Example #1
def test_select_node():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    child_board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    child_board[0, 0] = cm.PLAYER1
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board)
    child_node = node.mcts_node(state=child_board, parent=current_node)
    current_node.open_moves = [0, 3, 4]
    current_node.children = [child_node]
    selected_node = agent.select_node(current_node)
    # since it has unexpanded node, hence it will return the current node
    assert selected_node == current_node
Example #2
def test_explore_node():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board)
    current_node.open_moves = [0, 3, 4]
    explored_node = agent.explore_node(current_node)
    # explore a new open node
    assert len(current_node.open_moves) == 2
    assert explored_node != current_node
def test_child_selection():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    child_board01 = board.copy()
    child_board01[0, 0] = cm.PLAYER1
    child_board02 = board.copy()
    child_board02[0, 3] = cm.PLAYER1
    child_node01 = node.mcts_node(state=child_board01, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    child_node02 = node.mcts_node(state=child_board02, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    current_node.total_visits = 100
    child_node01.total_visits = 50
    child_node02.total_visits = 40
    child_node01.num_wins = 35
    child_node02.num_wins = 25
    children_array = [child_node01, child_node02]
    current_node.children = children_array
    assert child_node01.__eq__(current_node.select_next_node())
def test_get_open_moves_connected4():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    board[0, 0] = cm.PLAYER1
    board[0, 1] = cm.PLAYER1
    board[0, 2] = cm.PLAYER1
    board[0, 3] = cm.PLAYER1
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    assert current_node.get_open_moves().shape[0] == 0
def test_expansion():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    current_node.total_visits = 100
    current_node.open_moves = [0, 5]
    assert len(current_node.open_moves) == 2
    assert len(current_node.children) == 0
    child_node = current_node.expand_node(5)
    assert len(current_node.open_moves) == 1
    assert len(current_node.children) == 1
    assert current_node.open_moves[0] == 0
    assert child_node.__eq__(current_node.children[0])
Example #6
def MCTS(board: np.ndarray) -> cn.PlayerAction:
    The monte carlo tree search algorithm
    :param board: The board against which to calculate the simulation
    :return: Column in which player wants to make his move (chosen using MCTS)
    # initialise root node to start the algorithm
    root = mcts_node.mcts_node(state=board, player=PLAYER)

    global GLOBAL_TIME
    # defining the limiting factor to get out of the loop
    end = time.time() + GLOBAL_TIME
    while time.time() < end:

        # Start at the root node at each iteration
        node = root

        # Step 1: select_next_node - this selects a terminal node or an unexplored node
        node = select_node(node)

        # Step 2: Explore the node that is selected
        node = explore_node(node)

        # Step 3 : Simulation
        win_game_flag, current_player = simulate_game(node)

        # Step 4: Back propagation
        back_propagation(node, win_game_flag, current_player)

    max_score = - 10000000
    selected_column = - 1
    for child in root.children:
        if cn.connected_four(child.state, child.player):
            return child.move
            score = child.num_wins / child.total_visits
            if score > max_score:
                selected_column = child.move
                max_score = score
    return selected_column
Example #7
def test_simulate_game():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    win, player = agent.simulate_game(current_node)
    # simulated till a win is encountered
    assert win
Example #8
def test_back_propagation():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board)
    agent.back_propagation(current_node, cm.PLAYER1, False)
    assert current_node.total_visits == 1
def test_get_open_moves():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    assert current_node.get_open_moves().shape[0] == 7
def test_set_visit_win():
    board = cm.initialize_game_state()
    current_node = node.mcts_node(state=board, player=cm.PLAYER1)
    assert current_node.num_wins == 10
    assert current_node.total_visits == 1