MIN, agent.decay(i, ARP_LR_MIN, ARP_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2) ) for j in range( 0, arp_train_times ): arp_errort = agent.train_arp( lr ) #/math.log(i+2) if arp_errort !=1: arp_error = arp_errort # Train load mapping network, after many steps, one minibatch is enough for each step lm_error = 1 lm_train_times = min(10, max(1, int(i/LM_BATCH_SIZE)) ) #if i<1000 else 20 lr = max(LM_LR_MIN, agent.decay(i, LM_LR_MIN, LM_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2) ) for j in range( 0, lm_train_times ): lm_errort = agent.train_lm( lr ) # if lm_errort !=1: lm_error = lm_errort if arp_error !=1: arp_errors.append( math.sqrt( arp_error ) ) if lm_error !=1: lm_errors.append( math.sqrt( lm_error ) ) if cerror !=1: c_errors.append( math.sqrt( cerror ) ) if aerror !=1: a_errors.append( aerror*num_sbs ) # hamming distance error prev_action = action pred_ars[i] = pred_ar real_loads[i] = real_load pred_loads[i] = pred_load actions[i] = action rewards[i] = reward if i%(48) == 0: mean_reward[int(i/48)] = mean( rewards[i-48:i] ) print("==== i: %5d, arp error: %1.5f, lm error: %1.5f, a error: %1.5f, c error: %1.5f, mean reward: %1.5f \n" % ( i, arp_errors[-1], lm_errors[-1], a_errors[-1], c_errors[-1], mean_reward[int(i/48)] ) ) agent.close_all() # this will write network parameters into .txt files """ writetext( actions, 'actions', 1 ) writetext( actions_o, 'actions_o', 1 ) writetext( pred_ars, 'pred_ar', 1 ) writetext( rewards, 'rewards' ) writetext( mean_reward, 'mean_rewards' ) writetext( arp_errors, 'arp_errors', 1 ) writetext( lm_errors, 'lm_errors', 1 ) writetext( c_errors, 'c_errors' ) writetext( a_errors, 'a_errors' ) writetext( real_loads, 'real_loads', 1 ) writetext( pred_loads, 'pred_loads', 1 ) pre = '_bn_'+str(is_batch_norm)+'_gi_'+str(is_grad_inverter)+'_ar_'+str(ac_ref1)+'_'+str(steps) writetext( mean_reward, 'mean_rewards'+pre ) plt.plot(rewards) """ writetext( rewards, 'ACDQN_rewards_' + data_file ) return 1
def dqn_bsa(AR, ac_ref=4, write_sum=0, net_scale=1, funname='', beta0=beta): num_sbs, num_ts = AR.shape num_mbs = 1 ts_per_day = 48 ar_size = num_sbs his_ar_size = ar_size * num_his_ar load_size = num_sbs + num_mbs action_size = num_sbs state_size = ar_size + action_size print("Size of history ar: " + str(his_ar_size)) print("Size of action: " + str(action_size)) print("Number of timeslots: " + str(num_ts)) rewards = np.zeros((num_ts)) # reward of each timeslot sum_powers = np.zeros((num_ts)) switch_powers = np.zeros((num_ts)) qos_costs = np.zeros((num_ts)) throughputs = np.zeros((num_ts)) prev_action = np.ones((num_sbs)) arp_errors = [1] # average error in the predicted arrival rate lm_errors = [1] # average error in the mapped load c_errors = [1] # average error in the Q values (critic network output) a_errors = [1] # average error in the action output # Randomly initialize critic, actor, target critic, target actor and load prediction network and replay buffer, in the agent agent = DDPG(his_ar_size, ar_size, action_size, TAU, is_batch_norm, write_sum, net_size_scale=net_scale, beta0=beta0) exploration_noise = OUNoise(num_sbs) for i in range(num_his_ar, num_ts): his_ar = np.reshape(AR[:, i - num_his_ar:i], (1, his_ar_size), order='F') pred_ar = agent.ar_pred_net.evaluate_ar_pred(his_ar) # Generate a state_ac of the AC network state_ac = agent.construct_state(pred_ar, prev_action) # if eps_greedy: # epsilon-greedy based exploration if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon / i: #math.log(i+2): # sigmai = 0.3 #/math.log(i+1) action = exploration_noise.noisei(0.0, sigmai) else: action = agent.evaluate_actor(state_ac) action = action[0] else: # noise-based exploration action = agent.evaluate_actor(state_ac)[0] sigmai = agent.decay(i, 0.01, 0.5, num_his_ar, num_ts / 2, 2) noise = exploration_noise.noisei(0, sigmai) #0.5/math.log(i+2) action = action + noise # Refine the action, including rounding to 0 or 1, and greedy exploration if ac_ref <= 3: action = agent.refine_action(state_ac, action, ac_ref) else: # hybrid method if random.uniform(0, 1) < agent.decay(i, 0, 3, num_his_ar, num_ts * 0.75, 2): action = agent.refine_action(state_ac, action, 3) # refine the action else: action = agent.refine_action(state_ac, action, 2) # after taking the action and the env reacts #pred_load = agent.load_map_net.evaluate_load_map( pred_ar, np.reshape( action, [1, action_size] ) ) real_ar = AR[:, i] real_load = agent.env.measure_load(real_ar, action) reward, sum_power, switch_power, qos_cost, throughput = agent.env.find_reward( real_load, action, prev_action) # next_his_ar = np.reshape(AR[:, i - num_his_ar + 1:i + 1], (1, his_ar_size), order='F') next_pred_ar = agent.ar_pred_net.evaluate_ar_pred(next_his_ar) next_state_ac = agent.construct_state(next_pred_ar, action) # # Add s_t, s_t+1, action, reward to experience memory ar_action = np.concatenate([real_ar, action]) agent.add_experience_ac(state_ac, next_state_ac, action, reward) agent.add_experience_arp(his_ar, real_ar) agent.add_experience_lm(ar_action, real_load) # Train critic and actor network, maybe multiple minibatches per step a_lr = max(A_LR_MIN, agent.decay( i, A_LR_MIN, A_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2)) #max( AC_LR_MIN[0], AC_LR_MAX[0]/math.log2(i+1) ) c_lr = max(C_LR_MIN, agent.decay( i, C_LR_MIN, C_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2)) #max( AC_LR_MIN[1], AC_LR_MAX[1]/math.log2(i+1) ) learning_rate = [a_lr, c_lr] cerror = 1 aerror = 1 ac_train_times = min(16, max(1, int(i / 500))) for j in range(0, ac_train_times): # #between 1 and 5 cerrort, aerrort = agent.train_ac(learning_rate, 1) if cerrort != 1: cerror = cerrort aerror = aerrort # Train ar prediction network, after many num_ts, one minibatch is enough for each step arp_error = 1 arp_train_times = min(10, max(1, int(i / ARP_BATCH_SIZE))) #if i<1000 else 5 lr = max(ARP_LR_MIN, agent.decay(i, ARP_LR_MIN, ARP_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2)) for j in range(0, arp_train_times): arp_errort = agent.train_arp(lr) #/math.log(i+2) if arp_errort != 1: arp_error = arp_errort # Train load mapping network, after many num_ts, one minibatch is enough for each step lm_error = 1 lm_train_times = min(10, max(1, int(i / LM_BATCH_SIZE))) #if i<1000 else 20 lr = max(LM_LR_MIN, agent.decay(i, LM_LR_MIN, LM_LR_MAX, num_his_ar, 8000, 2)) for j in range(0, lm_train_times): lm_errort = agent.train_lm(lr) # if lm_errort != 1: lm_error = lm_errort if arp_error != 1: arp_errors.append(math.sqrt(arp_error)) if lm_error != 1: lm_errors.append(math.sqrt(lm_error)) if cerror != 1: c_errors.append(math.sqrt(cerror)) if aerror != 1: a_errors.append(aerror * num_sbs) # hamming distance error prev_action = action rewards[i] = reward sum_powers[i] = sum_power throughputs[i] = throughput switch_powers[i] = switch_power qos_costs[i] = qos_cost if i % (ts_per_day) == 0: mrt = np.mean(rewards[i - ts_per_day:i]) if write_sum > 0: print( funname + " ------- i: %5d, arp-e: %1.5f, lm-e: %1.5f, a-e: %1.5f, c-e: %1.5f, d-reward: %1.5f \n" % (i, arp_errors[-1], lm_errors[-1], a_errors[-1], c_errors[-1], mrt)) else: print(funname + " ------- i: %5d, mean reward: %1.5f \n" % (i, mrt)) return rewards, sum_powers, switch_powers, qos_costs, throughputs